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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Chances: 2%

Hell, Monster Hunter would be a higher consideration for a 3rd Capcom franchise and I doubt they want to have Capcom absolutely dominate the third party roster. Especially since Namco Bandai are helping develop the game and only have one rep compared to Capcom's 2

Want: 20%
Ehh, most of my favorite Capcom franchises have been Megaman, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Dino Vrisi and a little bit of Dragon's Dogma. Maybe I need to play more AA games to get use to him more and I was already turned off from his moveset in UMVC3 so I doubt I'll like it in Smash


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2014
parent's basment
Phoenix Wight
or as I like to call him Mr finger pointer

Chance 7%
we have ryu coming and a 3rd capcom rep? this dis pleases me with a lot of cop com support but not for namco or sega come on... but I digress. I have played the ace attorney series on the ds its a cool little investigation/ puzzle game in it's own right and is mainly a nintendo game when it comes to it's releases but I don't see it being possible I know they made it work in UMvC3 but It felt really random the move set he had him self ya sure you got his OBJECTION and stuff like that but I don't know how to feel about him being in. :/

Want 20%
I'm just not feeling it with this character I mean with the randomness in the UMvC3 I don't think it would fit in nicely with the smash atmosphere to a degree sure we got duck hunt but they were suppose to be random. :/ sorry phoenix fans. but I'm fine with him.

Ninten x5


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Phoenix Wright:

Chance: 1%

Eh... Well... We already have one (and probably two) Capcom Characters... Put three can be push to much xD...

Want: 50%

I'm not a fan... but looks he has charisma xD



Chance: 17%
Want: 49%


Oh boy, eight different people won the extra nominations today: @Zero Soul, @MatvaradoxD, @ Troykv Troykv , @SAVideos, @[Obnoxshush/Dasshizer], @ FalKoopa FalKoopa , @ Curious Villager Curious Villager , and @ colder_than_ice colder_than_ice all get an extra five.

OVER POWERED Nominations:

Micaiah x8 all my extra votes
Tiki x1
Kos-mos x1

Is this legal? xD
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Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
To compare with my other ratings. I'm of the opinion that Nintendo will milk the DLC hype train for as much cash as they can, and recent events have only strengthened that notion. As such, I expect plenty of DLC characters.

:roypm: Chance: 100%
Want: 100%

Ryu Chance: 100%
Want: 60%

:wolf: Chance: 99%
Want: 100%

DLC Alts Chance: 95%
Want: 100%

King K. Rool Chance 80%
Want: 75%

Bandanna Dee Chance: 70%
Want: 95%

NPC DLC Character Chance: 65%
Want: 100%

Isaac Chance: 65%
Want: 85%

Captain Toad Chance: 58%
Want: 90%

Paper Mario Chance: 55%
Want: 0%

:pichumelee: Chance: 50%
Want: 100%

:popo: Chance: 50%
Want: 80%

Inkling Chance: 50%
Want: 20%

Rayman Chance: 40%
Want: 100%

:snake: Chance: 40%
Want: 60%

Dixie Chance: 39%
Want: 49%

Sceptile Chance: 25%
Want: 100%

Ray Chance: 25%
Want: 65%

Impa Chance: 25%
Want: 60%

Banjo Chance: 20%
Want: 100%

Krystal Chance: 15%
Want: 0%

Quote Chance: 10%
Want: 95%

Chorus Kids Chance: 10%
Want: 40%

Ridley Chance: 5%
Want: 100%

Shantae Chance: 5%
Want: 15%

Tetra Chance: 5%
Want: 0%

Shovel Knight Chance: 3%
Want: 70%

Magolor Chance: 1%
Want: 20%

Henry Fleming Chance: 1%
Want: 5%

Midna and Wolf Link Chance: 1%
Want: 0%

The one day I had to be sick for...

Phoenix Wright Chance: 1%
Want: 100%

Not highly requested, Ryu may have shoryukened his chances to get in. Too tired to elaborate, but I'm sure others will :p

Lip Predictions: 8%

Noms: Waluigi x5
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I've been waiting for this for ages. Now to submit the evidence!
(warning: LOTS of gifs ahead)

This thread is now in session for the rating of Mr. Phoenix Wright.

The prosecution is ready, Your Honour.

The defence is ready, Your Honour.

Now then, yesterday this thread witnessed quite a bit of commotion in the case of Ryuuichi -- no, that's not it... Ryuunosuke...

(That's odd. Why are my ears burning...?)

Just Ryu, Your Honour.

Ah, yes! That person with the apple-scented bandana, right?

Ryu's fighting moves were so cool, Nick! But I bet he wouldn't stand a chance against the Steel Samurai!

(I'm not sure "cool" is how I'd describe them... And was it just me, or was he looking at me like I was some sort of training dummy?)

Well... I think it's fair to say that Mr. Ryuunohoshi performed not quite as strongly as we were expecting. What does the prosecution have to say?

Quite below expectations, indeed... However, I do believe today's defendant can expect to perform considerably worse, Your Honour.

(Gee... Thanks for the show of support, Edgeworth... Have you already forgotten that statement I gave to Mr. Takumi when he almost didn't let you join us in Labyrinthia?)

Hmph. Feeling the pinch already, Wright?

...! Er, no, of course not! All's right with Wright! ... Ahaha...

Ugh... Nick, that was terrible, even by your standards...

You're my assistant, you know... How about actually ASSISTING me for once?

Well, I'm afraid I'm only getting started. Show the witness to the stand!


Will the witness please state his name?

