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Ridley for SSBB

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Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006


Jump: *****

Ridley can't jump very high, but the amount of jumps he has more than makes up for it. Ridley's first jump is average when compared to other characters. His second jump is quite mediocre, too. But, it doesn't stop at just two jumps. Like Kirby, Jigglypuff, Metaknight, and Pit, Ridley has multiple jumps. With each flap of his wings, he is carried a little higher, though they decrease in height with each consecutive jump. He maxes out at 6 jumps, including his initial "ground" jump.

Size: *****

Let me get this out of the way right now - Ridley's a beast. He's so big and ripped, that Sakurai is going to have to shrink him down to the size of a small adult elephant, so that he may compete 'fairly' against the puny humanoid characters in Brawl.

Weight: ****

Not only is Ridley a beast, Ridley is a tank. His lardy a** is tied with Bowser for heaviest character, making him difficult to knock off stage. This, combined with his great recovery, makes for a long day for your opponent.

Speed: ****

Ridley has a speedy straight ahead dash, however, his size and lanky build hurt his agility. This causes for, overall, laggy moves. He isn't as slow as say, Bowser, but he sure isn't no Fox by any means.

Agility: **

Strength: ***

Ridley isn't as strong as you'd expect him to be. His arms are long, slender and weak. Ridley usually carries things with his feet or in his mouth, making for slow, awkward uses of items. In combat, he relies on his powerful jaws and strong dagger-like tail. He seldom uses his arms, maybe for an occassional swipe at the enemy.

Recovery: *****

Armed with several jumps, the ability to glide, and fireballs to preoccupy edge guarders, Ridley is extremely hard to keep off stage. Ridley's opponents must put their blood, sweat, and tears into each KO.

Fall Speed: ***

Ridley is large and heavy, yes. But, Ridley is also a pterodactyl/dragon, meaning he can fly, meaning he should be somewhat floaty. These two confinscate for one another, making him neither a floaty, nor a fast faller. He should be somewhere around average.

Comboability: *

Ridley is not about combos. Ridley is about run-and-gun deals, in which he comes in for an attack every now and then until the other player's damage is at a high percentage. At this point, Ridley comes in for the kill.

KOability: ****

Ridley is good at KOing the opponent at high percentages, though only at high percentages. He has a few satisfactory kill moves that get the job done when the opportunity comes.

Coolness Factor: ************************************************** *************************

I could give him a higher rating, but you get the point.


Neutral A Combo

Name: Double Bite
Damage: Low
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Moderate
Duration: Short-Moderate
Hits: 2
Effect: None


Ridley reaches his head out for a quick bite at the enemy. If the 'A' button is pressed a second time, Ridley will then stretch out his neck and twist his head for a second, more powerful bite.

Forward Tilt

Name: Tail Slash
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Low
Range: Long
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley spins around and swings his tail in front of him, slicing the opponent. Much like Mewtwo's Forward Tilt, except with more reach and slightly more knockback. This move is effective for edge guarding, or keeping an attacker at bay.

Up Tilt

Name: Headbutt
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Low
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley yanks his head upwards and hits the player in the air with his snout. It has some lag, but is hard to miss with, so Ridley is hardly ever open to a counter attack unless he completely wiffs. This move is good for juggling an opponent, but not much else.

Down Tilt

Name: Ankle Bite
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: High
Lag: High
Range: Moderate
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley crouches down on all fours and bites at the enemy. This move deals good damage and knocks your opponent far back, but due to lag, it leaves you open to attack afterward.

Dash Attack

Name: Dragon Claws
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Low
Duration: Long
Hits: 4
Effect: None


Whilst running, Ridley furiously slashes at the opponent 4 times, twice with each claw. Punishable, (as most dash attacks are) but useful nonetheless. This attack may be used as an alternative approach to Ridley's Forward B.

Forward Smash

Name: Devastating Chomp
Damage: High
Knockback: High
Lag: High
Range: Long
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley lunges at the opposing player with his mouth wide open and crunches them with his powerful jaws. This move is laggy and highly punishable, but is a powerful smash with long reach, making for a satisfactory finisher.

Up Smash

Name: Wing Strike
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Long
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley leans to his right, looking over his left shoulder, and swings open his left wing at the player above him. It's a decent smash overall, but it serves no particular purpose as far as edge guarding, KOs, etc.

Down Smash

Name: Tail Sweep
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Very High
Lag: Moderate
Range: Long
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None


This is Ridley's signature tail sweep. Ridley spins and sweeps his tail across the ground on both sides of him. The player hit is sent at a near horizontal trajectory. It is devastatingly powerful and is easily his greatest kill move.


