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Real Random: Jak (Jak & Daxter) vs Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
I could have sworn my Alexander analysis at the top of the last page would have made it clear we already had a match 5 going on, lol.

Anyways, yea, Sephiroth is right. Match 4 was given to Lelouch, and match 5 is still going; it is Alexander (Hellsing) vs. Dante (DMC). I posted my analysis on Alexander, Sephiroth is working on his Dante analysis. :)

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Dante:Son of Sparda, (the former ruler of the demon world) Twin brother of Virgil, and one of the Biggest bad A**'s of the gameing world.

Mobility: Is super human with an increased speed and ability to jump. Can even jump in mid air.

Range: With his sword he has an aproximately 6 feet range when in lance form for close up, and can fight hand to hand with his gauntlets. For long range he has about a miles worth of distance with the Sniper rifle and has multiple mid range and semi range weapons at his disposal.

Close: Arms length - 6+ feet

Long: Point blank - 1 mile.

Defense: He can parry with his sword very well, but his main defense is the ability to regenerate.

Stamina: Has extreame tollerance to pain and can recover pretty quickly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_1kETIVweo

Control: He is a free-lance killer and with no hesitation he will go all out on anything. Will probably play around at first unless he needs to get serious.

Weapons: Throughout the history of DMC Dante has used many weapons to serve as tools for his A** kicking.

Close Range Weapons: Dante has used many swords in many games and his most familiar is the Rebellion. A broad sword that he uses for most of the games he is in. But to narrow the roster of weapons, he only needs one sword and that is...

Sparda: The shapeshifting weapon that his father once used. I posted a video earlier of what it can transform into.

Other close range weapons include.

Infrit: Fire Gauntlets that alow dante to shoot fireballs from his fists

Cerberus: Triple Ice nunchuck

Agni & Rudra: Dual schimitars with fire and wind elements

Guns: Dante has many guns at his desposal, probably too many...

Ebony & Ivory: They are real Semi-auto pistols customised for Dante's pleasure. Ebony is customised for range and accuracy while Ivory is customised for the quickdraw motion and increased rapid fire potential. But they shoot bullets encased with Dante's Demonic energy contrary to what I said before.

Submachine Guns: Normal guns and shoot rapidly for speed

Sniper Rifle: Shoots armor piercing rounds

Shotgun: Straight forward

Needlegun: Shoots Needles instead of bullets, only used for underwater use in the game

Grenadegun: A grenade Launcher

Artemis: http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Artemis This would explain it better without saying the same thing

Nightmare-β: http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare#Nightmare-.CE.B2 It's really hard to describe weapons like these.

Devil Trigger: Dante's Ace in the hole. Dante can transform into a demon and can use a wide range of attacks. He can glide and move at accelerated speeds in this mode.

Weaknesses: He doesn't have any weaknesses that I know of.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Long: Point blank - 1 mile.

Devil Trigger: Dante's Ace in the hole. Dante can transform into a demon and can use a wide range of attacks. He can glide and move at accelerated speeds in this mode.

Weaknesses: He doesn't have any weaknesses that I know of.

I was actually going to recommend making the battleground an abandoned city, so Dante can use his range to the max.

I saw that Dante's sword is magical in nature. Therefore, this sword, and the one that can morph into different weapons is out of the way because whatever attack comes from these two weapons will be negated by conscriptions.

Also, Dante should not use his Devil Trigger because, well, Alexander can just bind him with Bible pages, then, and it's over. Alexander's specialty is fighting against supernatural beings. Dante, being half-demon, counts.

His other weapons still hold because elemental natured weapons would still affect Alexander, so no problem there.

Note, however, that Alexander uses baynotes affixed with custom handles for throwing and seems to have his own Hammerspace for an infinite supply. And he can control the trajectory after they're thrown, so that's an added bonus, eh? Range is still an issue, though, but that sort of covers short and medium range.

After watching the videos and great deliberation (worth 15 minutes lol), I've come to the conclusion that this is an even fight. 50:50


Both characters are superhumans. Alexander can go toe to toe with Hellsing--who is one of the most powerful anime fighters. Dante, well, I don't need to explain Dante, do I?

Dante has more range and slightly more mobility, while Alexander has great defense. In close range combat, I'd side with Alexander. But once Dante uses range to his advantage, it's going to be a stalemate.

Both characters have regeneration, so that's negated, and both can stand pain pretty well, so twisting the knife isn't an issue...they're not Hidan, though. Masochistic ****er.



Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
50/50? Interesting...

I think that if Alexander did get to attack Dante up close because he's careless, Dante would recover and go long range, and it would be a stalemate, actually.

I think I'll agree with that. Sephiroth, opinions?

Both of these characters could go into the winner's bracket, obviously. Both would make nice additions to it. :)

Edit - Oh, and nice job Seph, you did a good job.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
A stale mate could be possible, but I was wondering how many times can Alexander use spells and binds?

Because I have the feeling that Dante could outlast Alexander in a fight.

I'll post my reasoning on who I think would win depending on your answer.

Edit: Thanks P-Diddy ;) You did too.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Because I have the feeling that Dante could outlast Alexander in a fight.
Dante has more stamina. That's nolo contendere. However, Alexander has Hammerspace. That's an infinite supply of bayonets. As for consecrations, there's enough pages in the Bible.

I actually doubt Alexander will let the fight become extended and be killed because he 'didn't have enough stamina'. He's the Iscariot's trump card. There's nobody better than him at what he does.

Elaborating on the Bible magics, Alexy can affix them to walls that act as an invisible barrier. And he can teleport using the pages.

Alucard and Dante, while different species, they're from the same genus. Alexander specializes in fighting that genus. He won't lose. Dante won't let him win.

As I said, I still think it's 50/50.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
If it's 50/50 I think the one who outlasts the other should win. If one can end it before the other can outlast him then he should win. Thats my 2 cents.

Also, if we allow a tie to happen how would it effect the bracket?


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
If it's 50/50 I think the one who outlasts the other should win. If one can end it before the other can outlast him then he should win. Thats my 2 cents.

Also, if we allow a tie to happen how would it effect the bracket?
That's the problem, neither can win.

Also, if Alexander surrounds himself with bible pages, he is invincible, is he not? He could just rest in there, while keeping an eye on Dante so that he can't rest.
Alexander would last longer, I think.

Oh, and having two winners just means that we have 1 more character in the winner's bracket than we've had matches, I don't see why that's a problem? They would both make it to the bracket, if you two agree. Also, if we only have one tie throughout, then that means we will have an odd number of winners in the bracket, and someone would get a bye.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Also, if we only have one tie throughout, then that means we will have an odd number of winners in the bracket, and someone would get a bye.
Works for me.

Alexander v. Dante: 50/50? Is it final?

Do we move onto Itachi v. Pain? *epic drool*


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
^I think Dante should win but thats me.

We are still doing matches, so I guess we'll decide what to do with the Bracket when the time comes.

Final Decision = Tie.
Sorry you don't agree, but I still think that Alexander would outlast Dante, for reasons I stated.
I respect your opinion, though; it's good that we're not all thinking the same thing all the time. :)

Yes, it is final.

Oh, and it looks like battle 6 was already decided by our OP.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Itachi has this one hands down. All he has got to do is use a shadow clone to distract the Six pains, and since Itachi knows of pains secret he just has to get to Nagato and go for the kill.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Itachi has this one hands down. All he has got to do is use a shadow clone to distract the Six pains, and since Itachi knows of pains secret he just has to get to Nagato and go for the kill.
Too complicated.

What one Path sees, the others see, too. Cast Tsukuyomi on one, they all are in it.

It's over.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Too complicated.

What one Path sees, the others see, too. Cast Tsukuyomi on one, they all are in it.

It's over.
Er...Naruto is not my specialty. I haven't really seen more than bits and pieces of the Anime, actually. :embarrass Your post made no sense at all to me. :laugh:

Sorry, guys, but I tend not to see the Anime with more than 100/200 episodes.

I'll let you three discuss it, and maybe Prof if he wants to, because you guys have obviously seen it.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Er...Naruto is not my specialty. I haven't really seen more than bits and pieces of the Anime, actually. :embarrass Your post made no sense at all to me. :laugh:

Sorry, guys, but I tend not to see the Anime with more than 100/200 episodes.

I'll let you three discuss it, and maybe Prof if he wants to, because you guys have obviously seen it.
The anime is horrid, read the manga it's just one of those things.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
In order to break out of the genjutsu you need a partner to break you out

(ex: killer bee & the 8 tails)

Pain has 6 bodies "partners" under his control.......GAME!

