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Ridley for SSBB

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the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
If anyone is interested, we are about 5 days and 500 posts past 4000. So, we're on track to get 5000 next week some time.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Aww Krystal's one was ahead with views a few days back... Why? I have no idea... But almost 5k pretty good.



Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
.....what if I want to be a werewolf?
I meant for my comics but even if you don't still clickeys (Enough advertising)

But if you put it to the side then you can use it while running and while standing!

EDIT: O shl spam double post soz XS


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
He has to thrown away his bills.. and the enlarge his member mail..... Or the letters to stop being so darn ownage and cool..


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
But he gets his space pirates to deal with thats sorta thing... when they are not busy being killed by him/Samus/Zamus/Rundus of course.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I hear someone whants to join the werewolf scum...

I'll be watching you "Gypsi".

Vampire Ridley For BRAWL!.

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
Im sorta bored and no one is on the ridley thread so ive doen this becuase i wanted to
(dont flame me for this please)it is another ridley profile(ill never beats the gypsys one)


Strenght:3.5/5:for his bulky appearance Ridley isnt that psyicaly strong he relies on
speed but still has enough raw power to cause a powerful blow

Fall speed:2/5:ridley falls slowely because of is wings

Dodgeing:3/5:because of his size ridley has problems dodgeing

Jump:5/5:% high jumps but gradualy get smaller plus a glide at the end

Weight3/5:again for his bulky ridley is very scrawny even a good push from samus can knock him down but he still offers some weight

Speed(ground):2/5:As you can see ridleys focuses on flying never very often is walking on the ground

Speed(air)5/5:ridley is able to move freely in air as we would on land

Speed(attack):4/5:Fast attacking

Combo:3/5:Though he is fast and not heavy weight he does have problems pulling off a combo because of his size

Throw:N/A:Ridley doesnt consit of any throws instead he is able to pick them up and choose to place them off the map though the heaveir the enemy the less time you have a grasp on it.

Sheild:4/5:As ridley is sheilded by his wing he has a very powerful sheild

Size:5/5:HE is the tallest character in the game

Recovery5/5:ridley can recover from any angle

A attacks

A:Simple swipe from either left or right claw
AA:'' '' ''
AAAAA:Tail goes into a frenzy

UpTilt: wings repel aginst the ground quickly allowing ridley to smack into enemy above him will also stop enemys beside him for a split second

Smash Tilt:A simple uppercut from a random arm(hand slightly increase mass when used but turns back to mormal once used)

DownTilt:Leaps forward oushing enemys

Smash up:Headbutt the air(head increase mass slightly and returns to normal size once used)

Smash across:Doulde smash:smashes both arms to ground then lifts them up

Smash Down:Lunges towards the ground with mouth open ready to bite

Speacil moves

B:Open fire:Tap the button for a repetitive stream of fire balls(similar to fox B)
Tap the button but have spilt pauses for fire balls similar to faclos B
Charge the B button to get Dragons fire where fire will continousily come out of rildey mouth can move while this is happening you can move the longer held on for the stronger and and longer it lasts
When fully charge ridley creates a massive fire ball(similar to samus fully charged)can be stored for future use

Smash B:Dragons charge:Charges forward untill reaches the edge will grab enemys on the way.

Down B:Dragons Stop:Ridley jumps into the air and puonds the ground below him if down in the air ridley can charge it

Up B:Dragons Wings:Can be controled freely in air for a limited peroid of seconds the more damage rildey had done to him the longer he will stay afloat(will not enter the parlyzed state that most chars do when used)

When activited Dragons will all movement is faster if used twice in a row ridley will 'spear' in any direction chosen

Air combat

Dodge:Flaps wings push him into a 3rd dimension

Up attack:Ridley uses wingsa to allow himself to headbutt

Down attack:Ridley down cuts with his tail

Across attack:Ridley slighty boosts forward charging into enemys

Back attack:Rdiley pushes himself forward with his wing though the wings create a gust stopping enemies in there current jump

Dragoins Wings Moves:All ariel attacks work
SImple combo works and the B button can be used(when tail is used it attacks randomly into different directyions into the air)
Throw still works(when useing the throw ridley randomly uses his feet or arms to carry enemies)

Rdiley cannot wall jump
when ridley uses his footstool jump he lands on them with both his feet and springs off

When ridley grabs onto a ledge both arms have ahold of it and his wings spring him up when he jumps out of it when he attacks he rises himself a swings his arm

holding an item:he uses a random hand
Sword item(eg fan or baseball bat):He swings easily with the sword(X3 combo)
Smash sword:raises both arms while holding sword a fiericely swipe downwards

Throw item:He easily chucks it with the arm

when ridley picks up barrels he uses his wings to keep the item

his taunt is similar to ganondorfs though without the spin and stays on the ground when used the wings stick out a he uses his infamous scream can be used to annoyothers

Final Smash:Dragons Stomach:Ridley mimic his taunt though when he opens his mouth fire comes out doing a 360 then followed by massive fireballs then ridley raises to the top of the screen take 5secs to charge and a giga massive uber L33T etc fireballappears a deals 100% damage


Defualt:Ridley from Super metroid(or ridley from that screenshot but looks better)

Blue:Metroid fusion

Red:Inraged ridley

Green :green ridley

Extra:meta ridley(no extar abilities if you want ill trie and and extra abiltites)

if there anything i have forgot please tell me

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
i was reading all the letters at the begining of the thread and all the noobs saying he will be to big and stuff many people where saying he will be a boss or even an assit trophy these people are all noobs who argrees with me



Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
So yeah the asset troghy would be ghey to do to Ridely i mean he's so fun to see flying and killing people iono i mean they shrunk him in the ssbm vid so it's been done already.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
So yeah the asset troghy would be ghey to do to Ridely i mean he's so fun to see flying and killing people iono i mean they shrunk him in the ssbm vid so it's been done already.
Well they never really shrunk him seeing as he was always that size in the 2d ones.


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2007
He would have to be kinda small to be a playable character. Have you seen his size compared to Samus in Metroid Prime?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yhea you gotta click the Link in my sig and then you just make an account and you will be a were wolf!

the smash noob Look at his size in the 2d games first!


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
Yhea you gotta click the Link in my sig and then you just make an account and you will be a were wolf!

the smash noob Look at his size in the 2d games first!
Who are you calling a smash noob?
Edit:also it say i would be a vampire so i did not sign up lol if you lye to me i will use MJ powers.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Rghhhhhhhh.... Lets kill this Gypsy

(Whats you name in da game?)
Errm.... *makes up fake name*.... Bucky Kentucky or Pajama Joe Johnson, which ever sounds more convincing. :laugh:

He would have to be kinda small to be a playable character. Have you seen his size compared to Samus in Metroid Prime?
Metroid Prime wasn't the only game he was in. He wasn't huge in any of the other Metroid games he was in.

Gypsey i wanna be a werewolf where do i go link please.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ok become Vampires by clicking my sig seriously Werewolves? pfffft

Anyways back on topic of Ridley!


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
i'm a were wolf now lol and also i think ridley would be cool if he's grabs had like awesome knock back like boweser should of been:)

Edit:Ialready found a giant loop hole in the game wow that was so easy seriouslly easy. GYPSY BE MY FRIEND on the werewolf thing I'm PIMPSLAP on there no raiding me plz.Ypu get infinite money thise way:)

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Werewolves FTW.

Screw vampires. They're all a buncha Wyrm-tainted leeches anyway.

(Ten bucks goes to the guy who can figure out what I'm referencing.)

Ridley for frickin' Brawl.
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