Incidentally, I currently feel that Zetterburn, Orcane, Kragg, and Forsburn are all good, fair characters as of the latest patch. Kragg was somewhat dumb before with the degree to which you could spam pillar, but this has largely been fixed (in fact, it's possible they went too far, he seemed okay in 0.0.4). Zetterburn was also obviously a dumb character at launch, but the damage nerf largely fixed him as well. The two contentious characters are Wrastor and Maypul, who are actually similar in a lot of ways. The issue with both is they have very safe, braindead pressure, plus the ability to simply mash out of combos, allowing them to be played in a much more spammy / autopilot sort of way and still do very well.
Characters with extreme pressure and combos can be balanced, but it requires the ability to convert for huge damage against them once you do get an opening, however both Wrastor and Maypul have buttons they can spam to escape combos easily (jump for Wrastor, since he gets so many, Side Special / Down Light for Maypul), making them by far the hardest characters to convert for significant percent against, and they also have fairly braindead ways to get back down to the stage and escape juggles (neutral special for Wrastor, down special for Maypul). Compare Orcane, who also has great neutral (albeit, by being very slippery and hard to pin down rather than through pressure), but when you get the opportunity you can convert for a ton of damage against him as his escapes from combos are very bad, and thus he feels fair in a way that they don't.
Wrastor's saving grace is that his weight is very low, so he doesn't feel that broken, he's still a frustrating and dumb character to play against but he's probably not OP, but Maypul is basically the same character but with arguably even greater strengths (equal mobility to Wrastor even without Jet Stream, ridiculous stage control with Plant, amazing edgeguarding through strong attacks) and the same weight as the rest of the cast, and she feels very obviously busted.
I agree about maypul, it's way too easy to mark someone, I think marking with the side b should be removed. Maypuls element special is the only one that doesn't go away not counting Orcane.
Actually, I said this before, I think Side and Down B should continue to mark, but both probably need 1-2 more startup frames. This would also fix the Side B Side B Side B ground spam as well as limiting her ability to just mash out of combos.
Actually, I think those are probably the 3 fixes she needs:
- Side B and Down B have more startup
- Weight is reduced to a little more than Wrastor
- Plant is destroyed if the opponent hits it, unless it is fully grown, in which case it simply reverts to the "unfed" state, forcing it to be hit twice to get rid of it altogether.
Nair and Fair remain dumb, but at least now she faces the tradeoff of being light and subject to big conversions when she gets read / parried. Also, you can't simply camp the plant anymore.
Also her uptilt hit box coverage is ridiculous. Shouldn't be hitting in the empty space
View attachment 76940
That is pretty gross.