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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Which ones? Alisa is in Project X Zone on the 3DS, Bayonetta is getting a WiiU exclusive, Travis has two Wii games, Megaman, Chun Li, and Simon need no explanation, and Lloyd had Tales of Symphonia on the GC.
Alisa and Bayonetta. Neither of those games you mentioned are even out yet, so it's unlikely that Sakurai will take those into consideration.

Also, my support for Alisa, is simply because if we're getting a NAMCO character, she's the only one of their IP's I'd really like to see, simply because of the gameplay opportunities. Lloyd I don't care much for. Never played a Klonoa game, Pacman is boring, and anything from Tekken and SC is too generic and lame to fit in Smash (not to say the games are bad, but it's be like having Ryu in smash, too bland). The only other character from NAMCO that draws my attention is the girl from Xenosaga, I forget her name, but her robotic character design sure is interesting.
That'd be KOS-MOS. While I disagree with you on Alisa being likely, I have to agree with you on Pac-Man.

Where are you pulling these Lists from? Because it sounds like you are pulling them from your ***. ROB isn't exactly B- list material himself. Neither was Ness back when Smash 1 came out, the same could be said for Falcon. I agree with Armadillo, and the chick from Last Story.
I never said all the characters in Smash were even B-Listers. I'm not referring to an actual list, I'm just using the term B-list and C-list to refer to Nintendo characters who aren't as popular as Nintendo's true A-list(e.g. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon).

Especially the top 4: MM Link, Lyndis, Ridley and Paletunia. Those are all from strong 1st party franchises (sadly my two most wanted have the lowest chance, but Lyn WAS an assist trophy, so who knows). Meowth as well, but I'm indifferent on his inclusion either way, I would prefer him over Puff, but if he doesn't make it, no big.
I can agree with you on Ridley, and maybe on Paulenta. Lyndis? Eh, maybe. Really, she seems about as likely as any other Fire Emblem lord at this point, with her only advantage being that people outside the FE commnity know who she is. Personally, if we're sticking with female Lords, I'd rather we got Micaiah, but that's just me. And you are just plain wrong on MM Link.

Deleted member

Alisa and Bayonetta. Neither of those games you mentioned are even out yet, so it's unlikely that Sakurai will take those into consideration.
Agreed, Bayo has a decent chance, it's a good marketing move on Ninty's part. But that's just my opinion.

That'd be KOS-MOS. While I disagree with you on Alisa being likely, I have to agree with you on Pac-Man.
Yeah, I was reading some info on KOS-MOS and I like the concept and ideas behind her character, it'd be nice to see her in Smash as well, and its a series I plan on checking out. Also, you must have misunderstood, Alisa has a very slim chance of making it, actually reading about Xenosaga, KOS-MOS has a better chance, and hers is also very slim. Alisa (and now KOS-MOS) are both pipe dreams. Her character would simply be a very cool and unique character. And out of NAMCO, the most interesting.

I never said all the characters in Smash were even B-Listers. I'd classify the ones you listed as C-listers.
I was just asking for some sources dude, too many people make empty claims. Point is, Shulk, Rainbow, Isaac, and Little Mac have as good a chance as, Ness and C.Falcon did in Smash 1, and IC, G&W, and ROB did in Smash 2 & 3.

I can agree with you on Ridley, and maybe on Paulenta. Lyndis? Eh, maybe. Really, she seems about as likely as any other Fire Emblem lord at this point, with her only advantage being that people know who she is. Personally, if we're sticking with female Lords, I'd rather we got Micaiah, but that's just me. And you are just plain wrong on MM Link.
As much as I hate to say it, I feel Roy and Krom have better odds than Lyn, well not too sure on Roy actually. However, Lyn is pretty high in Nipp popularity polls on FE lords as well. Krom being the MOST popular, and Ike being the second most popular. In fact if I recal correctly, she was above Marth. I can't give sauce, I sorry, it's a pic from some magazine someone posted on /v/ weeks ago. I would prefer Lyn over Michaiah personally. Lyn's more notorious, and her swordplay is unique. We don't have ANY samurai. Plus we have Zelda as a mage already.

Also, you seem to have misunderstood on MM Link, unless you're saying he's quite popular. His chances are VERY slim. MM was over nearly a decade ago, and even though it is subjectively (my opinion) the best Zelda, that's not enough to merit his inclusion. Now the gameplay possibilities with the Masks do. But including him would be hinting at a revival of MM. Which is unlikely. Not to mention, the masses prefer what's popular now. That's why so many drooling idiots want Ghirahim and Groose as playable characters rather than simply adding them as Assists or Bosses.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Okay but using relevancy as an argument is a dangerous game,just saying.Because if you look sorely at relevancy you could cut a whole bunch of characters from the roster.
When i did I say relevancy is the only defining way to speculate. There are many ways to look at speculation from them. Relevancy is just one of the ways to look at roster speculation.

And you`re forgetting that gameplay matter the most and it`s the main reason why many requested characters wont make it.
Again, when did I ever mention gameplay. Oh wait, when I mentioned that King K. Rool, Zoroark, Pac Man, and Krom have a decent chance of appearing in Smash 4? Aside from Pac Man and possibly Krom, King K. Rool and Zoroark have workable and interesting play styles that can be integrated into Smash. Just take a look into their respective Support threads and there are amazing ideas being thrown around in their how they can be implemented successfully into Smash 4. same goes with Pac Man and Krom.

Beside,fans` requests isn`t the only factor that goes under a roster and Sakurai will be throwing his own characters as well as Namco and probably several Nintendo people as well.
Yet you kept on harping on requests in the post I quoted. I think the following are important when considering character inclusion:

Popularity (including requests)
Workability (how well they can be implemented into Smash)
Playability (Play style and move set potential)
History (History within their franchise and Nintendo)
Representation (how well they can represent their franchise)
Quirkiness (while not a huge factor, Sakurai has added several quirky characters in the past and it is something to look into. The WTF factor.)
Sakurai's Opinions (This can never be fully predicted)

I am pretty sure a vast majority of Smash speculators, such as you and I, use guidelines similar to these; whether they be a offshoot or modified version.

In that sense,my roster is more realistic because i goes beyond fans` requests and into characters that could be fun to play as.
I recently just took a look at your recent roster and I must say it is much better than the previous one. I see you added back some of the veterans such as Peach, Bowser, Jigg, Mewtwo, and Zero Suit Samus which is always a plus. I do question your decision to replace Diddy Kong with a Diddy/Dixie hybrid and Ganondorf with Ghirahim. I am pretty sure a vast amount of people would prefer Diddy over Dixie and Ganondorf over Ghirahim but I can the reasoning behind your decision.

However, I do still question why you took out King Dedede since he has been planned since the 64 days, remained the highest requested character for Japanese players pre-Melee and pre-Brawl, and is a fairly successful character with a interesting and unique move set. I would like to hear your reasons behind his absence. I also question the ditching of Palutena. While rumors are abound about KI not continuing, we also thought that was true for Smash yet here we are, yet again, speculating about Smash 4. Palutena as well would have a very unique move set and playability. It also doesn't hurt that Sakurai was in charge of that game. I would say put Palutena back in. I also wonder why you ditched Shulk. I can see the reasoning behind that but Xenoblade is the first game by Monolith Soft after becoming apart of Nintendo. I would say he has a good chance of becoming playable. Both Shulk, Isaac, and Saki are considered competitors for a Misc. character slot and many think that at least one of them will be playable. I am also interested in why you took out Shulk but don't have at least one those characters in the game. They are all relatively popular and unique characters with considerable fan support. Finally, you also cut Olimar and didn't add a Pikmin newcomer. IMO, Pikmin is staying. It is debatable whether Olimar will stay or not but, regardless, we will see a Pikin rep. It is a important, popular, and new series that is seeing a third installment for the Wii U.

I also see that you got rid of Yoshimitsu. While a popular character within Namco, he is requested a lot less than Pac Man. Additionally, KOSMOS isn't requested as much either sadly. As for Bayonetta, her inclusion as slowly grown on me but I still don't think her chances are that high. In fact, I would say people are overestimating her likeliness a bit.

Also,how can people like a character whose game you didn`t even played yet:bee:
I admit I have never played a game from F-Zero, Mother, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun, Sin and Punishment, Punch-Out, Xenoblade, Advanced Wars, and not a huge fan of Pac Man. In fact, I actually dislike his addition but I recognize him as one of the more likely Namco candidates. Yet, I would love to see Black Shadow or Samurai Goroh, Ness and Lucas return to the Masked Man, Palutena, Krom, Roy, or Ike, Isaac, Saki, Little Mac, Shulk, and Andy make an appearance based on what they can do for Smash Bros. So while I am not a huge fan of the series and characters, I still support their inclusion and feel they would represent their franchise well. Hell, I don't even like Zoroark but I admit that the Illusion technique will be an interested addition into Smash. So, yeah, it is entirely possible to support a character whose game you haven't played.

And Pacman is nowhere as requested as Sonic was,
Again, when I did I say that? He does have a fair amount of support/requests. However, his relationship with Namco and the gaming history is what could put his foot into the door for a roster spot. The only 3rd party character that has the fan support close to Sonic is Megaman and even that is a stretch.

people are overestimating K.Rool importance
He's a popular and important character for the DK franchise and is easily considered a possible newcomer. He is a villain and, while absent in DKCR, he has been made playable in various Mario spinoff games. He constantly appears in the top 5 of both Western and Japanese polls. As we saw since the 564, highly requested characters such as Ridley does not make them a certain lock. Thus, I am not arguing that K. Rool is a lock. I am arguing that his high popularity and likeliness is not, as you said, overestimated. He is popular because he is a popular pick. I am interested though: do you like King K. Rool within the Donkey Kong franchise or even the Donkey Kong franchise as a whole?

and Sakurai wont chase Megaman if he doesn`t want him in the game.
Sakurai does not chase. If the idea is brought to him and he likes it, he will include it. That basically means that the 3rd party company has to come to Sakurai in order to include a character. I am not sure if Sakurai contacted Sega or vice-versa but, in the case of Snake, Konami came to Sakurai asking to include Snake (again, I forgot who the dudes name is. The guy who is buddy buddy with Sakurai). However, from Inafune's comments during Pre-Brawl, it shows that Sakurai does not come to a company asking for a character.