I’m Ryu. Mr. Edgeworth, you struck me as a capable opponent yesterday, so I have returned to challenge you!

Witness, this is no battlefield! You are here only to give your testimony to us!

Talk is cheap. The answers you seek from me lie in the heart of battle.

Actually, witness, the answers we seek from you lie in the heart of your testimony. Can you please begin?

I walk the path of a true warrior.
In order to become stronger, I must seek out opponents whose fighting styles differ greatly from any I have seen before.
It only makes sense that I would be asked to join these “Smash Brothers”! They also understand the long path of the warrior!
Not only that, but I have fought many times on Nintendo’s various battlegrounds!
Mr. Wright! You may have overcome me in the past, but you face an uphill battle now!
This time, you must defeat my sound files to stand a chance!

Those are just sound files! Couldn’t they have just gotten in by some accident? They don’t prove anything!

The people working on this software are professionals, Wright! Do you really think they would make such a grave error?

Mr. Edgeworth is correct. This Sakurai person they speak of seems like an honourable warrior.

Sakurai, honourable? I don’t think so! I’d say he just put those sound files in there to throw us off!

...! Hey, that’s not a bad idea, Maya! That sounds exactly like something Sakurai would do!

Hee hee! Guess I’m not such a bad assistant after all, huh, Nick? Keep those burgers coming, and I’ll keep the ideas coming!

That’s only one good idea, Maya. Win this case for me first, then we might talk burgers.
Well, Edgeworth? You can’t deny that it’s possible!

Tsk, tsk. And you call yourself a lawyer, Wright? Have you already forgotten about copyright law? Those files are Capcom’s property! There’s no way they would allow anyone to use them for a mere prank!

Then, do you have a better explanation for them?

Isn’t it obvious? The files are a sure sign of Mr. Sakurai’s intent to invite the witness to join the fight!

Indeed. And since Mega Man has already joined before either of us, I’m afraid there would be no room for a third outsider. But do not take your defeat too harshly, Mr. Wright. It is merely one more step on my path to becoming a true warrior.

Face it, Wright. In the courtroom, evidence is everything... and all of the evidence points to the witness having been chosen over you!

Wh-whaaaat!? (This isn’t good at all!)

Come on, Nick! We can’t just give up now! Can’t you point your finger and do one of your “turnabout” things, or something?

It’s not that simple, Maya... But you’re right. Maybe if I try thinking about it from a different angle... I’m thinking about the data from inside the game, but what about the data from outside the game?
...! Aha! I’ve got it!

On this website, we can clearly see that my games have sold over five million copies worldwide! Not only that, but they’re all on Nintendo platforms too! Something our witness’ titles clearly are not!

Honestly, Wright? You’re presenting information from VGChartz for video game sales? That’s like looking up Eventhubs for fighting game match-ups! But I suppose I could humour you for a moment... I direct the thread’s attention to this page on the same website. The sales figures clearly state 6.3 million units! That’s one game, Wright. One game is all our witness needs to best you!


I think we’ve heard enough from this witness. It’s clear to the thread at this point who is the more notable personality.

My commiserations, Mr. Wright. You put up a good fight, and you have earned my respect. I look forward to our next battle, wherever it may take place.

(There must be something else I can come up with...)

Hmm... Looks like you’re in a bit of trouble, Phoenix.

(That voice...!)

It’s been a while, Phoenix.

Chief! Why are you here?

For the same reason I always come back - to get you to turn this case around! Remember, this is a public ballot, so it’s not the data in the games that’s important - it’s the people who will be playing those games. Have you considered what the onlookers think of this whole situation?

...! Of course! We still don’t know who the people want to appear in the game!

Heh heh. I figured that would come up sooner or later... Bring in the next witness!

Edgeworth is as sharp as ever... He’s probably been waiting for this to come up. Be careful, Phoenix.


The witness will state his name and occupation to the thread.

Detective **** Gumshoe, sir. I'm a homicide detective with the local precinct, sir.

Detective. Can you state your first name again?

****, sir.

... ... ...

I know Detective Gumshoe may not be the sharpest tool in the box... But I never imagined he’d have difficulty with his own name...

What seems to be the problem, witness?

I'm not sure, sir... See, these big star-shaped things keep appearing whenever I try saying my first name, and they won't let me say it. You want I should spell it out instead? D-I- --

No, no, that won't be necessary, witness. We don't need to get anyone in trouble here!

... If we're done avoiding being in contempt of thread, can the witness please detail the public opinion of this case?

Sure thing, sir!

Today’s the 32nd day of this thread, so we’ve probably already dealt with the most popular nominations.
So far, the crocodile and the wolf guy are winning, and everyone seems to think the wolf is a shoo-in.
Not only that, but the people think that, because Ryu is so likely, they aren’t even giving you a chance, pal!
They think it’d be a waste of a vote to choose someone who has no hope of winning. And a lot of people aren’t even sure how you’d be able to fight.
Also... well, you’re a lawyer, pal. Nobody really likes lawyers these days...

I’m afraid that’s where you’re wrong, Detective. I think if you look around this place enough, you’ll find I’m plenty popular around here! People might not think my chances are good, but how many people can you actually find who’ve said they don’t like me?

Hey... you’re right, pal! I can’t find many bad comments about you at all!

Preposterous! Do you mean people actually LIKE watching you bluff your way through every single court case?

Well... it hasn’t failed me yet, has it? But my point still stands! If you look around here, I think you’ll find I’ve got far more fans than detractors!

“Look around here”? Where are we looking? Who are we looking at?

I wasn’t talking about anywhere in particular, Your Honour... I meant, if you ask around among the people here...

