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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
That makes sense, but I doubt that.
I don't believe that this month is Little Mac's month.
Pac-Man maybe, because Ghostly Adventures.
Well, I forget when Wii Party U comes out.

I have a hunch that February is the month for Little Mac.

1.- It's the year that SSB4 is supposed to be released, so it's due time Newcomers are presented.
2.- The very FIRST Punch Out (arcade) was released on a February. Same goes for its NES counterpart.

That's it. I really don't think the rest of this year is meant for any newcomer, to be honest. But I could be wrong, maybe they'll give us something for this year's holidays.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Just a quick thing: many people are expecting Zelda next month because of ALBW. Well, most of the games are releasing in November, but Japan is getting it in December. Any thoughts on this?


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Just a quick thing: many people are expecting Zelda next month because of ALBW. Well, most of the games are releasing in November, but Japan is getting it in December. Any thoughts on this?
My opinion is boring, give us something more interesting. You know something is wrong when a bloody hack is creating more hype.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2013
Cave of the Past
There is a particular saying that would certainly apply here: "If you try to please everybody, you only please nobody". Every uniquely-inclined individual has their own characteristic preferences, and not all these specific preferences will overlap with those of another person's, because, again, everybody is different. Even the supplementary addition of costume swaps will not satisfy the demands, especially considering even that will cause some division among supporters and dissenters as to whether or not the idea is even reasonable.

In brief, there will never be an entirely-feasible roster that will appeal to everybody.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
My opinion is boring, give us something more interesting. You know something is wrong when a bloody hack is creating more hype.
Well, maybe tomorrow will have something good. Doubtful, but possible. Sakurai's gotta go strong and show us Mewtwo to compete with Project M tomorrow.

Or a pic of WFT's breasts. That would cause enough hype.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Just a quick thing: many people are expecting Zelda next month because of ALBW. Well, most of the games are releasing in November, but Japan is getting it in December. Any thoughts on this?
We get Zelda in December then.
The releases of characters will likely correspond with the releases of their games IN JAPAN.
With that said, November I can see Ness.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Well, maybe tomorrow will have something good. Doubtful, but possible. Sakurai's gotta go strong and show us Mewtwo to compete with Project M tomorrow.

Or a pic of WFT's breasts. That would cause enough hype.

Tomorrow's screenshot options:
-Pokemon reveal.
-Another Pyrosphere screenshot without Ridley.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Sakurai's gotta go strong and show us Mewtwo to compete with Project M tomorrow.
Project M already won. THAT is the Mewtwo me and everyone else wanted right from the beginning, not the heavily flawed version from Melee. A behemoth of power that will gladly crush your skull with no sense of humanity or mercy.

Deleted member

I think it's cute how people think that Sakurai's comment about WFT "sleeping" means Jigglypuff's going to be revealed.

It's not like Jigglypuff's the only character that can put people to sleep; remember Peach? Remember her Final Smash?
Besides, the pose looks more like one of those "fallen down" poses before the character gets back up. If it were a sleep position, there would be a pink tint around her and bubbles.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
Hello guys, well I have a problem and I don´t know if to post it or not. The problem is that I wrote a very large text in where I predict the chances of characters, my insight in how the Roster will be, how many characters we will have and from which series, I really want your opinion but at the same time I´m afraid that it will be so huge that most of the people will be a bother to read a huge wall of text, I want your opinion in if I should post it or not.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Hello guys, well I have a problem and I don´t know if to post it or not. The problem is that I wrote a very large text in where I predict the chances of characters, my insight in how the Roster will be, how many characters we will have and from which series, I really want your opinion but at the same time I´m afraid that it will be so huge that most of the people will be a bother to read a huge wall of text, I want your opinion in if I should post it or not.

