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RGV da BESS ~ WHGU 6 @ Kingsville = APR 23 !!!!

What day do you want our weekly UTB club gaming fests be?

  • Monday

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 17 12.9%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • Friday

    Votes: 14 10.6%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 60 45.5%
  • Sunday

    Votes: 12 9.1%

  • Total voters
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Fax, my psychologist side says you shouldnt hold in your rage...HERES SOME PROZAC!! 8)

My nerdy side says, embrace the darkside!!! >: o


Man, this is why i hate the valley. Im here for like 4 days... and already stuffs stolen from my backyard POS. Nothing like being home :/. I swear, if i ever catch someone in my property, theyll wonder how i could beat someone to death with a bat under the premises of self protection :/.


GOW3 = God of War 3 :). I think its release date is this year some time. That game is gonna be beautiful :p. Until then, imma stick with Infamous.


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2009
RGV / Brownsville Tx
Questuon time: What's with all you guys acting as girls? This seems worse than when everyone on AiB thought Zori was female.
lolwut? It's only Vickey and it's a funny act, at least until he starts quintuple posting and my eyes twitch a little.

Or does having females in our avatars/sigs automatically make us girls?

Fax, my psychologist side says you shouldnt hold in your rage...HERES SOME PROZAC!! 8)

My nerdy side says, embrace the darkside!!! >: o
I think I'm pretty disciplined about my anger. For instance, I won't go into a violent fit, I'll just collect my thoughts and cool off. It's taken many years though. I did a terrible thing to my best friend in the 4th grade that I regret every time it crosses my mind, but luckily everything turned out okay.

Man, this is why i hate the valley. Im here for like 4 days... and already stuffs stolen from my backyard POS.
I lol'd.

I wish I had infinite amount of time, or a superpower where I didn't need sleep.
Me too. Sleep is overrated.

So I just had an epic breakfast at noon consisting of a raisin bran muffin, a cup of grapes, cup of pineapple, and cup of coconut. Thought about trying Atkins, but **** it, it doesn't let me eat fruit (and coconut) and I just bought like $100 worth of groceries with a ****ton of fruit (and a coconut). Although I think I'm overloaded on sugar now.


try replacing what you drink with water. Itll help :D. Otherwise, i got no clue on eatin healthy. 70% body fat is genetic, which is why im skinny XD


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2009
RGV / Brownsville Tx
Well I do drink a lot of water. I just have a problem of keeping it. It's annoying going to the restroom every 30 minutes after a liter of water. This was my greatest fear in our trip to Houston.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
people actually play smash in colorado?
as far as stories at weight loss goes, the guy who sold us our truck used to weigh like 600 pounds... about a year and a half ago he got that gastric bypass surgery(where they cut your stomach into the size of a large apple) and he lost 250 pounds in that time... which is awesome, but most people lose weight very slowly... like 4 pounds a month so you cant really be too worried if your on the right path... know what I mean?


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
I'm a nutritionist and I actually wanted to do that as a career for the longest time, except I wouldn't be able to stand working at a hospital. I actually have an old project I work on very slowly (and haven't touched in a while but have a plan to) of writing out a nutrition novel.

I lost 40 lbs ish when I used to be fat.

I would be more than glad to help anyone out who wants to learn, it is also the HEALTHIEST way to lose weight, so you are doing much more for yourself (preventing disease, long term longevity, more energy, yatta yatta).

I love all of you and I wouldn't want to see some of you fall prey to something so ****ty like atkins. Most "diet" foods are candy bars in disguise or a bunch of junk.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
Alright, well Brawl related.

Some rants / thoughts.

Rejex (Jere): Gotta improve the camping, and just overall practice!

CT: Practice too, why the hell are you so good at the little things, but you can't airdodge?!?! I would kill myself to be able to DI like you. Keep the practice up man, and make sure that if you want to settle in with Falco as your permanent main, you do so. Your Falco is awesome, but if he isn't for you then he isn't. I like that Falco's are very rare now a days so its a good pick.

Fax: I am impressed at how you are doing with G&W and how good you are getting, keep it up. I don't think I have much I can recommend you except to practice the little things that CT decided to master before learning the basic things like timing an air dodge. >.> ... maybe we should fuse CT and Fax to create the perfect Brawler. xD

Broly: You suck please quit.

Shlike: You should just second random. Anyway you don't need advice, you're doing good and you know where you're going. Although I did figure out a curse for you.

