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Ronike's Test Subject Mafia: Game's Over: Town Wins! Nick pulls a Hando


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
you probably shouldn't be sarcastic, over the internet, in a game where the greatest way to succeed is to misconstrue innocent posts into bad intentions. did you ever think of that?
I guess so...

It seemed pretty innocent to me though.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
what do you not buy out of it, kk, kevinm?

swords, im interested to hear you, you know, keep talking, keep explaining. you just sorta left.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
A bodyguard that comes out of nowhere. It is highly unlikely and I dont believe it at all.
i still dont follow this at all. how does it come out of nowhere? if that's his role, then that's his role. if you were a bodyguard, would you have claimed differently? i dont understand.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
That seems more like another role..?

And Tom, I don't buy the fact that instead of attempting to put up a solid defense.

He threw out a rather generic role in one line. Left, then later on posted a generic name that sounds like another role. That's about all he's given us, without EVER defending himself from the accusations besides going.. Karthik did it too!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
what do you not buy out of it, kk, kevinm?

swords, im interested to hear you, you know, keep talking, keep explaining. you just sorta left.
Sorry, i got busy around 8...i woulda posted sooner.....

The buddy-thing with Nick was kinda equivalent to the Karthik-KevinM buddy thing during the Random RVS stage. True, somethings i did agree with him on, but later on in the game, you'll see that i don't agree with him on everything. And as far as my posts not being full of substance, some of them were about as useful as KK's earlier posts (he's useful now, but he wasn't then.) but some contributed to the discussion. And while this probably isn't that good a post, i'm a newbie, i'm not that good at playing mafia.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Okay, You chose to play in this game, where Rockin specifically said that no new players would be allowed. The newb card can't be used here.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Vote Count:
Swords(5): Jungle, Kevin, Riddle, Rockin, KK
Karthik(2): Swords, Nick
Riddle(1): Tom

Not Voting: Frozen, Marshy, Gheb, Mentos

Ugh... I have a test tomorrow and I am bushed. I need to go to sleep very soon, so here's the deal:

I'm not going to post a day ending post at midnite. I may be up for a while longer, but not til then. However, unless something drastic happens, I have the flavor written up for the lynch, so it, again barring upsets, WILL go up tomorrow morning before school. Anyone with night actions will have 72 hours from that point to send me their actions, but please try to send as soon as possible, as I will have to write flavor, and the longer it takes to get in your night actions, the longer it takes me to get the next day up.

Any votes after 12:01 will not be counted, and I would ask you to treat the game as if it is in the night phase at that point.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2008

But its fine Someone else did it too right?


but hey thees guy deed was buddying up too so eets all fine right?

I R Bodyguard named Federal operative
and btw i don wanna say more k bye

is ALL swords has said all game.

Swords is the play.

We all see this


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN

well his claim seems important but the name does not really line up with anything i expected so that doesnt save him imo. then again im not even voting him so i dont know what it would have saved.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
A voice belonging to someone you don't know comes on over the loudspeaker.

"It's time. Have you decided who will be leaving your group?"

You all argue for a moment or two, but eventually the plurality of you point towards SwordsRbroken.

"Very well."

A tile descends from the ceiling, upon which lies a long piece of rope.

"Tie him up and place him in the northeast corner. Then you all need to go to the southwest corner. For safety reasons…"

"Are you sure about this Agent Johnson? I mean, do we really have to kill him? And what about the rest of them? It's not that likely the radiation will simply…"

"Bite your tongue. I would remind you that this is the plan you came up with and agreed to."

"But it's just…"

The microphone is cut off.

You all glance at each other nervously, but sensing what was coming next, KevinM takes advantage of the confusion and hits Swords in the back of the head as hard as he can, knocking him out.

"Well? Let's tie him up!"

The 7 of you get to work tying your poor victim up, and within minutes, Swords awakens to find himself in a complete bind, in a corner, facing the dangerous end of the "ray gun".

"Uh, guys? Can we talk about this for a minute?"

"Sorry, but this is for your own good. Or rather, OUR own good. You are going to be in quite a bit of pain momentarily."

The microphone had come back on, and Agent Johnson sounded like he was enjoying this far too much. The radiation emitter began glowing a brighter green than yesterday. So bright you all are forced to look away, except for poor Swords. He had to simply sit there, looking at the green light that signaled the start of his next journey. There was a sudden flash, and then nothing. You all looked to the corner to see a scorched Swords, leaking what looked to be Panacea out of his ears, nose, eyes, and mouth.

