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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2011
Some small and insignificant country town, WA.
A picture I made for the IGN boards (going by pictures other people were posting with the same number of characters)

Your thoughts?

Currently in the working out phase
The character bias is astounding and it seems like this is more for you than the general interest of the ign boards. You're missing several strong contenders and at least one fourth of those characters can be dropped.
Dec 29, 2012
The character bias is astounding and it seems like this is more for you than the general interest of the ign boards. You're missing several strong contenders and at least one fourth of those characters can be dropped.
Characters I most likely would take out and replace are Robin, Genesect, Sheriff, and Travis

Deleted member

A picture I made for the IGN boards (going by pictures other people were posting with the same number of characters)

Your thoughts?

Currently in the working out phase
Would be pretty disappointed. Lack King K. Rool and there are quite a few of these characters that don't belong in there.
Dec 29, 2012
Would be pretty disappointed. Lack King K. Rool and there are quite a few of these characters that don't belong in there.
Characters more than likely coming out: Genesect, Robin, Travis, and Sheriff

Characters most likely going in: Zoroark, K. Rool, Lloyd Irving, and Balloon Fighter

With others like Krystal, Simon Belmont, Ray Mk III, Andy, Dillon, Wonderful Joe, etc on the holding list

Like I said, it is still (sort of) in the working out phase

Deleted member

Characters more than likely coming out: Genesect, Robin, Travis, and Sheriff

Characters most likely going in: Zoroark, K. Rool, Lloyd Irving, and Balloon Fighter

With others like Krystal, Simon Belmont, Ray Mk III, Andy, Dillon, Wonderful Joe, etc on the holding list

Like I said, it is still (sort of) in the working out phase
Zoroark, Lloyd Irving and Balloon Fighter shouldn't be anywhere on the list. They have too much going against them for Sakurai to seriously consider them and I don't think they would make good additions (Zoroark would be okay, but at this rate, he's far from needed and Mewtwo is already a significantly better choice to represent the new gen). Good you're taking out Genesect, Robin, Travis and Sheriff thought.
Dec 29, 2012
I think you mixed up Robin with Morgan
Then why does Awakening start your name as Robin?

Zoroark, Lloyd Irving and Balloon Fighter shouldn't be anywhere on the list. They have too much going against them for Sakurai to seriously consider them and I don't think they would make good additions (Zoroark would be okay, but at this rate, he's far from needed and Mewtwo is already a significantly better choice to represent the new gen). Good you're taking out Genesect, Robin, Travis and Sheriff thought.
I still believe Sheriff would be the good HISTORICAL retro choice while Takamaru is the POPULAR one

It also works for an East (Samurai) vs West (Cowboy) feel

He is the least likely to actually be taken out of those four

Deleted member

I still believe Sheriff would be the good HISTORICAL retro choice while Takamaru is the POPULAR one

It also works for an East (Samurai) vs West (Cowboy) feel

He is the least likely to actually be taken out of those four
Takamaru is not a popular choice. Retros are uncommonly requested in Japan and not a lot of people want to see Takamaru in the next Smash. If he gets in (and he almost certainly will), it will be through other means.

And how do we know that Sakurai has a pattern for looking for popular retro choice and historical retro choice? This has only happened once and it won't repeat with this game. I am also not understanding what the East vs. West feel argument has to do with anything.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Then why does Awakening start your name as Robin?
No, I mean you mention removing Robin from your artwork, but I don't see the artwork for Robin on your pic. I see the artwork for Morgan instead.




See? Different people.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Zoroark, Lloyd Irving and Balloon Fighter shouldn't be anywhere on the list. They have too much going against them for Sakurai to seriously consider them and I don't think they would make good additions (Zoroark would be okay, but at this rate, he's far from needed and Mewtwo is already a significantly better choice to represent the new gen). Good you're taking out Genesect, Robin, Travis and Sheriff thought.
I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, but what exactly does Lloyd Irving have going against him?
Dec 29, 2012
No, I mean you mention removing Robin from your artwork, but I don't see the artwork for Robin on your pic. I see the artwork for Morgan instead.




See? Different people.
Oops, wrong picture then. But I was searching for Robin though.

I just thought that was a variation of them.

Deleted member

I'm not trying to be an *** or anything, but what exactly does Lloyd Irving have going against him?
Aside from the obvious third-party status (which affects everyone), the fan base is split on a Namco rep. Some support Pac-Man, some go for a Tales rep (Lloyd gets the majority of it in the West, but it's more indecisive in Japan), and some go for a Tekken rep. There's no true general consensus on who should be in. Namco also seems to be leaving a Tales rep up to Sakurai based off what we know and there's no guarantee that Sakurai will go after any third-party this time around.

