Smash Ace
Meta Knight should be banned because it'll force Melee pros like M2K to stop playing Brawl.Then they'd actually have to try to win at the game so instead they'd end up quitting and come back to Melee.
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M2k said he'd come to this if MK was legal...Meta Knight should be banned because it'll force Melee pros like M2K to stop playing Brawl.Then they'd actually have to try to win at the game so instead they'd end up quitting and come back to Melee.
It's not that a definite side (MK remaining legal) should remain, it's that now there's a choice that can be made and still be taken seriously (where banning MK prior to ban buzz would not be). No ****s given about protocol, each side should now be considered fully. That's the only thing Unity has effectively affected.This tournament was planned ahead of time before the MK ban, with the expectation that MK would be legal; MK should remain legal if the protocol doesn't mean anything to you.
kids these days...Meta Knight should be banned because it'll force Melee pros like M2K to stop playing Brawl.Then they'd actually have to try to win at the game so instead they'd end up quitting and come back to Melee.
Blah blah blah Jane. He's the best character duhgah, i can't post my full opinion right now, don't have the time... but i will do something quick.
i believe metaknight should be banned at NYTE.
and now to quickly address some anti-ban arguements in the thread:
"slap in the face to all MK mains" - well, yeah, but the fact of the matter is people voted for a ban and an overwhelming majority were in favor. the emancipation proclamation was a slap in the face to sugar and tobacco farmers, but that's a bit irrelevant when the majority wants change, is it not?
"he's definitely beatable" - i am not to passionately pro-ban because mk is "not beatable." as a matter of fact, i have lots of fun in the MK matchup. the problem is that mk has a ridiculous amount of advantages; only drawback being he can die kind of early. but when you look at his stupid amounts of advantages, THAT is why i, and many others, chose to ban. not because he is not beatable. he is certainly beatable.
"don't ban him because M2K" / "don't ban him because it'll attract more entrants" - this is the best argument as far as NYTE is concerned. and i can see why you would allow him simply because it will instantly mean M2K and that means more potential entrants. i still disagree, and believe that the more MK-banned tournaments there are, the faster everyone will get used to it. NYTE would be the first ever regional mk banned tourney in the southwest, ever, and i was quite excited for that. but, again, i understand your qualms elvis, and will understand your position should you choose to keep mk legal.
"unity is not absolute" - unity was never absolute, and i don't think anyone ever thought that. unity is meant to UNITE as many tournaments as possible--certainly not all of them, but as many as possible. by 76% of the voting population voting for the ban, it shows that unity (as a concept) is still very possible.
well... that wasn't very quick. and now i'm late. xD
our criteria for being ban-worthy is different. and i'm not saying thats bad or wrong or anything, but thats just the way it is.He's a popular+good character - Why does this equal ban-worthy?
not all items have a devastating effect. some could potentially be used competitively, maybe even make the game funner somehow. but we ban all of them because no one really gives a ****, and thats fine.Items are banned because they can have devastating effects beyond the fault of the player.
not really, pro banners are not expecting to suddenly see a surge in their skill level or placings. as i've said before, its not really about that.MK is banned because players use bad characters expecting to win?
again, when something big happens--whether it be in the real world or in a small community like this--not everyone is going to be happy. some people may get screwed over somehow. but in the end, when big controversial decisions get made SOMEONE is going to get ****ed. its just the nature of things, and i'm sorry you feel like you are one of them.screwing over MK mains because you don't like that is unfair to them. They haven't done anything wrong, but play (or play to win)
yes, his decision. hence why he's asking his community. because it is his decision on how he chooses to handle these matters.You can do as much as you can to make it a tourney people enjoy, but it's your decision.
banning metaknight is only ok if its just for "plain fun," otherwise it's ridiculous.I HATE MK, but banning him is ridiculous if you're having this tournament for something bigger than just plain fun.
not irrelevant. more people have expressed their reluctance to go if M2K doesnt go. NO ONE has said "if mk is legal i won't go."The attendant thing is irrelevant. Players will come cuz he's legal, others will come cuz he's not. It goes either way.
but having MK legal JUST cuz it's M2K? What are you? A Justin Bieber fan? Come on son.
Unity banned MK because it was a community decision, and even then, it was a majority of people who don't even play offline competitively.
Sure, MK is overpowered, but banning him is
You are exactly wrong.The attendant thing is irrelevant.