Ask around? You there, bailiff! Bring down some of the audience members to the stand, so we can hear their opinions!

That won’t be necessary, Your Honour... The point I’m trying to make is, I think people are underestimating my popularity. And in a public poll, isn’t that what’s important?

I’m not sure the results of the poll are going to determine who gets in, as such... But I suppose it can’t be denied that Wright does have his fans.

Edgeworth is actually agreeing with you? This can’t be good...

Yes, you may have your supporters, but nobody has answered the question of what you would actually do in this “Smash Brothers”!

Haven’t you done any research? Take a look at this video. I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve than you think!

What the... What are you doing with that evidence... ONE MILLION POINTS!?

Oho! I must say, they captured my gavel work perfectly! And the fluffiness of my beard... I must show this to my brother later - it will put his “glorious playoff beard” to shame!

Phoenix... Is that my sister I see there, doing your dirty work for you?

*gulp* W-well, Chief... she said you told her to look after me, so she insisted I let her help...

That magic shield is amazing, though... The powers of the Kurain Channeling Technique never cease to amaze me.

Ahem... yes, well... These tricks are all well and good here, but who’s to say these “Smash Brothers” will let you use any of them?

You’re right, Edgeworth - who’s to say? But don’t you think I should at least get a chance to find out, though?

Hmph... I will admit, I’m curious to see more of what we can do with the evidence we find...

Hey, pal, where do you keep finding all of that evidence, anyway? Us detectives can never find half as much as you!

Ahaha... I guess criminals always leave traces behind... You just... have to know where to look!

So! It looks as though both the defence and prosecution are in agreement regarding how much they want to see Mr. Wright join the “Smash Brothers”! Is that right, Mr. Edgeworth?

... I suppose that would be accurate, Your Honour...

Well done, Phoenix! Another successful turnabout!

Well... I’ve got you to thank for it again, Chief...

Well, I believe there’s nothing more to be said regarding this case, except for my verdict!

Um... This wasn’t a trial, Your Honour...

Chance: 12% because he's more Nintendo-ish than Ryu, but still not very likely.
Want: 100% - See above

Prediction for Lip: 9.26%

Nominations: Anna (Fire Emblem) x3
Professor Layton x2

Thread adjourned!
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Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
*See the second post*

Eh? Lip has x181 and Belmont has x186
Wait, shouldn't we be predicting Simon Belmont? @ colder_than_ice colder_than_ice
BakaCimo and PrettyIvyPearls22 nominated Lip to the top at the last minute. Their nominations have not yet been added to the nominations chart (PK_Wonder marks the nominations he tallies by liking the post) but they were in before I ended the day. The final count is actually Lip x188


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2009
Pheonix Wright:

Chance: 20%

Want: 10% I have not played the games, but I do not care if he makes it in or not

Lip Prediction: 15%

Nomination: Monita x 5


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO



*coughs violently*

Ugh. I need to practice that one.


Phoenix Wright

Chance: 3%
Your honor, allow me to explain. While Phoenix Wright is well known, well-liked, and certainly memetic, he has little to no chance of making it in Smash.

His first strike comes from his background...specifically, his patron company. Due to having so many extra obstacles, third party characters are already at a disadvantage in the ballot. Such a situation would be complicated further if Ryu is playable after all, as the odds of Capcom collaborating for three characters when Sakurai has said he wants the number of crossover characters to stay reasonable...is pretty low, is it not?

Now, allow me to bring your attention to his support base. While Phoenix Wright has plenty of fans, he isn't garnering much support. Even amongst third party characters, he's an afterthought outside of mentioning long shot wishes or dream scenarios. With such faltering support, there's even less incentive to push to collaborate for him!

The final nail in the proverbial coffin? Questionable moveset potential. As a lawyer and investigator lacking in weapons and combat experience, Phoenix Wright only has so much to work with to make a full moveset out of. While it was done in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, parts of it would not transfer well into Smash's environment. Furthermore, depending on whether Capcom is willing to dip into UMVC3 (Or even if they can!), the moves from that game may not even be accessible!

The evidence is clear: Phoenix Wright is a long shot at best. It'd take a sudden reversal of fortune to give him any real chance.

...Then again, sudden reversals are kind of his thing.

Want: Abstain
If the fact that the above was rather lacking in references didn't tip you off...I kind of haven't played any Ace Attorney games. I can only play the "lack of money" card so many times, but here, it's the truth.

Lip Prediction: 11.50%
With no appearances lately and only a single item tying her series to Smash, her scores will take a hit. Might not be as low as expected, though, as she doesn't fall under common auto-loss arguments like being from an "over-represented" series or having another character from her series be likely already...

Geno x4
Alpha-Form Stages x1
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
1. K. Rool: 75%/100%
2. Banjo-Kazooie: 10%/70%
3. Isaac: 60%/40%
4. Bandana Dee: 50%/25%
5. Captain Toad: 25%/15%
6. Krystal: 25%/15%
7. Dixie Kong: 50%/50%
8. Impa: 50%/40%
9. Shantae: 15%/40%
10. Inklings: 55%/40%
11. Rayman: 30%/40%
12. Snake: 40%/70%
13. Wolf: 85%/60%
14. Shovel Knight: 20%/40%
15. Quote: 15%/45%
16. Ice Climbers: 10%/35%
17. Sceptile: 20%/50%
18. Wonder Red: 20%/35%
19. Promoted NPCs: 5%/Abstain
20. Henry Fleming: 15%/15%
21: Paper Mario: 30%/20%
22. Roy: 95%/0%
23. Ridley: 5%/80%
24. Chorus Kids: 25%/35%
25. DLC Alternate Costumes: 75%/75%
26. Magalor: 15%/30%
27. Midna/Link: 1%/5%
28. Ray: 20%/35%
29. Tetra: 20%/20%
30. Pichu: 15%/0%
31. Ryu: 90%/30%

Chance: 15%. Popular Capcom character with a storied history with Nintendo, but third parties in DLC is tricky business, especially when Capcom is already getting two characters. If Capcom was to get a third though, I definitely think it'd be Nick.