"I'm gonna puke…"

"It should be safe to go over now. Make sure he's dead."

"How could he not be… What have we done…"

A few of you wander over to Swords. The flow of Panacea that seemed unending suddenly came to a stop.

"Where… is my bro…therrrrr?"

"I'm right here, what do you need?"

Nick went to hold his dying brother's hand, when suddenly, the seemingly harmless Panacea came alive and latched onto Nick's arm!

"What the?"

"Iiffff I cannnnn't havvvvve yourrrrr brrrrotherrr, I guessssssss YOU willlll havvvvvvve to…"

The Panacea suddenly erupted into flames!

"What the hell is going on down there?!"

The Panacea fell off of Nick and onto the floor, shrinking rapidly.

"Currrrrrrrrrsssssssssse you alllllllll!!!"

And then it was no more.

Nick once again turned to his dying brother.

"Brother? It's O.K, that… stuff is out of you now! You're going to be alright?"

"*cough* I'm afraid *cough cough* not"

You all look to his hands to see them covered in blood. But he somehow managed to talk between his fits of coughing, entrusting you all with his final words.

"I'm so sorry. I killed that man on the news. I just wanted to be noticed by you brother, but I never intended for it to go that far. I see now that the Panacea inside me was just manipulating me, using my deepest, darkest secrets against me. Be careful… brotherrrr…"


Swords,Mafia Recruiter, is no more.


"See Ronike? Nothing to worry about, we've already caught the freak! We'll begin getting the rest of you home now. Agent Smith, go open that door for them…. What do you mean it won't open?"

"I think I know why. Look at the door."

You all look to see the door, perfectly fine mere seconds ago,
now seems to be welded shut.

"Apparently we have another problem. Well, lets just keep going, figure out who did it this time. Hopefully we find him before all of you are dead…"

"We'll look for alternative methods to figure out who did this, as well as how to get you guys out of there. The ceiling is unfortunately not an option, unless you want to go through the cleanser… which assure you any of you that value you life do not want to do…"

Night 1 starts, you have until the 26th at 7 AM to get night actions to me.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Some people were confused by the flavor, so let me just clear something up:

The Panacea that got onto Nick was completely obliterated in the flames. None of it got in his system, so he wasn't converted.

All actions have been received, and flavor is half done. Day will start soon.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
All around, the ship was exploding. Tom couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in the prison cell of his own pirate ship, with forks and knives blowing holes all around him. Not that it really mattered, as at that second, something blew a hole at his feet.

I really hope I'm above the water...

Of course, as soon as TOM thought that, water started leaking through the hole at his feet.

**** it...

Fortunately, that which had blown said hole at his feet just happened to be the key to Tom's cell that somehow had a density of less than 1 and was floating around his ankles. Tom unlocked the door and walked out.

"Alright, **** this ****, I'm taking back my ship!"

He punched the nearby Riddle in the face, knocking him out and taking his rifle. Tom made his way up the stairs, only to be confronted by Kevin and KK.

"Don't tell me you guys are under his control too..."

"So dar we have accomplished very little today we need to go and scumhunt. ND UR SUCM!!!"

KK rushed Tom, but to no avail. Tom drew two massive swords from somewhere, thrust them both into KK, and ripped them out his sides. Needless to say, he was dead. Then, Tom drew back, and suddenly spiraled through the air, cutting right through Kevin, sending him flying straight up into the air for some reason... Oh, Kevins dead too.

Seeing no reason to dawdle, Tom ran straight to the helm, where stood...


"I'm taking my ship back now."

Tom jumped into the air, and suddenly was behind Swords, his twin massive blades crashing down on Swords as he fell. But Tom found that it wasn't blood that spurted out, but Panacea. He draws back in disgust, and then sees Swords reform from being split in two.

"Obvious that alone isn't going to work... Let's see..."

He pulls out the rifle, but then Swords started to speak in a voice that no human throat could produce.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I cured your brain cancer, I assure you, I could reverse that in an instant where you to get a bit of me on you. Not only that, but I could amplify your pain receptors to feel 50 times what they normally do. Every instant of the rest of your painful life would feel like 1000 years of agony."

"Well then, I guess I better not shoot YOU..."

Tom pulled the trigger on the rifle, and a giant, gloved hand shot out and made for a button across the ship. Upon slamming into the button, the floor at Swords feet disappeared before its occupant even had a moment to register what had happened.

