[COLLAPSE="Futility"]Holy Flashbacks Batman! Talk about Deja Vu. I literally JUST had this discussion on /v/ last night. It was in a Game Grumps thread where some dude complained that fighting games are dying because they cater too much to the competitive crowd, and there should be more shallow casual fighters like the Naruto games.
Was that you? Because the way it was phrased was almost identical... Smash Bros wasn't brought up, but still.
I honestly don't understand why people have this unrelenting hatred toward Competitive Fighting games and the FGC. They are actually quite mistaken with that statement, modern fighters try to cater to the casual crowd these days more than ever before, with "Stylistic" simplified inputs, extensive tutorials covering ALL aspects of Fighting games, and challenge modes to help you practice simple combos, fighting games are easier to get into than ever before.
I honestly don't understand where this notion comes from, compare the Naruto Storm series to Street Fighter, and after around 2 hours of gameplay you become aware that the former has NO DEPTH, and all the characters play the same with different specials. Is that what you want for Smash Bros? If you run a quick comparison, you'll quickly notice Smash Bros resembles the likes of SF, BB, GG and KoF a lot more than it does the DBZ Games or the Naruto games, etc... Like it or not, Smash Bros is meant to have depth, and that's what gives it addicting replay value. If Smash played anything like the Naruto games, people would have grown bored with it ages ago.
I'll just post a link to the 4chan thread, they do a better job at addressing this issue than I will as I gotta go to work.