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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2007
Also, Smashchu I like Waluigi. I think he has a decent sized fan base. But, he's not getting in unless Sakurai prefers him over a lot of other characters.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Why wouldn't it matter at least to an extent? It's what help separates characters like Mario and Bowser from characters like Birdo and Baby Daisy

Now is it the only thing that matters? Obviously not. And does more significance mean a better chance? Again, no, if Smash were that clear cut, then Smash's roster would look entirely different than it does now

But Waluigi simply doesn't have enough going for him outside of popularity
Who is to say one game counts where another doesn't. Consider this: Mario Kart Wii is not part of the "main" games, but it has outsold them all. And Waluigi has been a main stay there (with the exception of 7 but the roster there was all kinds of funky). Sakurai adds characters that people find interesting. It's clear people find him interesting as they want him in his own game. This is also why he's popular. This is what matters.
SmashChu, I am curious where you stand in regards to whether characters from Brawl's roster will be cut, and whether any of Melee's cut characters will return.
For Melee characters, Roy and Mewtwo are definate. Doc is up in the air. It seems like he's a lower priority than the other two so it may be an issue of time. Pichu wont come back.
On Brawl, the only characters who will be cut are Snake and Sonic. This is because they are guest characters. Whether or not there will be third party characters remains to be seen.

I'm back!, could anyone fill me in with the latest issues?
Nanny closes the thread because we didn't discuss stuff in the designated discussion zones. Then we actually talk characters for once.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2007
I'd be lying if I said I'd prefer Toad to Waluigi, but he's more likely to get in then Waluigi.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL

The reason we cherry pick main Mario games over spin-off Mario games is because all the characters that are in the main games are in the spin-off games... but not all characters that are in the spin-off games are in the main games.

Mario = main games (hero) + spin-off games
Luigi = main games (hero) + spin-off games
Peach = main games (heroine in one game but always the damsel) + spin-off games
Bowser = main games (main villain) + spin-off games
Yoshi = main games (sidekick) + spin-off games
Toad = main games (sidekick) + spin-off games
Wario = main games (villain in one game, playable rival in Super Mario 64 DS) + spin-off games (so he's not that important in the main Mario series but at least he has his own spin-off games to compensate)
Bowser Jr. = main games (secondary villain) + spin-off games

Birdo = main games (one time in 1988 and thus irrelevant) + spin-off games
Daisy = main games (one time in 1989 and thus irrelevant) + spin-off games
Rosalina = main games (twice in 2007 and 2010, arguably relevant) + spin-off games (at least twice so she's ultimately not more important than Daisy is)
Waluigi = NO main games + spin-off games (he's not any more important than Daisy or Rosalina and he doesn't even show up in Wario games)

Main Mario games are what separate the likes of Mario and Bowser from the likes of Daisy and Waluigi.
Just because a character is in a game doesn't mean people like them. See Tingle.

The point I'm making is that people keep saying "Waluigi wont be in because he is unimportant." Why is he unimportant? "Because he wasn't in the main game of course." But why do those games count and other don't? There is no reason.

What matters is people like Waluigi and it has shown. Sakurai adds characters people will find interesting and they find Waluigi interesting. There isn't much to say beyond that.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2007
Wow, theres a lot of Double Standwrds going on in this fan base when it comes to characters.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2007

This is not a specific example, but it's something I hear often in different forms.

"K Rool isn't relevant anymore so he shouldn't be in, but I want Black shadow to be in."

I'm not knocking black shadow, it's just an expample I made up. But I have heard the reasoning though.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I don't think that Waluigi will be in because of "unimportance", I just don't think that there is much reason at all to make him playable outside of popularity

Who knows though, in Sakurai's eyes, that might be all he needs to get in the game

I certainly wouldn't be the one complaining if that happens anyway

Deleted member

As big a Waluigi fan as I am, I will say that he is generally non-important.
And I'm not saying this because of the "main" game vs. "spin-off" bullcrap. I'm saying this because Waluigi rarely has a role in a game other than just being there.
The only exceptions are Mario Party 3 and DDR Mario Mix, where he hijacked the villain role from Bowser in the former, and was the primary instigator of the plot in the latter.
Then there are games like Mario Tennis, Mario Power Tennis, and Mario Golf Toadstool Tour, where Waluigi is a main focus in the openings, but other than that, he is no more important than anyone else in those games (and conversely, Mario is just as unimportant as the rest in those games; everyone is equal).

