late again but here I go"
Ok so by far this is THE greatest update, it all seems that this time around theres gonna be more of a story, the good guys dont want the other good guys tu turn into trophies, as u can see kirby and mario joining forces, then everything goes dark and what seems like the new polygons/wire frames appear...
but BEFORE that u see the halberd followed by clouds, may speculate these look like characters, at 1st I tought they were crazy, but now that I see them I easily recongnize 4 characters:
on number 1: U see some guy with black horns or something, yet looks kidna humanoid, and the ONLY character that fits these bills are:
2: This one is easy, a big ball thingy on its forehead, seems angry thus the big black spot were the eyes should be, and big nose:
3: The image didnt turn out as I would have hoped but its looks just too much like bowser to NOT be him...:
4: Pterodactly/dragon like face, is a bad guy, and seems to have a wing near the nose (ok this last bit may not be true) yeah believe it!: