W/E happens don't panic...
BEFORE...saying third party, remember...this:
suddenly not so
now is it...
Tetris Stage
Chance: 15%
Tetris is arguably the most iconic video game of all time, I'm sure every gamer has played it at least once or twice. Having a Tetrimino as a playable character is a little bit too forced as representation for this iconic video game, but a stage on the other hand is something that can work out quite well.
Yes it is third party but since Tetris has a remixed theme in the game already it isn't too much of a stretch for Sakurai to take it further...It could work in a similar way as the Living Room stage with pieces falling on the battle area damaging fighters as they fall and forming new landmarks for the fighters to fight on...The leaked Dr. Mario stage seemed to have a neat concpet involved where there was a puzzle in the background showing the configuration as the blocks fall onto the battlefield and even showing which blocks will appear next...something similar could be implemented for this stage as well...It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up I feel...
Want: 100%
After Tetrimino's day a Tetris themed stage easily became one of my most wanted stages once the idea came into my head...Just think about it...

and of course
duking it out in the middle of a Tetris puzzle...(and as an added bonus one of them summoned Color TV-Game 15...aka frikkin Pong!)
When we are talking about Video game history...this would pretty much sum it up right here, having all 5 of these iconic video games represented at the same time simultaneously on the screen.
Omega form could literally be just a floating platform made of Tetris blocks as well...It can't be anymore perfect to make a stage out of Tetriminos instead of making a playable fighter which is a bit much to be honest...
It is a shame that there isn't a Stage Suggestion Ballot, because I'd be voting for this (along with Phendrana Drifts) quite a lot...
Concept: 2 or More DLC Characters From the Same Series
Chance: 45%
First let's look at the possiblilities...
King K Rool and Dixie Kong; These two are getting the largest noticable and consistent support...I still think KKR's Mii costume means nothing later on down the line...
Star Fox
Wolf and Krystal; Wolf is a frontrunner with his vet status and Krystal is ranked somewhere in the top 20 so there's still a possiblility here
Impa and Tetra; a franchise with lots of demand for a new playable fighter and these two are frontrunners for the series
Paper Mario and Captain Toad; are also getting noticable support
Pokemon and Fire Emblem
This is a stretch, both series have very little support for another character seeing as most don't want another character, but each recieving a newcomer in addition to their returning vets from melee may be a possibility
This idea is pretty much banking on the Donkey Kong Series getting both King K Rool and Dixie Kong, as they are consistent Top 10 picks...King K Rool being the popular villain from the Rare era, while Dixie Kong the once considered for Brawl Relevant second sidekick, with her own sizable fanbase...As I mentioned I don't think King K Rool's Mii costume will affect his chances as it was likely chosen to be added before the ballot was even a thing, it just confirms that he's not one of the pre-determined DLC characters...You really think Sakurai and Nintendo will miss out on adding one of Nintendo's currently most popularly requested characters for DLC where they can make lots of money?
Want: 80%
On one hand it opens up the possibilities to having other characters, as it doesn't limit the options. Sceptile for example would be amazing I have to admit (as well as weavile) having two Zelda newcomers whether or not Midna would be one of them is a another story, but both Impa and Tetra would be cool additions themselves (maybe Ganon)...
But the issue is, we still don't know how much DLC we'll be getting, the notion that we won't recieve multiple characters at all given the fact that Sakurai may want to spread the love as much as possible and that even though characters like Dixie Kong and KKR are top picks he may only choose one of them...There may be very limited space avaible for new fighters...
We just don't know, but as said this concept just opens up more options for DLC, instead of limiting to just one character per franchise...but because of a possible limited amount of spots which we do not know of how many spots it will end up being it worries me that some character may not make it if one franchise gets too much for DLC...
Predictions for potentially my last RTC:
!Rerate: Wolf
: 94.57%
!Rerate: Midna
: 1.34%
Double !Rerates for two characters that I want quite a most wanted veteran and my most wanted character, period! Here's to hoping both make it in!
Moreso just because they'd be interesting...