You play EPIC one tournament and go super saiyan mode, then SUCK the next one.


Brawlfest 1... you played Epic.

Brawlfest 2.... you sucked major balls and placed way lower.

WHOBO.... you played awesome

HOBO 16.... you played so terrible lol

Brawlfest 3.... you went super saiyan


Before we go to the next tourney, we should throw a quick small tourney between us really quickly the day before so Shlike can get the suck out of his system!!!!

Derk: Practice those AT's man! You can't be messing up those chaingrabs with Pikachu. Oh and stop Side-B'ing lol. Your Pika is doing good, just keep the pressure up and careful with your landing lag, try to cancel it better, the majority of the times I punished that.

Vickey: Work on eliminating the bad habits! You're such a badass player you should be the best in the crew.

Andilex: Work on keeping your cool during the match and not choking! You have a lot of technical skill and you're really precise and your pressure is great. Diddy Kong is a character that requires a LOT of patience because he is a character that CAN and sometimes HAS to make big come from behind wins. Work on the consistancy and work on controlling your emotions during the match.


Broly: Okay a serious one. You need to encourage people more! Really, you are our best player (or tied with best for Pax) and a lot of us look up to you. You need to be an inspiration to people like us who are not as good as you. And keep practicing man, I want to see you start breaking top 5 soon, and then start placing top 3 consistantly. We all know you can do it.

Pax: Same as Broly man, work hard and start placing high! You have what it takes, just keep to it. Oh and I hope your swine flu gets better.

Syoudous: I am glad you are taking things more seriously again, I could tell how much you improved since HOBO 16. However, remember Meta Knight banned tourneys are popping up every now and then, so don't let your Kirby (or other secondaries fall behind).

Vash: If you read this, we all miss you and you should get back in the game! You have a lot of skill and its being wasted. <3

Magik: Main more of the cast much? Lawl. There is not much I can recommend you since you are very smart and know what you have to work on already. One thing though is, just to share your knowledge and help out the RGV more. Being one of the most knowledgable and one of the better players, I would really want you to be one of the leaders and help / keep encouraging people to get better and to travel more, and help us learn everything you have soaked up.

Papi: Keep the chaingrab mastered. You have to make sure those grabs are instant kills! Keep practicing, you're doing really good and I'm always impressed to see your Icies. Just keep it up and don't get tired.

Gus: Also if you read this, I would hope that you would start travelling with us too. Hopefully you can rep the low tiers in Texas too!

Cloud: Same man, I know you feel Smash isn't for you but we know you have a lot of potential. You're still young and with practice you will get better. If you choose to come back, everyone will be happy to have you back in the crew.


That is all, back to work.

I love all of you, lets do this! <3


I suppose ill just have to connect my wii to the living room the and start practicing more then. V-V; Imma lose all my Killzone 2 achievements D:.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
ct- learn to camp w/ lasers and turn bs. and for the love of god, AIRDODGE
magik- once you learn your place you will improve tremendously. make a decision on PT or snake, and get to winning games.
andilex- you need to play me more. i get ppl to improve their skills. look at herby, =]
kingsville ppl- same as andilex. play me more.
fax- enjoy the game more, and use the turtle more. find a second as well.
syoudous- your mk is getting good, just be more patient w/ him and you'll stay on top.
papi- ill tell you wuts up later
gus, cloud, vash- make up your minds on joining us in tournys or good bye...we love you.
shlike- your getting close to me and paxs level...u destroy mks, but need to control your rage. keep it up n be more consistent.
Pax- just go w/ us to tournys. thats all i ask.
Vorgy- just work on your timing w/ grenades. camp better and listen to the critique.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
That's good. I feel like I've gotten a lot better, just squeezing in practice whenever I can since work is so draining. Yeah I get a few seconds of free time but I'm basically hawk-eyeing the lot to see if any customers drive by to try to sell to them. It's really a non-stop stress. My game might suffer a bit throughout the summer and stuff since I'm dead tired every day now and get little time for friendlies and stuff, but as soon as it is over I'm going to train extra hard. I'm going to at least use this summer to read up on the boards and try to learn as much as I can, and then put it into practice after the summer.

I'm going to make sure I'm more than ready for WHOBO 2 next year.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2009
Brownsville, Tx (RGV)
thanks vorgy and broly for the love, and lulz at the non existent curse lulz,

I'm going to austin tomorrow so no get together until early next week...

I love everyone in the rgv <3
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