It's a shame though, as Waluigi is definitely more interesting than the likes of Toad.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I disagree. Toad has plenty of unique characteristics that'd make a good character for Smash. Small, lightweight, spinning head attacks, turpins like Peach, usage of Mushrooms. Everything. What better way to represent the Mushroom Kingdom by Toad himself?

Deleted member

That's boring beyond belief.

We have plenty of small lightweights.
"Spinning head attacks" can only be done so much to be interesting.
Turnips like Peach? Yeah, real interesting to use the same attack. :rolleyes:
Usage of Mushrooms? Oh, so make him use the Super Mushroom item at will? That can't possibly be broken. :rolleyes:

He may "deserve" it, but he's so effing boring.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I really don't see how Dr.Mario, Waluigi or Bowser Jr. would be anything better to be honest.

Paper Mario, sure. But the others: no.

Hence why I support only Paper Mario and Toad as newcomers.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Diddy, MetaKnight and Pit also had real straight forward playstyles. Yet that didn't stop them from becoming one of the few most suggested characters for Brawl.


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
Bowser Jr. can use all sorts of paint trickery and turn into Shadow Mario and stuff. Waaaaaay more interesting than Toad for sure.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Bowser Jr. can use all sorts of paint trickery and turn into Shadow Mario and stuff. Waaaaaay more interesting than Toad for sure.
I really am not too convinced Shadow Mario would be that unique. Paintbrush is ok I guess. But am thinking Bowser Jr. would be nothing more than a semi-clone of Bowser. I could imagine an unique moveset for him though.

Toad = da bes.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Racism = bad m'kay.

No seriously you're a ****ing **** if you're a racist.

Deleted member

I really don't see how Dr.Mario, Waluigi or Bowser Jr. would be anything better to be honest.

Paper Mario, sure. But the others: no.

Hence why I support only Paper Mario and Toad as newcomers.
Dr. Mario: Combat medic. A concept not actually explored in Smash yet.
Waluigi: Frigging chaos incarnate with insane over the top abilities.
Jr.: Paintbrush weapon and mechs. 'Nuff said.

All of these are more interesting than "Mushroom boy taking the scraps of what Mario, Luigi, and Peach don't use in Smash".

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You're heavily exaggerating Waluigi's potential did you know that?

Deleted member

Has anyone seen this list yet? I found this from another website(i believe its nintendo news). Overall, I believe it's fake because Sonic is not a newcomer. I disapprove this list because how can slime hold items.

King K Rool (Donkey Kong)
Zoroark (Pokemon)
Ghirahim (Zelda)
Little Mac (Punch Out)
Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment)
King Hippo (Punch Out)
Ridley (Metroid)
Prince Sable (Frogs the Bell Tolls)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Professor Layton (Professor Layton)
Megaman (Megaman)
Crystal (Star Fox)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Shulk (Xenoblade)
Sonic (Sonic)

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Anyone could be amazing and unique...its all about how ''Sakurai'' makes em...really..like isnt it obvious..not intentionally tryna be rude...but like you lot should be saying/thinking.

I hope Sakurai makes _______ unique and intresting in Sm4sh...(-_-)


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Guess I'll throw out a topic here.

I have wanted to make a good prediction roster, but I feel it's really hard to pin down characters this time around. I look at someone and I say "Nah, not good enough." But the problem is that everyone is not good enough. There are 6 characters that I feels are shoe ins
  1. Little Mac
  2. Takamaru
  3. Shulk
  4. Palutena
  5. King K Rool
  6. Ridley
Outside of these guys, it really is a toss up. Anything could go. Here are some other characters I have looked at.

