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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Well I'm really going to go now.
Until then, I will stare into your soul.

I'm off to bed, with my incredibly long legs.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Bueno, parece que nos pasamos una página entera hablando cualquier huevada. Me entristese el pensar que fue en parte mi culpa.

But enough of that already, be seeing ya peeps later.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2013
Anyone think we'll be getting a new character or stage reveal this week or next week?

Deleted member

How can a pattern be fallacious? Please elaborate on that? There is no rational perspective that can justify what you just said. Secondly, go back, I only responded to you after you said there was no pattern. I don't need to edit my posts to get rid of logical fallacies. You tried to edit almost every post while I was responding. That is hilarious, I can't even take you seriously.
Let's take a look, shall we?

This was my initial post on the matter.

...haven't you people learned by now not to stick by patterns, let alone ones people make up by themselves?
Point to me where I say there is no pattern. And, if you look at the initial post itself, this was unedited (since editing a post to add further information somehow means I'm trying to get rid of logical fallacies....:rolleyes:)
Then you responded with:
You are saying that the way Sakurai has dealt with retros in the past doesn't set a precedent? It does. Whether or not Sakurai continues to follow the ESTABLISHED pattern is irrelevant. At which point the pattern ceases to be a pattern.
And THEN I said the oh so terrible "there is no pattern" statement:
I am saying there was NO pattern to begin with, let alone "ermahgerd 2 rertrur rerps!".

The only character we know for a fact was included BECAUSE of being "retro" is the Ice Climbers.
THIS was the original content of that post. The only change I made was adding the following to further explain my point:
Pit was due to worldwide popularity.
R.O.B., hasn't been stated. Though the case of R.O.B. being a throwback to an icon in Nintendo history is more believable than "cuz retro".

Game & Watch was just as "retro" in Melee's time as Little Mac and Pit are today. Ever hear of the Game & Watch Gallery series?
Which has promptly been ignored and labeled as "trying to get rid of logical fallacies" despite killing the "2 retros" argument.

And the only other post in this discussion I edited?
You can find irrelevant patterns in everything if you try hard enough. Look! In all three Smash games, Sakurai has added at least one guy with a swollen nose and a mustache! By that pattern, we're getting Waluigi in Smash 4!

If your argument is that there is some degree of a pattern, then fine, yes, for two games, Sakurai has added a character that debuted on the Famicom that has been irrelevant in the new millennium.
That is not, however, logic to dictate we're getting a "retro" character for the sake of getting a retro character to follow a pattern. This is where the "no pattern" statement comes in. That, and the fact the pattern is fan-made. Because again, Sakurai only picked the Ice Climbers for the sake of being "retro".
The underline is the edit. Everything else was in the initial post. You can even have a mod check if you don't believe me.
Pray tell, how is that "trying to get rid of logical fallacies"? All I was doing was adding satire.

So it's quite ironic that you "can't take me seriously", because I see you as a pathetic bull****ter at this point.

Deleted member

It's a shame that the best eyebrows will not be in Smash.

Everyone knows that the winner of the best eyebrows is Aku with his



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Not really??? Your opinions are your opinions, they aren't facts. You may have been disappointed in those titles, but don't speak like you think everybody shared the same experience as you.
This is the roster prediction thread. Everything here is supposed to be bloody opinions. I'm just stating mine.
den go play ur pc lozer!11!1 nintendo master race lulz
I listed a few Wii games, herpa derpa, but I guess you were too busy preparing to deal out insults to notice.

Also, I never said any of that "PC master race." Fact of the matter is I'm mostly finished working through my GameCube, PS2, and Wii library, and I've moved on to my PC library, which is very extensive. Sorry if I have a lot of games on every console that I have and haven't played. I guess that makes me an elitist scrub for playing games on various consoles and skipping around and having my current biggest reserves be on the PC.

Seriously, I said that off handily like "this is what I'm working through and having fun playing right now," not "hey, I only play PC games you stupid Nintendrones." I don't know how you got that elitism out of my post, but you did.
I find your constant negative remarks towards pretty much everythign in general to be "No Fun", not your preference to Super Metroid. I see you constantly mentioning your distaste towards Brawl's cast, R.O.B. specficially because of how people who play as him and then you talk about why Sakurai should fix him or just scrap the character. You shouldn't hate on R.O.B. for being used as such, hate the player not the game yo.
If I sound negative, it's because I see potential wasted and not realized. I hate that. I absolutely hate that, because I love what it could become. I absolutely love what it could become.

And you know what, judging by all the negativity I get here for being passionate about the roster and having the best playable characters possible, I guess I should just stop caring about everything and talk about the normally mundane topics like the drones here all do.

I mean seriously, you brought up ROB. I haven't complained about ROB in over a week. In fact, I don't complain about ROB to just complain. I criticize ROB because despite him being IMO awful in Brawl, there's a lot of potential for awesomeness there, and I wanna see that awesomeness used.

If you know my posts, you know I actually hated Pit in Brawl more. But man, do I love what was done with him in Smash 4. Heck, for 2 months after Smash 4's debut trailer, that was my biggest positive character-wise (other than Mega Man). I just absolutely love it. The reason I bury ROB is; I want what happened with Pit in Smash 4 to happen to ROB. I want ROB to be fantastic in Smash 4. So fantastic that I might just main him. That would honestly be a dream come true, because I loved that ROB peripheral as a kid. I thought it was cool.

