yeah i'll do that
1. 99%-given the fact he was high on the poll and fits nearly every category sakurai wants, he's a nearly a shoo-in. it'd be 100, but nothing's guarenteed
2. 45%-really cause i hope there is another way, due to item bans and stuff, but really it's up to chance now
3. 50%-it has established it self, but it's chances are slim due to ridley
4. 0%-we don't know anything until august, but still he hasn't established himself at all in metroid. maybe as an AT
5. 5%-again, establishment. plus there are six of them, so it'd be hard to choose one and make everyone happy
6. 0%-see previous statement
7. 50%-pretty much a summary of 3-6
8. 25%-see previous statement
9. 10%-kraid has the possibility of being an AT, but since he started as a part of a stage, i think he'll stay that way
10. 5%-Metroids and Hunters can be AT, but Mother Brain is really lacking. I mean there is the beast form, but it would be too big and powerful for an AT. maybe as part of a stage