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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Lets discuss why my roster is realistic lol.

Column 1: All mario characters return and Waluigi joins. He's popular and has been around a while so it makes sense. Though the same could be said about Bowser Jr.

Column 2: All Donkey Kong and Mario spin off characters return. King K. Rool is added for the same reasons Waluigi was.

Column 3: Link, Zelda/Sheik and Ganondorf return but Toon Link is cut for a more unique character Ghirahim who is really popular. More so then other zelda one off's but he might not even be a one off being that Skyward Sword was the most recent title so who knows he could appear again. Also Captain Falcon now is below Ganondorf because of how there movesets are similar.

Column 4: Metroid remains Samus/Zero Suit Samus only and Kid Icarus adds Palutena. Ice Climbers are back and Prince Sable is a new retro rep because of how Sakurai wants to bring more retro characters into the mix and Sable would work great.

Column 5: All Kirby characters return Takamaru is added for the same reason as Prince Sabre but also due to Nintendo Lands inclusion of him. Saki is added due to how requested he was at the time of Brawl that even Sakurai commented on it.

Column 6: All Star Fox characters return, Little Mac is added due to same reasons as Waluigi and King K. Rool. Olimar returns as well.

Column 7: Pikachu and PKMN Trainer return but Lucario and Jigglypuff are removed due to being irrelevant. Mewtwo returns due to massive popularity and is still kind of relevant. Zoroark is added as the new Gen 5 rep.

Column 8: Marth returns but Ike is removed in favor of the newest lord Krom who's game is now the 3rd best selling in the series and the fastest selling title overall. Mr Game & Watch returns due to uniqueness and is a rather popular character because of Smash Bros. Pac Man is in due to Namco Bandai's invlovment and being their mascot.

Ness and Lucas are removed due to irrelevance. Snake and Sonic are removed because they were only guests.

Snake, Ike and Toon Link were three of my mains so its sad to see them go but they have a good chance to.

I got a mostly good reaction on Gamefaqs so hopefully it's the same here. Oh and no Bias please lol. Try to be as unbiased as possible.

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
Lets discuss why my roster is realistic lol.

Try to be as unbiased as possible.
No. I won't contest the additions, but the removals are terrible.
Ness and Jigglypuff have been in since the beginning. Remember what happened with Mewtwo and to a lesser extent Roy? People didn't like to see them go. You even broguht back Mewtwo, so you understand what I'm saying. Irrelevance is an awful awful argument. Ice Climbers had no relevance for years, neither did Pit. This will just be worse if they are removed now.
You even cut ROB. Yes he's an oddball, but he restored Nintendo after the video game crash back before a good amount of us could talk, me included. He's huge with Nintendo.
Hard to fight for Lucas and Ike, but they would be cuts people would hate.
So no, I dont think it seems realistic, and sadly I'm in a rush so i cant say anymore currently.

Deleted member

Yes, because appearing in BW2 and Conquest means they're "irrelevant". :rolleyes:


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Playing the devil's advocate here, but in Conquest there were 200 Pokémon, in B2W2 301. Appearing in them doesn't say all that much.


What struck me this afternoon: Why do people continue using the argument that Toad being part of Peach' moveset is lowering his chances of appearing, but Palutena - who is part of Pit's - keeps popping up in almost everybody's predicted roster?

Deleted member

But heavily advertised for each game? You forgot that tiny detail.
Jigglypuff is owned by a recurring character in Conquest and appears on the cover for the game alongside Legendaries, Mewtwo included.

Lucario was shown in promotional art for BW2 as somewhat of a rival to Zoroark. (this didn't catch on, though)


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
In the end it seemed as though Lucario was used more to promote B/W2 than Zoroark was, despite Zoroark seeming like Gen 5's equivalent to Lucario in the first place. While I'm sure Gamefreak wanted Zoroark to have a repeat of Lucario's popularity, it never really appears to have hit that level and ultimately Lucario still remains popular and heavily promoted. It's one of the reasons why I really don't like the idea of Lucario being replaced by Zoroark in Smash 4.

Also there are 600+ pokemon in existence now, so making it into Conquest and B/W2 is nothing to sneeze at.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
Playing the devil's advocate here, but in Conquest there were 200 Pokémon, in B2W2 301. Appearing in them doesn't say all that much.