By this point, the pirate ship had sunken so far that nothing but the helm remained above water. Wasting no time, Tom made his way to the wheel, pushed a hidden button, and suddenly the ship rose out of the water and into the night sky, which seemed to be on fire for some reason.

Suddenly, Tom's right wooden leg was covered in green goo! Swords hadn't drowned and had managed to keep hold of the ship! Even as the ship exited the water, everyone in the nearby vicinity could hear the agonized screams of the poor soul, enduring millenia upon millenia of unimaginable pain.

"Tom? Why are you screaming?"

And Tom was awake.

"Ugh... Nightmare... Why are you guys all staring at me like that? And why so serious?"

"Karthik King."

Tom looks around for KK, and finds only the charred remains of the once-crazy amneisac.

KK, the Forgetful Vanilla Townie, has been killed!

Well this is a tragedy! No use fretting over it now though. Get to work figuring out who did this!"

"Gung ho as always..." you all barely hear Ronike say, "At any rate, we'll look into Swords 'condition' while you guys work and get you info as we can. Good luck."


Day 2 starts! With 10 left alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline will be October 8th at 4.

Anybody wondering, the first part is a dream and has no relation to the game.

KK's Role: Before the game, I told KK he could only join if he agreed to the following restriction:

You are the King of Karthiks! The testing made you develop a short term memory loss. Therefore, if you do not post at least once between every vote count, you will forget who you are (aka BE REPLACED). In addition, you must make a contributing post once every 72 hours in order to harden your resolve to remember what is going on. I will judge what is contributing or not, but needless to say, anything along the lines of "IM PSTNG OS I DNT GTE REPLECED LOLOL" will not count. If you are in doubt whether or not it counted, you may pm or aim me and ask, but if you doubt it counts, you should just try to contribute more. Other than that, you are a Vanilla Townie!

He did much better than I was expecting. Good job KK.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
A scumbag for a vanilla (or some slight variation) is a good deal @ D1/N1. Liking these results.
What bothers me though is frozenflame's lack of input and he announced to be gone until monday in the V/LA thread. I really wanted him to be more active D2 but now we can't expect ANYTHING from him for tommorow + weekend. Sucks =/

Gonna read back through KK's posts again. It's save to assume his claims @D1 to be credible due to his flip. Also gonna double-check things about swords to see how things go.

Question to everybody: Do you think that swords flipping scum incriminates nick because of swords buddying him?



Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I do not see the reasoning behind the KK kill. He was the second-most voted yesterday and so it doesn't benefit mafia at all to NK him.



Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Flavor is hilarious but also AMAZING on another level. I will go back and read, and post much more later. Yet to vote.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Ill be honest, first person I want to hear from is Nick. There was a very strong connection drawn between him and swords yesterday, and he had been considered a lynch candidate before that, so I expect to hear from him.

Also, recruiter down D1? Epic win town, epic win. Also the KK kill was random, but if I recall correctly one of his main suspects yesterday was, you guessed it, nick. Just more fuel to the fire, and enough where I want pressure on him.

vote:nick cuz the mafia family always needs some brothers


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Ill be honest, first person I want to hear from is Nick. There was a very strong connection drawn between him and swords yesterday, and he had been considered a lynch candidate before that, so I expect to hear from him.

Also, recruiter down D1? Epic win town, epic win. Also the KK kill was random, but if I recall correctly one of his main suspects yesterday was, you guessed it, nick. Just more fuel to the fire, and enough where I want pressure on him.

vote:nick cuz the mafia family always needs some brothers
Well, what do you want from me? Swords well... although he had been buddying up to me, I didn't think it was a scumtell, as it was his first time playing (or close enough. He got daykilled within a day of joining his other game), and I am his bigger brother. As for the KK kill... well, I'm not really sure about that, but my guess would be that the mafia kill got blocked, and KK was the SK/vigilante kill. My other theory is that mafia killed off KK in order to frame me (being that I was one of his main suspects yesterday), so they could push my lynch through quickly and easily.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
So, you would assume quicker that the mafia kill got blocked and KK was a vig/SK shot? I don't see why your "Other theory" wouldn't be your main one, at least barring having some sort of extra information. Now, as for your question of what do I want to hear from you? Nothing in particular. I want to see you contributing and giving me reason to believe you aren't scum. The reason I'm looking at you is due to the extreme connection formed between you and Swords, and I'm interested in if it's because you were both scum or if it's due to him being your brother. That is not something that you answer questions and get rid of, it's something that you have to prove through substance that it was the latter.

