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Ridley for SSBB

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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
not just go round, they keep people hoping ridiculous yet awesome characters are put in brawl! I mean......who the hell said "Jon Stuart for brawl?" It'd be hilarious, but stupid.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Maryland; DC suburbs
Hopefully Sakurai is watching and seeing how popular the Ridley post is, if he's not watching, hopefully it's because he's still too busy making the game perfect


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
It's one of the two. If sakurai is reading this, he needs to get back to making the game perfect! the closer we can get the game to perfect, the more fun it'll be! I mean, think.

They're taking out three characters I beleive.....and they're planning on having around 35 to 40 characters. So....13 to 18 new characters! five have been released, so....there are 8 to 13 slots are open for Ridley, Bogmire and the like. ^ ^

So what I'm saying is, the more awesome characters they add, like Bogmire, Ridley, and the MPH characters like trace and spire, the more perfect it'll be. And there are plenty of windows open for it. Sakurai shouldn't be spending all day reading this, he should be putting ridley and the hunters on the roster.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
It's one of the two. If sakurai is reading this, he needs to get back to making the game perfect! the closer we can get the game to perfect, the more fun it'll be! I mean, think.

They're taking out three characters I beleive.....and they're planning on having around 35 to 40 characters. So....13 to 18 new characters! five have been released, so....there are 8 to 13 slots are open for Ridley, Bogmire and the like. ^ ^

So what I'm saying is, the more awesome characters they add, like Bogmire, Ridley, and the MPH characters like trace and spire, the more perfect it'll be. And there are plenty of windows open for it. Sakurai shouldn't be spending all day reading this, he should be putting ridley and the hunters on the roster.
First, there will likely be more characters than that. Second, let me put your mind at ease: I seriously doubt Sakurai is reading the boards. I seriously doubt whether he ever has...

And lastly, I seriously doubt any of the hunters are getting in. Dark Samus has a chance, albeit a fairly small one, but the hunters...not so much, especially if they're planning on 35-40 characters. At most, Metroid will have 4 characters, and they would be: Samus, ZZS, Ridley, and DS. But, much more likely just the first 3.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
It's one of the two. If sakurai is reading this, he needs to get back to making the game perfect! the closer we can get the game to perfect, the more fun it'll be! I mean, think.

They're taking out three characters I beleive.....and they're planning on having around 35 to 40 characters. So....13 to 18 new characters! five have been released, so....there are 8 to 13 slots are open for Ridley, Bogmire and the like. ^ ^

So what I'm saying is, the more awesome characters they add, like Bogmire, Ridley, and the MPH characters like trace and spire, the more perfect it'll be. And there are plenty of windows open for it. Sakurai shouldn't be spending all day reading this, he should be putting ridley and the hunters on the roster.

1) Bogmire doesnt have a fanbase big enough to be in brawl, he aint well known, aint important to the mairo series, and just plain sucks...
2) Sylux and weavel are the most popular of the hunters, they have more human like body and would be easier to program, and sylux had a bigger role than the other hunters...
3) Ridley, Dark samus and one hunter will do in brawl, 2 hunters would be a tad too much, and since samus doesnt have many allies I say rundus from mp3 will be added...
4) Bogmire sucks
5) taking out 3 characters? Roy, pichu, doc, GaW (read kirbys profile, it says kirby is the ONLY character to not to change much, thus GaW could be out), jiggly (read GaW), sheik, all of them are gone IMO...


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
It's one of the two. If sakurai is reading this, he needs to get back to making the game perfect! the closer we can get the game to perfect, the more fun it'll be! I mean, think.

They're taking out three characters I beleive.....and they're planning on having around 35 to 40 characters. So....13 to 18 new characters! five have been released, so....there are 8 to 13 slots are open for Ridley, Bogmire and the like. ^ ^

So what I'm saying is, the more awesome characters they add, like Bogmire, Ridley, and the MPH characters like trace and spire, the more perfect it'll be. And there are plenty of windows open for it. Sakurai shouldn't be spending all day reading this, he should be putting ridley and the hunters on the roster.
first of all, it is 45-50 characters. sakurai himself said the max was 50. so there are way more slots. second of all, if another metroid character gets in other than ridley, it will be dark samus. none of the hunters are popular enough, and dark samus will be in MP3, along with meta-phazon-ridley. MPH was an unpopular game in japan, so i doubt any hunters will appear.

no, the only goners are pichu, yl (not being replaced with ww link), doc, and either marth or roy, though roy seems less popular around here. everyone else stays.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
WW link will replace him, sheik is GONE and good ridance, GaW may leave, same with jiggly, though I have my doubts, but sheik is without a doubt GONE...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Man I wish, but Im bettin were just gettin unconfirmed veterans this week or the weeks left til E3, after E3 is where the fun will begin XD


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Maryland; DC suburbs
Of course, he's only going to confirm little stuff and returning characters from melee. Nothing big will come first from that site, he'll anounce big stuff at E3 if anything, then let everything else be known when the game is released. He's just giving little tidbits on that site, to keep people posted. I doubt he'll confirm any new characters there, unless he does somewhere else first. I would flip if I saw Ridley on there tomorrow, though.

