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Ridley for SSBB

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the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Darn you for bringing this one. Come faithful Ridley supporters! Flood the anti-
with pro-Ridley spam!

Gypsy, you can just quote other stuff so the page is chock full of Ridley stuff...

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
That just goes to show how productive the Ridley thread has been. I mean, that giant whirlwind of Ridley related spam could only be created by supporters as dedicated as us.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
That just goes to show how productive the Ridley thread has been. I mean, that giant whirlwind of Ridley related spam could only be created by supporters as dedicated as us.
Yeah, I mean can we get some Krystal supporters like Ridley does?... No?... :urg:

I would like some of that.. of course some Ridley fans.. no naming any nor do I know any names of ones that do.. Just completely flame with "GTFO" etc. comments.

Be nice if everyone could give a valid arguement.. But this is the internet..


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
You know, I suddenly felt sad for Ridley and decided to want him in.

Seeing in how you guys are acting about it, if Ridleys in Brawl, I shall ban myself from any Ridley battles.

Anyways, let me add something to the Ridley list

"Got Ridley?"

Also, another reason why you guys piss me off..

You cant give people their views. Everyone has to be a critic for something. There are alot of Character critics and point out their flaws and such.

Cant give em a chance to point out what the main point of what their saying, you gotta bombard them with "OSHT RIDLEY COULD HAV THIS THO!" forums and such. The thread DID need to be closed, but you guys need to realize...

"Everyone be'eth a critic."

Thats probally the MAIN thing why people argue over characters.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
"Ban yourself from Ridley battles"?? What's that supposed to mean? Is that your way of saying you don't wanna get pwned by him or something? lol

He meant his style will be like bowser's! Honestly, you think a clone has to look like its origin? Take Falco. He doesn't look like Fox but he is a clone from Fox.

Oh yeah. NO! It's cheating alone that Bowser is around. Why summon a bigger stronger version?
Falco looks like Fox. His head looks a little different, but that's just about it. Ridley has a huge, long snout, a long neck, a long tail, and wings...Bowser...has none of those things. They don't resemble one another in the least other than they're both big. We may as well make Pikachu a Kirby clone since they're both small.

If Ridley were to be like Bowser, he'd primarily be using his wings as an attack, followed by his claws. If you've ever played a Metroid game, you know that his tail attacks are his signature moves. Saying things like "he's too big" or "he would be a Bowser clone" just shows how limited your imagination is because...the truth is, it's not even that difficult to come up with a moveset for Ridley, you can pull 99% of it directly from his game appearances and the fact that he's a big dragon.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
Not really, I just dont really feel like playing with Ridley's anymore, seeing all the flaming support hes getting by his fanboys, it'd remind me of the flame war.

Reason why is, I'll remember all the cruel flamage support he got and remember back on this.

Ridley FTL/FTW? I dunno..

And I know there arent going to be 40-50 characters, even though that woul dbe nice... 35 at best. They'd have to result to clones and MANY 3rd parties. :|

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Also, another reason why you guys piss me off..

You cant give people their views. Everyone has to be a critic for something. There are alot of Character critics and point out their flaws and such.

Cant give em a chance to point out what the main point of what their saying, you gotta bombard them with "OSHT RIDLEY COULD HAV THIS THO!" forums and such. The thread DID need to be closed, but you guys need to realize...

"Everyone be'eth a critic."

Thats probally the MAIN thing why people argue over characters.
What the heck are you babbling about? You want reasons why he will be in?

Sakurai wants more villains. Sakurai wants more Metroid characters. Ridley is the only real choice for a Metroid character has he's the most important, he's appeared the most times, he has a role in Samus's past, and he's the only viable choice for a second rep. Even Japan wants Ridley in, and they never support Metroid characters, and we all know that Japan gets what Japan wants. Sakurai has even hinted at this by putting Ridley's theme as one of the updates. Clearly he wouldn't be an AT, and they wouldn't put him in the bg again. Thinking just a boss? Why waste an entire moveset on an NPC when they could make him playable? That is unprecedented. The icing on the cake: On Sakurai's character poll he was tied for second with Ike (who's been confirmed), Geno, and Diddy, all of which are just below King Dedede who was planned for the original, has immense popularity, and the only reason he was left out was because of Sakurai's humility, which won't stop him this time because this is his last game. What else? How about a cherry on top?...Sakurai wants interesting, unique characters that excite him. Ridley fits this perfectly, as we have no other character like him, and his moveset would be very original.