I want to see it. :)


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Hello guys, well I have a problem and I don´t know if to post it or not. The problem is that I wrote a very large text in where I predict the chances of characters, my insight in how the Roster will be, how many characters we will have and from which series, I really want your opinion but at the same time I´m afraid that it will be so huge that most of the people will be a bother to read a huge wall of text, I want your opinion in if I should post it or not.
Post it but collapse it, though. I'd like to read that.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Well we reached page 1000....not as amazing as amazing as I thought it would be.... Further more tomorrow possibly a reveal for Lucario/Jigglypuff/Pokemontrainer/Mewtwo
So may the better pokemon be revealed and the best pokemon be concealed.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2013
Why they wouldn't update for the biggest Nintendo game of the year baffles me.
I expect something tomorrow, but it's a possibility that nothing happens.
Why Kalos Trainer though? Kanto starters were made relevant again through X and Y.
Yeah, I was really struggling with "Whos it ganna be? Kanto or Kalos" and I thought Kanto cause yeah Starters, Mega Evolutions, and even Pokemon Origins but then I thought again and maybe some biased for wanting to see a newcomer came over me but I thought "Wait...Mega Evolutions would be represented by Mewtwo or Lucario or both, so thats covered. Fairy type is covered by Jiggs. And every smash they have a representative of the newest gen (Pichu...Lucario...) so maybe they'd want to show off the actual new pokemon as well?" I'm not sure, it's a bit wishy washy and I wouldnt be so surprised if kanto Trainer did show up (but if thats the case, why not shown yet?)
I think this weird way of doing things is because we're ganna get a newcomer. Cause we know the pattern for veterans (I think) and perhaps they wanna show newcomers after their games come out so we're used to them or something...? My guts just saying Kalos Trainer...I dunno! But thats all my logic XP

You're predicting the Kalos Trainer? With Gen 6 starters? That's a bit redundant.
Um, how so? You mean along with Kanto Trainer? I would expect a new trainer to replace him...


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Um, how so? You mean along with Kanto Trainer? I would expect a new trainer to replace him...
I meant redundant in that we already have a character who fits the bill as the Pokemon Trainer, the Pokemon Trainer. We don't need a new character to replace him, as he brought something unique and new, and had some of the MOST popular Pokemon of all time. And besides, the only reason I can see the Pokemon Trainer leave is development issues, so getting another one to replace him would be pretty redundant.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I would just like to say about the toad situation:

Super Princess Peach

New Super Mario Bros. U

Super Mario Galaxy

That's three different instances of there being multiple toads with Red spots and blue vests. In canon.

There's literally no problem. That's proof.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
Ok here it go my theory and crazy ideas, enjoy:
Probably with my calculations we will have the Smash with the most new comers from a new series only behind Smash 64. If my predictions are correct here is how it should work.

Smash 64: 12 characters / 10 series
Melee: +14 characters = 26 characters, no cuts = 26 characters / + 3 new series = 13 series.
Brawl: +17 characters = 43 characters, 4 cuts = 39 characters / + 6 new series (2 third party) = 19 series.
Smash WiiU/3DS: + 14 characters = 53 characters, 3 cuts = 50 characters / + 8 new series (2 third party) = 26 series.

My reasoning for this math is the follow, we know from a Interview that Sakurai said that the new Smash will have less new characters than Brawl, if we see the pattern in Smash 64 we have 12 characters, then in Melee we have 14 new characters and finally in Brawl we have 17 new characters so if we sum all the three and take the average out it will be 14.333 in other words 14 now if we take this number in context is not farfetched comparing to what Sakurai said about having less new comers that in previous installment and comparing it to Melee in fact are in with the same number so we know that at least Sakurai this time can work really comfortable with this number from the previous games and how they work it out and now considering that they don't need to make so huge work in a Sub Space Emissary Mode the team will have enough time in working this out.

