Yo everyone I'm sorry if I offended you.
I honestly never meant to offend anyone.
I just thought it was a typo and pointed out how I thought it was funny and then the shatstorm happened.
My bad
Well, if that's all it was, then it wouldn't have been such a big deal. But;
Good lord that spelling lol.
Bradandez has that pin! you'd be best off asking him about it
The way you responded to Andrea here, you sounded quite offensive, and then made it worst by saying
Whoa no need to get all defensive.
I just found it funny.
Also why would you put the Latin Spanish version on an english site and then expect people to know that it is Latin Spanish? That's kinda silly.
Implying English is the only language people know/should only use, when that's not really true, it's just something people should be aware of on this site that English is more common on here than any other language, but NOT the only one allowed to be spoken here. In the context she used it in, it was meant specifically for Jaster to know about since he himself can also speak Spanish.
The point is, even if you thought it was funny, your responses came of rather insensitive, and it's clear she didn't take that very well, feeling like your questioning her use of Spanish and that she just shouldn't have used it despite her heritage. It just wasn't cool to say it was "silly" to use a different language on this site when there's nothing saying you are only to use English here, it's just encouraged to know it since it's commonly spoken here.
Just remember not to call out something like by calling it silly, that's where the problem lies here. If you didn't say that, essentially offending her and her use of her native language, then this wouldn't of happened. Just be more thoughtful of others on this site.
New image by Ubisoft's Facebook.
I'd like to see Rayman M/Arena there but, whatever..
It would have been cool, but that is a spinoff that not many really deep down care about compared to the mainstream Ray games, imo. I loves Arena, but it's definitely not something as important by comparison to the main games.