Edit: No, really, I'd stand up in the middle of work and flip (and I'm 6 4, 230, so it wouldn't be easy)

Deleted member

Confirming characters, whether they're returning or new, is a big thing. I was extremely surprised to see a new character for once... But it was going to happen. It just goes to show you, they really do care about the fans after all. In the end that's what Sakurai wants to do - make the fans happy. So if adding Ridley will make all of us happy and countless others, why not? I see him being one of the first on Sakurai's magical list of characters.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
i will laugh in your face when those characters are confirmed. Sakurai wants to keep as many people happy as possible, and taking out characters angers people. some characters, like doc and yl, were complete clones because Sakurai was pressed for time. now sakurai is not pressed for time, and therefore does not need to add clones. thats why he is removing characters. why remove more when they all have fan bases now, due to them being in melee? Marth was practically a dead character, but now he has a huge fanbase. G@W was forgotten, but now he isn't. i doubt he will be removed. the game is for as many nintendo all stars as possible, taking them out would ruin the point of the game.

Deleted member

Samusrules, you make no sense. What characters is he removing then? Crazy Hand and Sandbag? Some clones are goners, it's inevitable. Like Pichu or Roy. They're un-important, hardly as popular as their counterparts and simply annoying to have take up space.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Possitive theyre gone:
Pichu, roy, doc, Ylink (possibly replaced by WW link), sheik

somewhat positive:
GaW, Jiggly

Read kirbys profile, it says kirby is the ONLY one to not change much, seeing how theres little detail u can give jiggly and GaW, I considered them gone, but theres a chance theyre still in...

TP zelda transforming into OoT sheik? not gonna happen, the rest are pretty much gone...
He said some melee characters are not returning, no matter if fans gets pissed or not, some are leaving, and im bettin he aitn just talking about the clones...

Deleted member

Congratulations on one-thousand posts Petre! :psycho:


Jigglypuff's one of the original twelve. She's in. You silly, silly boy.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Maryland; DC suburbs
Ya, I'm sure the originals will all make it. He'll probably take out Pichu and possibly Dr. Mario. Possible he'll take out a few other characters, but it's all speculation, he only said not all the characters may return, right? That really doesn't confirm anything. That's like saying, the game may come out this year and it may have online support. Wait, that's what he said about that, too. Dammit, he's just stringing all the fans along and they love him for it!

Deleted member

Indeed. I only see Roy out because his 'Melee appearance was "promotional".

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
'Kay...... what happened to the Ridley thread?
D@mn you Majora 787 for interrupting the random posts stating that we want Ridley for Brawl!

People really need to stop debating over what characters will return and what characters will not make it. Face it, some will be revamped and others will be cut. It has nothing to do with their uniqueness or how big their franchise is. In the end, it all comes down to the character's popularity. The game is for Nintendo's "All-Stars." All-Stars can be exceptionally gifted or terribly underrated, but none of that matters if the crowd loves them or hates them.

I have also seen too much arguing over different franchise's representation. A franchise can be huge, with dozens of popular games and spinoffs, but may only have a small number of main characters, and little to no returning side characters. I'm looking at you Zelda and Metroid. Then you have the smaller franchises, not nearly as popular, with a wealth of plot and a gold mine of lively characters that all play prominent roles. I'm talking about games like StarFox and Fire Emblem. So, innevitably, there will be discussion on who deserves what, but when you think about it, a franchise's success doesn't matter. Smash Bros. is a game for the characters, not the games. Let StarFox have Fox, Falco, Krystal, and Wolf. And keep The Legend of Zelda to Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf.

And from what I've seen from Brawl, Sakurai probably is listening to the people. An example would be Samus' new look. It isn't the suit from the new Metroid Prime series, it's from the tiny little remake on the GameBoy, Metroid: Zero Mission. The Prime games are bigger, better, and even more recent. But none of that matters, because Sakurai is listening to what the fans want, what's more popular. And, in Japan, Metroid: Zero Mission was the last big Metroid game to hit there. It may not be new, it may not be as good, but it still gets more love than the Prime games in Japan. So, that tells me that Sakurai is giving the people what they want. And I think he's trying his hardest to please everyone the best he can. Each and every country has there own 'demands' and Sakurai has to strike a balance between them all. Let's be easy on the guy, he's doing his best.

People need to wake up and realize some of this, and stop discussing it in every other thread. Seriously, it's pissing me off. Now who wants to talk about something involving a giant purple people eater named Riddles?