Well, I really do love Super Smash Brothers. It's a great series...but, Nintendo hasn't asked me yet if they can use Mega Man in their game. I'm still waiting...we have a little bit of time left, it's not coming out for another few months. They might get around to asking us if we'd like to put Mega Man in Super Smash Brothers. Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they'll give me a call.

It looked like Capcom was waiting for Nintendo to make the move. However, during Brawl's development, the idea of 3rd party support was fairly new and a unexplored territory. If Konami hadn't came to Sakurai and begged, we wouldn't have seen Snake and, possibly, Sonic. Snake basically opened the door to 3rd party characters and, with their success, Sakurai is much more opened to 3rd party characters this time around if you read his statements about them. That is not to say we will see Snake, Sonic, Megaman, ray Man, Bomberman, Pac Man, Ryu, Cloud, Sephiroth, five Sonic characters, Master Chief, Banjo, Conker, etc etc. However, 3rd party support will be more welcoming this time around IMO.

As for Megaman in Smash 4, this is what Capcom has to say about it:


I think it's particularly interesting that the SF producer made a note on Megaman and his Smash inclusion. It shows that Capcom is aware of Megaman's fan demand. As well, Megaman's MvC3 absence should not be considered a basis to not including Megaman in Smash 4. My opinion is that, for a Megaman rep, they went with Zero and Tronn Bonne instead. To switch around the roster considering Megaman has appeared in a horde of cross over games. That is a discussion for a entirely different subject though.

You can be realistic if you want but what you`re saying isn`t.
While your second roster has improved IMO, I still feel some inclusions such as the Wonderful 101, NSAF, KOSMOS, and Bayonette to be fairly unrealistic as well the absence of King Dedede, Ganondorf, Diddy, Olimar, etc. No roster is truly realistic and efforts to make a roster look as realistic as possible only causes it to become more rigid and biased. I think it is important to remain unbiased and even include characters you don't particularly like but recognize that they are popular. You can create a realistic roster while looking at growing and logical popular trends and opinions within speculation groups.

Gonna jump in to say this.

Believing there are no patterns is just as foolish as looking for patterns. You have to recognize that they do exist, but not look just at that. You have to take a middle road stance.

EDIT:I got pranked. I have no idea what this means.
I think patterns only exist by how we perceive them. So yes, they exist but O don't think Sakurai or his team abides by them. Looking at patterns, then yeah, we will most likely get another Retro character in Smash 4. However, this is not a definite lock and there is the chance we won't see the pattern continue.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I was just asking for some sources dude, too many people make empty claims. Point is, Shulk, Rainbow, Isaac, and Little Mac have as good a chance as, Ness and C.Falcon did in Smash 1, and IC, G&W, and ROB did in Smash 2 & 3.
I revised what I said in my earlier post, but I'll say it again: I wasn't referring to any specific list, I just use the term B-list and C-list to describe Nintendo franchises that aren't the most popular or successful.

Also, you seem to have misunderstood on MM Link, unless you're saying he's quite popular. His chances are VERY slim. MM was over nearly a decade ago, and even though it is subjectively (my opinion) the best Zelda, that's not enough to merit his inclusion. Now the gameplay possibilities with the Masks do. But including him would be hinting at a revival of MM. Which is unlikely. Not to mention, the masses prefer what's popular now. That's why so many drooling idiots want Ghirahim and Groose as playable characters rather than simply adding them as Assists or Bosses.
I thought this was a prediction roster. My bad, but I feel that you could have been a little more clear on the matter.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Hold on, your's is a dream rooster? Sorry, I just noticed that. I wasted so much time typing up stuff... But, I still want to respond to something.

Not to mention, the masses prefer what's popular now. That's why so many drooling idiots want Ghirahim and Groose as playable characters rather than simply adding them as Assists or Bosses.
...Okay, you just seriously crossed a line here. It's one thing to post a dream rooster. It's a whole nother boat to insult a whole fanbase. Tell me, what makes us Ghirahim fans 'drooling idiots'? Is it because he is flavor of the month right now? Neither is a reason to insult people who like him.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
I recently just took a look at your recent roster and I must say it is much better than the previous one. I see you added back some of the veterans such as Peach, Bowser, Jigg, Mewtwo, and Zero Suit Samus which is always a plus. I do question your decision to replace Diddy Kong with a Diddy/Dixie hybrid and Ganondorf with Ghirahim. I am pretty sure a vast amount of people would prefer Diddy over Dixie and Ganondorf over Ghirahim but I can the reasoning behind your decision.

However, I do still question why you took out King Dedede since he has been planned since the 64 days, remained the highest requested character for Japanese players pre-Melee and pre-Brawl, and is a fairly successful character with a interesting and unique move set. I would like to hear your reasons behind his absence. I also question the ditching of Palutena. While rumors are abound about KI not continuing, we also thought that was true for Smash yet here we are, yet again, speculating about Smash 4. Palutena as well would have a very unique move set and playability. It also doesn't hurt that Sakurai was in charge of that game. I would say put Palutena back in. I also wonder why you ditched Shulk. I can see the reasoning behind that but Xenoblade is the first game by Monolith Soft after becoming apart of Nintendo. I would say he has a good chance of becoming playable. Both Shulk, Isaac, and Saki are considered competitors for a Misc. character slot and many think that at least one of them will be playable. I am also interested in why you took out Shulk but don't have at least one those characters in the game. They are all relatively popular and unique characters with considerable fan support. Finally, you also cut Olimar and didn't add a Pikmin newcomer. IMO, Pikmin is staying. It is debatable whether Olimar will stay or not but, regardless, we will see a Pikin rep. It is a important, popular, and new series that is seeing a third installment for the Wii U.

I also see that you got rid of Yoshimitsu. While a popular character within Namco, he is requested a lot less than Pac Man. Additionally, KOSMOS isn't requested as much either sadly. As for Bayonetta, her inclusion as slowly grown on me but I still don't think her chances are that high. In fact, I would say people are overestimating her likeliness a bit.

He's a popular and important character for the DK franchise and is easily considered a possible newcomer. He is a villain and, while absent in DKCR, he has been made playable in various Mario spinoff games. He constantly appears in the top 5 of both Western and Japanese polls. As we saw since the 564, highly requested characters such as Ridley does not make them a certain lock. Thus, I am not arguing that K. Rool is a lock. I am arguing that his high popularity and likeliness is not, as you said, overestimated. He is popular because he is a popular pick. I am interested though: do you like King K. Rool within the Donkey Kong franchise or even the Donkey Kong franchise as a whole?

While your second roster has improved IMO, I still feel some inclusions such as the Wonderful 101, NSAF, KOSMOS, and Bayonette to be fairly unrealistic as well the absence of King Dedede, Ganondorf, Diddy, Olimar, etc. No roster is truly realistic and efforts to make a roster look as realistic as possible only causes it to become more rigid and biased. I think it is important to remain unbiased and even include characters you don't particularly like but recognize that they are popular. You can create a realistic roster while looking at growing and logical popular trends and opinions within speculation groups.
The Diddy and Dixie combo is based on how Sakurai had considered such a combo for Brawl but ultimatly didn`t happened.I think it could now since i even had ideas for Dixie as a standalone character at some points.

As for the lack of Ganondorf,i based the Zelda reps on the most recent Zelda games for DS,3DS and Wii;the DS games,the OoT remake and Skyward Sword,so it`s 1 rep per game the way i did it.I`ll be honest since the next game is probably going to be based on what happened between Brawl and SSB4,Ganondorf wasn`t in Skyward Sword which is why i took him out for someone who could keep a similar playstyle to him.

If i remember,people also wanted Wario,Metaknight and Pit in Brawl and made it.But,if you look at Kirby he`s not at the level of Mario,Zelda,Pokemon or even Metroid so having 3 reps for a franchise that`s not as popular didn`t made sense to me.That`s why i ditched King Dedede.

And i`d like to see Palutena personally but at the same time i never heard Sakurai saying that he wouldn`t more Smash Bros after Melee or Brawl but he did with Kid Icarus.I can see her making it because of Sakurai but at the same time she could work well in having the same role as in Uprising and Pit being updated with his whole arsenal from it.That`s why i dont think she`s a definitive addition.

As for Shulk,i throught that if Sakurai would go to Monolith Soft to ask if he could get their assistance on Shulk being playable,they could suggest KOSMOS since they used to work with Namco on Xenosaga and how she was playable in several crossover games on the DS and she`s in Project X Zone on the 3ds.Both could work but i wouldn`t be surprised if KOSMOS is thrown as a suggestion from Monolith Soft.If it isn`t KOSMOS they could suggest the protagonist from their next project in advance to create anticipation for it in advance.

And about the trio i see that 2 of them have been assists trophies in Brawl,which leads me to something i heard before.That Sakurai created assists trophies so he could add characters that he couldn`t make playable for a variety of reasons.Because of this i dont think we should expect a whole bunch of these characters to become playable.The only exception being Little Mac which i added because of his ressurection on the Wii and Namco`s experience with boxing characters.That`s why i think he could be playable but you shouldn`t expect the same thing to happen to many of them.

I remember that during Brawl`s days people wanted Captain Olimar,got him,people played him and now they hate him and wish that he`d never have became a playable character.The Wonderful 101 could work better since it`s an original creation for the Wii U and seems to be better concepted for a game like Smash Bros since the whole group is used to shift into the leaders` uniques attacks instead of calling people back to throw them again,which worked in Pikmin but was worthless in Smash Bros.

I could be wrong but Pacman is being thrown around a lot more because he`s Namco`s mascot.It really doesn`t mean anything because if the whole third-party selection was based on mascots Bomberman would have been playable over Snake.Pacman is more popular but characters like Yoshimitsu and KOSMOS would be more interesting to play as if you ask me.

I think we have a polar-opposite reaction to Bayonetta and K.Rool.I think Bayonetta could work very well and she has a very Snake-like punch to her like you dont expect her to be playable but she makes it and when you see her in action you realise that she`s working quite well in such a game.

The problem i have with King K Rool is that his fans are overestimating his importance.If he was that important he wouldn`t have been ditched from DKCR and would have been more than a background cameo in that 2008 Mario sport game.Also,Donkey Kong has a bigger and well-known foe;his name is Mario.They even had their own vs series and all and share their rivality across Mario`s sports games,Mario Kart and not-the-least Super Smash Bros.It`s just that his fans seems to ignore it.The way i see it he`s in the same boats as Waluigi,Daisy or even Krystal;he has a vocal fanbase who`s passionate about him but no matter how high the support is the least they`ll do is being a trophy or at most an assists trophies,which i wouldn`t be surprised.Beside,Donkey Kong is well represented with 2 reps and it doesn`t really need more.

If you want my opinion on K.Rool,i like how he cross-dress a lot and his boss fight in DKC1 was very stressful to me when i was a kid.Beyond that when i look at him i always have this image of déja vu in my head,like i`ve seen tons of bad guys like him.Through,a Donkey Kong stage that`s set on a pirate ship would be a welcome change over the jungle backdrop.

Oh and saying that i should look more closely toward popular trends seems weird because i did look at them and it`s how some characters ended up in my roster.I just didn`t looked at them exclusively.You should know that not every requested characters will make it and some additions will be questionnable to most people,that`s the idea behind my roster,you`re not supposed to look at it to agree with everything,it supposed to be more of an idea that the final roster could be very different that what`s expected.

People throught that Brawl would have 50 characters with no clones but it ended up being 35 characters and several characters that weren`t clones but weren`t uniques either.That`s why you need to look beyond popular trends.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
most of your counter arguments make me laugh.

As for the lack of Ganondorf,i based the Zelda reps on the most recent Zelda games for DS,3DS and Wii;the DS games,the OoT remake and Skyward Sword,so it`s 1 rep per game the way i did it.I`ll be honest since the next game is probably going to be based on what happened between Brawl and SSB4,Ganondorf wasn`t in Skyward Sword which is why i took him out for someone who could keep a similar playstyle to him.
if Ghirahim did make it, he would not have a playstyle anywhere close to Ganandorf. thats my first point. besides that, even though he hasn't been used in awhile, Ganandorf is still a core member of the Zelda franchise and to drop him would only piss off lot's of Zelda fans. i've seen you say relevancy doesn't matter over and over but isn't that the reason you removed Ganandorf?

If i remember,people also wanted Wario,Metaknight and Pit in Brawl and made it.But,if you look at Kirby he`s not at the level of Mario,Zelda,Pokemon or even Metroid so having 3 reps for a franchise that`s not as popular didn`t made sense to me.That`s why i ditched King Dedede.
i dont really remember Pit being heavily requested at all before Brawl, same for Wario but ok ill take your word for it i guess. and the Kirby franchise is still one of Nintendo's greatest. it releases games regularly, substantial fanbase that is only growing, and Kirby's games each sell fairly well. at least better than Metroid does worldwide.

As for Shulk,i throught that if Sakurai would go to Monolith Soft to ask if he could get their assistance on Shulk being playable,they could suggest KOSMOS since they used to work with Namco on Xenosaga and how she was playable in several crossover games on the DS and she`s in Project X Zone on the 3ds.Both could work but i wouldn`t be surprised if KOSMOS is thrown as a suggestion from Monolith Soft.If it isn`t KOSMOS they could suggest the protagonist from their next project in advance to create anticipation for it in advance.
honestly its unlikely that any Xenosaga character gets in and that crossover game is not really about Nintendo last i checked its a Sega, Namco Bandai, and Capcom crossover where Nintendo's only relationship to them is that its on the 3DS. im not saying KOS-MOS wouldn't be suggested but its unlikely that she'll get chosen especially since she'd be in representing Namco Bandai and there are far more likely characters to add that would get a far better reception.

I remember that during Brawl`s days people wanted Captain Olimar,got him,people played him and now they hate him and wish that he`d never have became a playable character
thats more yours and/or your friends personal opinions. overall Olimar is well received and most want him back. and with Pikmin 3 expected for the Spring and Pikmin getting an attraction in Nintendo Land its improbable that he'll get dropped.

I could be wrong but Pacman is being thrown around a lot more because he`s Namco`s mascot.It really doesn`t mean anything because if the whole third-party selection was based on mascots Bomberman would have been playable over Snake.Pacman is more popular but characters like Yoshimitsu and KOSMOS would be more interesting to play as if you ask me.
its true Pac-Man is well received because he's expected, and yes there are other characters who are more interesting in Namco Bandai games. the same could be said for Sega, or if Capcom were to use Megaman. more interesting doesn't mean better choice. hell Birdo's interesting but she/he is very unlikely to appear because she isn't as important as other Mario characters.

The problem i have with King K Rool is that his fans are overestimating his importance.If he was that important he wouldn`t have been ditched from DKCR and would have been more than a background cameo in that 2008 Mario sport game.
or a more likely scenario as to why they wanted to do the Tiki's is because it was an interesting concept that Nintendo wanted to use. better than using the same old story and villains over and over again (I'm looking at you Mario)

If you want my opinion on K.Rool,i like how he cross-dress a lot and his boss fight in DKC1 was very stressful to me when i was a kid
I wouldn't exactly call that cross dressing but ok.

and on Bayonetta, she's just an overall dumb choice. personal bias= definitely

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
The Diddy and Dixie combo is based on how Sakurai had considered such a combo for Brawl but ultimatly didn`t happened.I think it could now since i even had ideas for Dixie as a standalone character at some points.
It would be a idea to consolidate two characters into two sub-characters. However, many Diddy fans prefer Diddy as a stand alone, he did well enough in Brawl, and the success of the character shows that he doesn't need to be changed too much. He is one of the few characters to be considered as a possible "standard" for a balanced character.

As for the lack of Ganondorf,i based the Zelda reps on the most recent Zelda games for DS,3DS and Wii;the DS games,the OoT remake and Skyward Sword,so it`s 1 rep per game the way i did it.I`ll be honest since the next game is probably going to be based on what happened between Brawl and SSB4,Ganondorf wasn`t in Skyward Sword which is why i took him out for someone who could keep a similar playstyle to him.
Ganondorf is one of the big three. I don't see him going; even when up against Ghirahim.

If i remember,people also wanted Wario,Metaknight and Pit in Brawl and made it.But,if you look at Kirby he`s not at the level of Mario,Zelda,Pokemon or even Metroid so having 3 reps for a franchise that`s not as popular didn`t made sense to me.That`s why i ditched King Dedede.
This was a Japanese poll taken pre-Melee concerning wanted characters.


And i`d like to see Palutena personally but at the same time i never heard Sakurai saying that he wouldn`t more Smash Bros after Melee or Brawl but he did with Kid Icarus.I can see her making it because of Sakurai but at the same time she could work well in having the same role as in Uprising and Pit being updated with his whole arsenal from it.That`s why i dont think she`s a definitive addition.

After development for both Melee and Brawl, he has been reported saying that he is unsure if there will be a next Super Smash Bros., and often hinted at him leaving the game. Also according to this interview, he made the Brawl as if it was the last of the game series. Of course, you can gleam much from that exchange as "yes, Brawl was intended to be the last super smash bros." or "no, he was make an allusion." How ever, either way, many took this that Brawl might of been the last Smash bros. While I don't have any proof, I do recall Sakurai mentioning that if there would be a Smash 4, he would have no part in it. Again, I heard that back after Brawl but if anyone could shed some light on that, it would be great.

As for Shulk,i throught that if Sakurai would go to Monolith Soft to ask if he could get their assistance on Shulk being playable,they could suggest KOSMOS since they used to work with Namco on Xenosaga and how she was playable in several crossover games on the DS and she`s in Project X Zone on the 3ds.Both could work but i wouldn`t be surprised if KOSMOS is thrown as a suggestion from Monolith Soft.If it isn`t KOSMOS they could suggest the protagonist from their next project in advance to create anticipation for it in advance.
KOSMOS would be a unique and welcomed addition. However, when comparing to her and Shulk, I am willing to bet that Shulk would be in instead of KOSMOS due to his main game being on a Nintendo system, a up and coming popular character, and the debut character for Monolith Soft's inclusion into Nintendo.

And about the trio i see that 2 of them have been assists trophies in Brawl,which leads me to something i heard before.That Sakurai created assists trophies so he could add characters that he couldn`t make playable for a variety of reasons.Because of this i dont think we should expect a whole bunch of these characters to become playable.The only exception being Little Mac which i added because of his ressurection on the Wii and Namco`s experience with boxing characters.That`s why i think he could be playable but you shouldn`t expect the same thing to happen to many of them.

One thing that catches my attention that he wanted to make the players happy. You can draw your own conclusions but I think what you said is partially true. Some where included due to Sakurai unable to fit them in. However, I have always felt they were included in order to provide a little more something into Smash Bros. that reflects Nintendo's lesser known series. That is how I felt about them Of course, we won't see Lyndis, Resetti, Metroid, Saki, Waluigi, Little Mac, Isaac, Hammer Bros., etc JUST because they are Assist Trophies and using the AT argument as a basis of inclusion is just plain silly. However, in regards to Isaac and Saki, they also have the popularity and demand to become playable.

I remember that during Brawl`s days people wanted Captain Olimar,got him,people played him and now they hate him and wish that he`d never have became a playable character.The Wonderful 101 could work better since it`s an original creation for the Wii U and seems to be better concepted for a game like Smash Bros since the whole group is used to shift into the leaders` uniques attacks instead of calling people back to throw them again,which worked in Pikmin but was worthless in Smash Bros.
Current tier lists don't seem to agree with you.


He's ranked 8th. Not exactly worthless.

I could be wrong but Pacman is being thrown around a lot more because he`s Namco`s mascot.It really doesn`t mean anything because if the whole third-party selection was based on mascots Bomberman would have been playable over Snake.Pacman is more popular but characters like Yoshimitsu and KOSMOS would be more interesting to play as if you ask me.
The reason why Snake was chosen because Sakurai's buddy at Konami, Hideo Kojima, begged Sakurai to include Snake into Melee and then into Brawl. However, if the mascot situation was applied, then yeah...Bomberman would of been included. As of right now, Pac Man is usually considered as the most likely 3rd party candidate. However, there are a lot of people who would much rather see another Namco character instead of Pac Man. That is why I feel Pac Man has the best bet. As well, his inclusion into SF x T doesn't hurt. In regards to 3d party character, we are in a never before explored area. This is the first SSB game to possibly feature both returning and new 3rd party characters. We don't know it they will axe Snake and/or Sonic, include more 3rd party characters, or get rid of them altogether. Sakurai's most recent comments shows that 3rd party characters have the potential to return.
I think we have a polar-opposite reaction to Bayonetta and K.Rool.I think Bayonetta could work very well and she has a very Snake-like punch to her like you dont expect her to be playable but she makes it and when you see her in action you realise that she`s working quite well in such a game.