Neutral Aerial

Name: Wing Spin
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Very Low
Range: Low
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1-3
Effect: None


Ridley spins twice in the air with his wings spread out to his sides. It is great for knocking away another aerial opponent on either side of you.

Forward Aerial

Name: Claw Swipes
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Low
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 2
Effect: None


Ridley swings one of his claws and then the other at the player in front of him. Both swipes do the same knockback and damage, so hitting with either one will send the opponent flying.

Backward Aerial

Name: Back Slash
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: High
Lag: Low
Range: Low
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley spins around to his right, with his left claw reached out to his side, and slashes at the player behind him. It sends them at a horizontal trajectory, and it's accompanied by an awesome slashing sound. :cool:

Up Aerial

Name: Overhead Bite
Damage: High
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Moderate
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley looks up and quickly snaps at the enemy above. This move is very damaging, but by no means is it powerful.

Down Aerial

Name: Head Splitter
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Long
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley's meteor strike. Ridley pulls his wings and arms back (as if to give some one a hug), looks down at his victim, and then swings his tail from right to left. It can, like most meteor strikes, be meteor canceled. Otherwise, it's a fast, deadly move.


Neutral B

Name: Fireball
Damage: Very Low
Knockback: Very Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Very Long
Duration: Long
Hits: 3
Effect: Fire Damage/Stun


Ridley shoots a bright orange fireball from his mouth (a slighty bigger and elongated version of Mario's) that travels at about the same speed and distance as that of Samus' missles. It scores 3 hits on whomever it comes in contact with, each dealing about 2% damage. It has little knockback, but stops the opponent in his tracks because of the "fire stun" (like being hit by Young Links arrows). Ridley can also fire them in the air, and are aim able at three different trajectories:

The fireballs are sub-par as far as damage and knockback standards go, but when combined with the ability to shoot them in barrages while flying over an opponent, they become a very versatile and useful projectile.

Up B

Name: Dragon Flight
Damage: N/A
Knockback: N/A
Lag: Very Low
Range: N/A
Duration: Very Long
Hits: N/A
Effect: Ridley is granted infinite jumps for 5 seconds


Ridley's is granted temporary flight for a several seconds, allowing him to recover or maneuver freely in the air for a short time. Upon activation, Ridley's eyes glow a bright, fiery orange. For the last few seconds of the move's duration, the light from his eyes flickers off and on until eventually, the light fades and they return to normal, signifying that the move has ended. When this happens, Ridley gives a last, hopeless shriek and tumbles to his doom, or until he touches solid ground, or until he is hit again.

The move can be automatically canceled by performing another move before it is over, such as a Fireball. It can even be transitioned into a glide, allowing for aerial strikes with bombardments of fireballs on pesky edge guarders.

Forward B

Name: Relentless Charge/Glide
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: High
Lag: High
Range: Long
Duration: Long
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley quickly pulls his head back, screams, and gallops forward with an open mouth and claws. Right before hitting the opponent, Ridley closes his mouth and lowers his head. Upon contact, he thrusts his head and body forward, knocking the opponent back a good distance. During the duration of the charge, Ridley is completely invincible to projectiles, direct attacks, etc. Hence the name: Relentless Charge. Although recognizeable by the scream, the start up of the move is fairly quick and can be difficult to predict. However, the ending lag is very noticeable. After traveling approximately the distance as Falcon's Raptor Boost, Ridley falls over in a similar fashion. Thus, making this move easily punishable when missed. Also, the charge itself is a tad bit sluggish, but is made up for by the invincibility frames. This move is best used in close quarters, or when the opponent is projectile happy.

In the air, instead of charging forward, Ridley swoops forward a short distance and opens his wings, allowing him to glide. During this move, Ridley can perform any aerial attacks. All of his special moves have a different effect while gliding. He can shoot fireballs at different angles, he can rain plasma breath on foes below, and he can even fly directly out of his glide (in the event that he hasn't used is previously, of course). Ridley continues to glide for a short time, or until he touches the ground. The trajectory of his decent is around 30 degrees less than horizontal, (or 90 degrees) so he falls rather slowly.

Down B

Name: Plasma Spew
Damage: High
Knockback: Low
Lag: High
Range: Long
Duration: Moderate
Hits: Multiple
Effect: Fire Damage/Stun


Ridley crouches down on all fours in a "ready to attack" position (similar to how cats and dogs do) then draws his head back, opens his mouth, and spews plasma ahead of him. As he does so, he motions his head from side to side, as if spreading the flames all over (but it can't be seen unless you pause the game and turn the camera angle). It works in a way that is very similar to that of Bowser's Fire Breath. Ridley keeps a steady flow of plasma going for a short while (continuing to move his head back and forth also) until the ever shrinking flames die down to a tiny spark, and then to nothing at all. There's a bit of lag at the beginning and end of the move to watch out for when using it.

