Jesus Christ is awesome.
And saying no one will ever know? When the world ends or you die, you are going to see God (or you might think you won't whatever). But people who argue religion is all about not sinning are wrong. The only reason we were created was to love God and love people, that's it. It doesn't matter how much you sin, it's believing Jesus died for your sin and was raised from the dead.
I think people deny God because they are afraid of him. I also can't understand people who say religion is pointless. As a christian, the word religion kind of bothers me. Most religions are basically people trying to act as good as they can so that, when they die, they might live forever. God doesn't have a good and bad scale, and that's what religion communicates. When you believe in Jesus and trust in him, you get life in heaven. It doesn't matter if you freak out and kill a million people, a long as you agknowledge Jesus. Living a moral life is not good enough for anybody. All human righteousnness is like filthy rags, and if God kepy a record of wrongs, who could stand? Nobody...
The whole point of christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ and God. If you love God, you will want to do write things, and if you love people, you won't want to hurt them or anything.. Also, I don't know, prophecy and tongues and miracles kind of prove faith. I'm not trying to be spiritual, but how can you see someone who is almost suicidal, then they find a great youth group and have their life completely changed? That was me. My family was screwed, I hated my dad, but God was there. You can't really describe what he does.. he just sort of breaks you if you let him, but in a wonderful way. The only reason I am alive today is because of the relationship I have with my father in heaven.
Yeah.. I love my God. And no one can say there is no God. It's just truth.