Now here is the second part if we add +14 characters the number would be 53 that is really a huge number of playable characters, now from the previous interviews to Sakurai he say that probably we will have some cuts it will be minor and he will try to no make cuts but it will happen and I prefer to think in that way sometimes you need to make cuts to progress the game with new playable characters or cut the things that do not work at all (there is no need to work something out if you know from start that it will not work out). Now that we know from the previews interviews that Sakurai will work out most of the characters for example from Melee to Brawl were 4 cuts (I´m not taking in consideration Young Link and Toon Link in this equation because I think this case has special condition where Toon Link is the spiritual successor and dosen't need to count especially when Sakurai did mention that he always keep two Links, one young and the other more mature because it represents the both sides of the same character) well we know that we will have cuts but they will be less a nice number will be 3 cuts making the roster with 50 playable characters that for a fighting game is huge and we need to take in consideration that some of the veterans are having a huge revamp in their movesets because they didn't work so well in the previews games.

Third point we know now that there will be 50 playable characters, that from the previews 39 characters in Brawl we will get 36 to open more spaces and development in a better roster following this now we are going with the new series if we go by numbers we will see that in Melee there were 3 new series, that in Brawl we get 6 new series with two of them being third party if we continue with this pattern we will have 8 new series with 2 new third parties in it and here is my reasoning.

We know of at least two new comers that are Villager and WFT, and we know of the first third new party that is Mega Man. now this is where rumors leaks, cameos, predictions comes to play, we have seen the boxing ring that is obviously a stage from a important character that in the previews Smash was an assist trophy and his name is Little Mac not only that we know that a leak did mention that the newcomers will be Villager, WFT, Mega Man, Little Mac, Miis and Pac-Man. Seeing this pattern we could get the follow list.

6 new series:
-) Villager (Animal Crossing).
-) Wii Fit Trainer (WFT).
-) Little Mac (Punch Out!).
-) Miis (Wii Sports Series and Avatar of the new consoles).
-) Mega Man (New Third party).
-) Pac Man (New Third party).

We have six for now but if we follow the pattern of Sakurai and how he works with Smash we can conclude that there will be two more series in that list and that would be the Retro Character that in previews games he show, in Melee it would be the Ice Cilmbers and in Brawl would be Pit. So we need to add Retro rep to the list above.

7 new series:
-) Villager (Animal Crossing).
-) Wii Fit Trainer (WFT).
-) Little Mac (Punch Out!).
-) Miis (Wii Sports Series and Avatar of the new consoles).
-) Mega Man (New Third party).
-) Pac Man (New Third party).
-) "Retro Rep" (The runners for this spot will be Takamaru, Mach Rider, Lip, etc.).

Now we need to think in the last two games we did get another idea of what we can expect from Sakurai and that are now what I call them the Historic Characters, for Melee was Mr. G&W and for Brawl was R.O.B. (both are very important to the success of Nintendo one was the first Handheld from Nintendo and the introduction to a bigger business in the videogame world and the second was the introduction to a Foreign market that was previously dead, the American market and with success that got it was a new era for Nintendo). So we have two Historic characters following this pattern we can expect a new one in the new Smash, so now our list will be like this.

8 new series:
-) Villager (Animal Crossing).
-) Wii Fit Trainer (WFT).
-) Little Mac (Punch Out!).
-) Miis (Wii Sports Series and Avatar of the new consoles).
-) Mega Man (New Third party).
-) Pac Man (New Third party).
-) "Retro Rep" (The runners for this spot will be Takamaru, Mach Rider, Lip, etc.).
-) "Historic Rep" (This character I don't have idea maybe Daitoryo character that is the character from the Hanafuda cards, or maybe Diskun that was the character from the Famicom System or even a Virtual Boy rep that can represent that console, is a wild card for me).

Now we have our 8 new series if you rest the 14 new characters you will have 6 new comers from the previews series making it to Smash, this new game will be the one with the most new series introducing new characters since the first one (not bad for me, this time Sakurai is focusing more in the introduction of new series to Smash that will help to inject new blood to an old Series).

