Just a few critiques on the game feel, now that I've finally sat down to play the game
A few characters movement feels... Funky. Forsburn feels too slow to effectively follow up and cover options, I feel like even though he
does have his clones he needs a slightly faster movement speed to do just that. Great character design though, love how he plays. In a similar vein, Zetterburn and Wrastor need some tweaks on their run speeds. Wrastor feels too slow on the ground to fit his playstyle, just a
slight bump up in speed would be helpful, and Zetterburn's run is slower than his dash frames, leading to foxtrotting in one direction feeling faster than the rest of his movement. I'm not saying Zetterburn is too slow, but he does need some tweaking on that transition from the dash frames to the run frames so it feels a bit more fluid (Forsburn needs this same tweak as well, but not to the same degree as Zetterburn.)
Anyways, Maypul is a
wonderfully designed character but I need to critique her recovery a little bit. Her traditional up-b does next to nothing since there's no ledges in this game, making it seem very very situational. If she could angle it slightly, a-la melee Marth, that could be hugely beneficial to her gameplay. Also, she seems far too vulnerable after using her up-b on marked opponents, because they can just nair her and combo her to death, basically leading to a situation where the fact that she used her up-b doesn't even matter, so she should be able to act out of it just a little bit faster or have just a few invincibility frames so that way she's able to come back without getting totally screwed up.
All in all though I really do love this game, it has a ton of promise and I can't wait to see more from it in the future. Great work, Dan!