The problem i have with King K Rool is that his fans are overestimating his importance.If he was that important he wouldn`t have been ditched from DKCR and would have been more than a background cameo in that 2008 Mario sport game.Also,Donkey Kong has a bigger and well-known foe;his name is Mario.They even had their own vs series and all and share their rivality across Mario`s sports games,Mario Kart and not-the-least Super Smash Bros.It`s just that his fans seems to ignore it.The way i see it he`s in the same boats as Waluigi,Daisy or even Krystal;he has a vocal fanbase who`s passionate about him but no matter how high the support is the least they`ll do is being a trophy or at most an assists trophies,which i wouldn`t be surprised.Beside,Donkey Kong is well represented with 2 reps and it doesn`t really need more.
I don't have much to add to this since it's really a stalemate. As well, while I support K. Rool, I don't think he is a lock and I am not as passionate about him as some others. However, I recognize he has a lot of vocal support (which got Sonic in).

If you want my opinion on K.Rool,i like how he cross-dress a lot and his boss fight in DKC1 was very stressful to me when i was a kid.Beyond that when i look at him i always have this image of déja vu in my head,like i`ve seen tons of bad guys like him.Through,a Donkey Kong stage that`s set on a pirate ship would be a welcome change over the jungle backdrop.
Fair enough. I guess we just don't see eye to eye. When I look at Bayonette, I just see Sarah Palin :/

Oh and saying that i should look more closely toward popular trends seems weird because i did look at them and it`s how some characters ended up in my roster.I just didn`t looked at them exclusively.You should know that not every requested characters will make it and some additions will be questionnable to most people,that`s the idea behind my roster,you`re not supposed to look at it to agree with everything,it supposed to be more of an idea that the final roster could be very different that what`s expected.

People throught that Brawl would have 50 characters with no clones but it ended up being 35 characters and several characters that weren`t clones but weren`t uniques either.That`s why you need to look beyond popular trends.
Nothing is wrong with being cautious as to not let yourself down. There are such things as realistic rosters and unrealistic rosters. If you think King K. Rool and Megaman has no chance in making into Smash 4, that is your own belief. However, as with your roster, you made some pretty controversial cuts that didn't add up. Why you cut Peach and added Rosalina was beyond me. I felt, when I read it, you discriminated against several characters and franchises, devalued characters that otherwise have value, and intentionally created a roster that was meant to cause controversy and dissension. Additionally, you placed an emphasis on fairly unpopular 3rd party characters with low requests when their are more likely 3rd party characters outthere. I ams orry but I don't consider KOSMOS or Bayonette fairly likely.

Deleted member

I revised what I said in my earlier post, but I'll say it again: I wasn't referring to any specific list, I just use the term B-list and C-list to describe Nintendo franchises that aren't the most popular or successful.

I thought this was a prediction roster. My bad, but I feel that you could have been a little more clear on the matter.
It is a prediction Roster, it eliminates any common bias running for characters that probably wont make the cut such as Groose, and Waluigi, and it brings the opportunity for other requested characters from other franchises that have a decent chance.

Look, it's impossible to make a CORRECT prediction roster, no one can guess what Sakuria will choose in the end, and how things will play out. Furthermore, when such a list is made by one person, it is impossible to exclude personal bias, since I made of course I'm going to take preference on the characters I want to see over Waluigi or some other ridiculous suggestions.

Finally, if you look at the guidelines I posted for it, I said, yes, the WHOLE list is a dream roster, but I mentioned that out of the newcomers I mentioned, we can expect 6-10 1st party, and 2 3rd party. It's a rough guess and I don't claim to be right.

But one thing I am certain of, is the cuts. Mark my words when I say the characters I mentioned will be cut (barring Jiggs, she's got the highest chance of staying).

Hold on, your's is a dream rooster? Sorry, I just noticed that. I wasted so much time typing up stuff... But, I still want to respond to something.

...Okay, you just seriously crossed a line here. It's one thing to post a dream rooster. It's a whole nother boat to insult a whole fanbase. Tell me, what makes us Ghirahim fans 'drooling idiots'? Is it because he is flavor of the month right now? Neither is a reason to insult people who like him.

Now now, don't get your panties twisted in a knot. What is this? Your first day on the internet? Is this the first time you've encountered hostile speech on an internet forum? Civil anger and insults are common in forums, it keeps things spicy, don't take it personally, it's just the internet man. Lighten up a bit and toss a couple insults my way if you feel like it.

I still think Groose and Ghirahim are stupid ideas. Just like when people thought Zant was a good candidate for Brawl. And yes, it IS because he's flavor of the month. He's a one-time villain that appears in the latest game. He's not even the final boss. Not to mention, SS had poor critical reception. You'll never see Ghirahim in another Zelda game again. So, if he's going to make the cut, he'll make it as an ingame Boss or something, like Petey Pirannah.

Compare him to the iconic Villain of the Zelda series, Ganon/dorf. Replacing him with Ghir is like replacing Bowser with Fawful, fullretard.

Oh and for the record,
>Deus Anni IIMXII
>not establishing your superior opinions over those of the masses


most of your counter arguments make me laugh.

and on Bayonetta, she's just an overall dumb choice. personal bias= definitely
I disagree on Bayo being a dumb choice... I bet you were one of the kiddies who was mad when Snake made the cut. Do you hate fun or something?

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Now now, don't get your panties twisted in a knot. What is this? Your first day on the internet? Is this the first time you've encountered hostile speech on an internet forum? Civil anger and insults are common in forums, it keeps things spicy, don't take it personally, it's just the internet man. Lighten up a bit and toss a couple insults my way if you feel like it.
Nah son

Insults just make you look childish and take away from your credibility in an argument

In your case, you overgeneralized and insulted an entire fanbase, and when someone calls you on it, you pretty much just go, "LOLOLO DUDE IT'S THE INTERNET I'M ONLY JOKING MAN CHILL YOUR BALLS" and go on to condescend the person even more

Kinda makes you look like a jack ***, just saiyan

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
Not to mention, SS had poor critical reception.
Not even close.

Compare him to the iconic Villain of the Zelda series, Ganon/dorf. Replacing him with Ghir is like replacing Bowser with Fawful, fullretard.
Not every Ghirahim fan wnats to see Ganondorf go. Most people want him to stay actually. The fans generally are the stronger voices to keep the King of Evil. Its the people who are all about cutting characters who say Ganon could be dropped.

Deleted member

Kinda makes you look like a jack ***, just saiyan
Never said I wasn't. I'm just used to more aggressive forums, that's all. There's a difference between childish arguments, and aggressiveness.

My opinion still stands. The Ghirahim supporters are on the same level as the Zant supporters and the Waluigi supporters. It doesn't take much to realize they're not gonna make the cut.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I'm not a big Gannondorf fan on Smash Bros. He's way too slow and my mates abuse the D-air.

But i am a fan when it comes to Zelda Games.
I'm happy to always see Gannondorf. I'm disappointed when they leave him out. To me Gannondorf has the feel of the ultimate baddie. And Zelda: OOT was my first Zelda and Ganondorf was so badass in that it feels weird when they leave him out in a Zelda game. There's no real Zelda baddie that has ever lived up to him i've felt.

I liked Grirhaim he brought something different a fun. And I actually had fun fighting him and the whole stuff he put me through it only made me want to kill him more.

I'm also a big fan of Skyward Sword i think they should actually stick to the art style they can still give it a darker edge even with this going on. I felt with the art style it captured the emotion, landscape and feel better than any other Zelda has.

Early days it did feel like Grirhaim would make the cut, but after you find out his whole purpose and such it makes the assist seem more likely. I just feel something's wrong with Zelda. It's probably Nintendo's third biggest franchise and yet it will only ever have most likely 4 reps.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Never said I wasn't. I'm just used to more aggressive forums, that's all. There's a difference between childish arguments, and aggressiveness.
The combination of aggressiveness and Smash 4 Roster Speculation made me chuckle a little. And then I thought of this:


Seriously, when did roster speculation get so down and dirty with the put downs and playground hierarchy?

Anyways, a Prediction Roster takes popular trends and opinions into account and incorporates a unbiased logic when choosing characters. The goal is to get the most realistic roster possible. This of course is possible. However, rosters that include popular and interesting characters, reasonable additions and cuts, and logical backing tend to agreed upon being fairly realistic.

A wishlist roster includes characters that the creator wishes. It doesn't matter. Typically, I would categorize C or D listed characters, extremely obscure and unpopular franchises, or more than 4-5 3rd party characters as being apart of the Wishlist category. Manly, IMO, I think your roster hits somewhere in the middle.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
I disagree on Bayo being a dumb choice... I bet you were one of the kiddies who was mad when Snake made the cut. Do you hate fun or something?
no i actually like Snake in Brawl. when it happened i thought it was weird but overall the he fit. and unlike Bayonetta (yet) Snake had a good amount of games that were on Nintendo platforms. would Bayo be interesting? sure i won't deny that. but of all the 3rd party options she has had te least greatest impact on Nintendo, in very low demand, and like Ghirahim she's really just a flavor of the week. I don't hate fun, i hate hate ******** choices.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
I disagree on Bayo being a dumb choice... I bet you were one of the kiddies who was mad when Snake made the cut. Do you hate fun or something?
I bet this is a troll... I mean, he just added that picture at the end randomly! :scared:
Besides, he's just trying to insult. I have to say, he said in a later post: 'The Ghirahim supporters are on the same level as the Zant and the Waluigi supporters.'

What? Waluigi is on the same level as Ghirahim? This is great news! Here is an outsiders opinion on his chances, and apparently he thinks that he is very good! (Being on these forums a while now, even I can't say that Waluigi won't have a better move-set than bowser junior or toad, and I support him.) I'm sorry to say though, Zant doesn't have as big a chance as Ghirahim or the WAA, I really am sorry to disappoint you...