Deleted member

Agreed, if anything, Lloyd is one of the more likely Namco characters at this point.

Though I'd rather have Pac-Man or Heihachi.

EDIT: Fan support isn't the defining thing, though. If it was, Snake would not have been in Brawl.
If Yoshi-to wants Lloyd in Smash enough to talk to Sakurai about it, then it doesn't matter if the fans are fighting over a Namco rep, Sakurai would be looking at Lloyd.
Dec 29, 2012
Takamaru is not a popular choice. Retros are uncommonly requested in Japan and not a lot of people want to see Takamaru in the next Smash. If he gets in (and he almost certainly will), it will be through other means.

And how do we know that Sakurai has a pattern for looking for popular retro choice and historical retro choice? This has only happened once and it won't repeat with this game. I am also not understanding what the East vs. West feel argument has to do with anything.
How I see it is this:

Ice Climbers were a popular retro choice in Melee (namely for Sakurai) while Mr. Game & Watch was the historical retro choice (for the Game & Watches)

Pit was the popular retro choice in Brawl while R.O.B. was the historical retro choice (for the accessory that launched with the NES)

Just something I see

As for East vs West, it was from that "fake" rumor months ago that the roster could be based off of that

Deleted member

How I see it is this:

Ice Climbers were a popular retro choice in Melee (namely for Sakurai) while Mr. Game & Watch was the historical retro choice (for the Game & Watches)

Pit was the popular retro choice in Brawl while R.O.B. was the historical retro choice (for the accessory that launched with the NES)

Just something I see

As for East vs West, it was from that "fake" rumor months ago that the roster could be based off of that
Ice Climber barely received any vote on the Melee poll IIRC. They was not a popular choice and there's no evidence to support that he was.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Aside from the obvious third-party status (which affects everyone), the fan base is split on a Namco rep. Some support Pac-Man, some go for a Tales rep (Lloyd gets the majority of it in the West, but it's more indecisive in Japan), and some go for a Tekken rep. There's no true general consensus on who should be in. Namco also seems to be leaving a Tales rep up to Sakurai based off what we know and there's no guarantee that Sakurai will go after any third-party this time around.
I see where you're coming from, but I have to disagree. Popularity isn't everything. Sure, it is a majority of what gets MOST characters in, but it isn't the be all end all argument.

For Brawl, Megaman was the top 3rd party request aside from Sonic, and Nintendo didn't even ask for him. Whats not to say it won't happen again? Because Namco is helping with the game, I personally (yes this is my opinion) believe that to not expect a Namco character in a crossover fighting game is to set oneself up for disappointment. Obviously, this sort of agreement isn't solely to get a character in the game, but surely Namco wants someone in, and surely it would seem like a slap in the face to not include a character.

Think of it like this. Sakurai includes Snake as a favor for Kojima. So that is a little different. However, this is a partnership that Sakurai must surely appreciate. Namco getting a character should not be out of the realm of possibility, whether it turns out to be Pac-Man or Lloyd.

Surely partnerships don't necessarily mean that the company assisting with development gets something nice within the game. Camelot helped with Mario Tennis etc...yet they didn't get anything. Yet this argument doesn't really work with Smash Bros. Smash Bros. is a crossover fighting game, including characters from all sorts of different games and universes into one title. Surely, even if a Namco character doesn't get in, it will at least be considered.

Deleted member

That is still a rather arbitrary pattern, just like the "+1 Star Fox character" pattern.

Aside from that, "popularity" doesn't apply to the Ice Climbers. Sakurai saw a unique gimmick for them in comparison to other choices and decided to go with it.
Your "popular to Sakurai" example doesn't work, as if that was the case, we would have had Mach Rider instead, as Sakurai was said to have been hopeful for him to be in "Smash 2" (before Melee was in development).
As for popularity in general outside of Sakurai, it would have been Sukapon, given that he was the only "Retro" to be within the Top 20 on his pre-Melee poll.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Agreed, if anything, Lloyd is one of the more likely Namco characters at this point.

Though I'd rather have Pac-Man or Heihachi.

EDIT: Fan support isn't the defining thing, though. If it was, Snake would not have been in Brawl.
If Yoshi-to wants Lloyd in Smash enough to talk to Sakurai about it, then it doesn't matter if the fans are fighting over a Namco rep, Sakurai would be looking at Lloyd.
This is exactly my point. Popularity matters, but so does the business aspect.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
We don't know if Nintendo actually asked for him though, to be fair.
Maybe simply Capcom wasn't interested. I remember that when Brawl was coming out there were a lot of rumors of a Capcom character inclusion... And this time around too. I think talks have been made.