What struck me this afternoon: Why do people continue using the argument that Toad being part of Peach' moveset is lowering his chances of appearing, but Palutena - who is part of Pit's - keeps popping up in almost everybody's predicted roster?
I think they are other reasons behind it.Like,the amount of playable characters from Mario vs the amount of playable characters from Kid Icarus.Also,Palutena is a central part of Uprising since her goddess powers help Pit during his journey.Also,in the original Kid Icarus she was in need of being saved from the evil Medusa,and playing as those princesses and kicking butts with them is part of the fun of Smash Bros since Melee on the Gamecube,plus there`s never enough women in Smash Bros so a few more wouldn`t hurt the roster.

That`s why Palutena is mentionned a lot in fan rosters.As for Toad,i dont think a lot of people likes him to begin with,but i throught of a way to make him playable and i think he could be a fun character to play as especially for those who mostly play Smash Bros for fun.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Aw man, I thought that this would be his first post I don't utterly despise, and it wasn't, until he said: 'Plus there's never enough women in Smash Bros' the rest is BS.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Yes, because appearing in BW2 and Conquest means they're "irrelevant". :rolleyes:
I totally forgot about that lol. Also Ice Climbers are considered retro so that's why they are there. And perhaps Ness and Lucas would be best to remain which I would prefer So i'll add them back. Maybe R.O.B. too.

EDIT: New Roster:

Same reasons as before but I added Ness, Lucas, Jigglypuff and R.O.B. back.

Also Mii option for character creation.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
What struck me this afternoon: Why do people continue using the argument that Toad being part of Peach' moveset is lowering his chances of appearing, but Palutena - who is part of Pit's - keeps popping up in almost everybody's predicted roster?
Pit's FS is based upon how he fought bosses in the original KI, to which Palutena was never really involved, so her appearance in his FS is purely for show, unlike Toad who is the move itself. It's also somewhat of a good bet now anyway that due to Uprising Pit's FS will change.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
Toad as a playable character isn`t a bad idea.I dont think he`ll be in because of how people seems to hate him but he could work with the proper care and attention.

His playstyle could be based on how he played in Mario Kart and SMB2,heck he could use a Mario Kart-like mechanic as part of his specials moves so he could do the same sorts of tricks as in Mario Kart.I`m not sure about a final smash but it could be something creative just for Smash Bros.An alternate costume for him could be Toadette and his stage could be based on Mario Kart much like Brawl.

I think he would be fun to play as.I should revisit my roster and add him somehow alongside other changes.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
Toad as a playable character isn`t a bad idea.I dont think he`ll be in because of how people seems to hate him but he could work with the proper care and attention.

His playstyle could be based on how he played in Mario Kart and SMB2,heck he could use a Mario Kart-like mechanic as part of his specials moves so he could do the same sorts of tricks as in Mario Kart.I`m not sure about a final smash but it could be something creative just for Smash Bros.An alternate costume for him could be Toadette and his stage could be based on Mario Kart much like Brawl.

I think he would be fun to play as.I should revisit my roster and add him somehow alongside other changes.
I don't think Toad is a hated character, some people just don't think of him as a likely candidate for Smash.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2011
So he is supposed to use his turbo special? That golden mushroom? How is he going to be played like in Mario Kart in a fighting game?


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Or, you know, have him sitting in his kart and walking around on his hands to show his superhuman strength.
Or he could carry his kart around, tossing it like it were a boomerang.

Oh, the possibilities, Sakurai!


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
My Fanmade Roster


Bowser Jr
King Boo
Dr. Mario
Paper Mario


Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Cranky Kong
King K Rool


Baby Mario Bros
Baby Bowser


Kat + Ana
Captain Syrup

Legend Of Zelda

Zelda/ Sheik
Skull Kid
Young Link
Toon Link
Toon Zelda
Toon Ganondorf


Dark Samus

Kid Icarus

Dark Pit


Meta Knight
King Dedede
Bandana Dee
Knuckle Joe
Dark Matter



Animal Crossing

Tom Nook
Mr. Resetti
K K Slider
Animal Crosser

Star Fox



Captain Falcon
Samurai Goroh
Black Shadow
Jody Summers


Pokemon Trainer Red
Pokemon Trainer May

Fire Emblum




Punch Out

Little Mac
Doc Louis

Misc/ Retro

Balloon Fighter
Ice Climbers
Chibbi Robo
Mr. Game and Watch

3rd Party

Lloyd Irving
Cloud Strife
Travis Touchdown


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
So he is supposed to use his turbo special? That golden mushroom? How is he going to be played like in Mario Kart in a fighting game?
The power-up mechanic from the Mario Kart game is part of his special moves but his regular attacks are original,here`s a quick moveset idea;

