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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Just to be the devil's advocate, how so?

I haven't played KIU mind you... Nor SF Adventures.

(I really SHOULD play SF Adv, I can get it easy, and it's a Zelda clone...)

I don't care for source material all that much. Thinking of them as caricatures, Palutena is a goddess, so she should be very powerful, and also slow to convey how little effort she has to put into fighting. I don't think she'd really fight with her staff. She would just use her powers through her staff?

Krystal on the other hand would actually be fighting with her staff in a more typical manner. Fast and agile. Comboey. Y'know.



Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2007
To be honest I'd rather see them try to give Falco and Wolf their own special sand final smashes instead of sing a new star fox rep.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey

As for the Star Fox, the best scenario is to simply expand on the existing characters.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Andross (body style).

Final Smash: Turns into planetoids version (head and hands) and shoots blocks towards the stage like his previous assist trophy in Brawl.

Andross would have metal gloves with thrusters located on the palm. The thrusters would act kinda like jetpacks allowing Andross to jump high and float a little of the floor like Mewtwo. The thrusters would also allow him to propel his punches, making him stronger then he would be. He would be a floaty character unless you press down while he was in the air. Then the engines would shut off and the metal gloves would make him a fast faller.

Walk: His hands would be at his sides with the thrusters on. Blue fire would expel from his palms and he would slowly foot a few inches off the ground toward his opponent.

Run: Andross holds his hands behind him and the thrusters shoot out longer flames propelling Andross forward at a high speed similar to Pichu's. Terrible at quick turns.

Running A: Andross would bring his hands forward to clap at the enemy. The movement of his thruster enabled gloves would make his jolt backwards a little distance as he clapped. Sends opponent forward. Good for setting some distance between fighters.

A: Punch
AA: Punch and then extended palm
AAA: Punch, then extended palm, then another extended palm
AAAA: Punch, one extended palm plant, then another, then the thrusters would turn on really quick propelling Andross backwards a few feet.

>A: Andross hovers with hands at the side and kicks at the opponent

^A: Andross uppercuts, thruster turns on, and Andross lifts a foot higher off the floor before thruster snaps off and he descends back into hovering position, when the thruster turns back on.

Duck: Thrusters turn off and Andross crouches on the floor.
Down A: Thrusters turn on quickly, making Andross to a quick spin while crouching with one foot stuck out. Accelerated Sweep kick.

Forward Smash: Swings one arm around in a full circle with thruster on leaving a trail of fire. Metal fist crashes to the floor. If A is pressed again, his other glove thruster will turn on and repeat the pattern going forward.

Down Smash: Andross clasps his gloves together and hammer-fists the ground making the floor ripple in a set circumference around him. Sends opponents upwards. Some rocks and debris might pop up and hover a foot in the air for a few seconds after for effect only.

Up Smash: Andross Machine gun punches upward, juggling the opponent

Down B: Andross's cape whirls outward. Flat Metal rectangles come flying out from the background and form steps for Andross to walk on. Five blocks come out. Andross can walk back and forth or just one way or even diagonal. This could be used to make a cieling so opponents can't jump upward to get back on stage. Andross falls afterwards and can't use moves until he hits the ground.

Forward B: Andross throws a Vortex Grenade from his belt. It explodes after seven seconds. Could be picked up and thrown by others. Only one Grenade could be on the floor at a time. When it explodes it makes a blackish blue sphere which sucks in anyone nearby including Andross. Radius like Kirby's except all the way around the sphere. Does damage and keeps person in place like Young Link's Up B spin. Good way to trap opponents.

B: Andross extends both palms forward and a green grid shaped like a metal rectangle block shoots out. If B is pressed while the green grid is going forward it will solidify into a metal step rotating forward in the air. If it hits an opponent it will smash and do damage to the enemy. If the opponent has a high percentage it might carry the enemy with it for a few moments before cracking and exploding. Only one could be out at a time.

Up B: Andross does a back-flip and disappears into a blue vortex. You could angle the direction of his reappearance like Zelda's Up B. Except it is about half as long.

Air Battle:

Neutral A: Does a Midair flip similar to Captain Falcon's Up A. But much weaker.
Forward A: Midair slap with metal glove.
Backward A: Andross extends one arm backwards and his glove spews out a spout of fire to rack up damage on opponent. Sends Andross forwards a little.
Down A: Does a split in the air with his legs and throws one heavy gloved hand downwards between open legs. Meteor Smash.
Up A: Andross reaches upward with a metal glove in a grabbing motion. If he hits an opponent he throws them downward. Down throw is weak, opponent goes underneath Andross setting him up for a down A move.

