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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Well, I wanna know what everyone else thinks. It seems like a good idea, but there are reasons it might not be.
I agree with bell pepper, they do get rather pointless at times, but seeing this is a time killer....

Issaac>Lip i'm gonna see your roster again if you want more than this. Cause i forgot your roster.

If breathing is so pointless why are we still alive? :awesome: anyway i'm fine with either staying or going from this world, but i haven't let yet so i guess i'll keep on living....

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Around since the original game is a moot point, as Impa never actually appeared in a game until Ocarina of Time. Just in the manuals for Zelda 1 and 2. And even then, she doesn't do anything except tell Link he needs to go save Zelda. I guess that one Toad that told Mario and Luigi Peach was in trouble in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga impacted that game's story. :rolleyes:
Aside from that, she barely influenced the story in the games she makes an actual appearance outside of Skyward Sword. I'll give her credit for that game.
Ocarina of Time is second best; she did hide Young Zelda away and was the one that came up with the Sheik idea. And serves as the Sage of Darkness.
The Oracles? Barely appears in Seasons and holds no major plot importance, and in Ages, there's only a small part where she's possessed by Veran to trick Link into leading her to Naryu.
Link Between Worlds? Just one of the Sages Yuga turns into a painting and nothing more.

You have counted wrong.
Ocarina of Time
Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages (Much like the different Pokémon versions, these games are counted together)
Skyward Sword
Link Between Worlds

And a cameo as a glass painting in Wind Waker in the prologue. Again, she doesn't actually appear in the first two Zelda games.

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Four Swords Adventures
Minish Cap
Twilight Princess

And like Impa, a cameo in Wind Waker in the prologue. As well as a cameo in the Oracle games' openings.

Literally....irrelevant to the point.
Point being that Dark/Shadow Link is more recurring and more significant to the franchise as a whole than Impa, which cannot be denied.
Being a dark copy of Link does not render this invalid.

Hate to break it to you, but Impa is less important that you attempt to give credit for. The "facts" you say cannot be argued are not factual.

So you're saying that Impa is more important than Zelda, and claiming that anyone who argues otherwise is in denial. Ironic.
You see, this is the problem with the mindset of the "Impa should replace Sheik" crowd; they seem to forget that Sheik doesn't actually exist as an individual character. Sheik is Zelda in the same exact vein as "Zero Suit Samus" is Samus and Ganondorf is Ganon; they are alternate identities for the same individual. Yeah "Sheikah Zelda" was only used once, but it's still Zelda and should be evaluated as such rather than at the individual level.

The opposite is true. It seems that the Impa fans really have to stretch that she's even close to the main 3's level to the point they delude themselves and attempt to justify their delusion.

In prominence, she falls behind Tingle, Epona, and Dark Link. It's debatable whether Vaati is also ahead of her considering she has more appearances yet all of Vaati's have been major in comparison.

We had less semi-clone newcomers in Brawl than clone newcomers in Melee. With only one of them not being meant as "if there's time" filler :lucas:. Unless you're referring to the cut newcomers as well, which would bring it up to one less than Melee unless you count Toon Zelda/Toon Sheik separately.
As for how "called for" they were, other than the cut Toon Zelda/Sheik (one Toon is enough) I'd say they were all called for.

And no, if Sakurai was capable of replacing Young Link and axing out Pichu entirely with no replacement in line, he was capable of kicking Sheik out. Laziness is a horrible excuse.

Or, and bear with me on this, they work on what makes the Zelda half of the combo bad and not take the Sheik half away. People seem to have trouble grasping that taking Sheik out isn't going to magically make Zelda better.
And while Bamco is here to help with balance, Sakurai does get final say on any changes made. They tell him to toss out the transform gimmick, and "*laugh*".

There are some differences, but all in all, some things are just the same.
One of which being that Sakurai wants to include as much of the old cast as possible and hates having to make cuts. If for some reason, Sakurai has to cut Sheik, it won't be to make room for Impa.
Thank you! Somebody else gets it!