Whilst gliding, Ridley performs an aim able version of the attack, just like the fireballs. The properties of the move remain the same, however, he only makes one motion of his head, and then the move is finished.

Final Smash

Name: Plasma Beam
Damage: Very High
Knockback: Very Low
Lag: N/A
Range: Very Long
Duration: Very Long (between 20-25 seconds)
Hits: Multiple
Effect: Fire Damage/Stun


Ridley's eyes glow, and he is surrounded by the Final Smash's signature orange aura. He lets out a screech as he swoops into the air. As Ridley hovers high in the air, he pulls back his head and slowly opens his mouth. A bright light begins forming in Ridley's mouth. Then, suddenly, he lets out an unnerving shreik as a thick red beam of plasma shoots from his mouth. When it first crashes into the stage, flames burst all around it. The move is a continuing beam of plasma, and is fully aimable, allowing Ridley to direct it over the other players. When it hits an opponent, they are stunned a bit, (from the fire, like in Melee) and as long as they are under the beam, their damage sky rockets. (Probably around 25% a second). However, the move has no knockback, exept for when the laser initially hits. Small trails of flames (from where the beam has been) last for a few seconds, dealing some damage to anyone who walks into them. During the whole move, Ridley is far out of the reach of anyone, and is only able to be hit via projectile. When this happens, Ridley is briefly interrupted, but quickly continues the move again until it is finished. If the projectile has no knockback, (i.e. Fox's lasers) then Ridley is damaged by it, but not interrupted.


Grab Attack

Name: Vicious Bites
Damage: Very Low
Knockback: N/A
Lag: N/A
Range: N/A
Duration: Very Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley, holding the opponent in a death grip right in front of his face, bites at the poor soul caught in his clutches.

Forward Throw

Name: Ruthless Toss
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: N/A
Duration: Long
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley pulls his victim to his hip, holding them firmly in his grasp. Then, with a horrendous screech, he gallops forward and launches the opponent ahead of him.

Backward Throw

Name: Behemoth Slam
Damage: High
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: N/A
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None


Ridley lifts his foe over his head and proceeds to slam them into the ground behind him. Upon impact, the foe is dealt a second helping of damage, and bounces off the floor.

Down Throw

Name: Pogo Tail Stab
Damage: Very High
Knockback: Very Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: N/A
Duration: Very Long
Hits: 4
Effect: None


Ridley plants the opponent into the ground beneath him, then hovers in the air a few feet above them. He then deals a massive amount of damage to the foe by stabbing them several times with his spear like tail. The initial slam can be teched, though, much like Fox's Down Throw.

Up Throw

Name: Suicidal Crash
Damage: Very High
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: N/A
Duration: Long
Hits: 1
Effect: Ridley is dealt with 10% damage


Ridley flies straight up into the air with the opposing player in his clutches, then after an earth shaking shriek, he dives straight down as fast as he can and crashes into the ground. Both Ridley and his foe are damaged by the move, though Ridley receives far less. 30% damage to the player he was holding, and 10% to Riddles.


Ridley leans forward, with his arms tucked under him and his neck stretched out, and sways his head from side to side as he shrieks. Some people may recall this from Metroid Prime, in which, he was left open to fire when doing this. This is easily incorporated into Smash as a taunt, seeing how it's of no benefit to him, and that he is left open to attack whilst doing so. His signature scream may sound cool at first, but eventually, it becomes quite annoying, especially to the other players.


Ridley tucks his head in, and shields his body under his enormous wings. Then, the shield itself appears around him. Like all large characters, his shield isn't big enough to cover the entirety of his body.


Ridley spreads open his right wing and spins backwards around his foe, then folds his wing again. His roll moves him over a large distance, and has an average duration time. It is an overall decent roll.

Air Dodge

Ridley flaps his wings forward, propelling himself backwards into the "3rd dimension," and pulls his wings back out of the way of the enemy's attack. Afterwards, he cannot move and falls until he touches the ground or dies. As far as air dodges go, it's duration is rather long.

Winning Pose 1

Ridley, nowhere to be seen, suddenly appears in the distance, flying towards the screen. He then soars past, screeching, and returns to land abruptly in center stage, and folds his wings behind his back. He flew out of nowhere just like this in Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid: Prime.