Now, if you would like me to give you some of the things other than that which could cause me to look to you, I honestly can't give you anything solid. It's not any one thing that makes me look at you, it's the general feel I get from seeing the way you and Swords were toward eachother yesterday. There are a couple things, but they were all brought up yesterday when you were considered a possible lynch.

Do I want to lynch you right now? I'm not sure. Swords could have just been newbie scum, and tried following along with you since you're his brother and he felt that you knew what you were doing better and it would help him look more townie. However, as it stands you are definitely one of my top suspects, and until I see how things play out, my vote will stick.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
OK, here are some notable things from D1

- The "connection" between swords and nick ... not sure about that one because it was largely based on swords' behaviour and the fact that they are brothers. My impression of nick is that he tried to neither buddy too much with swords nor to be overly rejective towards him, which I think is what town would also do. However, swords' flip makes things more complicated so I def. want to hear nicks point of view and more than just a "what do you want me to say" because there clearly IS something to say on your part.

- Marshy and Rockin have been sort of inactive D1. I want to hear more from you guys, especially Marshy since most of his posts were pushing towards a ff lynch (something I wouldn't mind but I want to hear more from you on the swords/nick thing and also KKs death). Rockin seems to be lurking a lot as usualy but I feel like he should speak up as well. This is a good situation for town right now and the more info we get from you guys the better are the chances for town to win

- The KK lynch incriminates nick but everybody should keep in mind that he whole thing is also WIFOM (this is especially @ mentos). If nick is scum he still has to convinve his mafia buddy to NK kk...something I rather doubt. Scum usually NKs the strongest town player. Why KK? He's been semi-suspicious himself for a while (and his playstyle isn't easy to handle). Probably because KKs death was bound to incriminate nick...

- I hope the cop investigated nick N1, especially after swords' flip (+his behaviour D1) it was easily the best possible investigation we had.

- Only one death N1 means that we probably have a vigilante. The odds of doc protecting the right person N1 or the SK and scum targeting the same person are low. A vig. not firing N1 explains the whole thing. I don't want this issue to dominate (because it's just speculation) but do you think there's an SK?


To be honest, I don't think nick is scum. Killing KK after having lost 1/3 of their members would be too risky for scum to do this. This could be massive WIFOM as I said before but doing something that risky N1 after losing a member already? I doubt it. Given the towns excellent situation (as I said: only 1 vanilla for a scumbag D1 is almost ideal) we could probably afford a mislynch to some extent now but I'd rather keep nick alive and wait for the cop's results to confirm it or at least for some more solid suspicions against him.
Before we decide to jump on a nick BW already we should first see if we can get some other info. Plenty people still have to speak up.



Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
OK, here are some notable things from D1

- The "connection" between swords and nick ... not sure about that one because it was largely based on swords' behaviour and the fact that they are brothers. My impression of nick is that he tried to neither buddy too much with swords nor to be overly rejective towards him, which I think is what town would also do. However, swords' flip makes things more complicated so I def. want to hear nicks point of view and more than just a "what do you want me to say" because there clearly IS something to say on your part.

- Marshy and Rockin have been sort of inactive D1. I want to hear more from you guys, especially Marshy since most of his posts were pushing towards a ff lynch (something I wouldn't mind but I want to hear more from you on the swords/nick thing and also KKs death). Rockin seems to be lurking a lot as usualy but I feel like he should speak up as well. This is a good situation for town right now and the more info we get from you guys the better are the chances for town to win

- The KK lynch incriminates nick but everybody should keep in mind that he whole thing is also WIFOM (this is especially @ mentos). If nick is scum he still has to convinve his mafia buddy to NK kk...something I rather doubt. Scum usually NKs the strongest town player. Why KK? He's been semi-suspicious himself for a while (and his playstyle isn't easy to handle). Probably because KKs death was bound to incriminate nick...

- I hope the cop investigated nick N1, especially after swords' flip (+his behaviour D1) it was easily the best possible investigation we had.

- Only one death N1 means that we probably have a vigilante. The odds of doc protecting the right person N1 or the SK and scum targeting the same person are low. A vig. not firing N1 explains the whole thing. I don't want this issue to dominate (because it's just speculation) but do you think there's an SK?