Deleted member

Nice post. What do you reckon Ridley's Final Smash'll turn out like?

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Thank you. It'll undoubtably be the most awesome Final Smash in the entire game. Using it to kill someone will be nothing short of a chemical high to the player controlling Ridley. It will be the most satisfying kill move in the game, and will probably involve something shooting from Ridley's mouth.

Deleted member

Something crazy would be if he shot a massive blast of fire so hard he was hit back to his death, but spat out an egg that hatched straight into another Ridley. Awesome cake.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I have also seen too much arguing over different franchise's representation. A franchise can be huge, with dozens of popular games and spinoffs, but may only have a small number of main characters, and little to no returning side characters. I'm looking at you Zelda and Metroid. Then you have the smaller franchises, not nearly as popular, with a wealth of plot and a gold mine of lively characters that all play prominent roles. I'm talking about games like StarFox and Fire Emblem. So, innevitably, there will be discussion on who deserves what, but when you think about it, a franchise's success doesn't matter. Smash Bros. is a game for the characters, not the games. Let StarFox have Fox, Falco, Krystal, and Wolf. And keep The Legend of Zelda to Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf.
Deja vu...I swear I posted the same thing once...

Ah, there it is:

Also, here's something I don't really understand:

People complain about Zelda and Metroid characters getting in because the characters "aren't important enough" (such as Dark Samus, Skull Kid, Midna, etc.), even though they agree they are very important series (which deserve representation). Then, people say that legitimate characters like Falco, Wolf, or Krystal don't deserve to get in because "StarFox doesn't deserve that many characters." I just don't understand it. Do we base it off the importance of the series or the importance of the characters? According to a lot of you people...neither. We should just put in totally off the wall characters from series who don't deserve to get in at all...

Having said that, none of you people want G&W or ICs back...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!!!

(sorry, just had to rant there for a little bit...)

Deleted member

Having all the Space Pirates rushing across the screen would be awesome!


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
@ the grim lizard
i want G@W back...
and about ridleys final smash, my favorite was called "predator" where ridley fly's offstage, and randomly swoops down, mortally wounding an opponent, and fly's offstage again, repeating multiple times. it is unavoidable and is a one-hit KO.
not really, it actually does about 30 damage per swoop, swoops about 5 times randomly, and ridley is vulnerable while swooping and flying away. it is unavoidable, but if you can counter it, it stops completely. though countering it is extremely tough,

Deleted member

I said something like that earlier in here with my moveset... Where he swoops down and attacks. Great choice.

Deleted member

Thanks Samusrule. :)

I don't particularly like the sort of cliche plasma-beam attack, but if he does have one it should be performed high in the air or bobbing up and down to coincide with his flying. It should also be different from the one we see Samus doing in the first trailer, 'cause having two characters from the same franchise with the same Super Smash is lame.

Deleted member

Now yo' talking. Maybe even transforming into Mechanic Ridley and clawing at the opponents? Something crazy and original is better than something obvious.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
you know what, now that i think about it the best for ridley would be his lunges from MP1. he flies high in the air, and he circles the stage. he flies in front of the screen (where players hit sometimes when KO'ed up) and in the back (again, where charcters are KO'ed), then out of nowwhere, he lunges toward the ground a drops those little red bombs he attacks Samus with in Prime, attacking all players in the vicinity. it could cause anything around 15-20% damage, and he can do it 4-6 times. how bout that?


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
I think that Ridley's final smash will have him grab someone claw at him throw then fire using plasma kindof a mix of stuff seen in MP3

Oh and i also think that MetaRidley would be a boss
THink of showdown with Giga, Ganon(Pig) and Meta Ridley scary
(of course they'll be Jiggs proof)

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I miss the hyperbeam...

I wish someone would use that, but I really don't think Ridley had any connection to that at all...


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
hyperbeam. terrible move. got a whole turn to wait afterwards where you cant do anything. better to give gyarados physical type moves aswell.......

anyways, how come no one ever uses that shockwave thing meta ridley does in prime 1 as a down b move? thats a sweet attack. glowy.

my half arsed moveset

^b - not really sure. perhaps some sort of multiple missile launch (they'd have to be slow and weak though).

<b - that headbutt he does in prime (be similar to fox illusion i spose, but WAAY slower and more meaty!)

b - kinetic breath weapon of course. lots of different ideas about how they should do this one. a bit difficult to mimic prime because a constant horizontal stream of plasma would make for some nice edge guarding. maybe agnle it downwards, or make it 3 little fireballs (from the 2d games)

vb - shockwave (like bowsers vb [STFU ridley as a bowser clonez is teh suxxorz!!] except has a nice little shockwave when he hits the ground.

final smash - BOMBING RUN!!! nuff said.
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