Want: 55%. I'm a fan of the Ace Attorney games, but Phoenix Wright being playable doesn't gel super well with me and feel like he would be too gimmicky for my liking. Still, it's a neat idea.

Lip prediction: 10%

5x Simon Belmont
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Phoenix Wright
Chance: 15%
As much as I would adore to see Phoenix Wright in the game. Unless some more behind the scenes business is going on with Capcom and Nintendo or he is getting some very significant support with the ballot. I can't really see him happening.....
Want: 90%
He's actually the one Capcom character I would have loved to see the most though.

Lip prediction: 15%

5x Professor Layton
5x Mallo
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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2013
@ Moydow Moydow officially wins this thread.

Phoenix Wright:
Chance: 7%
- Due to Ryu's near definite inclusion, having a 3rd, 3rd Party character from the same company would now be entering that stretch in my opinion. 2 already seems like a lot, but I suppose it can be acceptable.

Want: 95%
- Like the few who have rated already, Phoenix is more of a Nintendo character than Ryu was, despite some of Ryu's games also being accessible on a few Nintendo system. I remember when things were looking pretty bad for Capcom earlier last year, people were suggesting for Mega Man, Monster Hunter, and Phoenix Wright IPs to be taken by Nintendo if the company hit rock bottom. It would work perfectly in my opinion. But overall, I would've rather had Phoenix over Ryu.

Lip: 8.47%

Daisy x5


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
Oh boy, eight different people won the extra nominations today: @Zero Soul, @MatvaradoxD, @ Troykv Troykv , @SAVideos, @[Obnoxshush/Dasshizer], @ FalKoopa FalKoopa , @ Curious Villager Curious Villager , and @ colder_than_ice colder_than_ice all get an extra five.
Phoenix Wright
Chance: 10 %
Does not seem very likely at this point.

Want: 0%
I've never played an Ace attorney game, so I'm really not too familiar with the character, minus the OBJECTION! part.

Predictions Lip: 15%

Nominations: BB bandit trio X10 :grin:


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
The Blue Bluff:

Chance: 23%

Nintendo exclusive, but I don't think he's as likely for some reason.

Want: 60%

Mostly indifferent, but I do like Wright.

Lip predict:

Chance: 36%

Want: 36%


Moonstruck Blossom x2

Homecoming Hijinx x3


Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2014
Phoenix Wright
Chance: 10%
He does not seem all that likely, although he would be a completely unique addition
Want: 90%
I recently started playing Dual Destinies and it's awesome, so i would definitely like to see him in Smash, if it does happen i might consider having him as a secondary
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Phoenix Wright chances: 1%
Something to notice is that I'm always going to give very low chances scores (and by very low, I mean <5% scores) to any third-party who isn't either Ryu or Snake. Phoenix Wright has the merits to be a famous game series whose all games were released for Nintendo systems, but his series is not as hugely iconic as the ones owned by Capcom who are represented or going to be represented in Smash Bros. Being third-party is Phoenix Wright's biggest problem, and I'm not sure his fame is enough to just ignore this.

Phoenix Wright want: 16%
I have little connection to Ace Attorney and I'd prefer Smash Bros. to not become Nintendo VS Capcom, at least not through SSB4 DLC. I'd be more open to the idea for SSB5, it would be kind of awesome when you think about it, and it's something I'm half expecting to happen. He's not a terrible choice for a third-party, but as of now I have little desire to see him playable in Smash Bros.

Lip prediction: 8.47%
An obscure character who still manages to get a sizable amount of support. I guess the Lip's Stick item will hurt the chances score a bit.

Concept: DLC characters get custom moves (including Mewtwo through patching) x5

@PK_Wonder I had some ideas for E3 and I wanted to share them, let me know if you'd like to apply them:

- Like in the original RTC: a special day for the most overrated, underrated, and accurately rated characters. This would allow us to rerate some characters the community judges to be inaccurately rated; like, we do this special day starting Saturday night, June 13th one day before the pre-E3 predictions and discussions.
- Speaking of which, I'd like to see a "Most hyping and deflating" special event during those two days, covering both pre-SSB4 release and post-release news. This event would be part of those discussions, not replace them, and a few hours before the digital event starts someone posts a summarizing message with the winner in both categories (similar to this post).
- The first things we're going to rate after E3 could be the winners in both "Most overrated" and "Most underrated" categories, similar to how the first thing which were rated after E3 2014 were Sceptile and Ridley (with the later being mentioned as "most underrated"... how naive we were back then :rolleyes:)

What do you think? Thanks for you feedback! ;)

And finally, here comes a new top 10 character! Ryu managed to get the third highest chances score, though he failed to appear in the top 10 of want.
Sorry Rayman.

*Seemingly leaked characters

Link to the pic: http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/733934RTCDLCTop10chances2.png

Ah, looks like Phoenix Wright is doing an excellent want score here. I have little doubt I'll have to put him in the top 10 of want when the day ends :laugh:
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Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere in the Cosmos.
Phoenix Wright

Chance: 10%
Want: 100%

As much as I love the Ace Attorney series I don't really see Phoenix Wright making it in due to the possibility of Ryu.