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Since I'm joining in right in the middle of this, might I add that when you post a roster here you should be very well aware that it'll be critic-ed. If you can't handle criticism then I would suggest that you post it in this thread rather than here.

Also whatever Venus said in his last post. lol


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
I just feel something's wrong with Zelda. It's probably Nintendo's third biggest franchise and yet it will only ever have most likely 4 reps.
agreed. Problem with the Zelda franchise is that there are lots of characters, but only 4 are really important. Link, Zelda, Ganandorf, and Tingle. with character like Ghirahim being thrown around you have to remember that he is a one shot. he's as viable an option as Midna, Vaati, and Groose. now all would be interesting and each would bring something new to the table but all lack relevancy. by the time SSB4 comes out there may be another Zelda game with some new characters either out or just around the corner. which would make Skyward Sword and Ghirahim old news and people will honestly stop seeing him as a good character. honestly the best option would probably be to add Toon Zelda. is it a copout and could she just end up being a Zelda clone? probably but at least she's a main and reacuring character. I would like to see Skull Kid myself though i won't hold my breath.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Never said I wasn't. I'm just used to more aggressive forums, that's all. There's a difference between childish arguments, and aggressiveness.
But I never said that the argument or your arguments were childish, I said that insults were childish

Calling someone a fullretard and telling them to get their panties out of a knot goes beyond aggressiveness or harshness, anyway, like I said, that's just being a prick

You can be aggressive without being a prick or resorting to name calling


Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Now now, don't get your panties twisted in a knot. What is this? Your first day on the internet? Is this the first time you've encountered hostile speech on an internet forum? Civil anger and insults are common in forums, it keeps things spicy, don't take it personally, it's just the internet man. Lighten up a bit and toss a couple insults my way if you feel like it.
I wasn't objecting to the insult. You could have said "People who think Ghirahim are likely are deluding themselves." We could have had a nice debate, and that would be the end of it. But calling his supporters 'drooling idiots'? This isn't the hood, dawg. I'm more upset about using generalizations then simply the insult. If you had insulted me personally, I could take it. But that would be like me saying 'anyone who liked the story of Majora's Mask is clearly suffering from clinical depression and should be treated.' No, I don't believe this, but if you want, there are plenty flaws I can point out about the game and its supporters.

And, if liking a flavor of the month character makes one a drooling idiot, doesn't that make you one for wanting Masked Link?

I still think Groose and Ghirahim are stupid ideas. Just like when people thought Zant was a good candidate for Brawl. And yes, it IS because he's flavor of the month. He's a one-time villain that appears in the latest game. He's not even the final boss. Not to mention, SS had poor critical reception. You'll never see Ghirahim in another Zelda game again. So, if he's going to make the cut, he'll make it as an ingame Boss or something, like Petey Pirannah.
First off, poor critical reception?Only two big sites gave it less then 90% of whatever scoring system they were using. But someone already showed that, so I digress. Though, between this and claiming Travis is heavily requested, where are you getting you're info?

On Ghirahim not being the final boss? He was the main villian. To use Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance as an example:
Very few people will argue that young Xehanort was the main villian of the game. But, the person you fight last is Ventus's possessed armor.
My point being, Demise was sealed during the whole game. He had no way of contact Ghirahim. Everything Ghirahim did was of his own accord. It was his plans, he was acting them out, case closed. Are you going to argue that Ghirahim didn't want Demise to take over the world?

Compare him to the iconic Villain of the Zelda series, Ganon/dorf. Replacing him with Ghir is like replacing Bowser with Fawful, fullretard.
I never once said he would replace Gannondorf. The two can be perfectly happy coexisting.

My opinion still stands. The Ghirahim supporters are on the same level as the Zant supporters and the Waluigi supporters. It doesn't take much to realize they're not gonna make the cut.
Zant? Are you really bringing that up? Zant wasn't a main villian. He was a boss with plenty of publicity. The only thing seperating him from any other boss in the game was that he had a part in the story. Ghirahim has personality. While you didn't fight him last, as I said before, he wasn't some mindless pawn. In chess terms, he would be a queen (pardon the pun). The piece you have the most trouble dealing with. Zant is clearly of the pawn variaty. A rook at best. His only purpose is keeping you from entering Hyrule castle. You could replace him with another character, pretty much anyone else, and his fanbase would be largely unaffected, because he does so little that... I honestly have no idea why he even has a fanbase. In addition, he doesn't have any charisma. Ghirahim does. Ghirahim is proactive. Ghirahim has a personality.

Don't you dare bring Waluigi into the arguement. The circumstances are vastly different, and you know it. Waluigi only appears in spin offs where he has absolutely no prominent role besides being Wario's side kick. If you can see any comparison between him and Ghirahim, I'd like to sell you my glasses. You clearly need them a lot more then I do.

Deleted member

You know, except for games where Waluigi DID have a prominent role, like Mario Party 3 and DDR Mario Mix.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2011
Buckhannon, West Virginia
HEY HEY HEY What's all this going on in here?

@Second Power Oh my goodness, Ghirahim's a queen. I understand and agree with the analogy, but it's still hilarious.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
You know, except for games where Waluigi DID have a prominent role, like Mario Party 3 and DDR Mario Mix.
I can't find anything that says he is more important in Mario Party 3 than any other playable character, but I really didn't do all that much research beyond wikipedia, and I'm assuming you played the game so I'm taking your word for it. Also on DDR. But, can you really say being a reccuring character in the spin-offs is SSB character material? Why give Mario Party/Sports/DDR a character when a lot of the most major cast is already in the game?

Of course, if you were just correcting my statement and not advertising Waluigi for Smash, I apologize for any assumptions.

Deleted member

If I was advertsiing him for Smash, I'd do it in his own thread. I've already done so by making quite the moveset that leaves people speachless (in the good way).

But no, I was merely correcting you. Waluigi is the main villain in the two games I listed.

Deleted member

My My, I leave for a couple hours, and this happens. Goddamn Yurop and it's ****ed up time difference. Any fellow Eurobros out there?

The combination of aggressiveness and Smash 4 Roster Speculation made me chuckle a little. And then I thought of this:


Seriously, when did roster speculation get so down and dirty with the put downs and playground hierarchy?

Anyways, a Prediction Roster takes popular trends and opinions into account and incorporates a unbiased logic when choosing characters. The goal is to get the most realistic roster possible. This of course is possible. However, rosters that include popular and interesting characters, reasonable additions and cuts, and logical backing tend to agreed upon being fairly realistic.

A wishlist roster includes characters that the creator wishes. It doesn't matter. Typically, I would categorize C or D listed characters, extremely obscure and unpopular franchises, or more than 4-5 3rd party characters as being apart of the Wishlist category. Manly, IMO, I think your roster hits somewhere in the middle.
Dohohohoho, that's rich. Dude, Smash bros. is SRSBZNS brah. Half the fun of Japan Time is the speculation and the **** flinging. Personally, I think of this:

Anyway, yeah, it's a good idea to follow popular trends when making a roster prediction, but not all popular trends are necessarily correct. For example, Geno was very demanded back in Brawl's JapanTime, and he didn't get in. Some trends are on the money, others are way off. Once again, I go back to Zant, a lot of people wanted him was it... 5-6 years ago (has it been that long?), I was against the idea, and much to my relief, he didn't make the cut, nor did I expect him to. It's best to look at things with a bit of logic, not just blatant fanboyism. For example in my roster, even though I support Alisa for example, I clearly state I feel her chances are low. Travis on the other hand has a good chance. In fact I could definitely see either Travis or Bayo make the cut.

One more thing,
>B list

There's those terms again... Where the **** are you people pulling these from? Where are the guidelines to make such a judgement, I feel this is just a term used by people to state what they think is popular or not. A completely subjective statement.

"Oh, so and so, is D-List because I've never heard of him." Yet the character could be immensely popular, with a long running franchise, and you've just never heard of the series. Best Example, Rance.

I bet this is a troll... I mean, he just added that picture at the end randomly! :scared:
>still using AMIKULLGAIZLOLXDXD emoticons instead of GLORIOUS reaction images

Since I'm joining in right in the middle of this, might I add that when you post a roster here you should be very well aware that it'll be critic-ed. If you can't handle criticism then I would suggest that you post it in this thread rather than here.

Also whatever Venus said in his last post. lol
I'm pretty sure the rules state that that thread is simply for posting and you're allowed to make only ONE post. Discussion belongs in this thread.

agreed. Problem with the Zelda franchise is that there are lots of characters, but only 4 are really important. Link, Zelda, Ganandorf, and Tingle. with character like Ghirahim being thrown around you have to remember that he is a one shot. he's as viable an option as Midna, Vaati, and Groose. now all would be interesting and each would bring something new to the table but all lack relevancy. by the time SSB4 comes out there may be another Zelda game with some new characters either out or just around the corner. which would make Skyward Sword and Ghirahim old news and people will honestly stop seeing him as a good character. honestly the best option would probably be to add Toon Zelda. is it a copout and could she just end up being a Zelda clone? probably but at least she's a main and reacuring character. I would like to see Skull Kid myself though i won't hold my breath.
THIS x10000000. I don't understand why people can't see this simple fact. Also, The BIG Ninty franchises will most likely stay at a cap of 4 characters. The main and most important ones. There's (some) chance of Toon Link being replaced by a different "Young Link" iteration, but that's only if there is enough support for someone like say, Mask Link. Otherwise, he'll probably get a tweak, and stay in.

I wasn't objecting to the insult. You could have said "People who think Ghirahim are likely are deluding themselves." We could have had a nice debate, and that would be the end of it. But calling his supporters 'drooling idiots'? This isn't the hood, dawg. I'm more upset about using generalizations then simply the insult. If you had insulted me personally, I could take it. But that would be like me saying 'anyone who liked the story of Majora's Mask is clearly suffering from clinical depression and should be treated.' No, I don't believe this, but if you want, there are plenty flaws I can point out about the game and its supporters.

And, if liking a flavor of the month character makes one a drooling idiot, doesn't that make you one for wanting Masked Link?
You're taking things too personally, I suggest you calm down. Also, MM is full of edgy "LOL2DEEP4YOU ******s, what do you expect? And this is coming from a MM fan, it's my fave Zelda.