Andross Throws: Grabs opponent with metal glove.
A: Burns opponent with thrusters on glove.
Forward: Skids forward on feet briefly before swinging his arm in a full circle still clutching the enemy and finally releasing him forward in an arch. A little further then Mario's forward throw but due to arch harder to die from.
Backward: Quick throw backwards. Straight trajectory.
Downward: Throws opponent to the ground and machine gun punches their body until they jolt upwards.
Upward: Andross teleports the opponent a few feet above him. Opponent disappears in a flash of blue and then a portal opens above Andross. At this point the opponent could jump or attack once he or she exits teleport.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
I'm pretty content with the Star Fox characters we have now and I agree that there should be focus on expanding the existing characters. It's weird because I'm not fond of how Fox plays in Brawl versus Melee. I've always preferred Falco or Wolf over Fox. I guess I like characters with a little more weight on them.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Am fine with the Star Fox characters we currently have, wouldn't mind Krystal (wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't a staff user though) but there are a lot more important characters to add and series with a much greater need for representation.

Also I don't think the series needs a reboot, it just needs another good game (remakes don't count of course), basically it's Sonic Colors. IMO Assault but with more Air than Ground Missions, with the latter being improved. I also don't think that Krystal is the root of the series problems either and removing her won't solve anything.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
EarthBound coming to the EU finally is actually a pretty good thing.

Deleted member

Am fine with the Star Fox characters we currently have, wouldn't mind Krystal (wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't a staff user though) but there are a lot more important characters to add and series with a much greater need for representation.

Also I don't think the series needs a reboot, it just needs another good game (remakes don't count of course), basically it's Sonic Colors. IMO Assault but with more Air than Ground Missions, with the latter being improved. I also don't think that Krystal is the root of the series problems either and removing her won't solve anything.
This. It's not like Krystal can't be made into a good character anyway.

Deleted member

Actions speak louder then words, and so far the actions are not so good.
I was referring to how a solid studio (better than the ones that worked on the last three new Star Fox game) could make Krystal more of a welcomed addition (by changing her personality to be less loathed and more useful overall).


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
We will find out at E3 for the future (or lack thereof) for a lot of Nintendo franchises. I think for Custom Robo and Starfy, if new 3DS installments for them were going to happen this year, they would have been announced at this last Nintendo Direct.

For series that tend to have console installments (Metroid, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, F-Zero), E3 will let us know whether Wii U installments to those series are in the pipeline.

Of course we will be getting Smash 4, and the first set of newcomers for that. However, as I said earlier this week, I can't shake the feeling that Sakurai has something big planned for Smash 4 to create even more hype/talk than what happened when Brawl was unveiled. Whether it a character or some sort of game feature, its going to be big, and shake us the same way the announcement of Snake did.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
And I'm referring to how the actions are so far not that great. It's going to be one of those situations where the stigma of time is going to haunt the character forever.

Deleted member

We will find out at E3 for the future (or lack thereof) for a lot of Nintendo franchises. I think for Custom Robo and Starfy, if new 3DS installments for them were going to happen this year, they would have been announced at this last Nintendo Direct.

For series that tend to have console installments (Metroid, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, F-Zero), E3 will let us know whether Wii U installments to those series are in the pipeline.

Of course we will be getting Smash 4, and the first set of newcomers for that. However, as I said earlier this week, I can't shake the feeling that Sakurai has something big planned for Smash 4 to create even more hype/talk than what happened when Brawl was unveiled. Whether it a character or some sort of game feature, its going to be big, and shake us the same way the announcement of Snake did.
Somehow I can't just help but feel as this E3, aside from a possible Mega Man confirmation, is not going to be something that I'm going to care for, even if it does become one of the great E3s. After all of these years of being disappointed by a lack of Star Fox, F-zero and Custom Robo games, I just don't feel as we're going to get them. I also would not be surprise if Nintendo was underwhelming again.

I don't know, I just feel pessimistic. Though I do feel as a character will not be a Snake-like announcement. No third-party can create the amount of shock that Snake does and Sakurai will never add an obscure third-party character that almost no one talks about. The only way that would happen is if we got a non-video game character reveal, but that again, will never happen. It's probably going to be something game play related.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
One things for sure is that they better not spend 5 hours wasting their time talking about the boring stuff and get straight to the stuff that matters more. Who gives a **** about Mario Kart or Wii U Party, give us stuff like X, Super Smash Bros. 4, Bayonetta 2, and Retro Studios. Make me want to give a damn about the Wii U.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Am fine with the Star Fox characters we currently have, wouldn't mind Krystal (wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't a staff user though) but there are a lot more important characters to add and series with a much greater need for representation.

Also I don't think the series needs a reboot, it just needs another good game (remakes don't count of course), basically it's Sonic Colors. IMO Assault but with more Air than Ground Missions, with the latter being improved. I also don't think that Krystal is the root of the series problems either and removing her won't solve anything.
Krystal was never the "problem" of the series starting with Adventures. She's just a scapegoat people like to use around here like Shadow for the Sonic series. The "decline" happened when she showed up, but she herself did nothing to cause it. As it's been mentioned several times. A good game will save the series, not doing a reboot. Considering Nintendo is getting a lot of flack for treading old ground far too often, it'd be better off continuing the series after Assault and ignoring Command.

Though bringing back Miyu, Lynx, and canonizing Fara would be a way to make the series more character oriented. Just hope they can avoid the bait of shipping everyone up.
Just to be the devil's advocate, how so?

I haven't played KIU mind you... Nor SF Adventures.