Sakurai loves Mach Rider? Good, my hopes for him to be in Sm4sh and then revived by Sakurai like he did with Pit are a little stronger now.
Dec 29, 2012
That is still a rather arbitrary pattern, just like the "+1 Star Fox character" pattern.

Aside from that, "popularity" doesn't apply to the Ice Climbers. Sakurai saw a unique gimmick for them in comparison to other choices and decided to go with it.
Your "popular to Sakurai" example doesn't work, as if that was the case, we would have had Mach Rider instead, as Sakurai was said to have been hopeful for him to be in "Smash 2" (before Melee was in development).
As for popularity in general outside of Sakurai, it would have been Sukapon, given that he was the only "Retro" to be within the Top 20 on his pre-Melee poll.
Yeah, I guess so, but I was just stating what I saw.

Doesn't mean the likes of Mach Rider, Sheriff, Sukapon, etc can't still show up.

Let me guess, your just supporting Robin because of band wagon?

Never actually played the game.
No, I just think it would be an interesting character (that has both genders) and they offer a new class type for Fire Emblem (the mage sword user).

If it is not Micaiah, it is Robin as my choice to diversify the roster with a mage like character.

Deleted member

Sukapon is very unlikely to show up.
Sakurai said not to expect him in future Smash titles. I also believe he said that Sukapon is too difficult to incorporate, though I don't have a direct source for that.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Sukapon is very unlikely to show up.
Sakurai said not to expect him in future Smash titles. I also believe he said that Sukapon is too difficult to incorporate, though I don't have a direct source for that.
It was more that he was too obscure. Lacked any broad appeal, especially for a western audience, and had no hope of a revival.

Deleted member

It was more that he was too obscure. Lacked any broad appeal, especially for a western audience, and had no hope of a revival.
I remember that, but I also remember something in regards to him being unfeasible (most likely due to his Raymanian limbs). Kind of like how Starfy is likely to have been seen as unfeasible for his very limited frame.
Dec 29, 2012
Sukapon is very unlikely to show up.
Sakurai said not to expect him in future Smash titles. I also believe he said that Sukapon is too difficult to incorporate, though I don't have a direct source for that.
I would assume he has little chance of getting in too, but just named him on a list of retros.

The best choices at this moment IMO are Sheriff, Takamaru, Mach Rider, and Balloon Fighter.

However I could easily be missing someone.

Deleted member

I would say the list is more like the following:
-Mach Rider
-Muddy Mole
-Lip (depends on whether she counts as a "Retro" or not)

While Sheriff may be Nintendo's first character, I'm starting to see that that may not be enough.
Considering that Game & Watch is listed as Nintendo's first gaming success, it is very likely Nintendo doesn't put Sheriff on a high pedistal.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Also I think his design sucks. But that's me.
YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Though maybe that's the heart of the issue, Sakurai felt Sukapon just wouldn't catch on. What did ROY have that Sukapon DOESN'T... *HUFF*

@Golden: YOU'RE PROBABLY JUST REMEMBERING SOMETHING PSYCHO SAID BECAUSE HE LIKED TO KEEP REPEATING THAT EVEN THOUGH I KEPT TELLING HIM HE WAS WRONG I KNOW RIGHT WHAT A JERK. At least I wouldn't imagine that would be an issue. I mean, a physical limb doesn't have to be present for a hurtbox to be placed in an area. Not like attacks were at risk of going through his body. ACTUALLY THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PRETTY COOL GIMMICK IF HANDLED PROPERLY.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Though maybe that's the heart of the issue, Sakurai felt Sukapon just wouldn't catch on. What did ROY have that Sukapon DOESN'T... *HUFF*.

This. *pulls on cheeks* Awwwe :3

Deleted member

So... Lets talk about Advance Wars real quick.

If you were to have an AW character in Smash, who would it be?

People always say Andy, but what about the Days of Ruin characters?

Why Andy over them? I personally preferred DoR over Dual Strike, and the character designs are more interesting in DoR. Though Will's tie is still very faggy.

I really should get around to giving DoR another run btw...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
They all look way too serious in that game.

Also looks very anime trope filled

The less anime feel to smash, the better

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
I only know the Battalion spin-offs (which are awesome).
I sure hope a Wars rep shows up, don't care if Advance or Battalion.
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