I hope there is no one higher in the space pirate thing, i like the idea of him being the commander of the space pirates.
DS will not be much similiar to normal samus, but wouldn't make a good addition.
I agree, Meta!

I like the idea of him as the Space Pirates as well. (People keep saying that he isn't, but he is the only one who has ever given them orders in the games, etc.) Besides, commander or whatever he is officially, I don't see Ridley as too submissive of a character. He seems like he pretty much does what he wants, when he want. He's a stinkin' huge dragon for crying out loud! But, I could see him collaborating with a "higher power" or something...but, yeah, that's really all I have to say.
I have no idea how this DS convo. got over here, but I have one thing to add: I think the problem with him? getting in as it stands is that we have already confirmed another version of Samus (Zero Suit). I don't want to get into the whole "they're not the same person!" thing because I'm perfectly aware. They are as different as Ocarina Link and Wind Waker Link, as in, completely different people. I'm aware that Dark Samus would be cool, have different moves, add variety, etc.
But it's too deceptive as it stands to be too comparable to Samus in most people's minds. The way I see it, DS has a better chance of getting in if ZSS is a transitionatory character as Sheik was. Love it or hate it, but it
does make the most sense, being that they really are the same person and she really could go back and forth in "real life." I would just hope that if they did it that way, it would be a good way...not losing a good move, and not situational (this might be OK if they did it right)...and most of all...having it be reversible.
In short, Ridley for Brawl...and DS only has a shot, IMHO, if Zamus and Samus can be swapped between one another. (But I do welcome any and all new Metroid series characters.)
EDIT: I REALLY want them to go ahead and confirm him so that we can get screenshots and I can change my avatar to Ridley