Toad goes into a selection pose which last about 1-2 seconds and if done without being interrumpted,a random slot in his character icon start to browse an item at random;
-When he`s winning,he gets the less effectives items like bananas peels and singles shells and mushrooms
-When he`s starting to fall behind,he gets more-effective items,like triple-mushrooms and triple shells
-When he`s losing a game,he gets the best items like triple red shells and golden mushroom

each items is very akin to their uses in Mario Kart;
-the bananas makes people slip on the ground and knock them down in mid-air
-the green shells and forward projectiles that knock people away
-the red shells is like the green shells except with homing proprieties
-the false items boxes serves as traps that knocks people away
-the mushrooms propulse Toad forward and knock people around on contact,can also be used for recovery purpose
-triple items works like in Mario Kart;you press the button to activate them and they stay on Toad until he`s hit or he used them


This is the button that uses the selected item.You press it to use the item and you can hold down the button to do tricks like holding-off a bunch of bananas or shells so you can extend his otherwise poor attacking range.


Toad bring his Mario Kart vehicule into action.Similar to Wario`s bike in a way,except a lot faster and lighter,also items like triple shells and bananas can be used with this move for crazy stuffs.


A charged jump ala SMB2

Final Smash;

The blue shell that destroy people in Mario Kart.The winner of the game,or the opponent,gets locked-on auto and if hit it`s a massive explosion that can kill someone with a high damage percentage.

Toad`s playstyle would basically be a precision-heavy character who has a variety of tools like his kart and item box mechanic to extend his attack reach,to play a zooning game or to get close to his opponents for precise blows.Basically a character for those who loves Mario Kart and for those who can harness the potential of his item box mechanic.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
That is definitely a wishlist roster. While it is a fanmade roster, it is way to large and includes fairly minor characters to be considered a prediction roster. However, wishlist rosters generally have no rules and rating/critiquing them is fairly impossible since, well, the character choice is wholly dependent on the makers preferences. Therefore, likeliness can't really be argued.


Smash Rookie
Oct 17, 2012
United States
Aye wassup everyone? I'm new :3
I got 2 things to share on Universe:
1. Link: Link BETTER be buffed cuz they nerfed him too hard in melee and didn't compensate enough in brawl. He needs to be more like he was in 64... And on this note they needa nerf Snake's recovery... I mean, they don't have to but it'd make the fanboys calm down a lil.. And to be honest, I think all the originals should get a little buff at least, except falcon cuz he's already balanced.. Yoshi needs a huge buff..

2. Gamespeed/gameplay: They should speed it up just a little bit, but not as much as they did melee. Melee was a lil too frantic.. I could handle it, but most people I know couldn't
get into it cuz they couldn't keep up with all the movement lol.

Take out tripping.. tripping is just.... just no.. So many of my combos have been screwed up cuz of it.. just take it out..

Last thing I think they should change, is making the game less about "advanced techniques" and more about actual strategy. Kinda like older fighting games, where you didn't find a way around the normal playstyle, you just kinda used what you had and developed strategies based on that. But of course they shouldn't limit the creative players. They should add an option kinda like handicap, only it's a damage/speed scale. For people who like to bombslide and edgehog, they should have a speed scale, and for people who don't do as much of that and rely more on the uniqueness of their character, they should have a damage scale. Of course it'd take a beta phase to get it right, but I think they could pull it off.

