All around, the ship was exploding. Tom couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in the prison cell of his own pirate ship, with forks and knives blowing holes all around him. Not that it really mattered, as at that second, something blew a hole at his feet.
I really hope I'm above the water...
Of course, as soon as TOM thought that, water started leaking through the hole at his feet.
**** it...
Fortunately, that which had blown said hole at his feet just happened to be the key to Tom's cell that somehow had a density of less than 1 and was floating around his ankles. Tom unlocked the door and walked out.
"Alright, **** this ****, I'm taking back my ship!"
He punched the nearby Riddle in the face, knocking him out and taking his rifle. Tom made his way up the stairs, only to be confronted by Kevin and KK.
"Don't tell me you guys are under his control too..."
"So dar we have accomplished very little today we need to go and scumhunt. ND UR SUCM!!!"
KK rushed Tom, but to no avail. Tom drew two massive swords from somewhere, thrust them both into KK, and ripped them out his sides. Needless to say, he was dead. Then, Tom drew back, and suddenly spiraled through the air, cutting right through Kevin, sending him flying straight up into the air for some reason... Oh, Kevins dead too.
Seeing no reason to dawdle, Tom ran straight to the helm, where stood...
"I'm taking my ship back now."
Tom jumped into the air, and suddenly was behind Swords, his twin massive blades crashing down on Swords as he fell. But Tom found that it wasn't blood that spurted out, but Panacea. He draws back in disgust, and then sees Swords reform from being split in two.
"Obvious that alone isn't going to work... Let's see..."
He pulls out the rifle, but then Swords started to speak in a voice that no human throat could produce.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I cured your brain cancer, I assure you, I could reverse that in an instant where you to get a bit of me on you. Not only that, but I could amplify your pain receptors to feel 50 times what they normally do. Every instant of the rest of your painful life would feel like 1000 years of agony."
"Well then, I guess I better not shoot YOU..."
Tom pulled the trigger on the rifle, and a giant, gloved hand shot out and made for a button across the ship. Upon slamming into the button, the floor at Swords feet disappeared before its occupant even had a moment to register what had happened.
By this point, the pirate ship had sunken so far that nothing but the helm remained above water. Wasting no time, Tom made his way to the wheel, pushed a hidden button, and suddenly the ship rose out of the water and into the night sky, which seemed to be on fire for some reason.
Suddenly, Tom's right wooden leg was covered in green goo! Swords hadn't drowned and had managed to keep hold of the ship! Even as the ship exited the water, everyone in the nearby vicinity could hear the agonized screams of the poor soul, enduring millenia upon millenia of unimaginable pain.
"Tom? Why are you screaming?"
And Tom was awake.
"Ugh... Nightmare... Why are you guys all staring at me like that? And why so serious?"
"Karthik King."
Tom looks around for KK, and finds only the charred remains of the once-crazy amneisac.
KK, the Forgetful Vanilla Townie, has been killed!
Well this is a tragedy! No use fretting over it now though. Get to work figuring out who did this!"
"Gung ho as always..." you all barely hear Ronike say, "At any rate, we'll look into Swords 'condition' while you guys work and get you info as we can. Good luck."
Day 2 starts! With 10 left alive, it takes 6 to lynch.
Deadline will be October 8th at 4.
Anybody wondering, the first part is a dream and has no relation to the game.
KK's Role: Before the game, I told KK he could only join if he agreed to the following restriction:
You are the King of Karthiks! The testing made you develop a short term memory loss. Therefore, if you do not post at least once between every vote count, you will forget who you are (aka BE REPLACED). In addition, you must make a contributing post once every 72 hours in order to harden your resolve to remember what is going on. I will judge what is contributing or not, but needless to say, anything along the lines of "IM PSTNG OS I DNT GTE REPLECED LOLOL" will not count. If you are in doubt whether or not it counted, you may pm or aim me and ask, but if you doubt it counts, you should just try to contribute more. Other than that, you are a Vanilla Townie!
He did much better than I was expecting. Good job KK.