I think people want Sheik cut because they fear Impa can't get in otherwise. I mean, if Impa had enough merit on her own, she wouldn't need Sheik to be cut in order to get in.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Because if you're going for a prediction roster, the ones on your roster currently are probably better choices. She's pretty unlikely.
After Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, and Rosalina, I think it would be a good idea to pull back on what exactly is likely. Because it's a pretty subjective thing overall.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I never got the "Impa must replace Sheik" mindset and probably never will.

Some of those people are deluded enough to think that removing Sheik will inherently make Zelda better. That's not true, obviously. I think Sakurai would aim towards balancing the Zelda and Sheik parts of the same character. After all, he wants to avoid cutting characters for the sake of the fanbase.

According to a poll on the Zelda sub-forum, most people seem to want Sheik back. Just because a minority is very loud, doesn't mean everyone thinks the same way.

Impa being in doesn't invalidate Sheik being in. The question is: will Sakurai find something unique and appealing about Impa? I have a hard time seeing Sakurai cutting Sheik and dumping her moveset into a newcomer that could play differently. It doesn't seem like something he would do, especially after his statement regarding cutting characters.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I just don't like to have to immediately change my new roster after I post the newest one since a character confirmation/deconfirmation. So what about Ridley? Besides his merits, the belief that Metroid needs a second slot, or the fact that we can't CONFIRM he's a stage hazard, is there any reason why I should be convinced he's not a stage hazard? Some convincing would really help so I don't make the wrong choice on my roster.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
So I guess I'm the only one who wants zelda and shiek to be standalone characters.

Because obviously zelda needs some buffs. But okay, sheilda it is then.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
After Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, and Rosalina, I think it would be a good idea to pull back on what exactly is likely. Because it's a pretty subjective thing overall.
With that kind of logic we could add whoever we wanted thinking their chances are just as sound as any other character.

Sakurai doesn't deviate from likelihood in all cases, and Isaac (as well as many many others) are still more likely than Lip, who btw isn't in the same league as WFT, Villager, or even Rosalina, so I stand by my thoughts. No one said high likelihood is a necessity, but it's still a valid guideline. Saturn can add who he wants to his roster, I'm just giving my thoughts as he requested.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
All this talk of Zelda and Sheik and Phantom and Impa.... good lord. My roster was washed away midst it all. Posting again for more feedback.

Robin is a no-no. Remove her for Roy. Other than that, it's a solid roster, but maybe add a couple of retro characters like...Takamaru and Lips?

You seem to be convinced on what Sakurai wants, something none of us have really ever been able to predict, especially not with this roster.

I would also add that since you don't see the eyes, that could mean something, perhaps she's possessing it externally? Hmm?

Anyway, suppose we get 13 newcomers total.

We've got 4 in so far, leaving us 9 spots.


then, most likelies (imo):

the final 3?

What do you think?

-for DK, Cranky, Dixie, or K.Rool? I'm thinking Cranky for some reason.
-think FE will get anyone? If so, who?
-any ideas for the final spot?
Villager, Megaman, WFT, Rosalina

Palutena, Little Mac, Ridley, Mewtwo, Takamaru, Dixie, Shulk, Roy, Isaac

Nah, let's go back to the Sheik vs Impa debate.

Seriously, why are people talking about Robin? It's not gonna happen smmfh

I'm thinking about putting Lip on my roster in Starfy's place instead of Issac. Thoughts?
I'd rather see Isaac make the game over Lip, but I'm fine with either

No wonder you don't make rosters. :p
Roster making is more of a hobby for me, I like making them alot. But I don't really show mines anymore, because they will always receive incredible negative feedback.
Pretty much due to how you go overboard with ridiculous characters like Nintendogs. Nice to think outside the box, but at least be realistic at the same time.

I might as well go ahead and post a 45 and 50 roster slot for each



Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
With that kind of logic we could add whoever we wanted thinking their chances are just as sound as any other character.
I believe you misinterpreted his point entirely. He's saying we don't have as big of an idea of what's likely an unlikely as we thought we did and thus should be cautious, not mindless. Also why exactly is Lip so unlikely despite the item?

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
So I guess I'm the only one who wants zelda and shiek to be standalone characters.