Anyway I'm pretty sure the support for a Masked Link has been around for quite longer than you claim. And he certainly isn't "flavor of the month" simply because MM came out years ago, and it has a strong following fanbase. Ghirahim, like Zant, is just the newest villain from the latest Zelda game, and the support for him will die off once the next console Zelda rolls along with another flamboyant drag queen.

First off, poor critical reception?Only two big sites gave it less then 90% of whatever scoring system they were using. But someone already showed that, so I digress. Though, between this and claiming Travis is heavily requested, where are you getting you're info?
>using *cough*payed, uhh... I mean "legitamate" official reviewing sites as a credible source.
I don't care if IGN or Gamespot or any other of those cancerous ****holes gave SS a negative or positive score. The fact that those idiots believe they can call themselves journalists because they get payed to "review" videogames, is reason enough for me not to take anything they say seriously. Give me the Metacritic Score, and even then I'd take that with a grain of salt.

The general grapevine consensus on SS was that it was a flawed game and one of the poorer Zelda games for many reasons outside of its problems with the "Wagglan." Plenty of independent and relatively credible people, took their time to analyze the good and bad aspects on SS, not give it a score, but just give their OPINION, on the game overall. Add up all of these opinions, on top of the opinions of other (non-nintenyearold fanboy) gamers who have played it, and you have a good idea of what most people think of the game.

Take off your fanboy glasses. The general opinion on SS is that it is a flawed game with lost potential, and overall worse than Twilight Princess, which was already disliked by many. Don't believe me? I'll gladly cite and post sources.

I never once said he would replace Gannondorf. The two can be perfectly happy coexisting.
5+ characters representing one franchise in a 40 character roster is 1+ too many. We want variety in fighting games, not Mario x Zelda x Pokemon with a couple others tossed in.

Zant? Are you really bringing that up? Zant wasn't a main villian. He was a boss with plenty of publicity. The only thing seperating him from any other boss in the game was that he had a part in the story. Ghirahim has personality. While you didn't fight him last, as I said before, he wasn't some mindless pawn. In chess terms, he would be a queen (pardon the pun). The piece you have the most trouble dealing with. Zant is clearly of the pawn variaty. A rook at best. His only purpose is keeping you from entering Hyrule castle. You could replace him with another character, pretty much anyone else, and his fanbase would be largely unaffected, because he does so little that... I honestly have no idea why he even has a fanbase. In addition, he doesn't have any charisma. Ghirahim does. Ghirahim is proactive. Ghirahim has a personality.

Don't you dare bring Waluigi into the arguement. The circumstances are vastly different, and you know it. Waluigi only appears in spin offs where he has absolutely no prominent role besides being Wario's side kick. If you can see any comparison between him and Ghirahim, I'd like to sell you my glasses. You clearly need them a lot more then I do.
I think I'll just leave that here, now we're just arguing over stupid irrelevant ****. I'll be honest with you, as much as I hate WAAWA, he's got a better chance of making it than pic related.

Also mfw you're serious about wanting Ghirahim in the roster.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I use B-list and C-list, as I've said, to refer to characters and franchises that aren't part of a given companies "A-list" (can't think of a better word, sorry). Anyway, what each one means specifically is fairly arbitrary. If you sat me down and forced me to come up with a definition, I'd guess I'd go with this:

A-List: The big guns, the characters/franchises you think of when someone mentiones a given company. Examples would be Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon for Nintendo.
B-List: Characters and franchises that are fairly prolific, but aren't as popular or well known as the A-list ones. Nintendo examples would be Metroid, F-Zero, and Star Fox.
C-List: Outside of a dedicated, core fanbase, very few people are familiar with these characters. I'd say most of Nintendo's retro characters and franchise would fall under this category.

A/B/C-list can also be used to refer to the importance/popularity of a given character within a given franchise.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I'm pretty sure the rules state that that thread is simply for posting and you're allowed to make only ONE post. Discussion belongs in this thread.
You read my post, but you missed the meaning of it.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
You're taking things too personally, I suggest you calm down.
...Wat. I specifically said that if you had aimed your insults at me, I would have been fine, but you're aiming them at everyone who likes Ghirahim.

Anyway I'm pretty sure the support for a Masked Link has been around for quite longer than you claim. And he certainly isn't "flavor of the month" simply because MM came out years ago, and it has a strong following fanbase. Ghirahim, like Zant, is just the newest villain from the latest Zelda game, and the support for him will die off once the next console Zelda rolls along with another flamboyant drag queen.
You specifically said 'one-shot'. I was using one-shot and flavor of the month interchangebly because they mean the same thing. The masks never appeared again after MM. One-shot. They could have been added to future games (somehow, this is Nintendo we're talking about), but weren't. Flavor of the month. See? Totally interchangeble.

Crap about bribing
You know what? Do it. Cite your sources for SS. Heck, have them come here, since you don't seem kean at all with have a discussion. We bring legitamate sources, you say 'haha, they're being bribed'. I've read some of the reviews. There's no lies in them. This is why I want to see your sources, lest they be 'they changed it, so it sucks'. A game review is supposed to do things: Decide if the game was well-made, and Detail how the game plays so players can make their own descisions on whether to buy it. The second they say 'I didn't like it, and no one will' it is a bad review.

5+ characters representing one franchise in a 40 character roster is 1+ too many. We want variety in fighting games, not Mario x Zelda x Pokemon with a couple others tossed in.
Okay, I'm going to be very, very clear with you. THIS IS SMASH BROS! The original smash had 4 mario characters, making 1/3 of the rooster. Melee had 7 Mario character, making up 25% of the rooster. Brawl had, again, 7 characters, making up about 1/5th of the rooster. The fact that bigger nintendo series gets more reps is a given in Smash Bros. It's always been that way. Get over it. Plenty of people like it that way, and saying it hurts Smash Bros is unfitting because Smash Bros is still going strong. This is what I'm getting at. Your's is one opinion. I'm not objecting to it, I'm objecting to the fact you believe everything should be done your way.

If you don't start citing sources, I'm done. I'm not gonna argue facts against opinions anymore. If you can't bring sources, your merely a troll.


Smash Master
Jun 27, 2012
Plastic Beach
My My, I leave for a couple hours, and this happens. Goddamn Yurop and it's ****ed up time difference. Any fellow Eurobros out there?

Dohohohoho, that's rich. Dude, Smash bros. is SRSBZNS brah. Half the fun of Japan Time is the speculation and the **** flinging. Personally, I think of this:

Anyway, yeah, it's a good idea to follow popular trends when making a roster prediction, but not all popular trends are necessarily correct. For example, Geno was very demanded back in Brawl's JapanTime, and he didn't get in. Some trends are on the money, others are way off. Once again, I go back to Zant, a lot of people wanted him was it... 5-6 years ago (has it been that long?), I was against the idea, and much to my relief, he didn't make the cut, nor did I expect him to. It's best to look at things with a bit of logic, not just blatant fanboyism. For example in my roster, even though I support Alisa for example, I clearly state I feel her chances are low. Travis on the other hand has a good chance. In fact I could definitely see either Travis or Bayo make the cut.

One more thing,
>B list

There's those terms again... Where the **** are you people pulling these from? Where are the guidelines to make such a judgement, I feel this is just a term used by people to state what they think is popular or not. A completely subjective statement.

"Oh, so and so, is D-List because I've never heard of him." Yet the character could be immensely popular, with a long running franchise, and you've just never heard of the series. Best Example, Rance.

>still using AMIKULLGAIZLOLXDXD emoticons instead of GLORIOUS reaction images

I'm pretty sure the rules state that that thread is simply for posting and you're allowed to make only ONE post. Discussion belongs in this thread.

THIS x10000000. I don't understand why people can't see this simple fact. Also, The BIG Ninty franchises will most likely stay at a cap of 4 characters. The main and most important ones. There's (some) chance of Toon Link being replaced by a different "Young Link" iteration, but that's only if there is enough support for someone like say, Mask Link. Otherwise, he'll probably get a tweak, and stay in.

You're taking things too personally, I suggest you calm down. Also, MM is full of edgy "LOL2DEEP4YOU ******s, what do you expect? And this is coming from a MM fan, it's my fave Zelda.

Anyway I'm pretty sure the support for a Masked Link has been around for quite longer than you claim. And he certainly isn't "flavor of the month" simply because MM came out years ago, and it has a strong following fanbase. Ghirahim, like Zant, is just the newest villain from the latest Zelda game, and the support for him will die off once the next console Zelda rolls along with another flamboyant drag queen.

>using *cough*payed, uhh... I mean "legitamate" official reviewing sites as a credible source.
I don't care if IGN or Gamespot or any other of those cancerous ****holes gave SS a negative or positive score. The fact that those idiots believe they can call themselves journalists because they get payed to "review" videogames, is reason enough for me not to take anything they say seriously. Give me the Metacritic Score, and even then I'd take that with a grain of salt.

The general grapevine consensus on SS was that it was a flawed game and one of the poorer Zelda games for many reasons outside of its problems with the "Wagglan." Plenty of independent and relatively credible people, took their time to analyze the good and bad aspects on SS, not give it a score, but just give their OPINION, on the game overall. Add up all of these opinions, on top of the opinions of other (non-nintenyearold fanboy) gamers who have played it, and you have a good idea of what most people think of the game.

Take off your fanboy glasses. The general opinion on SS is that it is a flawed game with lost potential, and overall worse than Twilight Princess, which was already disliked by many. Don't believe me? I'll gladly cite and post sources.

5+ characters representing one franchise in a 40 character roster is 1+ too many. We want variety in fighting games, not Mario x Zelda x Pokemon with a couple others tossed in.

I think I'll just leave that here, now we're just arguing over stupid irrelevant ****. I'll be honest with you, as much as I hate WAAWA, he's got a better chance of making it than pic related.

Also mfw you're serious about wanting Ghirahim in the roster.
1. a 3rd party does not have a greater chance then a nintendo character, no matter what nintendo character
2. Yet your dream roster had 9 pokemon characters and you say that it's 5 is one to many
3. Meta Critic has a 93% ranking based on 81 reviews with 1/3 being perfect
4. Those so called ****holes are added to metacritics score
5. Pokemon had 6 playable characters out of 39 characters in brawl


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
Hoo boy, from the >greentext attempts, the reaction images, mfw's and "hurr putting stupid things in quotes" deal, it looks like a 4channer's made it here to Smashboards. Wonderful.

