"I'm going to eat all your rings, hedgehog."
Is what is says.
So ANYWHO, I reading over some of the old post it seems like the wonder twins were causing trouble. So I unignored them to see what was going on. Once I did, I was hit with a wave of Spam, needlessly long post and Kuma acting like a 12 year old. I've realized that by ignoring these two, the post quality goes WAY up. Thanks to the rest of you for keeping it interesting.
Yeah, that seems to be common. One thing I've noticed here is there are a few people who just cause trouble. They really don't want to discuss stuff but have their own little circle. I though Kuma wasn't that bad, but then I saw his post and I'm reminded why I ignore him in the first place. Like I said before, there is some good discussion and I like viewing this forum from time to time. I just think there are a few bad apples.
I agree. Part of the reason I'm not here is I'm either working, at school, or investing. We just closed on a property we are turning into an Assisted Living Facility. I'm hoping it does well so, one day, I can quite my J-O-B.
Message board are irrelevant and I feel it attracts some irrelevant people (not everyone, mind you. Just a select few). Like you, I'd probably leave here after Smash 4. Once the game hits, I'd rather be playing it. Not much reason to stick around and talk competitive Smash *shudders*
>The wonder twins....
So what's with you and Chrono trying to turn this into a stupid gang war? You guys are the ones preaching how everyone should get along and people shouldn't circle-jerk, but you also seem to be the most butthurt that everyone isn't bending over to your ideals and opinions.
Is it that hard to accept that other people have different opinions from you? And before you turn around and say that it's us who can't accept the casual crowd, let me remind you that Metal Overlord, Moon Monkey, N3ON and a couple others are non-competitive Smashers and I get along with them just fine, even if we disagree on a couple things. We can agree to disagree even if we take some playful jabs to a couple things. But for you who claims to want the forum to be mature and stuff, you're the one who can't lighten up and has to take everything super-seriously.
It's surprising that you seem to hold a grudge against Me, Kuma, Habanero and whoever else you have blocked because you simply can't accept the way other users behave. The only time I ever blocked someone was when me and Chrono were having our endless wars, but that was only because it was affecting everyone else and it was rather rude of the two of us to blow up the thread with childish fighting, outside of that, I take the moment to read what everyone says. Hell, I've even stood up for you when people have talked **** about you.
Well, whatever man, like I told Chrono. You don't have to like me, I couldn't care less. But at least have the decency to behave like a normal adult and stop trying to start a faction war between competitive-smashers and casual-bros. It's not cool dude.
One last thing, why do we CARE that you have a life outside of this place? Why do you keep bringing it up? You don't see me spouting off on a daily basis about my girlfriend, my job, my personal life, my family and my plans for the future, and I'm the asshole that's constantly derailing the thread into offtopic conversations. If you want me to I could, but this ain't my personal blog, I know my limits, and I know other people aren't interested in hearing about what little asshole annoyed me to today, or how the public transit in this city is constantly on strike, or how much money I'm making at the moment because English is booming in Spain.
It's cool that you have endeavors and ambitions, but let me give you a piece of friendly advice. I'm assuming you must be under 20 years old, because you have that same cocky "I'm king of the world, I know just what I need to get ahead in life, not like those other losers" attitude I had when I was 19, the moment you believe you know everything, is the moment you start to **** up big time. The secret to success is not knowing a lot, but rather admitting that you know nothing and being prepared to listen and learn from others.
If anything, tone down the condescending attitude, honestly it's the main reason people find you rather annoying at times. And this is coming from the jackass who's a self-proclaimed manly badass. Remember, humility is a virtue, arrogance is not.
Ahh, **** it, why am I even bothering, chances are you've blocked me and won't even bother to read it... Oh well.
Chrono, if you would please at least relay to him that I'm not interested in his petty feud... That's all I ask for man.