But yea.. Those r just my opinions, feel free to disagree; I'm open to constructive criticism. :)

EDIT: Add another range-based character: Megaman. Also, I know I'm gonna get alotta crap for this, add a league of legends character.. There's so many one's that'd be so cool to play on smash bros. like Xin Zhao or Cho Gath.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
Add another range-based character: Megaman. Also, I know I'm gonna get alotta crap for this, add a league of legends character.. There's so many one's that'd be so cool to play on smash bros. like Xin Zhao or Cho Gath.
Just a friendly reminder, characters that haven't appeared on Nintendo consoles cannot be in a Smash game, so it is impossible for a LoL character to ever be in Smash.

Sir Ilpalazzo

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
With Krom, a lot of us have yet to see him as his own character, which is the definitive factor for inclusion. If they don't add anything to the game, why add them? Being a descendant of Marth (not to mention using his sword too), borrowing Ike's special attack, having abilities that mirror Roy's (minus the flame sword), as well as heavy design comparisons to the former characters certainly doesn't help.
I do agree with that. I'm not sure what could be done to make Krom a totally unique character. I have to admit that I don't know how he could be made to fit well alongside Marth and Ike, although I'm not much of a moveset guy.

I don't think his design would be too much of a problem. He doesn't look too similar to the two FE characters already in Brawl.

Anyway I might as well ask what your current roster bet is. Also, as an FE fanboy, I must ask that when you mentioned Ike's Awakening cameo, are you referring to DLC or his descendant Paris? lol[/QUOTE]

I don't really have a clear idea of what I think the roster will be like. I do think there will be a few less newcomers from Brawl and I think there will probably be at least a few cuts (although I hope there aren't), but not as many as Brawl had.

The only reason I'd see a need for that is advertising. Mewtwo would bring more people to smash because he's more well known and among smash players generates more hype than Zoroark does not to mention he would tick everybody off if he wasn't brought back. This totally has potential to build a hate base for his Zoroark IMO. Zoroark would be better for advertising the Black and White games. Granted B&W2 have just been coming out recently but, how long before the next gen comes in. B&W came out in 2010 and by the time Smash comes out it will be probably 3 years old with the next gen fast closing in. Most gens only last 3-4 years before the next steps in:

Gen 1: 1996-1999 remake in 2005
Gen 2: 1999-2002 remake in 2009
Gen 3: 2002-2006 remake in ???
Gen 4: 2006-2010
Gen 4: 2010-???

This means 3/4 of it's lifespan will have already been used up and wouldn't make it that great of an advertisement for either. Each Pokemon series usually has 2 simultaneous versions come out and then a second installment comes out. With B&W's 2nd installment already out there isn't much more to advertise for. At least for Lucario the second installment, "Platinum" hadn't come out yet.

Zoroark makes people who play/watch gen 5 wanna play smash, while Mewtwo makes people who play/watch Pokemon wanna play Smash. Not only that but he will he appeal to people who played Melee and missed him in brawl. Secondly, if we just start cutting characters for the sake of adding in the newest, that's going to cause outrage among established fans. Sakurai probably realizes this too as it's hard not to notice when Roy and Mewtwo are two of the most requested characters for Smash4.
I'm reminded of that quote where Sakurai said something like "Smash Bros. can't go on indefinitely because we can't just keep adding new characters forever, the amount of worthy characters is going to run out eventually". I'm not saying Mewtwo isn't worthy, but Black and White will still be relevant by the time SSB4 comes out (unless the next set of Pokemon games comes out really fast) and I still think a new character will get in before Mewtwo does. I don't think the hatebase thing you mention would really be an issue; I doubt too many people think like that.

The bolded are the only ones I would expect to get in. Balloon Fighter is not getting in, Mii and Waddle Dee will probably not make it in, Krom could happen but I'm not seeing it. As for Toad and Zoroark, they're definitely contenders, but they do have some serious issues that might keep them from a playable position.
Why do you think Miis are so unlikely? I don't really like the idea, but Nintendo puts them in everything now. They are pretty much Nintendo's biggest new "character" in a while. The only way I can see a Mii not getting in is if Sakurai still thinks that they're too "casual".

To be honest, aside from Waddle Dee, I think every character on Arcadenik's list there is pretty likely.