Nom: Black Mage x5
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC

I do think that I have a decent chance of being in Smash.

Honestly, Wright, do you really believe that Nintendo would be so generous as to allow three Capcom characters, while other 3rd party companies are sitting at one?​

Mr. Edgeworth has a point. Objection Sustained.​

(Why does this always happen to me?)

WANT: 95%

However! The fact remains that you would be very well received indeed, and you have been awarded a very generous Want rating.
Lip has a small and well-knit fanbase. Whether it is enough to save her or not, remains to be seen.


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Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2015
Currently surviving the Working World
Before I start my rating, omg you guys are the best, I'm laughing so hard at the original rating posts. x'D Wish I could the same but I'll explain in my ratings why .v.

Chance : 15%
I'm being generous here. Pheonix seems to be a wierd character to fight with but in Capcom fighting game, they managed to pull a decent moveset, funny even. But for one, there's already TWO Capcom characters that already took the spot. And also, the moveset they gave him would be woerd in Smash, they would have to redo it so it'll be OK. I'm not saying that his moveset is not good but imagine a giant judge hammer (I dunno how you call these) appearing out of nowhere ? It would fit as a Final Smash, not an attack.
Last thing, I may be wrong but there's not a lot of support, while I see a lot who wants him to be in, I failed to see any support elsewhere then in this site. Again, I may be wrong.

Want : 60%
I'm pretty neutral with Pheonix, while the thought of beating your foes with law stuff seems funny to me, I haven't played any of his games and so, I have little to no knowledge of his franchise (Though I'm thinking of getting the Professor Layton X Pheonix Wright crossover game...).

Prediction :

Lip : 34%

Nomination : Geno (Super Mario RPG) x5
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Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
Oh, I missed Ryu. Oh well. Suffice it to say, I believe the leak indicates Nintendo's plan, and I think it's a pretty cool idea. I might want some other characters more than Ryu, but Ryu in Smash is undeniably cool (SF2 was great fun back in the day) and he makes the most sense for a fighting game crossover character. One problem with him is in his trailer... I think Guile's music would make for a better reveal because the opening is so epic! SF2 has a pretty good soundtrack, so if there's a SF2 stage, the few songs we get on it should be good.

And for Nintendo's E3 plans... Need a way to generate some big hype for E3? Ryu in Smash trailer. If we don't see him there, I will start to doubt a little bit. Because honestly, if Nintendo is putting Ryu in, why wouldn't they use Ryu for that extra E3 oomph?

Phoenix Wright

Problem #1: He doesn't seem to rank highly on the ballot
Problem #2: Mega Man + Ryu = no more Capcom characters, including Phoenix Wright

But what if... What if Nintendo plans on buying Capcom?!! Well, then Phoenix Wright would be much more likely, and quite likely for Smash 5 (as well as making Mega Man and perhaps Ryu locks).

Well, that's almost certainly not happening. It would be pretty cool though, because seeing Mega Man in Smash has made me think he'd be better off there. We'd certainly get some cool Mega Man games, I think.

But yeah, Phoenix Wright has no chance.

Phoenix Wright chances: 0.2%
Unless Capcom is going to cease being third-party or Phoenix Wright tops the ballot, I don't see it happening.
Phoenix Wright want: 35%
I don't want him, but I don't hate the idea.

5x Simon Belmont
Looks like he's next up, so I'll have to think of another...
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Phoenix mode aka hyper casual mode. . . Oh wait wrong game

Chance 1% a 3rd "capcom" rep (yes yes i understand ryu is capcom usa but still capcom enough to appear in marvel vs capcom for lack of a better description.)
i wonder if he would fall under the same category villager did in brawl as a non-combatant.

Want 98%
Prefer miles Edgeworth. Also prefer my avi :awesome:


Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2015
Is It Wright, or Is It Wrong? Phoenix Wright Chances
(First of all, the day is just called OBJECTION!!!? Well then, nice to see how one-dimensional this character is! :p)

Chance: 4%
The court is now in session for the Rate Their Chances trial of Phoenix Wright. Prosecutor Martingale, please outline the claim against Mr Wright.

(Oh lord, this is what we're doing today...?)
Oh, yes, your Honour. The defendant is certainly not in good standing within the Smash Bros. court. Coming from the Capcom company, who already have at least one representative in the game, it's unlikely that Phoenix has a shadow of a chance!

Objection! Nobody has ever said that a company can't have more than one representative!

Oh really? In that case, I call my first witness, Ryu, to the stand!

--Witness Testimony--
"Phoenix Wright? Sure, we've worked together, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to get into a fight."

Hold it! Wasn't he in Marvel vs Capcom 3? Surely that stands for something!

Objection! The defendant may have been playable, but a lot of his moveset was highly convoluted and involved several investigation modes which wouldn't translate well to Smash Bros.! One of his moves even involved the judge appearing and slamming his gavel onto opponents!

Oh my! I'll have no part in Smash Brothers, thank you very much.
Witness, you may continue your testimony!

"Sure, there's no rule against Capcom having two guys in this game, but we already have that blue guy Manga Man in there, and it'll be me after that."

Hold it! That's, uh, Mega Man, and how do you know you're next? There's no evidence to support it!

"Mega Man? That kid doesn't look very mega to me. He's like four foot tall."

Ahem, Witness? Let's keep on subject. The defence should know that there is, in fact, a sound file for Ryu patched into the 1.0.6 version of the 3DS game. We shall play it for the court.