Lol but seriously i do think pain has this one. He has the advantage in numbers and have 6 different bodis that use amazing a great jutsu's. One can ressurect, one can summon, one can absorb jutsu etc. Tendo pain 5 second interval won't be taken advantage of here simply because of all the others abilities. It's quite obvious that it would be a hard fight though, but only if itachi uses that red demon with the sword and armor (lmao i can't belive i forgot his name!). It's big in size and it's power is to strong for the pain that absorbs to control it. Itachi's really fast but he can't just dodge tendo's pain jutsu of attraction, of course he can use shadow clones and replication jutsu's and replacment jutsu's but all of that will waste alot of chakra, ending in itachi's demise :)


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Prof, battle 5 was Alexander vs. Dante, and Alexander won. :p
Itachi vs. Pain is battle 6

Sorry if I sound rude, I just think Alexander deserves some OP love. ;)

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
In order to break out of the genjutsu you need a partner to break you out

(ex: killer bee & the 8 tails)

Pain has 6 bodies "partners" under his control.......GAME!
The Rinnegan connects vision. What one sees, all other bodies see, as I'm sure you're aware. If Itachi makes eye contact with just one Pain, he can activaye Tsukuyomi on all six Pains. They could counter this by looking down, but good luck fighting against Itachi while looking at the floor.

I'll write up a full analysis hopefully by tomorrow if I have the time.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
The Rinnegan connects vision. What one sees, all other bodies see, as I'm sure you're aware. If Itachi makes eye contact with just one Pain, he can activaye Tsukuyomi on all six Pains. They could counter this by looking down, but good luck fighting against Itachi while looking at the floor.

I'll write up a full analysis hopefully by tomorrow if I have the time.
Not all 6 pains were under the genjutsu when jiriaya did it, just the ones around em, so i'm not exactly sure how that works, but i do think that'll apply.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Pain has 6 bodies "partners" under his control.......GAME!
Let's start from the beginning.

Itachi became an ANBU captain at age 13. That is mentioned enough times to be of import.

Nagato has the advantage of using 6 Paths, each having it's own specialization, and then it's shock and awe.

We've never seen Itachi at his strongest because he never was. He was a pacifist and had an incurable disease. Usually, one of the two stopped him from going all out.

Nagato was definitely one of the most determined individuals in the series, going so far as to destroy Konoha almost completely, and strong (and enough of an annoyance) to force Naruto to 9 tails. He's strong, but is he Itachi strong?

Itachi's battles usually revolve around using clones as distractions while he sits in the background and observes. When he does come out, it's usually with a genjutsu. Fair enough, Nagato has 6 bodies under his control. Genjutsu won't affect the Paths because they're puppets. You can draw an analogy between Hiruko, controlled by Sasori, and the Paths, controlled by Nagato.

Itachi has two game-changing tricks up his sleeve: Amaterasu and Susanoo (what you were referring to, prof). And, remember, all this while, this is a crow-clone fighting. The real Itachi is figuring out where the puppeteer is.

Naruto isn't the smartest ninja. I'd say that honor is on the Nara clan. And if the likes of Naruto can figure out how to find Nagato, Itachi already has.

Once he's there, Itachi can take his sweet time dealing with Nagato, since the latter can't walk all that much. Even if Nagato throws a chakra blade at him, the crow clone will disappear because Nagato is already in a genjutsu by then.

The Uchiha were the best ninja in all of Konoha, and Itachi at around age 14 killed all of them with nothing to show for it. Nagato is good. He's smart, using 6 bodies, just not Itachi smart.

Is this pre Itachi getting sick or not?
Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Itachi was heavy with sickness when he fought Sasuke, only increasing his longevity with major doses of medicine. This severely impacted his perception and capability. I'm asking in this matchup are we projected Itachi if he was or wasn't sick.
Does it matter?

Even with his sickness, he chose when to die. He summoned Susanoo to withstand Sasuke's Kirin just before kicking the bucket.

I actually think we'll have to have Itachi post sickness, just to level the playing field a bit. Even then, Itachi's far too broken for the likes of Nagato.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Does it matter?

Even with his sickness, he chose when to die. He summoned Susanoo to withstand Sasuke's Kirin just before kicking the bucket.

I actually think we'll have to have Itachi post sickness, just to level the playing field a bit. Even then, Itachi's far too broken for the likes of Nagato.
Wow, that's one thing I won't have to wait till I see the Anime to figure out. :urg:

I like the discussion so far, though, keep it up! :)

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
Wow nice xD. It's really all a matter of itachi finding the real pain, and lol wit sickness itachi loses. So i'm talking about overall throught the whole series.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Wow nice xD. It's really all a matter of itachi finding the real pain, and lol wit sickness itachi loses.
Nagato is as legit as Legan. That guy ***** Konoha and literally ripped it a new one. Nagato. Not Legan. Although, his Link probably could.