The only characters I would call shoe-ins are Krom, Palutena, and a Mii. I think Pokemon is practically guaranteed to get a B/W character as well.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
The closest thing to a shoe in is Ridley and Little Mac. K Rool, Dixie, Medusa, Palutena, Toad, Bowser Jr, Roy, Krom, Zoroark, and Mewtwo each have great competition. Megaman has the whole Guest, so he is not 100 likely.


Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
I'm reminded of that quote where Sakurai said something like "Smash Bros. can't go on indefinitely because we can't just keep adding new characters forever, the amount of worthy characters is going to run out eventually". I'm not saying Mewtwo isn't worthy, but Black and White will still be relevant by the time SSB4 comes out (unless the next set of Pokemon games comes out really fast) and I still think a new character will get in before Mewtwo does. I don't think the hatebase thing you mention would really be an issue; I doubt too many people think like that.
I've thought about it for a while, and I've come to the conclusion that characters such as Mewtwo and Roy have a much better chance of returning than characters like Zoroark and Krom have of making the cut for the first time. I think that Sakurai may make an effort to include characters like Zoroark and Krom, but I also believe that they will be lowest priority for characters of their own franchises.

My reasoning is based on a couple of things. First of all, it is undeniable that Mewtwo and Roy are two of the most requested characters for SSB4, and from what we know of the Japanese fanbase, Mewtwo and Roy are far more popular there than any other newcomer possibility.

Reviving characters with such massive support and fan demand will surely generate positive feedback. Sure, people will be disappointed if their favorite characters that are not yet playable do not make the cut, but most will still be satisfied with the roster nonetheless. What causes even more disappointment is when characters are cut, like Mewtwo and Roy. So I believe that if these characters are revived with their current popularity and demand, people would generally be more satisfied than if they were not revived and less popular newcomers were introduced instead. Surely this matters when deciding upon the roster.

I know it might seem strange for the latest and greatest of each series to be absent from the roster since the past two installments have done otherwise, but if the development of past titles is any indication (it definitely is), it shows us that it is definitely a possibility that we will not see the latest and greatest from each generation.

Also, I am not saying that both Zoroark and Mewtwo can make the cut as well as both Roy and Krom (although I don't think either of those would be safe bets), I'm only saying that I believe that Mewtwo and Roy are far more likely and the other two would be lower priority.

SmasherMaster said:
The closest thing to a shoe in is Ridley and Little Mac. K Rool, Dixie, Medusa, Palutena, Toad, Bowser Jr, Roy, Krom, Zoroark, and Mewtwo each have great competition. Megaman has the whole Guest, so he is not 100 likely.
There are only five characters that I would consider shoe-ins, and those characters are Dixie Kong, King K. Rool, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Roy.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I do agree with that. I'm not sure what could be done to make Krom a totally unique character. I have to admit that I don't know how he could be made to fit well alongside Marth and Ike, although I'm not much of a moveset guy.

I don't think his design would be too much of a problem. He doesn't look too similar to the two FE characters already in Brawl.
Besides talk of his own version of Aether, I haven't heard or seen too much originally from him. Have heard of some talk about him becoming a balance between Marth and Ike though. But whatever, I'm fine with either Roy or Krom, whoever Sakurai thinks will add more is good enough for me. A lot of us doubt Krom because we know so little about him.

As for design, I guess you weren't around for the "Krom is the new Ike" claims people were making when FE13 was first announced. Of course that's mostly stopped ever since Paris came about. Also 3 blue haired swordsmen is kinda weird when you think about it. lol

I don't really have a clear idea of what I think the roster will be like. I do think there will be a few less newcomers from Brawl and I think there will probably be at least a few cuts (although I hope there aren't), but not as many as Brawl had.
Aw you're no fun.

Speaking of cuts though, what's your take on 3rd parties then?

Deleted member

Sir Ilpalazzo said:
Why do you think Miis are so unlikely? I don't really like the idea, but Nintendo puts them in everything now. They are pretty much Nintendo's biggest new "character" in a while. The only way I can see a Mii not getting in is if Sakurai still thinks that they're too "casual".
The bolded is exactly why I feel the Mii's have low odds of getting in. It's not that they aren't worthy of a spot (they definitely are), but that I have a hard time seeing Sakurai viewing Mii's as characters that can fit in Smash.
Sir Ilpalazzo said:
To be honest, aside from Waddle Dee, I think every character on Arcadenik's list there is pretty likely.
With Balloon Fighter, I don't see why Sakurai would add Balloon Fighter to the roster.