Anyhow, a lot of this argument seems to stem from the fact that you seem to believe that there's not going to be any more characters past the four we have added for the three big series: Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon, which is an understandable line of thinking. I mean, there's no need to overcrowd the roster with too many characters from one series right? However, the fact stands that not only have we already had more per series (5 Mario Reps in Melee, 5 Zelda reps in Melee/Brawl if you count Zelda/Sheik as separate, and 6 Pokemon in Brawl if you count PT's mons individually), but that Brawl was originally going to have at least one more character for each series. Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda/Tetra, Mewtwo and supposedly Plusle and Minun were all going to be added to Brawl at one point or another. This would have brought the totals for each series (depending on how you view alts) to 5 Mario, 5-7 Zelda characters, and a whopping 6-9 Pokemon characters.

And before the whole "oh they were cut to keep reps down" thing gets brought up, it's been thoroughly proven and/or accepted that the reason for their removal was the addition of Sonic late into the game.

As for Bayonetta's chances, I personally really don't see why having a Nintendo exclusive sequel is really THAT big of a deal for her chances. I mean, Rayman has Rayman Legends as a Wii-U exclusive title, but I don't see people clamoring about how amazing his chances are, even with the fact that he fits the overall theme of Smash better. (Not saying that Bayonetta couldn't fit, Snake is proof enough that she could.)

Regarding Ghirahim and the whole debacle involving him, let's just do a quick mental exercise. If Sakurai HAD to include a fifth Zelda character, for whatever reason, and he had to pick one based on marketability, popularity and importance, who do you personally think he would choose? Toon Zelda is most likely done and dusted as an idea, MM Link would require an inordinate amount of work for a character that's no longer of importance, and Skull Kid and Zant, like you said, are old-time oneoffs. The only three characters that stand a decent chance are Tingle, Vaati, and Ghirahim. Tingle (thankfully) will most likely make the cut due to his general lack of fans, and while Vaati is a recurring villain in the series (and would be my personal choice for a fifth character), he seems to have fallen off Nintendo's radar as of late. The character that makes the most sense as a fifth Zelda rep is Ghirahim, as he fits all three of Sakurai's qualifications of importance, marketability and popularity. Despite whatever bias you may have against him (he's not personally my favorite Zelda character either) he's got a large fanbase, he's recent enough to still be marketable to those who haven't bought Skyward Sword yet, and he's important enough to the Zelda series as a whole, being the character that set everything in the series into motion, to deserve playability. Although he may not be liked by everyone, you and me included, it's pretty silly to claim that he's on the level of Zant and Waluigi in terms of chances.

And as a final note, Pac-Man and Megaman are most likely going to be the only third parties added, if any. Travis, while cool, has nowhere near the amount of popularity, character weight, or overall importance to edge out either of these two. Hell, I'd put money on Rayman or Layton before I would on Travis. Megaman is EASILY the most requested third party right now, has had a long-standing history with Nintendo dating back to the NES, and has had NUMEROUS statements from Capcom devs saying that they would love to add him to the game. Pac-Man on the other hand, benefits from a number of different factors, mostly stemming from the fact that Namco is working on Smash 4. The Tekken and Soul Calibur producer has already said that he's not up for adding his characters, and most anything else that Namco has to offer is much too obscure to be viable (and yes, that goes for the Tales games as well). Pac-Man himself has appeared on almost every Nintendo console, and has crossed over with Mario not once, not twice, but THREE times. Pac-Man (and Ms. Pacman and Blinky) appeared in the two Mario Kart arcade games as playable characters, with their own tracks and everything. Meanwhile, Pac-Man Vs. for the Gamecube featured Mario as the announcer for the game. To say that any other Namco character stands a chance other than Pac-Man is ridiculous. Regarding their moveset potential, Megaman has years of games and the MVC series to pull from, and Pac-Man has more than enough material for a moveset thanks to Pac-Man World 2 and 3.

Overall, while you are entitled to you opinions, to say that others are outright wrong in theirs is taking it one step too far. I know 4chan can be a turbulent place and that it can affect how you interact on other websites (trust me, I frequent 4chan Smash threads from time to time), but here we try and take a little more of a relaxed, nonagressive approach. If you don't go out and jump at anyone, they're most likely not going to do anything of the sort to you, and we can avoid having arguments blow up like this from time to time.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I really do hope that Mega Man does make an appearance in Super Smash Bros.

I want to experience the feeling of "SONIC JOINS THE BRAWL" all over again. You know, that feeling of excitement and satisfaction over a fan favorite character finally making a huge appearance alongside many other famous stars from video games. Especially considering it would be a very welcome change of pace from the controversies plaguing the Mega Man series and Capcom as of late.

Also, Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. would mean several things. It would be the first time that Mega Man actually fought alongside one of his inspirations Mario, finally meet Pit again after being separated nearly 20 years, and it would mark the first time that Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man were together in a video game.

Deleted member

I really do hope that Mega Man does make an appearance in Super Smash Bros.

I want to experience the feeling of "SONIC JOINS THE BRAWL" all over again. You know, that feeling of excitement and satisfaction over a fan favorite character finally making a huge appearance alongside many other famous stars from video games. Especially considering it would be a very welcome change of pace from the controversies plaguing the Mega Man series and Capcom as of late.

Also, Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. would mean several things. It would be the first time that Mega Man actually fought alongside one of his inspirations Mario, finally meet Pit again after being separated nearly 20 years, and it would mark the first time that Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man were together in a video game.

Ever since I've first started to think about SSB4, Mega Man has been on the top of my list for my most wanted newcomer (or at least second most wanted). His addition would be enough for me to buy a Wii U and Smash Bros. 4.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
i still think Megaman and PacMan has the best chances of third party reps.

Travis Touchdown is a very long shot. Yes he has the smash style. But he's from a game that isn't really child friendly. Remember we have kids playing this game too. We don't want to send a bad message to them or the parents. Then again Sakurai did give us Zero Suit Samus.

Deleted member

...Wat. I specifically said that if you had aimed your insults at me, I would have been fine, but you're aiming them at everyone who likes Ghirahim.

You specifically said 'one-shot'. I was using one-shot and flavor of the month interchangebly because they mean the same thing. The masks never appeared again after MM. One-shot. They could have been added to future games (somehow, this is Nintendo we're talking about), but weren't. Flavor of the month. See? Totally interchangeble.

You know what? Do it. Cite your sources for SS. Heck, have them come here, since you don't seem kean at all with have a discussion. We bring legitamate sources, you say 'haha, they're being bribed'. I've read some of the reviews. There's no lies in them. This is why I want to see your sources, lest they be 'they changed it, so it sucks'. A game review is supposed to do things: Decide if the game was well-made, and Detail how the game plays so players can make their own descisions on whether to buy it. The second they say 'I didn't like it, and no one will' it is a bad review.

Okay, I'm going to be very, very clear with you. THIS IS SMASH BROS! The original smash had 4 mario characters, making 1/3 of the rooster. Melee had 7 Mario character, making up 25% of the rooster. Brawl had, again, 7 characters, making up about 1/5th of the rooster. The fact that bigger nintendo series gets more reps is a given in Smash Bros. It's always been that way. Get over it. Plenty of people like it that way, and saying it hurts Smash Bros is unfitting because Smash Bros is still going strong. This is what I'm getting at. Your's is one opinion. I'm not objecting to it, I'm objecting to the fact you believe everything should be done your way.

If you don't start citing sources, I'm done. I'm not gonna argue facts against opinions anymore. If you can't bring sources, your merely a troll.

Knock yourself out, that video review is very well made and comprehensive, I thouroughly recommend it. It breaks down everything in the game. No, I am by no means saying that SS is a BAD game. I'm simply saying it is the WEAKEST 3D Zelda.

Also, I recommend you stop taking "Official Reviewers" seriously if you want honest opinions on a game, especially considering their reviews essentially break down into this:

Metacritic is a decent source, but the problem is that with fanboy heavy series (which is very common with Nintendo titles) the "true" score will be bumped up thoroughly by endless ZOMG 10/10 BEST GAIM EVAR, HURR DE HURR, scores from the fanbase.

Ultimately, what you can do is keep an open mind and ear and try to hear different points of view on the good and the bad of newer games. Review sites like IGN and the like are not credible sources, they are simply paid hype machines. Best thing to do in all honesty is to play the game yourself and make your own opinion. However since we're debating over the general opinion in retrospect to the Zelda series as a whole, MY and YOUR personal opinions are invalid.

1. a 3rd party does not have a greater chance then a nintendo character, no matter what nintendo character
2. Yet your dream roster had 9 pokemon characters and you say that it's 5 is one to many
3. Meta Critic has a 93% ranking based on 81 reviews with 1/3 being perfect
4. Those so called ****holes are added to metacritics score
5. Pokemon had 6 playable characters out of 39 characters in brawl
My reply above also applies to you. And one thing.
>1. a 3rd party does not have a greater chance then a nintendo character, no matter what nintendo character

You sure about that? Because Waluigi, a 1st party character, didn't make the cut for Brawl, while Sonic was pretty much guaranteed a spot once we saw Snake make the cut.

Oh, and for the Record, Pkmn Trainer/Unova Trainer are 1 character. If we go by that it's 4 in Brawl and 4 in my roster.

Hoo boy, from the >greentext attempts, the reaction images, mfw's and "hurr putting stupid things in quotes" deal, it looks like a 4channer's made it here to Smashboards. Wonderful.
I used to lurk these boards since back in 2005. I just recently came back since I've been banned from 4chan because of the new Nazi-Mods, and I was itching to discuss some Smash Bros.

Anyhow, a lot of this argument seems to stem from the fact that you seem to believe that there's not going to be any more characters past the four we have added for the three big series: Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon, which is an understandable line of thinking. I mean, there's no need to overcrowd the roster with too many characters from one series right? However, the fact stands that not only have we already had more per series (5 Mario Reps in Melee, 5 Zelda reps in Melee/Brawl if you count Zelda/Sheik as separate, and 6 Pokemon in Brawl if you count PT's mons individually), but that Brawl was originally going to have at least one more character for each series. Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda/Tetra, Mewtwo and supposedly Plusle and Minun were all going to be added to Brawl at one point or another. This would have brought the totals for each series (depending on how you view alts) to 5 Mario, 5-7 Zelda characters, and a whopping 6-9 Pokemon characters.