If you ask me who will be the new 6 comers to the preview series it will be the follow:

6 new characters from the previews series:
-) King K. Rool or Dixie Kong (I don´t know who Sakurai will choose, both have good chances and will be a really hard competition).
-) Ridley (It has a big following in the west and Sakurai is trolling right now with the Pyrosphere stage in which appear Ridley, not only that Metroid at least need one more Rep).
-) Palutena (Sakurai did make the new Icarus game, the game did pretty well and was well received in general, not only that if I remember correctly Sakurai did want that most of the series could get a even participation in the playable characters).
-) Chrom or Roy (a new rep from Fire Emblem is coming who will it be I think the competition is between Chrom and Roy again is a gamble who will be the character).
-) Mewtwo (the most wanted character from Melee and with the huge success and popularity that has now I don´t think we should worry with which Pokemon we will get this time).
-) Porky (My biggest gamble is this one, could we get a new EarthBound character I don´t know, is this one or getting a new F-Zero Rep but following the love that Sakurai has for this series probably I will bet on this).

Now finally who will be my three cuts: Falco, Lucario and Lucas, my reasonings are the following, Star Fox has a problem that the three characters have almost the same concept of gameplay in them and almost look identical making it seem that we can cut one of them and we will not lost to much especially when the series is going with a long hiatus if Sakurai needs to cut someone probably will be Falco or Wolf (and seeing that Wolf has better reception and Sakurai likes more the character we can predict who will get the axe).

Lucario, my prediction is that it will be a Pokemon, in the transition between Melee to Brawl we lost two reps from Pokemon and we win two completely new Reps making the series with the most changes from one game to another so if we follow this pattern at least we know that one Pokemon rep will get the axe to get the inclusion of Mewtwo, and now my thinking in why Lucario. I know both characters dosen't have the same movesets and their playstyle is completely different but if I need to say something is that Lucario for me is like Mewtwo 2.0, Sakurai did want to change the character and make a revamp of say character but with a new look so probably the fans will not rage for the new gameplay of say character, but now that Mewtwo is back maybe we will get Mewtwo 3.0 where he gets the better of Melee and the better of Lucario to mix it in one character and finally get a decent moveset (lets be honest neither of those characters in the past have a great gameplay and most of the people did say that Lucario should be revamped asap and Mewtwo too).

Lucas if we follow the pattern Sakurai replace one character of their series with another one and didn´t get a series under cut (the exception was Mario series with Dr. Mario but I think is a especial case), lets take a look to the Pokemon situation (cut Pichu and Mewtwo and replace both with Pokemon Trainer (3 in 1) and Lucario) and Fire Emblem (replacing Roy with Ike) if we follow this pattern Lucas was well received but finally didn´t make it big and still has problems the same did happen with Ness. For me this is where I a gamble in favor of cutting Lucas because Sakurai could cut Ness (he almost did it in Brawl) but finally Ness has seniority (is one of the original 12) so the best that can happen with Ness is to receive the best of Lucas and try to add it to the character not only will it revamp the character but it can make him better, now we have talk patterns and if one of those characters get the axe the series will have one character to represent their series is not bad but Sakurai loves this series to much to cut one rep and have only one rep from that series so he will replace it with another one and here is my gamble could it be Ninten or Jeff or Porky (I´m choosing Porky, he is the main villain of the series if we think about it and he is the character that appear more in general not only that his moveset could be pretty unique and he did appear as a boss in Brawl, so probably will be in the same context as Ridley was in Brawl) is still a big gamble.

Ughh... it was a long theory, I hope someone read this and can tell me her or his opinion of this.



Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2013
I meant redundant in that we already have a character who fits the bill as the Pokemon Trainer, the Pokemon Trainer. We don't need a new character to replace him, as he brought something unique and new, and had some of the MOST popular Pokemon of all time. And besides, the only reason I can see the Pokemon Trainer leave is development issues, so getting another one to replace him would be pretty redundant.
Can''t argue with Kanto pokes being more popular than Kalos ones but while I feel we dont need a replacement they might wanna do it just to show off new pokes. No one else in gen 6 seems to fit the bill. Or no gen 6 rep and we get kanto trainer again and thats all well and good. I dunno, I aint makin the game.