My main issues with Krom is his similarities he possess with Marth and Ike (which looks to be a little more than subtle recognition) and him being "expected but not wanted". He's not one of those additions that I can see many people caring about in the long run. The Japanese barely request Krom and not many people in the West support his inclusion as well. Roy outdoes him in uniqueness and popularity within the Smash community.

Zoroark and Toad are a much harder subject for me. On the one hand, I can easily see good reasons why they might get picked for Smash, but I can also see some things holding them back. For Zoroark, I feel his biggest advantage is his 5th gen mascot status and decent popularity (enough to push him out of the "expected, but not wanted status" if only barely), but I don't think Sakurai is going to push for him and it's still unknown if the Pokemon Company will do so or not and if so, I believe Mewtwo and Lucario will receive priority first. Slightly below 50/50 in odds if you ask me.

Toad I would say has the best shot out of the ones being mentioned of being in mainly due to massive popularity, most important Mario character not added yet, and high demands to be in Smash (though that could also be said for Waluigi (who is almost certainly not getting in), so I'm not sure how much this holds up). Definitely among the Top 7 most deserving additions, but I think it all comes down to if Sakurai sees him as fighting-capable, in which there's mixed evidence (as he has mentioned Toad's strength, but also his peaceful nature). If Sakurai can see his fighting potential, he'll almost certainly be in, but if he mainly looks at his peaceful nature, he'll be relegated to Peach's B again. But we'll see.
Sir Ilpalazzo said:
The only characters I would call shoe-ins are Krom, Palutena, and a Mii. I think Pokemon is practically guaranteed to get a B/W character as well.
I don't think anyone is a shoe-in at this moment (except Mewtwo if it is the most wanted character), but I do think that Mewtwo, King K. Rool, and Palutena are pretty safe bets.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
By the way, popularity is not everything. Just because something is popular doesn't mean everything whether you think it or not. It's actually a blend of factors to add characters, sometimes intentionally or unintentionally depending on the scenario. But one thing that disproves "popularity is everything" is that each game adds characters nobody anticipates for the sake of surprise or diversity, with some examples being Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Ice Climbers, Pokemon Trainer, or even Snake.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
By the way, popularity is not everything. Just because something is popular doesn't mean everything whether you think it or not. It's actually a blend of factors to add characters, sometimes intentionally or unintentionally depending on the scenario. But one thing that disproves "popularity is everything" is that each game adds characters nobody anticipates for the sake of surprise or diversity, with some examples being Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Ice Climbers, Pokemon Trainer, or even Snake.
To be fair though, three of those are retro characters and don't really need to be that popular because of what they stand for. Not only that but I'm pretty sure nobody saw Pokemon trainer as a feasible choice anyways because the idea itself was almost too unique. But even so, it added 2 of the most popular pokemon in history(Squirtle and Charizard) along with another well known starter(evolution) but less popular pokemon(Ivysaur). Lastly, Snake was requested from Konami and whether or not he was popular for smash doesn't change the fact that Snake is one of the most popular video game characters.

Deleted member

By the way, popularity is not everything. Just because something is popular doesn't mean everything whether you think it or not. It's actually a blend of factors to add characters, sometimes intentionally or unintentionally depending on the scenario. But one thing that disproves "popularity is everything" is that each game adds characters nobody anticipates for the sake of surprise or diversity, with some examples being Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Ice Climbers, Pokemon Trainer, or even Snake.
Would have included Waluigi in my roster if I though popularity was the only factor (which is pretty much the only thing Waluigi has going for him). Nowhere did I state that popularity was the only factor.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
god how many times are Mewtwo and Roy going to brought up this month. lol.

We get it they're popular. So is Ridley, Little Mac and Isaac and don't see us stressing our point over and over again.

popularity however only plays a mediocre part when choosing characters. It's good but it's not just how a character gets in. Doesn't matter how popular they are, Sakurai has the last say.

You think he's going to give in all because this character is popular he's going to look at other things too. Such as

How can i create a moveset? How can i make him unique? Is he too big? or too small?
How much time do i have? and how many characters can i get on the roster becomes it becomes overdue and off balance.