Because obviously zelda needs some buffs. But okay, sheilda it is then.
I think if Zelda is kept slow but strong, and Sheik fast and weaker than Brawl it could work better. Sheik is good enough to be used on her own, which is why the concept fails. It needs to give the player a reason to switch between them.

The strategy should be to mess them up and rack up damage as Sheik, and finish them off with a strong Smash as Zelda. It should be possible to KO as Sheik, but it should definitely be difficult.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I never got the "Impa must replace Sheik" mindset and probably never will.

Some of those people are deluded enough to think that removing Sheik will inherently make Zelda better. That's not true, obviously. I think Sakurai would aim towards balancing the Zelda and Sheik parts of the same character. After all, he wants to avoid cutting characters for the sake of the fanbase.

According to a poll on the Zelda sub-forum, most people seem to want Sheik back. Just because a minority is very loud, doesn't mean everyone thinks the same way.

Impa being in doesn't invalidate Sheik being in. The question is: will Sakurai find something unique and appealing about Impa? I have a hard time seeing Sakurai cutting Sheik and dumping her moveset into a newcomer that could play differently. It doesn't seem like something he would do, especially after his statement regarding cutting characters.
That is why you cannot comprehend the perspective. First, you must remove whatever applicable notions that you correlate to Sheik, it is irrelevant that Sheik is objectively Zelda. It isn't about replacing Sheik, it is about making the roster more cohesive and diverse. It is about cleansing the roster with a more ideal choice that actually merits inclusion. Impa is undoubtedly the better choice, this is honestly irrefutable. You can have your opinion on the matter, but she offers much more to the franchise.

The above is not significant, most people that wish for Sheik to be replaced or omitted do not actually proclaim that more people want the change, it isn't about a majority rules mentality. It isn't about what people want, it is about committing to change for the better. Sakurai doesn't want to avoid cutting characters because we might have an unfounded attachment to them (this is obviously an aspect though). It is about drastically altering the function of the character. Not the aesthetics of the character. He doesn't want to remove the play-style, that is the most important premise that must be retained.

This is moot, Impa will most likely be considered as a costume and that is it. That doesn't change that his mistake is a detriment to the roster from a technical stand point. I hope this clarifies how I personally feel, I cannot speak for anyone else.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I might as well go ahead and post a 45 and 50 roster slot for each

Snake is needed. The only reason he would be cut if Sakurai didn't want him, but that's not the case, there is most likely a contract, making Sakurai have to add Snake in the game as he is 3rd party.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I think if Zelda is kept slow but strong, and Sheik fast and weaker than Brawl it could work better. Sheik is good enough to be used on her own, which is why the concept fails. It needs to give the player a reason to switch between them.

The strategy should be to mess them up and rack up damage as Sheik, and finish them off with a strong Smash as Zelda. It should be possible to KO as Sheik, but it should definitely be difficult.
Lol, yeah right! Like Sheik is coming back! Oh, such denial is delicious. :joyful:
Sakurai is clearly going to replace her with Impa because muh deku nuts and muh appearances. :smirk: You think Sakurai is going to keep Sheik after he said he hasn't gotten rid of anyone yet? Yeah right! :rotfl:

I hope people can tell I'm joking.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Pretty much due to how you go overboard with ridiculous characters like Nintendogs. Nice to think outside the box, but at least be realistic at the same time.
I am being realistic, I just like putting risky characters in the roster. But I don't know what the Sakurai's final roster is, but surely it's not going to be the safe rosters people predict here. Although I may have gone overboard in some cases I guess.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I think if Zelda is kept slow but strong, and Sheik fast and weaker than Brawl it could work better. Sheik is good enough to be used on her own, which is why the concept fails. It needs to give the player a reason to switch between them.

The strategy should be to mess them up and rack up damage as Sheik, and finish them off with a strong Smash as Zelda. It should be possible to KO as Sheik, but it should definitely be difficult.
I think this is the intended mechanic for Zelda / Sheik. Rack up damage as Sheik, transform, finish it with Zelda. However, Sheik has moves with KO potential on her own, rendering Zelda as useless. I have tried this strategy and it kinda works, but it feels unnecessary when you have KO'ing moves as Sheik. It's a good idea, just poorly executed.

