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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Deleted member

I think if we get another third-party character, it'll be Sonic's return. Mega Man was obviously added due to massive demand (else why would Sakurai take the time to add him?) and Mega Man's demand can't compare to anywhere near that of Sonic. Plus there's a lot of things Sakurai could do to improve on the contents that Sonic offers, making his return a very fresh one. It's 50/50 and depends on if guests can return, but if they can, Sonic will be back.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I won't blame Mega Man. Because for me the Blue Bomber will always be cooler then a blue hedgehog. Besides, Sonic has actually earned a return into Smash.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
If Sonic doesn't come back, then **** Mega Man.
All I have to say.
I'd much rather have Mega Man than Sonic, personally. Third parties rotating makes sense, and while Sonic was hardly your average Smash character, if such a thing exists, Mega Man looks to be even more unique.

Also far less annoying, so there's that.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I will say this. The most I can see when it comes to guests is three. Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac-Man are the only guests I could actually see happening. But I personally believe we'll probably only have Mega Man. Maybe Sonic will return. I doubt it though.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I think that the word "guest" itself is pretty telling. Guests don't stay. They move on after a while, and new guests take their places.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I can see Sonic making a possible comeback. After all he was one of, if not the most well received character in Brawl. The only thing that I can see happening that would involve Sonic not returning is if Sakurai has a rule of each third party only appearing in one game. But seeing as how no such rule has been mentioned, Sonic probably will stay. Snake might only stay solely for the fact that Kojima and Sakurai are friends. But even then, Metal Gear is rarely seen on a Nintendo console. Overall, he simply doesn't have the Nintendo prevalence that both Megaman and Sonic have. I know that it was stated that the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game will have the same roster sizes, and that the Wii U version was held back a bit but we don't know how much just yet. The 3DS is still a pretty powerful system. So the roster might not be effected too heavily. Perhaps this means that characters with similar movesets will be cut. I suppose if some of the Brawl vets were to be cut it would be Toon Link, Lucas, and Wolf. But the only one of those three I would miss is Toon Link. Who ironically, is the easiest to dump. I wouldn't worry too much about the roster size though. Chances are at the very least, it will be slightly larger than Brawl. But I guess you could say that I'm too optimistic.

Deleted member

"Guest" is a flawed argument for two major reasons:

-Not all guest characters get removed in the sequels to the games they are guests in
-Sakurai refers to the Assist Trophy characters as "guest characters" too. By the "guests never return" logic, none of them will appear in Smash again.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
I wouldn't say the Rumors completely dismissed yet.

The poster had some legitimate clout with past leaks and the guess of "wii fit trainer" is just far to accurate for anyone to have guessed while also guessing Villager (some one who Sakurai openly gave reasons for not including last time) and MegaMan being revealed at E3.

Also nothing has been said that has disproved the other 3, we simply did not get them revealed at E3. Pac-Man while rather lack luster with all the possible 3rd party characters imo is highly deserving of a spot and also highly likely despite Sakurai claiming Namco won't get special treatment (he did not straight up say Namco won't get a character) the fact he went on to ask who could represent and discussed Pac-Mans possible moves feels like he's actually just saying "If Pac-Man is in, it isn't because of Namco, it's because he's an extremely well known video game icon".

Mii is something I'd rather not have especially now that we have WFT basically taking the "joke" spot AND representing the newer "interactive" Wii games as a whole (something I feel Mii would also basically represent), but sadly I feel it's also likely simply because Nintendo loves to put Mii's in EVERYTHING.

Little-Mac is my most wanted character and I was extremely disappointed he wasn't in Brawl, that said even if I'm totally unbiased and even if the rumor does prov false, I still feel Little-Mac will get a spot this time around since he has the best case for inclusion of just about any character.

So all that on the table the Rumor had 3 unlikely characters and 3 likely characters.

The unlikely being: WFT, Villager, and Megaman as unlikely (WFT cause... no one was thinking WFT as the joke character, Villager cause Sakurai openly said no for him in Brawl, and MegaMan because at that point a Namco 3rd party was more likely.)

The likely being: Pac-Man, Mii, and Little Mac ( Pac-Man because of Namco, Mii was the likely joke character everyone was guessing, and Little Mac is basically the shoe-in that should have appeared last time in Brawl.)