Time factor plays a big part too. According to the theories. Mewtwo was left off because of time constraints? Who's to say it can't happen again?


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
How can i create a moveset? How can i make him unique? Is he too big? or too small?
How much time do i have? and how many characters can i get on the roster becomes it becomes overdue and off balance.
All of those have already been addressed except Roster size maybe a few new moves.

Time factor plays a big part too. According to the theories. Mewtwo was left off because of time constraints? Who's to say it can't happen again?
With the fact that they is so highly requested, priority for them will probably go up.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
With the fact that they is so highly requested, priority for them will probably go up.
I remember during the pre-Brawl days people we`re requesting Wario,Pit,Metaknight and Zero Suit Samus and dozens of other characters.Those four made it but not all of the rest.I could see some of the requests like Mewtwo and Little Mac making it but others like K.Rool and Megaman not making it for a variety of reasons.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
I get that Roy is popular in Japan and all, but he still hasn't played a big role in any western released Fire Emblem game so I really don't see the point in having him in Smash. It boggles my mind why people in the west want this guy in the game when there's so many more and better Fire Emblem characters to choose from. It can't be good advertising for Fire Emblem (a big reason why they were included in the first place) if the 3-4 characters in Smash are all so much alike. There isn't a whole lot to work with to make each of them feel completely unique. I'd be very dissapointed if there wasn't atleast 1 character that isn't a young (blue haired) male swordwielding lord.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I get that Roy is popular in Japan and all, but he still hasn't played a big role in any western released Fire Emblem game so I really don't see the point in having him in Smash. It boggles my mind why people in the west want this guy in the game when there's so many more and better Fire Emblem characters to choose from. It can't be good advertising for Fire Emblem (a big reason why they were included in the first place) if the 3-4 characters in Smash are all so much alike. There isn't a whole lot to work with to make each of them feel completely unique. I'd be very dissapointed if there wasn't atleast 1 character that isn't a young (blue haired) male swordwielding lord.
People want him because he was already in Smash and was fun to play as. It's as simple as that. Roy could also easily be made unique by emphasizing the flame in his moveset and/or having him use more stabbing or thrusting(hurr) moves.

Also, Roy doesn't have blue hair. Not sure what that was about...

Edit: Also wanted to point out that Sakurai originally picked Roy because he felt that Roy's flame sword made him more potentially unique from Marth than any of the other main characters/lords that he had to choose from.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
People want him because he was already in Smash and was fun to play as. It's as simple as that. Roy could also easily be made unique by emphasizing the flame in his moveset and/or having him use more stabbing or thrusting(hurr) moves.

Also, Roy doesn't have blue hair. Not sure what that was about...

Edit: Also wanted to point out that Sakurai originally picked Roy because he felt that Roy's flame sword made him more potentially unique from Marth than any of the other main characters/lords that he had to choose from.
The blue hair was between brackets because it counted for 3/4 of the characters people expect for FE(Marth, Ike, Krom), figured people would realise I know the colour of Roy's hair.
Since he didn't make it in Brawl, he doesn't have the benefit of the Smash games keeping him relevant. That leaves an open spot for characters that have more uniqueness among Marth and Ike for characters like Lyn, Micaiah, Black Knight, Hector, Ephraim/Eirika,...

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
Hair seriously shouldn't be an issue, it's what can be added to the game. Not everyone's hair color


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
The blue hair was between brackets because it counted for 3/4 of the characters people expect for FE(Marth, Ike, Krom), figured people would realise I know the color of Roy's hair.
Since he didn't make it in Brawl, he doesn't have the benefit of the Smash games keeping him relevant. That leaves an open spot for characters that have more uniqueness among Marth and Ike for characters like Lyn, Micaiah, Black Knight, Hector, Ephraim/Eirika,...
Those characters would all make fine addition, but none of them generate even half the popularity of Roy among Smash fans. People care more about playing their favorite characters than they do a unique one, not to say Roy could't unique. Secondly, relevancy isn't an issue when one, that character has already been in a smash game and two, a whole bunch of FE characters(including Roy) are in the latest FE game.
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