And if you can't see that, then maybe you should open your eyes. Or better yet, ask me about what I mean by comments like Golden or Habanero or Swamp or Manly or various other people whom are top tier posters do.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
All this talk of patterns...I agree a lot of them are a load of bunk, such as "two Pokemon newcomers per game" or "one Star Fox newcomer." That being said, I do believe there are observable elements of Smash that recur from game to game, such as, say, the addition of popular characters, the addition of a sword user, the addition of a female newcomer, the addition of a heavyweight newcomer, and a few others. It may be semantics to call those anything beside patterns, but I think the proof that those elements recur from game to game is in the pudding.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!

Even though I don't care for another F-Zero character, but still!
Either way, it's been gone for a decade, which quite frankly sucks, especially considering the last real F-Zero game, F-Zero GX, was amazing, and the best entry in the series yet (Maximum Velocity is dead to me).

Speaking of which, I hope we never get a Maximum Velocity stage in Smash. That would be terrible. Let's stick to F-Zero (and 2?), F-Zero X, and F-Zero GX/AX stages only please.

Oh, and Samurai Goroh > Rick Wheeler.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Man, after reading Xenoblaze's and Golden's posts on the last page, I'm cracking up. Man you guys are killing it tonight!!!
Knock Pichu off and force him to use Agility. Knock his *** again, perhaps even while he's using Agility. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
How many times do you see an Agility blocked in top level play with Pikachu=???

Now consider that Pichu has a better recovery, and the chances of that are really low for an early gimp, sans really high percentages or just a picture perfect read.

Man, all this Pichu talk really makes me want my redone vision of Pichu playable in Smash Wii U and 3DS, lol. A high risk/high reward gamble character like that would truly be a can't miss action packed match up that winds up being a slobberknocker every time. Man I love me some good quality action. Love, love, love it!!!
Its still scary to think that a year from now, F-Zero will have been dormant for a decade.
And Star Fox is somewhat nearing that, too (sans Star Fox 64 3D, which is a remake of a remake).

Boy has Nintendo missed a lot of opportunities there. Hopefully both IP's can return better than ever.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
These last few months have shown me why people like Wiseguy, Legolastorm, Homelessvagrant, etc. are gone; because any time anyone gives their opinion, it's automatically labelled and insulted without even questioning it.

Seriously, why do so many people here hold a grudge=??? I don't hate any of you. I don't even dislike any of you.

While immaturity in the community is a problem. I think the bigger reason a lot of people left after Brawl was released was:
1. Brawl basically satisfied a lot of people in terms of the roster.
2. Lots of people simply "grew" out of speculation or got tired of it.

I'm basically the "fossil" of this community.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Chrono
I never was here on the pre-Brawl Brawl Boards or the pre-release Smash 4 Boards on SWF for the character speculation alone, but rather, also the gameplay elements of characters as well. That's ultimately what has and will always fascinate me, not being a "fan" of this character or that.

I guess that's what separates me from a lot of people. Still, all those people I listed agreed with me on that, and all of them are either entirely gone or mostly gone because things just ain't what they used to be. In a way, the you-know-who lead army won I guess.

@ Swamp
I actually had that as a rough draft. I post about a 300 words really fast (I type 100 plus words per minute) and I cut it down, and that was one of the parts I was planning on cutting down to be simpler and directly on topic and down to about 1 or 1 1/2 sentences, but eh, I accidentally left it in. That's why it sounds so dramatic (that and I'm pissed I did terribly on an exam, at least for me); because it wasn't fully thought out yet. Whatever. It is what it is.
Smash Brothers is still Nintendo. I mean they are paying for it, it is mostly their IP, and it is going on their console. Without Nintendo, Sakurai wouldn't have a series.
It's still Nintendo, but it's not made by Nintendo (sans a few employees for both games aside, with Smash 4 obviously involving fewer).

My post was to insult these mongrels (I'm not going to call them Mongols to insult my ancestors, who are probably better than them) who claim Nintendo games not made by Nintendo never feel authentic. This is funny, considering way more than most of the people who developed Brawl don't work at Nintendo, and the same is true to a greater extent for Smash Wii U and 3DS. In fact, I don't think a single Nintendo employee other than Sakurai and his assistant (who aren't really full on Nintendo employees) are full time developers of Smash Wii U and 3DS.

It just goes to show that people hold this idealism of Nintendo so high up there that they don't even recognize when a 3rd party makes a Nintendo game, which is actually quite often! :laugh: I've seen the same thing happen with Valve-related characters and Sony-related things, too. People are funny that way sometimes.

Speaking of which, yeah 3rd party characters! Yeah Snake! Nintendo didn't make him, therefore he's automatically bad, right=??? :awesome:

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
*stuff you edited so its no longer in context *

Still don't feel like changing the post.

No one dislikes you....

(Teasing of course.)

But in all seriousness, there's a difference between stating an opinion and being a negative Nancy. Which I have to admit, you came off as a couple of pages ago.

Then again I frankly don't care.

So.... Puppies!

What do you folks think about Looker from Pokemon? His roles seem to be increasing with every generation?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Smash 4 is basically only a year away at this point. While there has been a lot of craziness and debates we have seen this year, I fear the "best" is yet to come.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Smash 4 is basically only a year away at this point. While there has been a lot of craziness and debates we have seen this year, I fear the "best" is yet to come.
Just wait until a hypothetical FE / Ridley / Mario / Pokemon reveal.
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