So having the 3 unlikely's confirmed makes me feel like the 3 likely characters are indeed in, the rest of this rumor was the BELIEVABLE part not the half of the rumor we got confirmed.

be prepared for these characters to be revealed soon.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I wouldn't say the Rumors completely dismissed yet.

The poster had some legitimate clout with past leaks and the guess of "wii fit trainer" is just far to accurate for anyone to have guessed while also guessing Villager (some one who Sakurai openly gave reasons for not including last time) and MegaMan being revealed at E3.
The posters have legitimate clout, but they themselves said that they could not verify the legitimacy of their source. So their clout is rather immaterial here. Indeed, somebody could be attempting to appropriate their clout for purposes of legitimizing some trolling.

Wii Fit Trainer is an extremely unlikely guess, but not impossible. Smash has hundreds of thousands of fans who are active enough within the fanbase to think up a roster, and several posters here have expressed that they expected some kind of Wii Fit representation. Given the sheer size of the fanbase, it is not impossible that somebody could have guessed WFT and Villager with no prior knowledge. It's certainly a startlingly accurate prediction that lends itself to credibility very easily, but it could be a guess, and saying that such a guess would be impossible simply is not true.

Also nothing has been said that has disproved the other 3, we simply did not get them revealed at E3.
Right, but the rumor specified that they would be revealed at E3. All are of course still likely inclusions. The rumor got the timetable completely wrong; why would an insider divulging accurate information deliberately leak the wrong reveal order? It's possible, but we need to ask these questions.

All in all, I will not be surprised if Pac-Man, Little Mac, and Mii get in yet, but I am not giving this rumor a single ounce of credibility. Skepticism should always be the default stance toward any rumor which fails to deliver on even part of its promises.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
I disagree with dismissing rumors on the basis of when the characters are announced.

Say someone saw the developers demoing the game in preparation for E3 and saw the 6 supposed newcomers, this person then assumes these are E3 reveals and leaks the info saying "you'll see them at E3". 3 get leaked but not the other three the leaker saw being played. Now can the leaker actually control if Nintendo changes it's mind on announcing things when and where? no. But if those characters were seen in the game... then well they are in there.

just a possible scenario that imo is more likely the case with a leak then something like Sakurai whispering his master plan for exactly what he'll do at E3 to someone who isn't loyal and went ahead and told the internet. Most likely "leakers" are the types who happened to be behind the scenes for some other reason and saw some stuff and have nothing to lose telling people what they saw, and therefore may have game info but not info on how nintendo is going to actually give the fans announcements and such.

just seem more likely to be the case to me then someone randomly getting those 3 unlikely rights AND claiming it was due to a leak and not just a guess. Far fewer people claim leaks then just predictions and even fewer get them right.

Deleted member

No one with a sane mind would have merely guessed Wii Fit Trainer, let alone alongside Villager and Mega Man.

It's easy to try to find excuses as to why guessing her is feasible after she's already revealed.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
No one with a sane mind would have merely guessed Wii Fit Trainer, let alone alongside Villager and Mega Man.
Mega Man's not even a factor; he was a super obvious inclusion. WFT is indeed an anomaly, and I am not arguing that a guess is the more likely option, simply that she could have been guessed due to the sheer amount of players in the fanbase and that we need to treat this rumor as false until proven correct given that its prediction did not come true.

It'd be quite impossible to find excuses as to why guessing her is feasible before she was guessed, wouldn't it be?

Deleted member

It'd be quite impossible to find excuses as to why guessing her is feasible before she was guessed, wouldn't it be?
That's the point.

There would be absolutely NO reason to guess her as a legitimate candidate prior to her reveal.
You claim that she "could" have been guessed due to the sheer fanbase, but barely anyone even considered her. It's the basis on why Sakurai felt the urge to include her.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
That's the point.

There would be absolutely NO reason to guess her as a legitimate candidate prior to her reveal.
There certainly would be. Wii Fit is massively popular, has a sequel in the works, and Sakurai has a history of WTF picks. Once again, I'll say that several posters on here have indicated that they expected Wii Fit to appear in SSB4 in some manner prior to the reveal.

Sakurai included her because nobody requested her, which is an entirely different beast from predicting that Wii Fit might get a rep. Even if you thought Wii Fit could see representation, would you have written Sakurai to request it? I sure as hell wouldn't have.