Winning Pose 2

Ridley opens his broad wings and holds them high above his head. He pulls his arms to his sides, raises his head in the air, and gives a long, drawn out sceech as he moves his head from the right to left. If anyone has seen the avatar of the chicken with its wings raised in the air, that is basically what this pose looks like.

Winning Pose 3

The screen is blank for a second. Then, a beady red eye fades into view, followed by the rest of Ridley. He did this in the beginning of each of the two encounters Samus had with him in Super Metroid.

Victory Music / Theme Song

Ridley's Boss Battle Music

Listen or Download the Original Song Here

Listen to the Brawl Take on the Song Here

Kirby Hat

Props to the talented Silver777 for drawing this great Ridley Kirby hat. Thanks, Silver ^^.



Though it varies through the games, (from a deep violet, to a near periwinkle hue) this is Ridley's normal color. This color would double as his costume when he is on the Blue Team in team battles. This is entirely possible, seeing how Samus used her purple Gravity Suit for the Blue Team in Melee.


Originially used for promos, renders, and box art for Super Metroid for the SNES, the red colored Ridley is one of his more common depictions. In alot of the 2D Metroid games, Ridley would flash or turn completely red in rage towards the end of a fight. This color would also serve as his costume for the Red Team.


This color was never used in a Metroid game, but it would give Ridley a more "dragon" or "dinosaur" like appearance. Plus, it would serve as his costume for the Green Team.


Ridley first appeared with a brownish hue in the remake of the original Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission for the GBA. So far, it has been the only time he has been seen in a game in a color other than purple. I personally think that this costume looks terribly awesome.


Meta Ridley

Meta Ridley appeared in Metroid Prime and will also play a role in the upcoming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, in which he is believed to have acquired 'phazon' powers. Meta Ridley is not to be confused with Mecha Ridley. Meta Ridley is the actual Ridley that was defeated in the first Metroid, however, he was "resurrected" by the Space Pirates. Many of his body parts were replaced by robotic parts and he was fitted with weapons. Alot of people want to see this version of Ridley as at least an alternate costume because he looks like a torn up, metal badass. And I completely agree.

Mecha Ridley

This is Mecha Ridley, or Robo Ridley (usually Mecha Ridley because Robo Ridley sounds like a really lame anime character). He/it is actually a robot. It was the final boss in Metroid: Zero Mission.

Ridley X

Ridley X is Ridley, or a 'clone' of Ridley, that has been infected by the parasite, X. In Metroid: Fusion, he had been frozen in a storage compartment. Towards the end of the game, his frozen body was infected by an X. He then mutated into this guy, who looks more like a dragon then the pterodactyl-esque normal Ridley.


Planet Zebes

Norfair would be a combination of the Ridley Boss Room and Lower Norfair from the 2D Metroid games. The battle takes place on a central steel platform that is approximately the length of the Fountain of Dreams stage from Melee. The platform is held above a bed of lava by two metal pillars at each of its ends. These pillars extend and contract when the lava rises and falls, respectively, thus raising and lowering the main platform. This can cause the fight to move closer to the top kill zone, allowing for easier vertical KOs. Two Rippers (small, brown hovering beetles) will often rise from the lava and roam the areas on each side of the main platform. They work like moving ledges, in other words, you can hang on to them for dear life. From time to time, these little guys will save you from certain death.

The lava beneath the stage is deadly. Acting as the acid did in the Brinstar stage from Melee, it sends you rocketing upward if you happen to land in it. This can be especially dangerous if the lava has risen, and the main platform is closer to the level's ceiling. The kill zones to the left and right of the stage are relatively wide, about the same as those in Final Destination.

The background in Ridley's Lair would be home to several cameos appearances by a few critters from the Metroid games. Large, gaudy columns line the background, engraved with lores and pictures by the Chozo. Ancient, crumbling Chozo statues and architecture line the floor, damaged by years of erosion from the constantly rising lava. Occasionally, an Etecoon or a Dachoras will wander around in the background, hopping around on the statues. The flickering light from the lava causes the small, friendly creatures to cast huge, ominous shadows as they pass by.

Sounds would include the crackling of fire from the lava, and the noise of bubbles rising to the surface and bursting, generated by the same burning lake of fire. When one of the animals moves around in the background, the sound of their footsteps and crumbling rocks would echo through the huge, open chamber. The music playing would be none other than the Lower Norfair theme. It's solid beat sets the pace for battle.

Listen or Download the Song Here

Tallon IV
Artifact Temple

Everyone, even those new to the Metroid series, should know about this level. Taken straight from Metroid Prime, is the Artifact Temple, the location where you first encounter Meta Ridley. The battle is fought from the front view of the stage on the cliff overlooking the Impact Crater. To make it a playable arena, the small statues that hold the artifacts are removed, but in their place are two small platforms hovering over the gigantic, main platform. These platforms, like the statues, have thick, engraved lines that glow blue. These markings spread from the center of each platform, in which there's a glowing, blue, circular engraving.