What I want to do is cater to the wishes of my community. Your moot point does not help me.This is bull.
Not the thread, just the topic.
NYTE should be MK legal. I HATE MK, but banning him is ridiculous if you're having this tournament for something bigger than just plain fun.
The attendant thing is irrelevant. Players will come cuz he's legal, others will come cuz he's not. It goes either way.
Mew2King is a beast, to have him come would be epic, but having MK legal JUST cuz it's M2K? What are you? A Justin Bieber fan? Come on son.
This is ultimately up to the TO. No other input should sway the way you feel cuz ultimately, you're in charge. Unity banned MK because it was a community decision, and even then, it was a majority of people who don't even play offline competitively. Sure, MK is overpowered, but banning him is This is up to you, the TO. You run the tourney. People attend YOUR tourney. You can do as much as you can to make it a tourney people enjoy, but it's your decision.
This is neither a keep or a ban. This is a "shut up and do what you want", so to speak.
Don't take this thread or anything I say into a tone of aggression.
Okay...I was saying that if M2K wasn't coming, this discussion, I believe, would more than likely Pro-Ban. Having M2K does increase revenue for Brawl AND Melee. Its funny, because the Melee community want M2K more than the brawl side does.Mew2King is a beast, to have him come would be epic, but having MK legal JUST cuz it's M2K? What are you? A Justin Bieber fan? Come on son.
Limited ban is stupid*places his two cents for the hell of it*
Banning MK completely outright is a little ridiculous. I compare using MK in brawl like bringing a gun to a knife. You may win, but you certainly don't have the honor.
Does that mean I'm opposed to the ban completely? Nope. But it could be limited. e.g. Counter-pick only type deal (NOT saying that's a rule, it's just an example of "limiting" use). A good "limiting" choice could be using MK once every few matches. As in, let's say someone uses him in round 1, then gets moved into the winner's bracket. From there, they couldn't use him for their next two opponents, but then on the third they could, repeat (idea derived from DDR tournaments I've attended).
All in all, while the opinions of those stating that you just have to get better is true, it's also ridiculous IMO. The game is meant for the fun of it, really. MK drains the fun out of it for a lot of players, both those who play against him, and those who play AS him. Personally, me fighting MK is fun (I'm a Zelda main, BTW, if you couldn't tell). Though I know that for some it's just a turn off, and they'll pretty much quit the scene if that's the case (lest they have a dying love for the game, like me).
Honestly, I can't really go one way or another, since I'm personally conflicted by the choice. I do like the idea of testing out the complete ban of the character, see how it affects the community as a whole, but that can also drop a good number of competitors from the smash scene, for one reason or another. I know that would most likely effectively drop one of our players here in UT.
tl;dr-Not really in favor one way or the other at this point, but doing a "limited" ban may be a more feasible idea.
Sorry if my post isn't entirely coherent. I don't think I am coherent myself right now ^^;;
Also account the people who will want to come because he's banned and people you might lose because he's not. And vice versa and all that junk.People we're not arguing over banning MK because that has been already decided. We are arguing over if we should allow him for the Tournament. These are the two big points each side is bringing up:
Pro-ban: If MK is allowed then that would make the Tournament non-Unity ruleset which might push people away.
Anti-ban: If Mk is allowed M2K would come which would draw more people because of the big name.
All I have to say, is that this is from an interview with Kusumondo. THE honda player. Who's played the same character in every game. Even when there were 10/90 matchups in the other characters favor.ok, stop being a crybaby. hear you loud and clear. what about the fact that 76% of the voting community voted in favor of a ban?
maybe we really are just a bunch of crybabies, but when the community wants something that overwhelmingly, it should be done.
Well, when you think about Smash and money it's a joke. But when you think about other competitive games, the people who win make bank. Tens of thousands of dollars PER tournament. They're just way more established.Competitive video games should not be compared to "real life", because no one can make an actual career out of playing video games.
Ken won $50,000, a lot of money, but not enough to actually sustain someone, considering how long it took him to win all that money.
If you care about winning enough to switch out your favorite character for a much better one, so be it, its just a game. Maybe if competitive gaming became like professional sports, it would be different.
Not really, especially how as a community we've banned items and several stages in favor of some kind of balance. MK is the same to merather than "taking the easy road," i see it as "changing fundamental aspects of how we play the game to make it better."
Is my viewpoint so farfetched?