The odds of it being a great guess are most likely smaller than the odds of the leak being legitimate, but it is still possible for it to be a guess, and to say otherwise is silly.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
And where's the basis for that?

Sakurai never dismissed a Namco rep but just said they won't be given special treatment. And certainly, that does not dismiss the possibility of Pac-Man. All your argument is really based on on shoddy assumptions and biased opinions towards the character.
All I can say is.....yeah, it kinda DOES. did you read my post and the quote in it from Masihiro Sakurai? "Just because the game is being cooperatively developed with Namco Bandai involved, that doesn’t at all mean that they’d be given any special consideration for having characters in the game,"-Masahiro Sakurai. In fact that's pretty much what I said when I first joined this sight. Now Sakurai has confirmed what I told you all several times before. when you said "Sakurai never dismissed a Namco rep but just said they won't be given special treatment." you just straight up lied. Not to mention: Why would he say that if he was ever planning on putting them in the game or thought he ever would. He has had plenty of time to consider that and never did. If after this you still think Pac-Man could be in the game (as if it wasn't already kinda silly.) no offense, but that's kind of like denial. I mean I know you guys want him in the game, but just because you want someone doesn't mean they are gonna be in it. I'm not trying to shove stuff in your face or like stomp on your faith or anything, but come on. It's all kind of wrapped up already. He's not gonna be in it. He never was gonna be in it. There isn't really anything else to say otherwise than to just pretend what Sakurai said so clearly doesn't mean anything. Even I admit when a character is unlikely, but this?

Deleted member

Honestly, there would not be, and those reasons are rather half-baked.

But whatever. Nothing I say matters at this point.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I haven't posted in forever but you're kind of dumb ^
So I prove why Pac-Man is NOT a possibility and your comeback is "You're dumb." Why? I'm dumb because I proved something that you don't want to accept. This is what I'm talking about guys. Why don't you post WHY my statement was dumb. Why don't you post something that proves my statement wrong. Thus, proving that I am "dumb". Or is that your closing statement about this wrapped up case?

Saying I'm dumb really doesn't change that what I said is true. That is unbelievably kiddish thing to say.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2011
Some small and insignificant country town, WA.
He meant that these Namco characters, just like everyone else, must undergo strict criteria to be included. Namco isn't going to get any special favors for simply assisting in developing the game, that would be ridiculous, they will get a character if Sakurai deems that character worthy of having a slot. It is simple as that, Pac-Man, as well as other Namco Bandai characters still have a chance of making it in.

Edit: ^ I just may have to do that.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
He meant that these Namco characters, just like everyone else, must undergo strict criteria to be included. Namco isn't going to get any special favors for simply assisting in developing the game, that would be ridiculous, they will get a character if Sakurai deems that character worthy of having a slot. It is simple as that, Pac-Man, as well as other Namco Bandai characters still have a chance of making it in.

Edit: ^ I just may have to do that.
Wow, I guess twisting the developers words around, and just downright doing anything to convince yourself that a character will get in just because you want it is another way to prove the possibility of said character..........................oh, wait no it isn't.

Should I be convinced that Smashboards will say a character is unlikely just because it's not what the majority of the thread wants, and that a character is likely if they do want them, no matter what?

You can't just say "Oh, uh THIS is what he meant." to convince yourself the character you want will be in it.
You don't get to decide what he meant.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2013
Talking to Noah?

...Yeah, he is. Best to just put him on Ignore like most of us have done.
If Noah keeps it up, he won't have anyone to even talk to on this discussion. I think at least half of us basically ignore him right? Maybe one of these days he will have a good point, but we won't see it. lol:laugh:

Deleted member

If Noah keeps it up, he won't have anyone to even talk to on this discussion. I think at least half of us basically ignore him right? Maybe one of these days he will have a good point, but we won't see it. lol:laugh:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
So I prove why Pac-Man is NOT a possibility and your comeback is "You're dumb." Why? I'm dumb because I proved something that you don't want to accept. This is what I'm talking about guys. Why don't you post WHY my statement was dumb. Why don't you post something that proves my statement wrong. Thus, proving that I am "dumb". Or is that your closing statement about this wrapped up case?

