Gypsy Lee
Smash Champion
In Norfair, there was a hidden passage in one of the floors. You had to shoot the ground and fall through, then you continued to the Ridley battle. After that, I think you just had to return to the statues that had moved, allowing you to enter Tourian and defeat the Mother Brain.There are Metroids in Echoes. I'm surprised you let that stop you anyway. The hardest Metroid is the original, and you beat that, right? I got to Norfair or something and I just got completely lost, and I kept getting my percent to go down really fast because of these rooms that had non-stop enemies that would just tear you apart and give you no health...I stopped after that because I just flat couldn't get past it.
I don't know how you can say TP was disappointing. *sigh* ...whatever. I liked it. I even beat it again on the 3-heart challenge. That was quite amusing.
About TP, I'm picky about my games