On Robin/Avatar from Fire Emblem, I have a gut feeling he/she may be a newcomer this time around. The idea of a sword and magic type of character would be appealing, in my opinion. Could also work for a unique moveset, obviously.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
So any thoughts on my /serious roster? Not many people seem to like Saki, so I'm not entirely sure about him. Might just go with my Salesman roster.

The only other characters I'm iffy on are Palutena, Krystal, and Isaac. I mostly went with Saki because of Sakurai being a fan of rail shooters/Saki being the most fleshed out/character-like assist trophy in Brawl.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Anyways, I am very happy about this reveal. I am not entirely surprised as it was obvious that a new character was going to be revealed by the end of the week despite the pessimistic views of certain members. I am disheartened by her design; however, it was obvious that he was going to choose MILF Zelda. At least he actually says that the aspect of being a female can contribute to your chances (paraphrasing, of course many would argue that the literal meaning of the statement could be misinterpreted). It doesn't matter, gender was bound to be an attribute of characters for Smash 4 anyways (given our reveals and the direction that Nintendo is going). Those delusional enough to repress the overt clues are incorrect. It feels good to have some closure.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
So any thoughts on my /serious roster? Not many people seem to like Saki, so I'm not entirely sure about him. Might just go with my Salesman roster.

The only other characters I'm iffy on are Palutena, Krystal, and Isaac. I mostly went with Saki because of Sakurai being a fan of rail shooters/Saki being the most fleshed out/character-like assist trophy in Brawl.
Deja vu.
I would remove Krystal for someone else. But that's about it really.
Also, maybe replace Saki or Isaac with Andy.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
How's this, Squidward?:
View attachment 5460
Iffy on Vaati, but besides that good.
So any thoughts on my /serious roster? Not many people seem to like Saki, so I'm not entirely sure about him. Might just go with my Salesman roster.

The only other characters I'm iffy on are Palutena, Krystal, and Isaac. I mostly went with Saki because of Sakurai being a fan of rail shooters/Saki being the most fleshed out/character-like assist trophy in Brawl.
I like Isaac and Krystal, but no Little Mac, as he is really likely with the Boxing Ring stage that is similar to Punch Out's. 9/10


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I believe you misinterpreted his point entirely. He's saying we don't have as big of an idea of what's likely an unlikely as we thought we did and thus should be cautious, not mindless.
Well, basically yes.

In fact, I will say that people shouldn't be mindless contrary to what N3ON thinks I'm saying, otherwise we'll have another Brawl speculation session where there were an abnormal amount of people that were expecting really unorthodox stuff like Geno. What I'm saying is that we shouldn't get a fathead over what is likely, then get smacked in the face when reality strikes.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Deja vu.
I would remove Krystal for someone else. But that's about it really.
Rosalina actually strengthened my belief in Krystal somewhat. A less important character to a franchise that can offer completely unique moveset potential, I don't think Sakurai would pass it up. Plus he actually made a comment on the amount of female characters so you never know. :troll:

I wouldn't know who to replace her with either.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Nintendo Wars is a big franchise with a lot of unique potential and some recognition. I chose Soldier because it's the face of the series. Andy was only in a couple of them.
Is this because of Villager? One would assume that Andy is the much more reasonable choice, despite not being the face of a series.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Nintendo Wars is a big franchise with a lot of unique potential and some recognition. I chose Soldier because it's the face of the series. Andy was only in a couple of them.
I dunno as much as I'd like to see it happen, I find it unlikely and I feel as if an assist is as far as were gonna get since I feel like its gonna miss the cut just like a sin and punishment character might. I like the bold choice though.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Rosalina actually strengthened my belief in Krystal somewhat. A less important character to a franchise that can offer completely unique moveset potential, I don't think Sakurai would pass it up again. Plus he actually made a comment on the amount of female characters so you never know. :troll:

