Because when the bible was written, suicide was a pretty black/white issue. These gray areas are valid points that are not addressed in scripture. That's why you have to draw your own conclusions instead of trying to live your life literally from the book.
If Moses was given a law for every single situation that could ever occur, he would have never, ever come down from the mountain. ^_^
I agree with just reading the Bible and making rational choices for yourself. Jesus said something about this in Matthew when he criticized the people for condemning the innocent.
That's good to know. Anyways I ahve a grasp of german so I knew about the gesundheit thing. Not to mention in italian we reply to sneeze with "salute", which happens to mean "health".
Interesting. Would that be "salud" instead of salute? Because that's "health" in Spanish.
Religion is good for giving cowards false hope and idiots wrong answers. I'd go as far as to say all religion is harmful, but I don't think Buddhism and similar religions hurt anyone... Except maybe Buddhists. (Jaines too).
Funny, because before I became a Christian I never wondered where I went after I died, nor did I need "answers in life" because I never even had any questions to begin with. My life didn't need saving in the sense that I was a depressed, unhappy child. I never though "Hey, this will bring order to my life" when I first converted. In fact, I didn't think anything other than this was the truth and I needed to follow it.
I think you might need to rethink your generalizations.
I've never understood where theists stand with their beliefs. They really have no compelling reason to continue believing them other than that they always have, with the exception of a few crazy ****s like Bush who are convinced God speaks to them on a regular basis.
I've never taken drugs or alcohol, I've never hit my head severely, and my family is completely clean as far as mental illness goes. And yet I do, as in currently, admit to having divine experiences. Now when I experience them I'm not worked up into a frenzy at some religious event. Most of the time I get them when I am sitting alone at home reading my Bible. It's not like I expect them to happen either. They just come on their own, and there is no doubt that it is God. I'd hardly call myself crazy or desperate.
You dont have to take my word for it and suddenly convert, but again, just re-examine what you might have considered an impossibility because I am testifying right now as someone who breaks the normal. Oh, and the divine revelations aren't like conversations, exacltly. I dont think I can speak with God like I would my friends. It's... impossible... to describe.
Praying and churchgoing are to me the same as throwing salt over your shoulder or avoiding walking under ladders (Except that avoiding walking under ladders is good practice for avoiding falling items). Really, the Christian God seems like a small, simple God in comparison to the vast, inconceivable wonder that is the universe in which we reside. Of course, our world is more magnificent and strange than any fictional author could imagine, so it's no wonder that the Bible hasn't withstood the test of time and is easily questioned 2000 years later by superior knowledge.
I know this wont offend you so I'll just go right out and say it. Of course praying would be worthless to you, and any unbeliever, because you dont know God. Praying isn't like God's genie service. It's a time to focus on God and hopefully you may even get some sort of divine direction.
Now about people who are Christians and pray but recieve nothing ever so they stop believing. I hear many examples of children who pray about their parents, and when they dont get what they wish for, turn away. Praying for stuff to happen and not recieving what you want shouldn't be a reason to turn against God. This has alredy been answered when the apostle Paul was going through some sort of trial, and God didn't save him from it. "My grace is sufficient for you."
I do, however, wonder why God doesn't answer the prayer of people who already have believed, desperately want to believe, and are starting to turn away when they ask for some sort of evidence that He exists. It doesn't have to be big, just some sort of mental nudge would suffice. For that, I dont have a real answer. I dont know why God chose me when I never expected or wanted it and why He didn't choose others. I am just eternally thankful.