"Aw, yeeeeah. Street Fighter 2, Super Nintendo, that's my jam!"

Ahem, Prosecutor Martingale, you will address the court prior to playing any more Street Fighter music. There will be no non-canon crossovers in my courtroom! Regardless, the sound file is accepted into evidence.
Witness, continue your testimony.

"So yeah, how do you think folks will feel about a third Capcom guy? Especially one who doesn't fight? This isn't Nintendo vs Capcom.. Yet."

Hold it! ...Why aren't they making that game? That would be pretty great, all things considered.

Heh, finally the defence gets something right.

I believe I've heard enough on the matter. I find the defendant, Phoenix Wright, guilty of having a low chance of appearing in Smash Bros!

Want: 34%
I have to admit that the first Ace Attorney game I played was the crossover with Professor Layton, but it certainly piqued my interest. I find Nick a very entertaining character, but I wonder if his personality could really come across in Smash Bros. He'd sell relatively well to the PW fans, but I don't think we're that desperate for a sharp-dressed man in Smash Bros. Especially not with my boy Layton there and coming from a very Nintendo-loyal franchise that has had zero smash representation thus far... Ahem, sorry, getting off topic. I like Nick, but I don't think he'd be great for Smash. But I'd buy him if he turned up.

Lip Chances: 11.11%
Old and only really relevant in Japan akin to Takamaru, but is getting relatively good support over here anyway. Hard to say on this one.

Anyways, Professor Layton gets five votes for today. We'll see who wins in Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright!
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
Is It Wright, or Is It Wrong? Phoenix Wright Chances
(First of all, the day is just called OBJECTION!!!? Well then, nice to see how one-dimensional this character is! :p)

Chance: 4%
The court is now in session for the Rate Their Chances trial of Phoenix Wright. Prosecutor Martingale, please outline the claim against Mr Wright.

(Oh lord, this is what we're doing today...?)
Oh, yes, your Honour. The defendant is certainly not in good standing within the Smash Bros. court. Coming from the Capcom company, who already have at least one representative in the game, it's unlikely that Phoenix has a shadow of a chance!

Objection! Nobody has ever said that a company can't have more than one representative!

Oh really? In that case, I call my first witness, Ryu, to the stand!

--Witness Testimony--
"Phoenix Wright? Sure, we've worked together, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to get into a fight."

Hold it! Wasn't he in Marvel vs Capcom 3? Surely that stands for something!

Objection! The defendant may have been playable, but a lot of his moveset was highly convoluted and involved several investigation modes which wouldn't translate well to Smash Bros.! One of his moves even involved the judge appearing and slamming his gavel onto opponents!

Oh my! I'll have no part in Smash Brothers, thank you very much.
Witness, you may continue your testimony!

"Sure, there's no rule against Capcom having two guys in this game, but we already have that blue guy Manga Man in there, and it'll be me after that."

Hold it! That's, uh, Mega Man, and how do you know you're next? There's no evidence to support it!

"Mega Man? That kid doesn't look very mega to me. He's like four foot tall."

Ahem, Witness? Let's keep on subject. The defence should know that there is, in fact, a sound file for Ryu patched into the 1.0.6 version of the 3DS game. We shall play it for the court.

"Aw, yeeeeah. Street Fighter 2, Super Nintendo, that's my jam!"

Ahem, Prosecutor Martingale, you will address the court prior to playing any more Street Fighter music. There will be no non-canon crossovers in my courtroom! Regardless, the sound file is accepted into evidence.
Witness, continue your testimony.

"So yeah, how do you think folks will feel about a third Capcom guy? Especially one who doesn't fight? This isn't Nintendo vs Capcom.. Yet."

Hold it! ...Why aren't they making that game? That would be pretty great, all things considered.

Heh, finally the defence gets something right.

I believe I've heard enough on the matter. I find the defendant, Phoenix Wright, guilty of having a low chance of appearing in Smash Bros!

Want: 34%
I have to admit that the first Ace Attorney game I played was the crossover with Professor Layton, but it certainly piqued my interest. I find Nick a very entertaining character, but I wonder if his personality could really come across in Smash Bros. He'd sell relatively well to the PW fans, but I don't think we're that desperate for a sharp-dressed man in Smash Bros. Especially not with my boy Layton there and coming from a very Nintendo-loyal franchise that has had zero smash representation thus far... Ahem, sorry, getting off topic. I like Nick, but I don't think he'd be great for Smash. But I'd buy him if he turned up.

Lip Chances: 11.11%
Old and only really relevant in Japan akin to Takamaru, but is getting relatively good support over here anyway. Hard to say on this one.

Anyways, Professor Layton gets five votes for today. We'll see who wins in Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright!

I do think that I have a decent chance of being in Smash.

Honestly, Wright, do you really believe that Nintendo would be so generous as to allow three Capcom characters, while other 3rd party companies are sitting at one?​

Mr. Edgeworth has a point. Objection Sustained.​

(Why does this always happen to me?)

WANT: 95%

However! The fact remains that you would be very well received indeed, and you have been awarded a very generous Want rating.
Lip has a small and well-knit fanbase. Whether it is enough to save her or not, remains to be seen.


You two win at life


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2014
Pheonix Wright (Ace Attorney)

I don't even want to explain. With Ryu having his right toe in the doorway, possibilities for a third Capcom rep may be very much dead. As if possiblities for a second Capcom rep wasn't near none in the first place.

I will give him a point for being Nintendo excusive as far as CS goes, but we will be lucky if we get even a trophy.
Which I want.

