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Rise from the Ashes Pt 2 Results


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Melee Singles:

1: Jesse
2: Vicious
3: Pikapika
4: Minh
5: rtf
5: General
7: Foy
7: Pyro
9: betafish
9: Cura
9: Brock
9: Flaw
13: Shamu
13: Amber

Melee Doubles:

1: Giga Drill Breaker (Pikapika and Vicious
2: Exploding Turnips (Minh and General)
3: Joey's Rattata (Foy and JesiahTEG)
4: HardRead (RTF and AM)
5: Bugaboo (Cura and Eeveee)
5: The Real Hard Reads (Goggles and pyro)
7: You can't tech off a wall of pain (Hubble and Flaw)
7: Me & Soma (beta and soma)

Brawl Singles:

1: Cura (Split with Dr. G)
2: Dr. G (Split with Dr. G)
3: Goggles
5: Pikapika
5: Phil
7: Acton
7: Kanto
9: Chris
9: Shamu
9: Sheth
9: Minka
13: Pyro

Brawl+ Singles:

1: Pikapika
2: Goggles
3: dr. g
4: kanto
5: Cura
5: Roger
7: Eeveee
7: betafish
9: AM
9: minh
9: TheLocksmith
9: Sheth
13: slashy
13: Shamu


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords

1: Jesse: I didn't see you and Foy in late teams bracket. :confused: Also: I want to develop both a rushdown and an evasive/campy fox. I plan on being around more to smash soon.
2: Vicious: I straight up azen dashed away from you in bracket XD. You know what's up. Teach me how to live forever in teams, please.
3: Pikapika: I love your reaction to projectile spam. It's been mad fun hanging out lately. GL on your trip.
4: Minh: Thanks for everything, it really means a lot. You and Steve got momentum cancelled mad hard in teams :O
5: rtf: Keep up the pace. Get more sleep ffs so you can think more than 10% of the time.
5: General: instead of playing watching Tales we could have duked out 5th/6th place!
7: Foy: I have to catch up to you in a lot of matchups. You've improved a ton lately.
7: Pyro: I wanna see the recorded matches on youtube! No lazy/busy johns!
9: betafish: Always close fighting you. Super cheesy last stock, but I had that planned out as soon as you spawned ;)
9: Cura&Eevee: Finally a break from you in singles bracket. It's mad stressful fighting your chars. Teams was fun. I'm glad Syracuse makes it down so frequently.
9: Bok: rainbows and unicorns
9: Flaw: Nice meeting you. Hopefully you find some local smashers to practice with.
13: Amber: We haven't played much lately. I think we would get much farther with more practice. Regardless, we were comboing off of each other pretty well.
Nice job beating those guys vvvv... all by yourself after you killed me XD
5: The Real Hard Reads (Goggles and pyro) :p
brawl people/everyone else: hi :D

I've been really tired lately... can't wait for school to get out for more free time. Gonna miss everyone that's leaving though.

Good games everyone. :colorful:


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
good job guys. Too many splits though, play out the GFs lol. Dr. G always scared in playing GFs when he gets there :(

Too bad about the top percent of RATATTA.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
I almost always split if people ask. i split once cause neil asked. split with goggles just cause sonic is really gay and annoying to play against in general and matches would take to long and i wanted to do the brawl + tournament lol. And jason asked me to split as well.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2009
i'll get the matches up on youtube eventually. lazy johns/ busy johns.

shout outs:
beta: **** **** **** **** **** **** god ****it i'll beat you next year.
hubble: you need to work on your reads, 90% of falcon is reads. gg's though
goggles: lol at 1 man team, I think you should team with a sand bag next time.
flaw: nice friendlies, good luck getting better and i hope i'll see you next year.
sheth: good work rage running things.
rtf: you a ho
steven: one day i will **** you up, until then, i'll have to settle for losing horribly to you.
Foy: Foyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
those top 4 *****es: gj

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest

1: Jesse: I didn't see you and Foy in late teams bracket. :confused: Also: I want to develop both a rushdown and an evasive/campy fox. I plan on being around more to smash soon.
2: Vicious: I straight up azen dashed away from you in bracket XD. You know what's up. Teach me how to live forever in teams, please.
3: Pikapika: I love your reaction to projectile spam. It's been mad fun hanging out lately. GL on your trip.
4: Minh: Thanks for everything, it really means a lot. You and Steve got momentum cancelled mad hard in teams :O
5: rtf: Keep up the pace. Get more sleep ffs so you can think more than 10% of the time.
5: General: instead of playing watching Tales we could have duked out 5th/6th place!
7: Foy: I have to catch up to you in a lot of matchups. You've improved a ton lately.
7: Pyro: I wanna see the recorded matches on youtube! No lazy/busy johns!
9: betafish: Always close fighting you. Super cheesy last stock, but I had that planned out as soon as you spawned ;)
9: Cura&Eevee: Finally a break from you in singles bracket. It's mad stressful fighting your chars. Teams was fun. I'm glad Syracuse makes it down so frequently.
9: Bok: rainbows and unicorns
9: Flaw: Nice meeting you. Hopefully you find some local smashers to practice with.
13: Amber: We haven't played much lately. I think we would get much farther with more practice. Regardless, we were comboing off of each other pretty well.
Nice job beating those guys vvvv... all by yourself after you killed me XD
5: The Real Hard Reads (Goggles and pyro) :p
brawl people/everyone else: hi :D

I've been really tired lately... can't wait for school to get out for more free time. Gonna miss everyone that's leaving though.

Good games everyone. :colorful:
Who is this guy jackin my swag n ****??? Indifferent Servbot belongs to ME! Get@me.


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2009
Rochester, NY
Nice playing with everyone, the small tournament setting makes things much easier on newbs like me. Rochester region is really chill, I hope I'll see all of you again next tourney.

Just to be clear, I do come from upstate (Potsdam, NY), but I will be in the area until I go back to school in June, and I'll be visiting frequently during breaks/weekends since my gf (of 3 years) lives here now.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I would have played out brawl grand finals, if the set would actually start before midnight.

jason did really well this tourney, but I got his ledge crap on lock now, so im not going to be losing to him again anytime soon.
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