Saying I'm dumb really doesn't change that what I said is true. That is unbelievably kiddish thing to say.
1.I would HATE the inclusion of Pac-man in the game. 2. You're kind of dumb for interpreting sakurais quotes as such. 3. You're dumb for believing you PROVED pac-man is deconfirmed 4.its one thing to believe that he won't be included which is fine, but to not realize if you don't want to give a hint of a character being in a game and you are specifically asked a question pertaining to that character basically(as pacman would be the most obvious choice if namco were to get a rep)' If you suggested or even hinted at the fact namco was getting a character pretty much everyone would expect pac-man would be in so his reveal at a later time wouldnt be very surprising, you would say pretty much what you would need to to have people skeptical about his conclusion without actually saying he won't be in the game. Even if pac-man was not planned to be included in the game, Sakurai asking the jnterviewer what namco character he'd like to see clearly suggests that if they hadn't planned in including him they'd be open to ideas

If that were not the case, sakurai would not even ask him the question if he knew he had absolutely no intentions of including pac-man as it would only raise people's hopes just to let them down(something not beneficial for their rep)

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
So I wonder how long we will have to wait for more information.

Maybe one or two weeks. And one or two characters being revealed once a month until release. Then again I don't know how Brawl's Dojo updated so it may be more like Brawl's Dojo.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I hope they start doing the dojo shtick soon. That was great. Lol I love how I completely forget Noah exists for a few pages and then somebody randomly starts making him look like a. Idiot and I'm like oh yeah Noah exists. Ignore = life changing.

Also I don't think there was a specific schedule to how things were announced. They just kind of... were.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
All I can say is.....yeah, it kinda DOES. did you read my post and the quote in it from Masihiro Sakurai? "Just because the game is being cooperatively developed with Namco Bandai involved, that doesn’t at all mean that they’d be given any special consideration for having characters in the game,"-Masahiro Sakurai. In fact that's pretty much what I said when I first joined this sight. Now Sakurai has confirmed what I told you all several times before. when you said "Sakurai never dismissed a Namco rep but just said they won't be given special treatment." you just straight up lied. Not to mention: Why would he say that if he was ever planning on putting them in the game or thought he ever would. He has had plenty of time to consider that and never did. If after this you still think Pac-Man could be in the game (as if it wasn't already kinda silly.) no offense, but that's kind of like denial. I mean I know you guys want him in the game, but just because you want someone doesn't mean they are gonna be in it.
I still don't see where you get: Pac-Man = Zero possibility. Sakurai is stating that including a Namco character in the game won't be based on the fact that they helped develop SSB4 but whether a Namco character deserves to be in Smash Bros. If Sakurai decided to add a Namco character and he feels Pac-Man could add a lot to Smash Bros., then he will add him in. Namco characters inclusion works just as any other third party character inclusion. And I have no ****ing clue if he will be in the game or not...or a namco rep for that matter. No one 100% knows. Personally, I would much rather see a different Namco rep such as Lloyd or Nightmare but that's my own bias. However, I still recognize that Pac-Man does not have a absolute zero chance of being included. The possibility still exists if Sakurai decides he wants to add him in. It is the case of any other 3rd party character, not just Namco. In addition, I can definitely see haters saying "You only added [Namco character] because they helped develop the game." Possibly, Sakurai wanted to indicate to fans that there is a leveled field for choosing characters and he does not play favorites. How you saw "Pac-Man = Zero possibility" from that article is beyond me. I am not saying that Pac-Man is 100% guaranteed or even has a above average possibility - I am just stating that Pac-Man is possible regardless of that article as with any namco character or 3rd party character.

Sakurai is well aware of the character; drawing from the article you posted "My inquiry about Namco Bandai characters did lead Sakurai to ask me a question in return - if I had to pick one character, which Namco Bandai character would I want in Super Smash Bros.? The answer seemed obvious to me - the original arcade version of Pac-Man. Sakurai then asked me what a Final Smash might look like for that, and we started to discuss how how Pac-Man could become super-powered, and chase other characters around a stage, attempting to eat them. It was a surreal discussion to say the least, but shows that Sakurai is always contemplating what else he might add to his projects, packing them full of as much content as possible." I wouldn`t say that confirms or de-confirms Pac-Man. It does confirm Sakurai is aware and, at some level, acknowledged Pac-Man to some degree.

As for my quote, how did I lie? Please elaborate.

