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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
At this point in time, the only feasible options IMO are a support mechanic from FE and a tag team system from DK, but even then I think the chance is pretty low. Anything more and I think it becomes pretty redundant.

There's also the option of a tag team system for Advance Wars thanks to Dual Strike, but we certainly won't be getting two AW characters.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
That's the deal, pairing Chrom with Lucina in Smash wouldn't make any sense since they can't have many differences among one another. It's either Chrom or Lucina in the long run and that's final. You know what they say, "Like father, like daughter."

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I'm hoping that the Sheik transformation will still be there.
I wonder what changes will be made to Sheik. And by "changes", I don't mean being swapped out for Impa, of course. I specifically am referring to whether she will get some new moves to her arsenal or not.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I meant the ones we always use around here. Like "This gave Roy further shock" and "May I vomit now", but this is ok.
4 chan, memebase, cheezburger.... or ask xenoblaze himself, but he'll never tell....

I'm personally looking for those ones that have their heads peeking in like they're lurking, those are golden.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Zelda didn't really give me any hype, I kinda already expected it, so there's hardly anything worthy of discussion about Zelda other than the Impa possibility and the Phantom Zelda being a move or AT. :p


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I think an interesting idea that the Phantom isn't a Zelda move, but a Toon Link move. It'd make more sense in terms of the games, as Spirit Tracks is a "Toon" game. Plus it'd also help make Toon Link stand out in a game where uniqueness counts.

Though the chance of this happening is like 1%.

Deleted member

ManlySpirit said:
Sources say otherwise:


I don't see how Link's steed is more importnant to the story than a character that's been around since the original game, and has influenced the story in numerous ways.
Around since the original game is a moot point, as Impa never actually appeared in a game until Ocarina of Time. Just in the manuals for Zelda 1 and 2. And even then, she doesn't do anything except tell Link he needs to go save Zelda. I guess that one Toad that told Mario and Luigi Peach was in trouble in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga impacted that game's story. :rolleyes:
Aside from that, she barely influenced the story in the games she makes an actual appearance outside of Skyward Sword. I'll give her credit for that game.
Ocarina of Time is second best; she did hide Young Zelda away and was the one that came up with the Sheik idea. And serves as the Sage of Darkness.
The Oracles? Barely appears in Seasons and holds no major plot importance, and in Ages, there's only a small part where she's possessed by Veran to trick Link into leading her to Naryu.
Link Between Worlds? Just one of the Sages Yuga turns into a painting and nothing more.

Also, I count 6 games, to 4 games on Epona. Not to mention Impa is one of the sacred sages in OoT, and is referenced as such in WW.
You have counted wrong.
Ocarina of Time
Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages (Much like the different Pokémon versions, these games are counted together)
Skyward Sword
Link Between Worlds

And a cameo as a glass painting in Wind Waker in the prologue. Again, she doesn't actually appear in the first two Zelda games.

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Four Swords Adventures
Minish Cap
Twilight Princess

And like Impa, a cameo in Wind Waker in the prologue. As well as a cameo in the Oracle games' openings.

As for Shadow Link, a clone of Link... literally.
Literally....irrelevant to the point.
Point being that Dark/Shadow Link is more recurring and more significant to the franchise as a whole than Impa, which cannot be denied.
Being a dark copy of Link does not render this invalid.

I'm sorry man, but Impa is a more important character than you like to give credit for. I guess the Impa war from before I started posting must have burned most of you out, but you can't argue facts.
Hate to break it to you, but Impa is less important that you attempt to give credit for. The "facts" you say cannot be argued are not factual.

Anyone who argues that Sheik is more important than Impa is in denial,
So you're saying that Impa is more important than Zelda, and claiming that anyone who argues otherwise is in denial. Ironic.
You see, this is the problem with the mindset of the "Impa should replace Sheik" crowd; they seem to forget that Sheik doesn't actually exist as an individual character. Sheik is Zelda in the same exact vein as "Zero Suit Samus" is Samus and Ganondorf is Ganon; they are alternate identities for the same individual. Yeah "Sheikah Zelda" was only used once, but it's still Zelda and should be evaluated as such rather than at the individual level.

and anyone who tries to argue that Epona, or Shadow Link are more important are delusional.
The opposite is true. It seems that the Impa fans really have to stretch that she's even close to the main 3's level to the point they delude themselves and attempt to justify their delusion.