I wouldn't know who to replace her with either.
Oh god, no matter how much I hate Krystal, I still kinda see this happening. (Don't do it Sakurai)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
That is why you cannot comprehend the perspective. First, you must remove whatever applicable notions that you correlate to Sheik, it is irrelevant that Sheik is objectively Zelda. It isn't about replacing Sheik, it is about making the roster more cohesive and diverse. It is about cleansing the roster with a more ideal choice that actually merits inclusion.
Replacing a ninja-like Sheikah... with a ninja-like Sheikah? How diverse... :rolleyes:

Impa is undoubtedly the better choice, this is honestly irrefutable.
The word "better" implies subjectivity and the word "irrefutable" implies objectivity or factuality. Can't you see the blatant contradiction here? I can't take you very seriously if you have contradictions in your argument.

The above is not significant, most people that wish for Sheik to be replaced or omitted do not actually proclaim that more people want the change, it isn't about a majority rules mentality. It isn't about what people want, it is about committing to change for the better. Sakurai doesn't want to avoid cutting characters because we might have an unfounded attachment to them (this is obviously an aspect though). It is about drastically altering the function of the character. Not the aesthetics of the character. He doesn't want to remove the play-style, that is the most important premise that must be retained.
Again, removing Sheik and replacing her by Impa is not going to inherently better Zelda, no matter how deluded people think it may.

The majority of the Smash fanbase wants Sheik back. Like it or not, she's become a staple of Smash Bros., appearing in 2 out of the 3 Smash games released so far. She's also fairly known among the Nintendo fanbase, if the cameos in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Scribblenauts Unlimited are any indication. Should I even mention Ocarina of Time being remade for the 3DS?

Removing Sheik (or any veteran character) would alienate the fanbase and Sakurai knows it. That's why I simply can't believe the idea of Sheik being cut and Impa inheriting her moveset. It doesn't make sense and contradicts Sakurai's wishes.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Rosalina actually strengthened my belief in Krystal somewhat. A less important character to a franchise that can offer completely unique moveset potential, I don't think Sakurai would pass it up. Plus he actually made a comment on the amount of female characters so you never know. :troll:

I wouldn't know who to replace her with either.
Krystal is as likely as K. Rool, it is the truth. Sakurai will measure their worth and decide.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Speaking of Advance Wars, I could see Andy working as a horde character, with each of the units being members of the horde

Deleted member

Around since the original game is a moot point, as Impa never actually appeared in a game until Ocarina of Time. Just in the manuals for Zelda 1 and 2. And even then, she doesn't do anything except tell Link he needs to go save Zelda. I guess that one Toad that told Mario and Luigi Peach was in trouble in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga impacted that game's story. :rolleyes:
Aside from that, she barely influenced the story in the games she makes an actual appearance outside of Skyward Sword. I'll give her credit for that game.
Ocarina of Time is second best; she did hide Young Zelda away and was the one that came up with the Sheik idea. And serves as the Sage of Darkness.
The Oracles? Barely appears in Seasons and holds no major plot importance, and in Ages, there's only a small part where she's possessed by Veran to trick Link into leading her to Naryu.
Link Between Worlds? Just one of the Sages Yuga turns into a painting and nothing more.

You have counted wrong.
Ocarina of Time
Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages (Much like the different Pokémon versions, these games are counted together)
Skyward Sword
Link Between Worlds

And a cameo as a glass painting in Wind Waker in the prologue. Again, she doesn't actually appear in the first two Zelda games.

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Four Swords Adventures
Minish Cap
Twilight Princess

And like Impa, a cameo in Wind Waker in the prologue. As well as a cameo in the Oracle games' openings.

Literally....irrelevant to the point.
Point being that Dark/Shadow Link is more recurring and more significant to the franchise as a whole than Impa, which cannot be denied.
Being a dark copy of Link does not render this invalid.

Hate to break it to you, but Impa is less important that you attempt to give credit for. The "facts" you say cannot be argued are not factual.