Deleted member

I would just like to say about the toad situation:

Super Princess Peach

New Super Mario Bros. U

Super Mario Galaxy

That's three different instances of there being multiple toads with Red spots and blue vests. In canon.

There's literally no problem. That's proof.
That's nice, dear.
Now show us instances where there has been both a playable red spot/blue vest Toad AND one that follows Peach (or is stuffed up her dress).


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
That's three different instances of there being multiple toads with Red spots and blue vests. In canon.

There's literally no problem. That's proof.

That's not even the issue to anyone (except ignorant detractors). The Toad most people want (the "official" Toad) isn't the unnamed blue/yellow one that's been recently promoted in the NSMB series. The official species Mushroom Retainers (known as Kino in Japan) have all been retconned to be known as "Toads." The one prominently advertised as "THE Toad/Toad the character" is called Kinopio in Japan. That's the one that would get in, in my opinion, over any other variations/colors.

While it's evident the color palette is the exact same for both generic and the main Toad and its the same one used in Peach's neutral special (called Toad Guard in Japanese rather than Kinopio or just Toad), I don't think that should hurt his chances as much as people are preaching it does. There's no precedent to go off of for "characters used in movesets" such as Toad or Palutena, so this isn't exactly the same as the Toon Link/Spirit Tracks Link scenario, but that alone did prove Sakurai doesn't care for making sense.

Which really, really, REALLY should have been obvious by now. Sakurai isn't unpredictable, people just exemplify Habanero's sig.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Oh look, it's the pre-Brawl logic at work. Again. I mean, it worked so well the last time around that it couldn't possibly backfire.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
That's nice, dear.
Now show us instances where there has been both a playable red spot/blue vest Toad AND one that follows Peach (or is stuffed up her dress).
Well, I can show you something with the blue Toad and red-spotted blue-vested Toad in the same place, but no one is posting pictures or videos (that I can find) with an audience that shows a playable Toad in the same area as a non-playable one of the same color.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Chrom will play similarly to and have a costume for Ike. Zelda and Impa will have a costume for OoT/TP Zelda and Sheik.
Those have got to be the two worst ideas ever, especially with the alternate costume of previously playable character concepts (that aren't Dr. Mario).

Why the heck would Impa get in over the infinitely more well known Sheik, or Chromeric get in over the much more well known and well-received Ike=???

Impa is like ninja-esk in one (way overrated) game in different ways from Sheik, and Chromeric is a piss poor Marth clone and suddenly he's got Ike's ridiculous strength=???


...just stop and find your brain before you post.

I mean seriously, who wants Chromeric over Ike=???


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
Those have got to be the two worst ideas ever, especially with the alternate costume of previously playable character concepts (that aren't Dr. Mario).

Why the heck would Impa get in over the infinitely more well known Sheik, or Chromeric get in over the much more well known and well-received Ike=???

Impa is like ninja-esk in one (way overrated) game in different ways from Sheik, and Chromeric is a piss poor Marth clone and suddenly he's got Ike's ridiculous strength=???


...just stop and find your brain before you post.

I mean seriously, who wants Chromeric over Ike=???
Johnknight1 did you read my crazy theory and ideas for Smash?


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
Impa is a Sheikah in most or all of her incarnations, and Sheik's moveset was more inspired by that mythos than anything she did in OoT. The same reasoning can easily apply to give Impa a similar move set, plus some magic from Skyward Sword that, if used with restraint, wouldn't appear out of place when playing with the Sheik costume.

I am more open to your criticism of Chrom and Ike. I asked in the FE thread if Chrom is more like Marth or Ike, and most people who responded said that he's more like Ike. I have not played any FE games yet, but from the FE thread, I gather that Ike was not presented in PoR as he was in Smash, so it's inconsistent to judge him by his Brawl move set and Chrom by his FE move set.

From the response I've gotten, I will probably switch the default costumes to Ike and OoT/TP Zelda and Sheik.
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