I can see Tingle taking over as a quirky spinoff character, but in the context of proninence, I think Impa takes the spot right after the Triforce 3. After her I'd say Tingle, and Vaati coming in. Then after that it's just popularity, where I'd say Skull Kid takes the lead, and then everyone else.
In prominence, she falls behind Tingle, Epona, and Dark Link. It's debatable whether Vaati is also ahead of her considering she has more appearances yet all of Vaati's have been major in comparison.

Those are strong points I won't deny that, but I think Sakurai's design philosophy for this game comes into question as well.

Brawl was meant to be more of an 'ultimate' Smash, or... a content heavy continuation of Melee (not speaking of mechanics here). It didn't try to deviate much in terms of how the characters played, nor did it try much to explore new ideas in characters except for a few (Olimar mainly). None of the Melee vets got any serious make-overs in terms of playstyle (barring Mario's FLUDD - but nothing the level of Bower). Furthermore, the balancing for that game was done by Sakurai.

So... why didn't Sakurai replace Sheik THEN? Simple. Sheer Laziness. Think of how many semi-clone newcomers we got for Brawl, and think of how many were called for...
We had less semi-clone newcomers in Brawl than clone newcomers in Melee. With only one of them not being meant as "if there's time" filler :lucas:. Unless you're referring to the cut newcomers as well, which would bring it up to one less than Melee unless you count Toon Zelda/Toon Sheik separately.
As for how "called for" they were, other than the cut Toon Zelda/Sheik (one Toon is enough) I'd say they were all called for.

And no, if Sakurai was capable of replacing Young Link and axing out Pichu entirely with no replacement in line, he was capable of kicking Sheik out. Laziness is a horrible excuse.

This time around though, it's been confirmed that Sakurai is going over the vets and changing a few things, we saw that happen with Bowser, in addition, there is a serious gameplay focus going on with what newcomers make the roster, and he seems more keen on exploring new concepts, as all 4 newcomers have unique ideas thrown in. In addition, the fact that Namco has been called in to balance the game, it's clear they would be able to see the design flaws in Zelda's character. Them telling Sakurai to toss out or redo the transform gimmick seems like something they would do.
Or, and bear with me on this, they work on what makes the Zelda half of the combo bad and not take the Sheik half away. People seem to have trouble grasping that taking Sheik out isn't going to magically make Zelda better.
And while Bamco is here to help with balance, Sakurai does get final say on any changes made. They tell him to toss out the transform gimmick, and "*laugh*".

Thus, the table is set for some changes, and for Impa to potentially take over a rather redundant slot. Especially since her relevance in the franchise has been highlighted thanks to SS.

I think that looking at Sakurai's previous approach to developing the game is flawed, as clearly, his approach to this game is much different than what it was for Brawl.
There are some differences, but all in all, some things are just the same.
One of which being that Sakurai wants to include as much of the old cast as possible and hates having to make cuts. If for some reason, Sakurai has to cut Sheik, it won't be to make room for Impa.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
You know, maybe I should be more asinine and obnoxious with a character I want. I mean, it seems like all the cool cats are doing that song and dance these days.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Tbh unless you have an extremely unlikely character I wouldn't replace anybody with Lip. And I'd say the same even if it was a character different than Isaac.

You know, maybe I should be more asinine and obnoxious with a character I want. I mean, it seems like all the cool cats are doing that song and dance these days.
Nah, your shtick is to be asinine and obnoxious with the characters you don't want. ;)


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Listen, if SaturnGamer wants Lip, then give him Lip.

Besides, making rosters is rather pointless anyway, it's not like they will ever be 100% right to begin with.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
This was my initial reaction to DK's teeth this morning:

IMG_1701 copy.jpg

And Zelda looks pretty rad too.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Listen, if SaturnGamer wants Lip, then give him Lip.

Besides, making rosters is rather pointless anyway, it's not like they will ever be 100% right to begin with.
No wonder you don't make rosters. :p
Roster making is more of a hobby for me, I like making them alot. But I don't really show mines anymore, because they will always receive incredible negative feedback.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Because if you're going for a prediction roster, the ones on your roster currently are probably better choices. She's pretty unlikely.

I mean you can add who you want, but I wouldn't exactly call her a great choice, as far as likelihood goes.

Listen, if SaturnGamer wants Lip, then give him Lip.
Sure. And if he asks for thoughts I'll give him thoughts.
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