Want:1% (Originally 50%)
Ace Attorney is one of my favorite mystery/adventure games of all time, my favorite being Investigations 2. I was actually hoping that Capcom might be generous enough to allow for a trophy in game. So actually, I've been wanting Pheonix in Smash for quite some time.

...As a trophy.

While I do know that Pheonix had fought before in MvC3, I've always felt that the Capcom rep should be none other than Mega Man (or Ryu), they're just too iconic for Pheonix to stand up to. Not that I wouldn't welcome him if he was chosen, but at this point I'm full with Mega Man and unwanted extras(for me I mean). I'd just rather have a trophy or an AT, music would be fine as well.
But not as a playable character.

Lip predictions: 10%
Wait a minute, she's here already? Wow that was quick. Thank goodness it's on a weekend too.

Nominations: Slime x5
I'm not going to make it until e3, am I?

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
Chance: 5%
Want: 0% (never played an Ace Attorney game, but I would like to play one of the games)

Prediction: 6.38%

Elma x5

Sarki Soliloquy

Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2013
Andover, MA, USA
PK_Wonder said:
"starting Wednesday night, June 17th Post-E3 Discussion Cool-Off Day / everyone gets 15 nominations on this day!"

Brace yourselves. The demiurge of the lower rung noms are coming! E3 Week's gonna be helluh fun!

E3 is always like a gamer's pre-Christmas. These days will allow us to weigh in on the current state of Nintendo and see how they pay off. Certainly going to have many great discussions away from the monotony of rating Smash characters.

Anyways, time present Nick his respectable objectables.

Shoutouts to @ Moydow Moydow for providing us our obligatory courtroom theatrics for today. It wouldn't be an Ace Attorney rating without the gifs and character scripts. That read really genuine to original feeling. Like a juicy fan fic. Of the best variety.

Once again, for those of you who have a hard time reading today's rating due to Phoenix Wright's text flavor color, please highlight the text you're reading at a time for your viewing pleasure. A TTS program (MS Speech, Speakonia, etc.) is recommended for efficient reading.

Character Chance Ratings

1: Ryu - 97.7%
1: Roy - 97.7%
2: Wolf - 97.5%
3: Rayman - 60%
4: Snake - 55%
5: Inkling - 50%
6: Sceptile - 45%
6: Krystal - 45%
7: Paper Mario: 44.5%

8: Dixie Kong - 43%
9: Wonder Red - 40%
10: Impa - 40.5%
11: Ice Climbers - 30%
11: Captain Toad - 30%
12: Chorus Kids - 27.5%

13: Magolor - 25%
14: Henry Fleming - 25.7%
15: Quote - 21.5%
16: Phoenix Wright - 20%
16: Shovel Knight - 20%
17: Shantae - 20.5%
18: Tetra - 20.3%

19: Midna & Wolf Link - 10%
20: Ray - 5%
21: Pichu - 5%
22: Ridley - 5.5%
-: Lip - ?.?%

Character Want Ratings

1: Shovel Knight - 100%
1: Wolf - 100%
2: Sceptile - 90.5%
3: Shantae - 87%
4: Wonder Red - 86.5%

5: Snake - 85%
5: Impa - 85%
6: Magolor - 85.5%

7: Ice Climbers - 80%
8: Chorus Kids - 80.5%
9: Ryu - 60%
9: Paper Mario: 60%
10: Midna & Wolf Link - 60.5%
11: Phoenix Wright - 55%
12: Ridley - 50%
13: Inkling - 30%
14: Henry Fleming - 30.5%

15: Rayman - 25%
16: Quote - 23%

17: Krystal - 20%
17: Dixie Kong - 20%
18: Tetra - 20.5%

19: Roy - 10.5%

20: Captain Toad - 5.5%
21: Ray - 4.5%
22: Pichu - 1%
-: Lip - ?.?%

Concept Chance Ratings

1: DLC Alternate Costumes - 85%
2: Any NPC Becomes Playable - 65.7%

Concept Want Ratings
1: DLC Alternate Costumes - 100%
2: Any NPC Becomes Playable - 50.5%

Abstains (Inactivity)

King K. Rool
Bandana Dee

Abtsains (Indifference)


Phoenix Wright

Chance - 20%: Unfortunately, Phoenix Wright already has some very slim odds than he did without the Ryu sound files. Mega Man already represents Capcom. Ryu pushes this a little bit further. Phoenix or any other Capcom character thereafter would be periphery.

Now, this doesn't mean it couldn't happen. After all, there's no rule that there's a limit on 3rd party characters, so don't fall into that trap again as if this gives Ryu a free pass. But yes, it would feel extremely redundant and this would make many people angry. I don't think we need to tack something like that on a great character like Phoenix.

Phoenix remains consistent within the fanbase, notably having a legacy of some very original and highly-acclaimed Nintendo games to boot. I've seen Phoenix pop up here and there in request lists, support sigs, maybe even a Ballot chart or two. Out of the lot of 3rd party picks, Phoenix has a relatively weak chance. It really matters if there are an overwhelming amount of people requesting him around the world. Perhaps at a greater rate than it is now.

Want - 55%: Yeah, definitely far off my priorities for Ballot-voted characters. I'm delighted we already got Mega Man, Ryu's a bit iffy but highly likely, and Professor Layton would open up Level-5 to the fray and provide the archetype of the gentleman who uses his witz and cunning to fight over their brawn. All without violating the consistency fans like from the 3rd party stable.