Concept: SSB4 is the last SSB x2
Concept: Pirate Ship Stage x2
Concept: New Mii Fighter Archetype x1
Tetris Stage
Chance: 15%
Tetris is arguably the most iconic video game of all time, I'm sure every gamer has played it at least once or twice. Having a Tetrimino as a playable character is a little bit too forced as representation for this iconic video game, but a stage on the other hand is something that can work out quite well.
Yes it is third party but since Tetris has a remixed theme in the game already it isn't too much of a stretch for Sakurai to take it further...It could work in a similar way as the Living Room stage with pieces falling on the battle area damaging fighters as they fall and forming new landmarks for the fighters to fight on...The leaked Dr. Mario stage seemed to have a neat concpet involved where there was a puzzle in the background showing the configuration as the blocks fall onto the battlefield and even showing which blocks will appear next...something similar could be implemented for this stage as well...It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up I feel...
Want: 100%
After Tetrimino's day a Tetris themed stage easily became one of my most wanted stages once the idea came into my head...Just think about it...
and of course
duking it out in the middle of a Tetris puzzle...(and as an added bonus one of them summoned Color TV-Game 15...aka frikkin Pong!)
When we are talking about Video game history...this would pretty much sum it up right here, having all 5 of these iconic video games represented at the same time simultaneously on the screen.
Omega form could literally be just a floating platform made of Tetris blocks as well...It can't be anymore perfect to make a stage out of Tetriminos instead of making a playable fighter which is a bit much to be honest...
It is a shame that there isn't a Stage Suggestion Ballot, because I'd be voting for this (along with Phendrana Drifts) quite a lot...
Concept: 2 or More DLC Characters From the Same Series
Chance: 45%
First let's look at the possiblilities...
King K Rool and Dixie Kong; These two are getting the largest noticable and consistent support...I still think KKR's Mii costume means nothing later on down the line...
Star Fox
Wolf and Krystal; Wolf is a frontrunner with his vet status and Krystal is ranked somewhere in the top 20 so there's still a possiblility here
Impa and Tetra; a franchise with lots of demand for a new playable fighter and these two are frontrunners for the series
Paper Mario and Captain Toad; are also getting noticable support
Pokemon and Fire Emblem
This is a stretch, both series have very little support for another character seeing as most don't want another character, but each recieving a newcomer in addition to their returning vets from melee may be a possibility
This idea is pretty much banking on the Donkey Kong Series getting both King K Rool and Dixie Kong, as they are consistent Top 10 picks...King K Rool being the popular villain from the Rare era, while Dixie Kong the once considered for Brawl Relevant second sidekick, with her own sizable fanbase...As I mentioned I don't think King K Rool's Mii costume will affect his chances as it was likely chosen to be added before the ballot was even a thing, it just confirms that he's not one of the pre-determined DLC characters...You really think Sakurai and Nintendo will miss out on adding one of Nintendo's currently most popularly requested characters for DLC where they can make lots of money?
Want: 80%
On one hand it opens up the possibilities to having other characters, as it doesn't limit the options. Sceptile for example would be amazing I have to admit (as well as weavile) having two Zelda newcomers whether or not Midna would be one of them is a another story, but both Impa and Tetra would be cool additions themselves (maybe Ganon)...
But the issue is, we still don't know how much DLC we'll be getting, the notion that we won't recieve multiple characters at all given the fact that Sakurai may want to spread the love as much as possible and that even though characters like Dixie Kong and KKR are top picks he may only choose one of them...There may be very limited space avaible for new fighters...
We just don't know, but as said this concept just opens up more options for DLC, instead of limiting to just one character per franchise...but because of a possible limited amount of spots which we do not know of how many spots it will end up being it worries me that some character may not make it if one franchise gets too much for DLC...
Predictions for potentially my last RTC:
!Rerate: Wolf
!Rerate: Midna

Double !Rerates for two characters that I want quite a most wanted veteran and my most wanted character, period! Here's to hoping both make it in!
Moreso just because they'd be interesting...
Concept: SSB4 is the last SSB x2
Concept: Pirate Ship Stage x2
Concept: New Mii Fighter Archetype x1
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