The length of the main platform is the equivalent of Final Destination. The horizontal kill zones are quite short, allowing for an occasional cheap KO. However, the level has a very high ceiling, so star KOs are hard to come by. The walls leading up to the ledge of each side of the stage are high and flat. This affects the difficulty each character has recovering drastically.

Periodically, the enormous Chozo statues in the background will "come to life" and their rich blue light turns into a deep red. Their eyes steadily shine brighter and brighter, until lasers shoot from them. The tiny red lines meet at a central point, where they form a thick scarlett beam that fires at the character that is currently in the lead. The laser stuns the player for a few seconds, leaving him open to an attack for a short time, then the beam dies down and parishes. The light in the statues' eyes fade away, and the red lights change to blue again.

The most notable cosmetic change of the Artifact Temple is the weather. Starting with a clear, peaceful day, it worsens as dark clouds start to gather, and it begins to rain. It progresses from a light drizzle, to a downpour, and finally into a frightening thunderstorm. Then, the sky clears, and the cycle continues. As the weather changes, however, so does the atmosphere of the battle. When sunny and mellow, flocks of birds will soar into the horizon, various creatures can be heard in background, and the music (The Red Brinstar Remix that was later used for Metroid: Prime) is slow and calm. As it starts to rain, everything goes silent, the setting darkens, and the theme picks up tempo. While the rain comes down heavier and harder, the rumbling and crashing of the thunder shakes the ground, and the song becomes more twisted and unnerving. By the time the storm is in full throttle, so is the now dark music, and lightening strikes in the background, briefly lighting up the stage. As the storm wanes, the song slows back down to a soothing rhythm, the wildlife awakens, and the stage is in a peaceful state again.

Listen or Download the Song Here


Here is every game the good ol' purple dragon has been in, listed in chronological order of their release dates. Also, beneath each picture of the game's boxart is a brief description of Ridley's role in it (however important or unimportant it may be) accompanied by a video of the boss battle or confrontation that took place in that game. The links are provided by the grim lizard, an avid supporter of Ridley.



In the original Metroid, the Galactic Federation hired bounty hunter Samus Aran to infiltrate a Space Pirate base on Planet Zebes, and destroy their leader, the Mother Brain. In order to access Tourian (where the Mother Brain was located), Samus had to defeat the two mini-bosses, Kraid and Ridley. Kraid in the dark, rocky depths of Brinstar. And Ridley, in the lava scorched, ancient Chozo ruins known as Norfair.

Ridley was a difficult opponent to say the least. Players had fight around his hazardous, lava filled lair, all while dodging a barrage of fireballs from the purple beast. However, after a slew of missles and beams, he was finally defeated. Upon the last blow, he exploded into several chunks (Power Ranger style).

At the time, Ridley's past and connection with Samus Aran remained unknown. Of course, players were shocked after they discovered Samus was female, due to the game's ending and the misleading text in the game's manual that stated she was a "he." So, no one knows if this was intentional, or that Ridley's backstory was made up in the later games. At any rate, Ridley was but a lowly boss figure at the time, serving as a less-than-worthy opponent for the bounty huntress. Samus' and Ridley's hatred to one another only grew as the series went on, to the point of arch-rivalry.

Ridley Boss Battle (6:01)


Super Metroid takes place after the events iof Metroid II, in which Samus exterminated the Metroid species on the planet SR388, save one friendly Metroid hatchling that she couldn't bring herself to destroy. At the beginning of the game, Samus delivers the larva to a Galactic Federation research station for experimentation, only for it to be stolen by the Mother Brain's most trusted servant and vile creature, Ridley, as she leaves the station. After returning and defeating him, Ridley flees with the Metroid to Planet Zebes. When she follows him to the planet's surface, she discovers that the Space Pirates have rebuilt their underground base, and that she must (once again) single handedly destroy the entire Space Pirate colony.

At the end of the game, Samus once again confronted the Mother Brain. This time, however, he (yes, it's male) wasn't finished after being shot down inside his jar. The floor collapsed beneath Samus' feet, and she fell down into a large chamber, where the huge brain's true form was revealed. The monster was invincible, and nearly killed Samus if it wasn't for one thing: the baby Metroid came to her rescue. It latched onto the Mother Brain and drained his life force until he was vulnerable to attack. Then, it was killed by the beast, right in front of Samus. She then killed the Mother Brain, and escaped the planet before it self destructed.