You are not the first to say "Namco won't have special treatment*. You first came here in May 2013 but people here have been speculating since before Smash Bros. 4 was announced and discussion between Namco`s involvement/character inclusion heavily discussed after Namco's involvement announcement. And the "Namco not getting special treatment" was around waaay before you decided to sign up. It's not an original idea from you, that's for sure.

I'm not trying to shove stuff in your face or like stomp on your faith or anything, but come on. It's all kind of wrapped up already. He's not gonna be in it. He never was gonna be in it. There isn't really anything else to say otherwise than to just pretend what Sakurai said so clearly doesn't mean anything. Even I admit when a character is unlikely, but this?
Like how you admitted that Ninten and Lyndis is unlikely? And no, you aren't shoving it in people's faces. You are just being a pretentious douche that believes himself to be 100% correct every time; all the time when in fact you are not. You are a waste of my time to argue/debate with.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
^^Just ignore him already. He's not even funny stupid like some people, he's rage inducing stupid.
Good idea. I thought it was entertaining after a while but, yeah, it's like arguing with an annoying brick wall.

The Hooded Informant

Banned via Warnings
Apr 29, 2013
This is what I think:

Since Nintendo says that they will add 3DS exclusive stages to the 3DS game, and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and Resident Evil: Revelations appears on the 3DS. If there is a Resident Evil stage, like the Queen Zenobia or The Village, most likely Chris Redfield will appear as a version exclusive character.

If there are Resident Evil stages for the Wii U version, since they base the stages from the Wii and WiiU games, Leon S. Kennedy will likely appear as the Resident Evil version exclusive character.

I also think that Pac-Man and Seigfried Schtauffen (Or Sophitia Alexandra) will likely appear in the game. More so Pac-Man will be a (or the) Namco representative.

I also think that Rosalina will be a new Mario representative. I also think that Ghirahim will be most likely to replace Ganondorf (if he does not get in).

But anyways, I also think about these characters as newcomers, from most likely to least likely:
King K. Rool
Banjo Kazooie
Chris Redfield/Jill Valentine
PKMN Trainer Gold
Seigfried Schtauffen/Sophitia Alexandra
Trainer Red (He is NOT the same guy from Brawl, just remarking)
Shadow the Hedgehog/Knuckles/Tails/Zero/Waddle Dee
Leon S. Kennedy
Dark Link
Mach Rider
Ichigo Kurosaki
Naruto Uzumaki
Master Chief
Jack Krauser
Slender Man *snickers*
Dixie Kong


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
This is what I think:

Since Nintendo says that they will add 3DS exclusive stages to the 3DS game, and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and Resident Evil: Revelations appears on the 3DS. If there is a Resident Evil stage, like the Queen Zenobia or The Village, most likely Chris Redfield will appear as a version exclusive character.

If there are Resident Evil stages for the Wii U version, since they base the stages from the Wii and WiiU games, Leon S. Kennedy will likely appear as the Resident Evil version exclusive character.

I also think that Pac-Man and Seigfried Schtauffen (Or Sophitia Alexandra) will likely appear in the game. More so Pac-Man will be a (or the) Namco representative.

I also think that Rosalina will be a new Mario representative. I also think that Ghirahim will be most likely to replace Ganondorf (if he does not get in).

That is all I have to really say.
Nothing resident evil will be in this game. It's too dark and isn't prominent enough to nintendos history. Also isnt resident evil made by capcom? Cuz capcom already has megaman.

Pacman is obviously viable but a second namco would make no sense especially sophitia since she has been so overly sexualized.

Rosalina has only a sliver of a chance of happening, and why in gods name would ghirahim replace Ganon? Ghirahim is cool and all but Ganon isn't going anywhere.

The Hooded Informant

Banned via Warnings
Apr 29, 2013
But let's see...
Resident Evil has a 3DS chance. Capcom is definitely helping with SSB4, so Leon or Chris, hell, even Jill has a chance.

I see Seigfried as a possibility, though...


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
But let's see...
Resident Evil has a 3DS chance. Capcom is definitely helping with SSB4, so Leon or Chris, hell, even Jill has a chance.

I see Seigfried as a possibility, though...
Capcom isn't helping with the game. So no they don't have a chance.

Seigfried has an outside chance but its pretty low. If namco does get a rep it will likely be pacman or a tales character or maybe someone from soul calibur or tekken. Nothing else has anything but an outside shot though.

Never mind arguing with you though, you put master chief in your likely characters list, so you are definetly an idiot.
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