But Itachi is almost as broken as Olimar.

Naruto spoiler, PD4FR, you might not want to look at this...just read the manga instead. ^_^

Didn't you see the fight between Itachi and Sasuke? Despite being in the throes of death, his every move was calculated to free Sasuke from Orochimaru's influence. Hell, Sasuke was giving it everything he had, and then some. All the while, Itachi was close to death.

If that fight is the best representation of Itachi 'close to death', dude, Nagato should be very afraid of facing Itachi when he's healthy and pissed off. I'm saying we need the sickness for Itachi otherwise Nagato doesn't stand a ghost of a chance.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Do understand that I'm in favor of Itachi here, as his capabilities are well known, as even in sickness and near death he was able to "beat Sasuke." I also agree that even if Itachi was sick, he probably could have killed Sasuke if that was his original plan.

Anyways. Now the "surprise factor". If we're assuming both players are coming in blind, then Pain will not know about Itachi's genjutsu and Itachi will not know about Pain's six Paths + Nagato. Now, if this were a normal encounter turned fight would Nagato send all six Pains? I don't think so. He'd have one or two out front and then the others lying in wait. Itachi of course would be able to sense them and draw them out, but not after they understand how the opposing eyes work. Pain would have to play from there. However if he attacks at a rampant pace and Itachi is indeed post-sickness, then Itachi has even more limited eyesight, decreased mobility, and weaker attacks in general.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Do understand that I'm in favor of Itachi here

However if he attacks at a rampant pace and Itachi is indeed post-sickness, then Itachi has even more limited eyesight, decreased mobility, and weaker attacks in general.
Whatever gave you the indication I'm siding with Nagato? Itachi FTW.

As for the surprise factor, sure, why not? What you said stands, but Nagato can't hold out too long after using Chibaku Tensei (which is easily countered by Susanoo)/crow clone diversion.

Remember that technique Itachi and Kisame used when fighting Naruto/Kakashi/Sakura/Chiyo and Team Guy? Donate 30% chakra to the other guy and let them fight for a while? Would that come into effect?

Sepi, what's your side?

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sepi, what's your side?
Is that me?

If were playing blind then Itachi will prabably use shadow clones to test out Pain's powers also. As being an Uchiha, he would probably know of what the eye's power can do. I'm not saying he would know that one could summon another could aborb, I'm saying he would probably know that they all share a direct link. He would recognise that the Peins had the Rinnegan and base his stratagy off of that, Just because they're fighting blind doesn't mean they can't rely on things they would know even if they didn't meet.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Itachi will prabably use shadow clones to test out Pain's powers also.
What I said earlier.

This fight isn't skewed in Itachi's favor, but deep enough into it that Nagato doesn't stand much of a chance.

I'd give this 65:35 Itachi.

And once he moves into the winner's bracket, he's going to dominate there, too. I say we bring in Videl just to fight against him.



Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
What I said earlier.

This fight isn't skewed in Itachi's favor, but deep enough into it that Nagato doesn't stand much of a chance.

I'd give this 65:35 Itachi.

And once he moves into the winner's bracket, he's going to dominate there, too. I say we bring in Videl just to fight against him.

Videl? Oh Lord, help us now. :laugh:

So you guys are almost done, then? Just make sure you make it OBVIOUS who wins, because if you look at the OP, it says Dante won, lol. I told him about it, though, and he said he would fix it. :)

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Whatever gave you the indication I'm siding with Nagato? Itachi FTW.

Remember that technique Itachi and Kisame used when fighting Naruto/Kakashi/Sakura/Chiyo and Team Guy? Donate 30% chakra to the other guy and let them fight for a while? Would that come into effect?
If you really are taking a side then how do you expect a balanced unbiased argument? :p

That wasn't Itachi's technique. That was either Madara's or Zetsu's.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
If you really are taking a side then how do you expect a balanced unbiased argument? :p
I expected we'd do what we've done for the earlier debates:

somebody take one side, the other take another side and post the argument. Then, we'd eventually come to a conclusion.

This is the first time we've had everybody rooting for one contestant: Itachi.

I guess he wins, hands down.

Excuse the pun.

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