So you're saying that Impa is more important than Zelda, and claiming that anyone who argues otherwise is in denial. Ironic.
You see, this is the problem with the mindset of the "Impa should replace Sheik" crowd; they seem to forget that Sheik doesn't actually exist as an individual character. Sheik is Zelda in the same exact vein as "Zero Suit Samus" is Samus and Ganondorf is Ganon; they are alternate identities for the same individual. Yeah "Sheikah Zelda" was only used once, but it's still Zelda and should be evaluated as such rather than at the individual level.

The opposite is true. It seems that the Impa fans really have to stretch that she's even close to the main 3's level to the point they delude themselves and attempt to justify their delusion.

In prominence, she falls behind Tingle, Epona, and Dark Link. It's debatable whether Vaati is also ahead of her considering she has more appearances yet all of Vaati's have been major in comparison.

We had less semi-clone newcomers in Brawl than clone newcomers in Melee. With only one of them not being meant as "if there's time" filler :lucas:. Unless you're referring to the cut newcomers as well, which would bring it up to one less than Melee unless you count Toon Zelda/Toon Sheik separately.
As for how "called for" they were, other than the cut Toon Zelda/Sheik (one Toon is enough) I'd say they were all called for.

And no, if Sakurai was capable of replacing Young Link and axing out Pichu entirely with no replacement in line, he was capable of kicking Sheik out. Laziness is a horrible excuse.

Or, and bear with me on this, they work on what makes the Zelda half of the combo bad and not take the Sheik half away. People seem to have trouble grasping that taking Sheik out isn't going to magically make Zelda better.
And while Bamco is here to help with balance, Sakurai does get final say on any changes made. They tell him to toss out the transform gimmick, and "*laugh*".

There are some differences, but all in all, some things are just the same.
One of which being that Sakurai wants to include as much of the old cast as possible and hates having to make cuts. If for some reason, Sakurai has to cut Sheik, it won't be to make room for Impa.

Somehow, I'm just not motivated to continue this argument, so for simplicity's sake, lets just agree to disagree, you're not gonna change my mind, and I'm not gonna change yours.

I've said what I had to say, and voiced my own thoughts, take them or leave them. Does that make my thoughts more 'correct' than yours? No. But it also doesn't make yours any more right than mine.

I do have to point out that Zelda and Sheik are seperate entities, despite being the same person. When I say, Impa is more important that Sheik, I'm referring to Sheik alone, not the princess. It's the same as if I said Nightwing is more badass than Robin. Both Robin (**** Greyson) and Nightwing are the same person, but I'm referring to two different variations of the character to make a point. So don't twist my words around to give more credibility to your argument.

However, I WILL argue the gameplay aspect, because people have a hard time grasping that concept. It's not that "removing Sheik will make Zelda better" it's that, "there is no valid benefit to having them work as a transforming character and both could use that extra move for something more focused on their individual abilities."

If you're gonna make a transforming character, you better build them from the ground up so they work in tandem, Zelda and Sheik don't do this, they are two totally different character that are linked by one move, there is no syncronization to their moves, and neither really benefits from the other, except maybe Sheik getting a better recovery. Given the idea that it seems Zelda has gotten redone, and, there is still no focus on her synergy with Sheik, it IS possible Sheik was removed altogether. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, but you can't deny that there is a possibility, and if the Phantom is indeed one of Zelda's new moves, it's very likely that she's been split from Sheik, which in turn means, Sheik is not longer in the game.

It's not certain, but it is possible.

Anyway, back to hunting Khezu in MonHun, laterz.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Oh god, no matter how much I hate Krystal, I still kinda see this happening. (Don't do it Sakurai)
But if he does that this might bode well for your fair anna will it not? :awesome:

Plus if its unique people really shouldn't be complaining much.

Anyway, back to hunting Khezu in MonHun, laterz.
I thought you were drawing things, anyway have fun dude.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I like Isaac and Krystal, but no Little Mac, as he is really likely with the Boxing Ring stage that is similar to Punch Out's. 9/10
Animal Crossing stage in Brawl and we're only just now getting Villager. I just have this feeling that the Mac will still be an assist trophy.


Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2013
I want Palutena and Ridley more than anyone else. I see a lot of people losing hope in Palutena, but I hope she makes it.
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