As you can see, Ridley plays a far bigger role in Super Metroid than any other game to date. Players discover that he's fairly intelligent, despite his beastly appearance, and that he serves as a high ranking commander in the Space Pirate army. It is also revealed in the game's handbook that Ridley led the raid on Samus' home world, killing her family right in front of her. More information could even be found in some of the Japanese Metroid manga and comics released at the time, which can be viewed here.

Ridley also displayed new powers in Super Metroid, such as the ability to turn invisible. In the second battle with him, Ridley proved to be an even stronger opponent than previously thought. He used various tail attacks, rapidly shot fireballs, and would even lift you into the air with his talons, and would proceed to drop you from great heights. But once again, Ridley fell after several shots to the face and chest, and exploded into large pieces of meat and flesh.

Ridley First Encounter (6:11)

Ridley Boss Battle (8:37)


Metroid: Fusion was the curve ball in the Metroid saga. Samus takes a routine trip to the planet SR388 to watch over a research team as they study the wildlife. While surveying the area, she is confronted by a ferocious, frog like creature. When it lunges at her, she does not hesitate to shoot it down. After the animal is killed, though, a strange organism rises from its corpse and makes its way towards Samus. Her efforts to stop it are useless; it darts at her and absorbs into her power suit. On her way back to Biologic's headquarters, the parasite infects her nervous system, and she loses consciousness. Unable to steer her ship, it begins to drift into an asteroid belt. Upon impact, the ship's emergency systems automatically launch an escape pod. Biologic's vessel recovered it and sent her to the Galactic Federation's headquarters, where she was tended to quickly. The parasite, later known as the X, multiplied inside her and corrupted large portions of her power suit. They cannot be removed, however, because the organic components in her suit are bound to her too tightly to be removed while unconscious. Parts of her armor are surgically removed. But, the X are embedded to deep into her body to be removed, and she is left with a low chance of survival. Conveniently, someone finds a cure just in time. It is an anti virus made of cells from the remains of the infant Metroid that was killed on Zebes. The Galactic Federation had saved a cell culture from it. It is injected immediately, and miraculously, it works. The X are annihilated, and Samus is saved by the Metroid hatchling yet again.

Immediately after Samus recovers, she is assigned a mission to inspect an explosion at a near by research facility, where the removed pieces of her suit had been sent. When she arrives, she finds out that the X has the ability to copy the DNA of its prey and thus, take its form. The X copied the genetic code of the organic power suit pieces, and took the form of Samus. This being, code named SA-X, has all the powers of Samus at full capacity, making it a deadly force. It roams around the space station, suiting the environment in the research facilities for the X. Samus must acquire new powers and stop it before the X overthrow the station and spread across the galaxy.

In the game, the player discovers weird things that conflict with the plot. Such as the fact that there are Metroid breeding areas, even though the Metroid species was wiped out by Samus. The Galactic Federation could of cloned them using the cell culture from the baby Metroid. But why would they do that when they want the species eradicated because they're a threat to the galaxy? They could be working with the Space Pirates, which would be an interesting plot twist indeed.

One of these strange happenings involved Ridley. In a frozen storage compartment, there was a frozen figure shaped like Ridley. When Samus returned to the room later in the game, an X parasite infected the its body. It came to life as a strange, mutated version of Ridley. It attacked her, using some of Ridley's classic attacks such as fireballs, tail sweeps, and grabs; all accompanied by his signature screeches. The music played during the fight was even that of Ridley's, leading most to believe that the being inside the shell of ice was, indeed, Ridley. Some question whether it was the real Ridley, or was possibly another clone. But in any case, it can be considered as another cameo by the great purple dragon (or in this case, blue.)

Ridley X Boss Battle (1:51)


Metroid Prime takes place between the events of the original Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus. The story begins when Samus picks up a distress signal coming from a nearby space station. On her arrival, she finds the station at a critical state. Rubble is everywhere, and massive fires can be spotted in the distance. She decides to investigate. After further exploration of the station's many labs, Samus discovers that it is a research facility for the Space Pirate army, and that they are studying an unknown mutagen. They seem to be testing the material on various creatures native to the planet, Tallon IV. She also finds that a few of the test subjects have gone missing. And that some of the pirates, although severely injured, are still aboard the ship, and they aren't taking kindly to Samus' intrusion. When she makes her way through the station, and happens to find herself in the reactor core, Samus is attacked by a Parasite Queen. She defeats it with relative ease, however, it falls into the reactor core upon its death, and the whole place begins to go down in flames. She escapes in the nick of time, leaping into an elevator before she is engulfed in a wall of fire and electricity. Though, as the door closes, and electric wave hits Samus, and severely damages her suit. Injured, she makes her way to her ship. As she takes off, she notices a strange but familiar creature (Ridley) making its way to the planet Tallon IV. She loses him, though, in the planet's thick atmosphere. Her ship takes a crippling blow by a bolt of lightning, and Samus is left with no choice but to land on the planet's surface and recoup.