So, Ridley is one of the few characters to meet every single criteria for a character to get into Brawl. You would be hard-pressed to argue with that, but I'm sure you'll try anyway.


Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2007
Granada Hills, California
....axeman..... your about to get owned by a smashnoob.....
WHY ARE PEOPLE SO WEAK ABOUT CHARACTERS.?? BRAWL WILL SUCK IF THEY DONT HAVE MORE VILLIANS! this is a fighting game, good guys bad guys, and people in between. melee had barely 3. YOU SOUND LIKE A PASCIFIST.
"oh i dont want the big bad dragon to hurt me when i play with my little pikachu"

too bad your heart will be crushed because this link pretty much confirms ridley,..


as every1 knows.

but anyways, look for more characters like k rool, and king dedede. and of course ridley in any upcoming updates.

i wish i could be there when you relized ridley is top tier....


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
"Ban yourself from Ridley battles"?? What's that supposed to mean? Is that your way of saying you don't wanna get pwned by him or something? lol
I don't quite understand that too...

If Ridley is in Brawl you can't do anything about it anymore can you? Hes in and you argueing with people isn't gonna change that.

But I myself have turned to the otherside that supports Ridley. I'm not an avid fan but I support him being in Brawl, everyone have flaws but its a good chance he will be in.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Not really, I just dont really feel like playing with Ridley's anymore, seeing all the flaming support hes getting by his fanboys, it'd remind me of the flame war.

Reason why is, I'll remember all the cruel flamage support he got and remember back on this.
You kind of asked for it, though.

And I know there arent going to be 40-50 characters, even though that woul dbe nice... 35 at best. They'd have to result to clones and MANY 3rd parties. :|
No, you don't know that. That is completely fallacious. I'm not sure where you're basing that off of, but it certainly isn't from Sakurai...


Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2007
Granada Hills, California
good point

What the heck are you babbling about? You want reasons why he will be in?

Sakurai wants more villains. Sakurai wants more Metroid characters. Ridley is the only real choice for a Metroid character has he's the most important, he's appeared the most times, he has a role in Samus's past, and he's the only viable choice for a second rep. Even Japan wants Ridley in, and they never support Metroid characters, and we all know that Japan gets what Japan wants. Sakurai has even hinted at this by putting Ridley's theme as one of the updates. Clearly he wouldn't be an AT, and they wouldn't put him in the bg again. Thinking just a boss? Why waste an entire moveset on an NPC when they could make him playable? That is unprecedented. The icing on the cake: On Sakurai's character poll he was tied for second with Ike (who's been confirmed), Geno, and Diddy, all of which are just below King Dedede who was planned for the original, has immense popularity, and the only reason he was left out was because of Sakurai's humility, which won't stop him this time because this is his last game. What else? How about a cherry on top?...Sakurai wants interesting, unique characters that excite him. Ridley fits this perfectly, as we have no other character like him, and his moveset would be very original.

So, Ridley is one of the few characters to meet every single criteria for a character to get into Brawl. You would be hard-pressed to argue with that, but I'm sure you'll try anyway.
very good point


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
*claps* Very good point the grim lizard!

Heh, I ain't no critic, I support Geno, Feirce deity, Toad, Waluigi (don't even start on him being bad for brawl, I've heard it all, btw, he's low on my list), Krystal, Ridley (duh since I'm on this thread), Dark samus.
People need to be more open.


Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2007
Granada Hills, California
very nicely put Grim Lizard. I support alot of the villain characters for Brawl (Ridley, Dedede, KRool, etc). i do not know wut the hell that dude was thinking hed be better off as an AT
i would also like to say that i thought Ridley was in Melee because of the starting vid haha

exactly!!! i was so sure that last character was ridley! and then .... "newcomer: game&watch!!" ? wtf??

ps :G&W pawns


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I have made what I think is an accurate depiction of the Ridley for Brawl thread...

A Picture is worth a thousand reasons why Ridley should be in Brawl. (If only that tagline contest was still open to submissions...)


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Am I the red shirted one?

