Data Submission
When contributing, you can post links and/or videos to back up your sources. However, when contributing videos, be aware that too many embeded videos on one page could result in lag, so it'll probably be better to put a link to the video instead.
Discussion Rules
Much like with the former match-up discussion thread, please keep all conversations clean. Do "not" flame, troll, or spam in any way, or else you may receive a warning or infraction.
When doing match-up discussions, it's recommended that the format is as follows...
- Pros
- Cons
- Additional Notes
- Overall Score
The overall score is basically based on a score of 100. For an example, 70:30; those numbers add up to 100. We will use values that are divisible by 5, with the left value being for Rosalina, while the right value is for the match-up opponent in discussion. The ratios below are what we'll be using...
- 100:0 - 95:5; Rosalina would (almost) always win.
- 90:10 - 85:15; Rosalina has a massive advantage.
- 80:20 - 75:25; Rosalina has a strong advantage.
- 70:30 - 65:35; Rosalina has a moderate advantage.
- 60:40 - 55:45; Rosalina has a slight advantage.
- 50:50; Rosalina is evenly matched against her opponent.
- 40:60 - 45:55; Rosalina has a slight disadvantage.
- 30:70 - 35:65; Rosalina has a moderate disadvantage.
- 20:80 - 25:75; Rosalina has a strong disadvantage.
- 10:90 - 15:85; Rosalina has a massive disadvantage.
- 0:100 - 5:95; Rosalina would (almost) always lose.
When getting the average, all the ratios would be added up, and then divided. The average itself won't always be divisible by 5, but the format does work as follows.
Match-up ratio sum / Total number of match-up ratios = Match-up ratio average
Let's say that there are five match-up ratios, which consist of 60:40, 50:50, 70:30, 60:40, and 40:60. The equation would be...
(60:40 + 50:50 + 70:30 + 60:40 + 40:60) / 5 = 56:44
56:44 is the average for that equation, but be advised that not all averages will end up as integers.
Please remember that when discussing match-ups, we must assume that everyone is always playing at their top potential.