And before the whole "oh they were cut to keep reps down" thing gets brought up, it's been thoroughly proven and/or accepted that the reason for their removal was the addition of Sonic late into the game.
That is true, and I agree with your point of view. I'll take that into consideration. I still feel it'd be best to limit the roster capacity for the Big 3, in order for other IPs to show up. Also, keep in mind that over 100 new IPs have been created by Nintendo over the course of the Wii's lifespan. This was not the case back when Brawl came out. So now there is a higher demand for some of these newer IPs to get representation so that they may be further fleshed out in the future. Back when Brawl was coming out, most people simply wanted to see: SMRPG character, Pit, Toon Link, Ike and Lyn, Diddy Waluigi, Sonic, Isaac, and a handful more (what really surprised me was that the concept for the Pkmn trainer which I had read on here was actually fully implemented into the game). But for the most part, the support for lesser known, or newer IPs wasn't as strong. That's not the case anymore. If Operation Rainfall is to serve as an example, the fans DO have certain influence on Nintendo's decisions. So, if they are vocal enough and they get enough support, you can definitely see a more "balanced" Roster than, Big 3 + SF and Samus, with a couple 3rd party.

As for Bayonetta's chances, I personally really don't see why having a Nintendo exclusive sequel is really THAT big of a deal for her chances. I mean, Rayman has Rayman Legends as a Wii-U exclusive title, but I don't see people clamoring about how amazing his chances are, even with the fact that he fits the overall theme of Smash better. (Not saying that Bayonetta couldn't fit, Snake is proof enough that she could.)
This is just MY opinion and MY opinion alone. But to me it seems Ninty's direction with the WiiU is more of a balance b/w the casual, while looking to hook the "hardcore" audience. Things don't look too good for Sony at the moment, and many of their publishers are leaving them and heading over to Nintendo instead. The new Monster Hunter, originally as Sony Exclusive Franchise, is now Exclusive to the WiiU. Bayonetta, and all of Platinum Games, has headed over to working under Nintendo. Not to mention Ninty's pushing their console release with a bunch of notable titles such as Batman, AssCreed, and CowaDoody. Certainly not an approach they took with the Wii.

Therefore, in MY humble opinion, it seem's Ninty is pushing for the "more mature" Sony crowd (well really, the HARDCORE edgy teenagers, but who gives a damn). Well, that's if we look at the west, if we look towards the east instead, I think we get a clearer picture of what they want to draw in. More like a mix and match of the Otaku-Gamer. The kinds of hard core Asians that dominate at tourneys.

I'm basically using games like ProjectXZone as an example, but a slighly more mixed and varied fast fighter, with competitive potential, rather than an attempt at being a fanboy's wet dream like Brawl did. I think the fact that Sakurai said he wanted the game to play more like Melee is proof enough. But that's just my personal opinion (and hopes, give me Melee with a good online mainframe, and it's a 1st day buy for me).

Regarding Ghirahim and the whole debacle involving him, let's just do a quick mental exercise. If Sakurai HAD to include a fifth Zelda character, for whatever reason, and he had to pick one based on marketability, popularity and importance, who do you personally think he would choose? Toon Zelda is most likely done and dusted as an idea, MM Link would require an inordinate amount of work for a character that's no longer of importance, and Skull Kid and Zant, like you said, are old-time oneoffs. The only three characters that stand a decent chance are Tingle, Vaati, and Ghirahim. Tingle (thankfully) will most likely make the cut due to his general lack of fans, and while Vaati is a recurring villain in the series (and would be my personal choice for a fifth character), he seems to have fallen off Nintendo's radar as of late. The character that makes the most sense as a fifth Zelda rep is Ghirahim, as he fits all three of Sakurai's qualifications of importance, marketability and popularity. Despite whatever bias you may have against him (he's not personally my favorite Zelda character either) he's got a large fanbase, he's recent enough to still be marketable to those who haven't bought Skyward Sword yet, and he's important enough to the Zelda series as a whole, being the character that set everything in the series into motion, to deserve playability. Although he may not be liked by everyone, you and me included, it's pretty silly to claim that he's on the level of Zant and Waluigi in terms of chances.
Interesting point of view, I hadn't considered it that way. However, I think you are too quick to give Ghir more credit than he deserves.

First off, lets look at a gameplay standpoint, do we really NEED another speedy gay swordsman? I mean, we already have Marth. Ghirahim brings NOTHING new to the table in terms of playability. Oh look, ANOTHER ****ing clone. Thanks but no thanks. It's clear the Smash-fanbase is pretty vocal about their dislike toward clone characters.

Second, ok Toon Zelda is out, MM Link has very slim chances (unless we get a MM revival), Vaati, like you said, seems to have fallen off the Radar. But what about Ganon the Pig to complement Ganondorf? The blue ******* with the Trident? Ok, too retro? Fine, so, if we can't come up with a NEW Zelda newcomer, then that begs the question... Do we really NEED a Zelda Newcomer? There's no need to add anyone else in. Especailly since the Roster seems cramped for space. Why give the spot to a character that isn't optimal, when you could have a character from a different 1st party franchise that could bring other interesting playstyles to the table?

And as a final note, Pac-Man and Megaman are most likely going to be the only third parties added, if any. Travis, while cool, has nowhere near the amount of popularity, character weight, or overall importance to edge out either of these two. Hell, I'd put money on Rayman or Layton before I would on Travis. Megaman is EASILY the most requested third party right now, has had a long-standing history with Nintendo dating back to the NES, and has had NUMEROUS statements from Capcom devs saying that they would love to add him to the game. Pac-Man on the other hand, benefits from a number of different factors, mostly stemming from the fact that Namco is working on Smash 4. The Tekken and Soul Calibur producer has already said that he's not up for adding his characters, and most anything else that Namco has to offer is much too obscure to be viable (and yes, that goes for the Tales games as well). Pac-Man himself has appeared on almost every Nintendo console, and has crossed over with Mario not once, not twice, but THREE times. Pac-Man (and Ms. Pacman and Blinky) appeared in the two Mario Kart arcade games as playable characters, with their own tracks and everything. Meanwhile, Pac-Man Vs. for the Gamecube featured Mario as the announcer for the game. To say that any other Namco character stands a chance other than Pac-Man is ridiculous. Regarding their moveset potential, Megaman has years of games and the MVC series to pull from, and Pac-Man has more than enough material for a moveset thanks to Pac-Man World 2 and 3.
As much as I hate to say it, I have to admit you're right. Maybe not so much with Megaman, simply because sometimes fan outcry isn't enough. I still get the impression Capcom is having too good a time trolling it's fanbase to allow Megaman to grace the stages of Smash Bros. You saw the adaptation of Megaman in SFxTekken. It was brilliantly hilarious. Capcom is basically sticking the big middle finger to all of it's fans. Don't get em wrong, I'd love to see Megaman in Smash, I just don't see it happening with the current trends, MvC3 is another example.

As for Pacman, you're right and I totally agree. It's a shame, as KOS-MOS or Lloyd or Alisa would MUCH more interesting to play as in my opinion. But that's NAMCO's call, I guess one could say it falls out of even Sakurai's hands.

Overall, while you are entitled to you opinions, to say that others are outright wrong in theirs is taking it one step too far. I know 4chan can be a turbulent place and that it can affect how you interact on other websites (trust me, I frequent 4chan Smash threads from time to time), but here we try and take a little more of a relaxed, nonagressive approach. If you don't go out and jump at anyone, they're most likely not going to do anything of the sort to you, and we can avoid having arguments blow up like this from time to time.

Meh, I suppose, like I said, I'm permabanned from 4chan, so until I can ban evade, I'll probably stick around here. Hell maybe even after. But you are correct, 4chan does affect the way you interact in other virtual spaces, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Behind the ****posting and aggression, there is a lot of truth and valuable and intelligent/tasteful points of view. It's not a stretch to say that the general opinion of the conglomerous 4chan hivemind, is for the most part in the right. However, such expression is better expressed through anonymity.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I'm pretty sure that the company being questionable these has very little to influence on the odds of anything. I mean we got Sonic the Hedgehog in Brawl, and that was around the time Sonic was pumping out very poorly received titles from both the fandom and critics. Popularity was the main contribution, and it could easily happen again to Mega Man regardless of the questionable quality.

Also, Mega Man in Tekken vs. Street Fight was supposed to be a joke from the beginning, but was poorly received due to bad timing since (I think) he was first shown a few months after the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe. Being exclusive to the PS3 also rubbed some people the wrong way too.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Off the record. I know you're not attacking my posts but you are attacking me when it comes to SS.
I liked Skyward Sword. And I don't like when you constantly go on trying to make your voice heard. "Okay you don't like it shut up about it now. Mover on". I couldn't give a crap what reviewers say no matter how good you think they are. They don't decide my games.

The problem is you keep on debating and debating. Rather than just give your opinions and be done with it you have to fight to be right, and it's gotten to the point where it's really disturbing.

Deleted member

I'm pretty sure that the company being questionable these has very little to influence on the odds of anything. I mean we got Sonic the Hedgehog in Brawl, and that was around the time Sonic was pumping out very poorly received titles from both the fandom and critics. Popularity was the main contribution, and it could easily happen again to Mega Man regardless of the questionable quality.

Also, Mega Man in Tekken vs. Street Fight was supposed to be a joke from the beginning, but was poorly received due to bad timing since (I think) he was first shown a few months after the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe. Being exclusive to the PS3 also rubbed some people the wrong way too.
I suppose, to me Capcom's move was a master troll, and incredibly funny to be honest. I personally like the redesign in SFxTekken, but it still gave the impression they're telling the fans to **** off. Especially with, like you said, the cancellation of Legends 3, MMU, and imo the
inclusion of Zero over Megaman in MvC3.

We'll see though, I guess.

Off the record. I know you're not attacking my posts but you are attacking me when it comes to SS.
I liked Skyward Sword. And I don't like when you constantly go on trying to make your voice heard. "Okay you don't like it shut up about it now. Mover on". I couldn't give a crap what reviewers say no matter how good you think they are. They don't decide my games.

The problem is you keep on debating and debating. Rather than just give your opinions and be done with it you have to fight to be right, and it's gotten to the point where it's really disturbing.
>but you are attacking me when it comes to SS.

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