To be honest, I don't think nick is scum. Killing KK after having lost 1/3 of their members would be too risky for scum to do this. This could be massive WIFOM as I said before but doing something that risky N1 after losing a member already? I doubt it. Given the towns excellent situation (as I said: only 1 vanilla for a scumbag D1 is almost ideal) we could probably afford a mislynch to some extent now but I'd rather keep nick alive and wait for the cop's results to confirm it or at least for some more solid suspicions against him.
Before we decide to jump on a nick BW already we should first see if we can get some other info. Plenty people still have to speak up.

To the quote about it being WIFOM, well, I love the fact that you feel the need to point it out to me. However, if we ignore everything if it's just WIFOM, we ignore everything in the game pretty much. The fact is, while it could be the case that mafia is trying to trick us, there was enough to make me suspicious of Nick D1, especially after Swords flip, where it does add to my case.

Also, how do you jump from one kill to there being a vigilante? It's possible one killing group got doc-blocked, it's possible there's an SK that can no kill, and most importantly, the lack of an SK doesn't mean we have a vig. That whole section of speculation was based on terrible logic.

For your last part, we most likely have a few available mislynches. At most we have 2 scum and 8 townies, which gives us 2 mislynches if we continue to have 1 kill a night, and I don't find it entirely implausible there's only 1 scum left. With Swords dying as the recruiter, with 3 scum that would have potentially put us in a situation of 6-4(aka mylo) today if we had mislynched D1. I find it very possible there were 2 scum to start, with the recruiter to gain a 3rd, but since we killed the recruiter that eliminated 2 scum at once.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
I'm still wondering why Marshy has four votes and neither one is really unvoting him. Still find it odd since it's somewhat not confirmed that a executioner is in the game or not. Even after the votes went to 4, JF and KK seems incline to keep it on there. I'm also wondering why no one hasn't said anything about it. Odd. >>;;^
seriously. who worries about an executioner? mashad did this as scum in nowhere mafia. it's just unnecessary scare tactics
In anycase, I always feel that every townie should be counted, whether we go to lynch the executioner or not.
this raises the age-old question "dumb or scum?". i've said this but a townie for a scumbag is an awesome deal and it looks like rockin is arguing just to be right here
I don't like how you immiediatly brought this to attention towards us. The talk between you and Tom were quite noticable. Of course we were gonna talk about it eventually once things seem to calm down. Almost as if it was an act. This is probably me being sensitive to some things, but I just don't like it >>
hey look reaching with a nice dose of vagueness
Really, I like to consider there's more roles then just the typical cop and doc roles. Also, I like to hear you say that when we lose a pr townie. I know saving all townies is nearly impossible, but I want to try and lynch as many anti townies as possible without a mislynch of the kind. But again, that's very hard.
crap excuse. going out of your way to assume unlikely roles is nonsense
Well, as said, the topic really talked about each other's opinion in terms of mafia and bandwagons. Nic gave out some good points, but so did Tom. Neither were right or wrong, but they both had opinons. I'm also starting to notice a slightly different Tom in this game, but I think it's too early to tell. All I know is that he seems more bandwagon happy then how I usually see him.
scummy nudging towards tom with a garbage excuse so as to not be reprimanded for it

Also, Tomafia 3 was a bad example. Reason why people went to stratford was cause he was inactive as hell. Back then, we were more prone to lynching inactive players. So after a few votes, stratford made this bs post and that ensured his fate. I wouldn't really call that a good way to bandwagon cause he was litterally active and not lurking or whatnot.
fluff and arguing about nothing as always!

IMO, I don't like bandwagons much. I like for my post to have some form of logic rather jumping on the train. True, it promotes pressure and it does get out information needed. It could sometimes even show a person's true colors. However, that's the kind of style I don't really want to have.
"Yes, bandwagons can be used to successfully scumhunt, but I don't want to do that"
I'll post something within the morning.
then he doesn't. probably because no one pressured him
Vote: Swords
came outta nowhere with this post. he had barely said a thing about swords. throwing his partner under the bus

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
the rest of rockin's posts are fluffy non-committal fence-sitting garbage. let's lynch him

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
why aren't you voting rockin?

btw swords' flip is why protective roles need to get lynched immediately after claiming. it also shows why wagons can be cool stuff nick

though i misrepresented rockin a bit above after looking back. i said "he had barely said a thing about swords" but had actually said that he didn't like swords' wagoning a bit earlier. eh. can still die
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