In the game, Samus must learn the origin of the strange, blue mutagen on the planet, discover the fate of the great race of bird like creatures that raised her (the Chozo), and stop the Space Pirates from mining the mineral before they have the chance to use it for evil. And most of all, she has to locate the source of the deadly material, and destroy it before it's too late, as she is (again) the last hope for the planet and the universe. Without her help, the Chozos' deaths will have been in vain.

Ridley once again serves as the game's catalyst- leading Samus straight to the Space Pirate's base of operations. His role after that, however, is rather small. He is seen soaring over the landscape several times throughout the game, but never acknowledging Samus' presence until the end of the game. After she has single handedly taken the Space Pirate facilities by storm, and is about to succeed in reaching the source of the Phazon, with no one to stop here, Ridley flies in from the horizon. As the pirates' last remaining force, he puts up one hell of a fight. Some say that he would have made an even better final boss then Metroid Prime.

Ridley was saved from near death on Zebes. The Space Pirates kept him alive with mechanical organs and body parts. He was also fitted with durable plated armor and dozens of weapon systems. , such as his kinetic breath, his seeker missles, and his bombs. All of which he uses in the battle versus Samus. He was even given a new name. He was referred to by the pirates as Meta Ridley in several of their logs.

When Ridley was defeated by Samus in battle, the enormous Chozo statues in the background of the Artifact Temple came to life. Each shot a bright red beam from their eyes, hitting Ridley in his weak mechanical heart. The combined force of the lasers pushed him back, until he toppled off of the edge of the cliff, into the Phazon Impact Crater below. It seems as though he didn't die though, because he returns in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and with a mutated, Phazon induced new form. Could this possibly from coming in contact with the mysterious blue mutagen after his fall into the source of it all?

Meta Ridley Boss Battle (6:21)


Metroid: Zero Mission was, essentially, a GameBoy remake of the original Metroid for the NES, but with an extended ending. After defeating the Mother Brain and escaping to the surface of the planet, Samus sets off in her ship, only for it to be shot down by Space Pirate forces. Upon crashing, her suit is severely damaged. So, without her armor, she sets off to find another means of leaving the planet. With only a stun pistol and her courage, she decides to sneak into the Space Pirate Mother Ship and steal an escape shuttle. She stealthily makes her way past pirate forces, and eventually acquires a new power suit in the region of Chozodia. Samus then returns to the ship, eliminating what were previously un-killable enemies on the way. There, she finds a fully mechanical version of the Space Pirate commander: Ridley. Dubbed Mecha Ridley, the gigantic iron beast proves to be quite a challenge, but is still no match to Samus of course. Once she has defeated the overgrown calculator, the self destruct sequence initiates, and Samus must escape in a matter of minutes. Jumping into a Space Pirate fighter ship, she speeds away from the exploding ship just in time. Completing one of her first big missions.

Ridley serves as one of the two mini bosses once again. But, it's nice to see him as he was originally intended, with the better graphics offered by the GameBoy Advance over the original NES system. His attacks remain the same as those in the previous 2D Metroids, though. Once again, he sticks with tail attacks, fire breath, and grabbing his foes. He does display the ability to shoot fire balls at a rapid pace, which isn't really a new move, but it isn't something he has done before, or at least not at the level of speed.

If you manage to beat the game in a set period of time and on a high difficulty, you are rewarded with an ending screen that shows Ridley leading a horde of Space Pirates, and Samus' parents standing in their way, protecting their young child. This officially confirms that Ridley did lead an attack on Samus' homeworld, and did kill her parents. The design of each character in the scene is very similar to that of the manga, which could prove the manga is, indeed, a true part of the storyline.

Ridley Boss Battle (4:47)

Mecha Ridley Boss Battle (1:49)


First of all, these aren't mine. They were made by someone who goes by the username SSBB_Polska on Photobucket. Here's a link to his album. These are simple, space saving icons that get straight to the point. Put one of these in your signature to say, "Hey, I support Ridley for Brawl, and if you don't like him, then **** you!"

Ridley For Brawl! BAD ARSES for life!

Whoa this page gonna be big!



the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
That page is gone forever...