(I really SHOULD play SF Adv, I can get it easy, and it's a Zelda clone...)
Basically, Palutena would be more MAGIC staff oriented. Krystal would be more melee oriented with her staff like Kilik.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
To add on to what Kuma said, remember that at the end of the day, this is a fighting game, not a beauty pagent. "Personality" doesn't matter much whena decent amount of the characters in the game show little to no signs of evening having a personality.

What it comes down to:
She's prominent enough
She's important enough
She's popular enough
She can "do" something

The fact that she has the potential to use telepathy, her staff, it's powers, and dinosaurs is just a bonus. And, for a fighting game that could make for a pretty cool character.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
How the **** are you going to make use of telepathy.

We're talking telepathy, not telekinesis.
She can use it to be forewarned of oncoming attacks. Like a counter move. I wanna say she has "sensed" approaching enemies in SF:Assault


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Krystal was never the "problem" of the series starting with Adventures. She's just a scapegoat people like to use around here like Shadow for the Sonic series. The "decline" happened when she showed up, but she herself did nothing to cause it.
She is certainly a part of the problem. She definitely brought a lot of horndog furries to the Star Fox fanbase, and her awful characterization was part of the reason why Command was so awful. It would be apt to consider her the Shadow of the Star Fox series.

I think Habanero is right that it will be difficult to work off the "stink" that the character has especially considering how long it has been since the last game. The legacy for the post-64 games has not been kind overall.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side

While I don't support Krystal, it's not like we're going to play as Krystal's character development if she makes the cut

That isn't really relevant to how she would be implemented into Smash


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006

While I don't support Krystal, it's not like we're going to play as Krystal's character development if she makes the cut

That isn't really relevant to how she would be implemented into Smash
Part of her characterization is being a nearly naked, sexualized anthro. Obviously there is a lot of people that don't what that characterization in Smash Bros. In Adventures she was running around in a bikini top and loin cloth, while in Assault she wore a skin-tight outfit and the official artwork for her was in suggestive poses.

Obviously "fanservice" is a big part of her characterization, and for those who find furry fanservice disturbing obviously they don't want that sort of characterization to follow in Smash Bros.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Well, it seems that having Star Fox merged into Dinosaur Planet ruined Krystal's potential series rather than Krystal dismantling the Star Fox series.

According to Wikipedia, Star Fox Adventures received positive reviews and was more akin to Legend of Zelda rather than Star Fox. Krystal was going to be a cat and the central character. Fox though seemed out of place.

If Krystal was the main character and if her universe was not engulfed by the Star Fox universe, she could have been in Brawl perhaps. Unless Rare would have owned her IP.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well, it seems that having Star Fox merged into Dinosaur Planet ruined Krystal's potential series rather than Krystal dismantling the Star Fox series.

According to Wikipedia, Star Fox Adventures received positive reviews and was more akin to Legend of Zelda rather than Star Fox. Krystal was going to be a cat and the central character. Fox though seemed out of place.

If Krystal was the main character and if her universe was not engulfed by the Star Fox universe, she could have been in Brawl perhaps. Unless Rare would have owned her IP.
She would have been in SUPER MICROSOFT BASH EM UP!

With Banjo and Kazooie

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
I have a phobia of furries. Probably because of the communities constant use of romantic themes and down right obscure taste (probably skewed, I browse deviant art a lot).
Krystal fits that description perfectly. And her often revealing outfits push me even further.

I'm completely biased in this topic to say the least.
Also the size of her head in comparison to her slim body looks odd to me...

Slander aside, I'd say shes next in line if they decide that starfox needs/deserves another rep. A unique moveset is of course entirely in the realm of possibilities but 4 reps is hard to justify especially since the series has been pronounced dead quite some time ago (unless somebody has some info that says otherwise...)

Deleted member

Well, it seems that having Star Fox merged into Dinosaur Planet ruined Krystal's potential series rather than Krystal dismantling the Star Fox series.

According to Wikipedia, Star Fox Adventures received positive reviews and was more akin to Legend of Zelda rather than Star Fox. Krystal was going to be a cat and the central character. Fox though seemed out of place.

If Krystal was the main character and if her universe was not engulfed by the Star Fox universe, she could have been in Brawl perhaps. Unless Rare would have owned her IP.
Rare would have ended up owning Krystal had she remained in her own game. And Krystal wasn't getting in Brawl regardless, since Sakurai hadn't heard of her until the Brawl poll.

Smash 4 is her only chance to get in without a new game with her in and I'm on the fence on that.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2011
Some small and insignificant country town, WA.
Well, it seems that having Star Fox merged into Dinosaur Planet ruined Krystal's potential series rather than Krystal dismantling the Star Fox series.

According to Wikipedia, Star Fox Adventures received positive reviews and was more akin to Legend of Zelda rather than Star Fox. Krystal was going to be a cat and the central character. Fox though seemed out of place.

If Krystal was the main character and if her universe was not engulfed by the Star Fox universe, she could have been in Brawl perhaps. Unless Rare would have owned her IP.
Krysta's hypothetical game would've had to have been decently successful and garner a good reputation as well.
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