Sucky because my favorite color is purple..
Nice picture though its perfect :p


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I've whanted Ridley to be in smash since smash 64, and i was terribly dissapointed when i saw him in the intro of melee and then realize he wasn't a PC.

Ridley, Should, Must be in Brawl, Sak whant's more villains? flying chars? and whant's to better represent the metroid franchise?

Ridley is in, there's no doubt about it.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
...I would love for when you beat Classic Mode with Ridley, that his trophy is the one from the original metroid in all it's pixelated goodness.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I had a dream last night...

Everyone was on the smash bros dojo sight playing all the updates as a sort of beta test from Sakurai (What!? dreams don't have to make sense) so after i finished W/d'ing as a test to see if it was in i stumbled upon a Ridley update... But there wasn't anything there except a box, and when i opened it Ridley flew out and flew away... but there was still something left in the box and when i looked my heart shattered! IT WAS AN EMPTY ASSIST TROPHY...

And then i was the King of the penguins... but that was a totally different dream!

But this must have been punishment from Ridley for me missing out from yesterday's Noob slaughter : (

And good comic (Might make one my self!).


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
  • Gandalf would have let Ridley pass. -Wiseguy
  • It would take Jack Bauer 25 hours to take down Ridley. -Wiseguy
  • Ridley stole Chuck Norris' lunch money.-ClarkJables
  • Sliced bread is the greatest thing since Ridley. -Oasis_S
  • Kratos would not win the Ridley boss fight. Not even the gods could help him. -TDub301
  • In the world of Smash, there's two kinds of people: those who support Ridley and those who get eaten. -the grim lizard
  • It's rumored that Ridley had four sons; their names were Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. -ClarkJables
  • Ridley once had a pet gecko, but he sneezed on it, and assuming it was dead, he flushed it. Half a year later, Godzilla emerged off the coast of Japan. -samusrules93
  • Ridley sold his soul to the devil to get his awesome powers, but the Devil got pissed when he realized Ridley never had a soul. But then agreed that he should have seen it coming. Now he plays cards with Ridley every Saturday night. -samusrules93
  • Ridley is so tough, he could force 300 Spartan Warriors to wear shirts. -Wiseguy
  • You remember that movie Alien vs. Predator? Well I'll tell you the outcome: Ridley won. -colbusman
There are too many good entries for three votes... oh, I liked silver's first entry, too. I didn't completely get it, but I think it's witty?

Anyway, I'll try to settle for three....

EDIT: No, no, let me try again.

  • Ridley is so tough, he could force 300 Spartan Warriors to wear shirts. -Wiseguy

  • Kratos would not win the Ridley boss fight. Not even the gods could help him. -TDub301

  • It would take Jack Bauer 25 hours to take down Ridley. -Wiseguy

...still a sucker for pop-culture references.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
What the heck are you babbling about? You want reasons why he will be in?

Sakurai wants more villains. Sakurai wants more Metroid characters. Ridley is the only real choice for a Metroid character has he's the most important, he's appeared the most times, he has a role in Samus's past, and he's the only viable choice for a second rep. Even Japan wants Ridley in, and they never support Metroid characters, and we all know that Japan gets what Japan wants. Sakurai has even hinted at this by putting Ridley's theme as one of the updates. Clearly he wouldn't be an AT, and they wouldn't put him in the bg again. Thinking just a boss? Why waste an entire moveset on an NPC when they could make him playable? That is unprecedented. The icing on the cake: On Sakurai's character poll he was tied for second with Ike (who's been confirmed), Geno, and Diddy, all of which are just below King Dedede who was planned for the original, has immense popularity, and the only reason he was left out was because of Sakurai's humility, which won't stop him this time because this is his last game. What else? How about a cherry on top?...Sakurai wants interesting, unique characters that excite him. Ridley fits this perfectly, as we have no other character like him, and his moveset would be very original.

So, Ridley is one of the few characters to meet every single criteria for a character to get into Brawl. You would be hard-pressed to argue with that, but I'm sure you'll try anyway.
you forgot, sakurai wants to increase the air game, and ridley is a flying dragon.

as for voting, there are so many good entries but

the trix kids would have shared with ridley

pokemon ridley caught em all

They once tried to make Ridley more kid friendly, but it failed after he started eating the children and throwing his molten feces at the producers

those are some of mt favorites. i wish i could vote more
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