Anyway, around the time Brawl comes out/when they re-announce online, we need to all exchange...well, whatever it is that we need to exchange. Do you guys base your smash name off of your smashboards login or vice versa? Mine is GRIM, just fyi...

Sorry, I just thought of it. Us Ridley supporters gotta stick together...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
He he he Yhea but Legolastom is the name i use for EVERYTHING! (Except Legolastom01 in a few places...) but matters on how much space we get for our names.

And yes us BAD ARSES gotta stick together

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
That page is gone forever...

Anyway, around the time Brawl comes out/when they re-announce online, we need to all exchange...well, whatever it is that we need to exchange. Do you guys base your smash name off of your smashboards login or vice versa? Mine is GRIM, just fyi...

Sorry, I just thought of it. Us Ridley supporters gotta stick together...
You mean like Wii numbers and gamer tags? My Wii number is in my profile, and my username will probably be Gypsy or Gypsy Lee, and my gamer tag will probably be LEE.

If Brawl is online, shall we have an all Ridley tournament?
Are Wiis would simultaneously explode due to the massive overload of pure awesome.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Anyway, around the time Brawl comes out/when they re-announce online, we need to all exchange...well, whatever it is that we need to exchange. Do you guys base your smash name off of your smashboards login or vice versa? Mine is GRIM, just fyi...

Sorry, I just thought of it. Us Ridley supporters gotta stick together...
A-freakin'-men, Grim.

My "smash name" is probably going to be SC (as per the first two letters of my Smash Boards screen name). I don't have a Wii yet, unfortunately. >.<; I'll be getting one somewhere down the road, though. Ya'll can count on that.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i'd use my game name, "Lanky_Gunner", but since the game probably still uses 4 letter names, i'd probably use my initials or none at all. "CDP"

there is a massive thunderstorm right next to my house. it's so big and numerous that the house is shaking, that's right, SHAKING!! i thought the windows would explode! this storm reminds me of ridley, cause of the sheer awesomeness of it


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I think Ridley may have just farted next to your house... i will lure him away with a Zamus pice or maybe a Waluigi noob


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
My name, gamertag, MSN, username in forums and everything is always Shuma or SHUMA22. So yeah...


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
I think Ridley may have just farted next to your house... i will lure him away with a Zamus pice or maybe a Waluigi noob
F*** farting, he ROARED across the valley. no flatulence could cause this!! f***in light beams shootin everywhere, with no end in sight. he's gonna dominate utah tonight!!


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Lol utah- Er i mean Ridley for brawl!

(Ridley's roar destroyed a planet before thats just hi fart)


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
hey, don't make fun of where i live. i don't make fun of...LONDON!? ha ha what a loser, drinking tea and scrumpets and s***

nah just kiddin, nothing against you or the english. ridley doesn't pass gas. he's too badass for that. he can just look at you and you die.

ahh, lightning storm's gone. ridley left...that sucks


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Yeah? well... who would win beetween Ganon and Ridley.

Since well... they always come back from the dead. Or maybe after days of mindless battle, they form and alliance? Zomg, Ganondorf Riding Ridley while farting around Colbusman's house.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
s*** i'm never going to hear the end of this. ridley f***in farting on my house...it's not fair.

i still say it's something more badass than that. i sware i was gonna die, either by excitment or bolt through my head


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Or Ridley plasma beam through your head! (I mean fart beam sorry)

Yhea Ridley vs Ganon w00t cant wait! (Now we just need a really epic stage... like were you face Ganon in oot or were you face Ganondorf (1 on 1 duel) in TP).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Rythian Colony #448
Just so you guys can spot me in the BAD ARSES Group (B.A.G.), my username will be HBRX. It fits perfectly.
And my friend thinks that it sounds like the name of a dirty robot movie.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Anal Plasma Beam FTW.


I do know there are several wrong point with the statement above.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I think today's update gives us some good perspective on characters being AT (Dr. Wright did, too, for that matter). Everyone was freaking out with Goroh, and especially Deoxys, saying Ridley was next. But it's clear where they stand in Sakurai's eyes. Ridley has no worries (duh). If they spent this much time on Knuckle Joe, Dedede is for sure in, and Ridley is for sure in. No worries.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
I think today's update gives us some good perspective on characters being AT (Dr. Wright did, too, for that matter). Everyone was freaking out with Goroh, and especially Deoxys, saying Ridley was next. But it's clear where they stand in Sakurai's eyes. Ridley has no worries (duh). If they spent this much time on Knuckle Joe, Dedede is for sure in, and Ridley is for sure in. No worries.
I agree.. Dedede and Ridley is coming our way!.. Plz Krystal too...

No worry beef curry!...
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