As for moveset potential, there's no doubt in my mind that all of his material could be artistically licensed to make a damn entertaining character the likes of Smash has never witnessed. UMvC3 already proved this, and if it worked there, it can happen again. Just tweak a couple mechanics and gimmicks present in his moveset to make him more Smash cohesvie and TAKE THAT!
Besides, who the hell wouldn't want to play as an exuberant lawyer who blasts opponents back with his accusatory finger of justice, yelling OBJECTION! and HOLD IT! with flashy comic exclamation bubbles!? Not to mention all the evidence pieces you can reference for attacks, or even mundane things like throwing papers or having Maya or Athena assist him in battle. His investigations and memetic madness would compliment the Smash atmosphere of ironic epicness. I just want to see all those genocidal Nintendo protags get their canuffins at the hand of the judicial branch! Oh, and he would just have to come with a Courtroom stage, where he has special Codec Conversations about the plaintiff he's testifying against. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?



Chance - 19.245%
Want - 34.536%


*Concept: (Shin) Megami Tensei Character (includes Persona & Devil Survivor) x2
*Concept: Smash 5 has 10 Year Wait Cycle x2
*Concept: No DLC Characters After Fighter Ballot x1
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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Phoenix Wright:

Chance: 1.5%
Since I believe Ryu will be added, I really don't see this guy making the cut.

Want: 0%
No attachment what-so-ever. This guy doesn't interest me in the slightest either. I object his inclusion! :p

Concept Full Ken Alt x5

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
BakaCimo and PrettyIvyPearls22 nominated Lip to the top at the last minute. Their nominations have not yet been added to the nominations chart (PK_Wonder marks the nominations he tallies by liking the post) but they were in before I ended the day. The final count is actually Lip x188
Welp, time to re-edit my prediction from Simon to Lip.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Phoenix Wright

Chance - 0% - Too small for me to consider. Ryu's a bigger worry right now.

Want - 20% - I'd be more enthusiastic about him, but Ryu's already probably coming and I'd prefer Prof. Layton as our jokey puzzle sorta-fighter.

Lip Prediction - 9.78% - Well, her item's in the game... needs more support!

New Palutena's Guidance Conversations X3
Anna (FE) X2


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2014
Gangplank Galleon
Phoenix Wright
Chance: 1%
With Ryu getting in, his already small hopes are essetially killed off. Really not a lot to say here, I doubt they'd want to have 3 Capcom characters, and Phoenix doesn't fit the bill for "iconic third parties" like the other 4 do.

He'd be funny and all, but I don't really want any more 3rd parties, especially not a 3rd capcom character. I'd actually take him over Ryu because of closer ties to Nintendo, but Ryu is far more iconic so I understand it.

Lip Prediction:14.6%

RH Character x3
Themed Stage Packs x2


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Phoenix Wright:

Chance: 10%

Want: 50%

I've never played Ace Attorney don't hurt me.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Phoenix Wright:

Chance 15%

Want: 100%

His Objection taunt alone is worth it!

Nominate: Dunsparce x 3
Ike Climbers x 2
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Phoenix Wright

Chance: 1%

Ryu hurt his chances really badly. I'm not a fan of the rep business but having 3 third party characters from 1 company when the other 2 only have 1 doesn't really work well.

Want: 50%

I liked his games on the DS personally though I don't have a strong desire to see him in Smash.

Lip: 60%

*Concept: De-cloned Roy x3
*Concept: Roy has Awakening attire as default x2


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Phoenix Wright Chance:
I would like to address once again that even 3 Capcom characters is pretty much possible, but I only see Ryu making it as part of Capcom's possible deal after adding Mega Man in the game, Sakurai will likely not think of third in mind. So I think Phoenix Wright is unfortunately probably out of Sakurai's radar and likely not a pre-ballot candidate. So the ballot is PW's last option.


Even though he's been exclusive to Nintendo for many years and has been a very iconic series for the most part, it doesn't change the fact that he's noticeably getting a low amount of demand here. He's similar to Quote's situation here if I had to compare.

And he doesn't provide moveset potential at first-hand too. Phoenix Wright doesn't really attack with anything in the games, and the first step Sakurai goes to is looking for moveset potential and he doesn't really provide anything that suitable for combat and Smash. (Unlike Professor Layton, another detective that provides a fencing sword for combat) There is Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to show his potential, but some of these moves don't really transfer well in Smash and even then, it's pretty likely Sakurai won't take inspiration from that game.

Phoenix Wright's chances are ok, but his lack of popularity really hurts his chances in the long run.

Phoenix Wright Want:

Really love the personality in the Ace Attorney games, but I'm not sure if I'd like him to be in Smash.

Lip Prediction:
7.642% Hihg want scores, people are going to be on her recently low popularity.


x5 Young Link


Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2014
Phoenix Wright:
Chance: 12%
1 point for being relatively popular and well received, and another for actually appearing in another fighting game, providing a great basis for a moveset. His recency and Ryu prevent him from being any more likely.
EDIT: Forgot about the ballot, so an additional +10% for that

Want: 52%
Having never played the games beyond the second trial, I have almost no attachment to the character, but it would be neat to see exactly how Sakurai and co. would pull him off.

Lip is next?
I know next to nothing about her, but I'd predict a 40% chance and a 60% want.

*Concept: (Shin) Megami Tensei Character (includes Persona & Devil Survivor) x5
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Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015


Real chances: 1%

Plantiff: You have no chance! MEGA MAN and RYU have already joined the tournament!

Judge: There seems to be already enough Capcom reps as is.

Wright: But surely there is only one...

Plantiff: Check the sound files.

Wright: ?!?!?!?!?

Want: 15%
He is a funny character, but MvC 3 shows that he is not fighting material.
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