  • Dixie Kong - She's a pretty popular choice worldwide and was suppose to be in Brawl
  • Samurai Goroh - I think there is demand for more F-Zero characters and this is a pretty well known character overall
  • Ghirahim - He popular. Unlike Brawl, everyone seems more unified on a Zelda character/ I think Sakurai also doesn't mind having another as he did plan for Toon Zelda
  • Mario Mario - Either Waluigi or Doc. I figure Sakurai tries to keep Mario, Pokemon and Zelda together. I can go more into this if anyone wants.
  • Another Kid Icarus character - Every game has had two series that got two new characters (for Brawl, it was Kirby and Pokemon). With a new title and a ton of characters, it wouldn't be surprising if there was one more. Medusa is one though. I've even entertained Magnus since he was playable
  • Retro character - Every Smash Brothers game has had a classic character. Melee was Game and Watch. Bralw was ROB. There will likely be one more. I've said Sheriff since he was Nintendo first arcade game back in the 1979. It's been referenced in other Nintendo games.
  • Karate Joe - I always said this because I figure Rhythm Heaven will get something. It gets ignored more in the west. It's bigger in Japan.
  • Dillon - Not very confident in him, but he has some reason. People seem generally receptive to him. He is a new characters from Nintendo and had two games. Plus he would be the first eShop character.
To close, I want to get the opinions of the peanut gallery: Who do you all think has a good chance outside of the six mentioned above?
I'd wager it's less than six. The only characters that are about as likely as you can get are Mewtwo, Palutena, Takamaru and Shulk. Although this isn't the popular thing to say; Ridley, King K. Rool and Little Mac are not shoe in characters. They aren't quite in the toss up category, but they definitely are not guarantees (even Shulk is stretching it to some extent).

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I made this yesterday but forgot to post here.
What do you think?

[collapse=Prediction Roster]

I don't like Johto Trainer replacing Red, Jigglypuff's removal, Muddy Mole, Lip, Saki and no Isaac but other that's pretty cool.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
Because Mario characters was the topic, I'll post my Bowser Junior moveset.

Okay! Time for me to post my moveset. It'll kinda be a combination of all the movesets I've seen and personally ideas.

Nuetral Special: Fireball
Pressing B starts him charging and after he has charged he will glow slightly. For each level of charging he is able to produce another fireball(max 3.)that moves at a slightly different angle then the next time the b button is pressed. If you quickly press b twice you will shoot one fireball. Each fireball does 8% damage so a fully charged shot will do 24% damage and a semi charged will do 16%. The fireballs move horizontally and are about the same size as Samus's uncharged charge shot. When used it has a slight lag but moves much faster and has more range than mario's fireball. After being in the air they will plop down leaving a burning spot on the ground(2-3 secs)that does slight damage to whoever walks over it.You can dodge roll out of charging.

Side Special: Bill launcher
Bowser Jr. pulls out a personalized version of the bill blaster made into a rocket launcher. He shoots a single bullet bill that travels straight in the direction he's facing. The bullet bill act exactly like it did in the SSE. They have the same speed, health and atk strength and if hit and their health isn't completely depleated they will flinch but then continue on their trajectory. The one difference is that if reflected they don't go back to their normal flight direction and if reflected too many times or hits a wall it will explode. A hit from this does 15% damage and only 1 bb can be on screen at a time. Has the same lag as Snake's rocket launcher.

Down Special: Paint Trap
He pulls out his paintbrush and spins it in a circle as he drags it on the ground(cannot be used in the air). What is left is a puddle of paint 2 character lengths in size. The puddles stays for 5 seconds and you can have a maximum of 2 on screen at the same time. The puddles come out randomly in 3 colors.

Red- does fire damage to whoever steps on the puddle and last the entire 5 secs
Blue- shoots out a geisure to whoever steps on the puddle and shoots the opponent upward. This does 10% damage and has KO potential at high damage but the puddle will vanish after 1 use.
Green- traps the opponent in a guck that holds them for 2 seconds(excluding counter) in place. Opponents cannot use attacks while stuck.

Up Special: Koopa Clown Car
Junior pulls out the koopa clown car in a puff of smoke and rides it for 2 seconds and does a somersault out of it with the car vanishing in another smoke puff. He can ram opponents with it if they hit the front part of the car doing very minimal damage. Likewise opponents can destory his clown car it they attack it while in use.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I'd wager it's less than six. The only characters that are about as likely as you can get are Mewtwo, Palutena, Takamaru and Shulk. Although this isn't the popular thing to say; Ridley, King K. Rool and Little Mac are not shoe in characters. They aren't quite in the toss up category, but they definitely are not guarantees (even Shulk is stretching it to some extent).
So yeah, basically they're all shoe-ins.
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