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Rate Their Chances MultiVersus Edition: Day 148 - Concept: Doom Patrol content and Mr. Frog (Smiling Friends)

Do you want me to start locking in the top 14 instead of top 7?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Gilmore Girls

Chance: 50%

This series is fairly popular and well recognized. Either Lorelai or Rory could be added to represent it, but I doubt we'd get both. The main hurdle is the moveset, considering these girls are from a live action drama with no fights. However, that means you just have to look at what they tend to do in the show, and emphasize it.

Want: 50%

This doesn't look like my type of show at all, but we could use more live action characters to balance out the cartoon and comic ones.


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
Abstain on Gilmore Girls

Believe it!

Chance- 50%
I think Naruto has a fair chance making it to this game since his series is very well known and on par with Dragon Ball. His appearance in Fortnite also helped his chances enough Shounen Jump might not mind his inclusion.

Want- 50%
Naruto is an okay anime character, I do have other anime characters I prefer over him. I won't mind his inclusion in Multiversus.

Tien Shinhan- x5


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
I'm not familiar with the Gilmore Girls. Due to this, I have to abstain from giving a want and chance score for them.

Naruto Uzimaki will be the hokage! Believe it!

Chances- 20%

I'm being generous with my score here. I feel Naruto has the same issues as other anime characters. Most anime IPs don't have strong associations with WB outside licensing. This also applies to Naruto who's show was on Cartoon Network's Toonami block. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall CN aired Naruto until the time skip that leads into Shippuden which was aired on Disney XD. The only reason I'm giving a score this high is the IP's popularity in the west.

Want- 85%

I grew up with Naruto, what a surprise! The show was one of the anime my dad was interested in watching. He even watched Shippuden which I never did. Naruto can fill in the Ninja archetype that MultiVerses is currently lacking. If Naruto manages to get into MultiVerses, I would be quite happy.

My noms:
Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica) x5
Code Lyoko rep x10


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Abstaining on Gilmore Girls



Chance: Abstain
At this point I'm really not sure of what to make of chances for anime characters so I'll just abstain.

Want: 80%
I would prefer Goku or Luffy first when it comes to Shonen anime reps but I'd be down for Naruto too. Though I have my faults with the series (mainly with the later Shippuden stuff), Naruto would be a fun character and one that would fit in well. Would also be nice to have a ninja character especially since they could implement the multi shadow clone jutsu in a variety of different ways.


Noms to Terry McGinnis Batman (Batman Beyond)


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
"Where you lead, I will follow, Anywhere that you tell me to, if you need, you need me to be with you, i will follow where you lead"-Carole King
The Gilmore Girls
Their Theme: Where You Lead I Will Follow

49%: The Gilmore Girls is a Drama Show That Aired On The WB Network which would later become The CW, it was the wb network’s householding show back then and had hit it’s peak during the middle of it’s run, the show also has a miniseries sequel that aired on Netflix which later broadcasted onto the CW.

For The Girls’ chances, there doesn’t seem to be any vocal requests from fans in the community and i don’t think i seen anyone bringing them up at all, their popularity at least to me isn’t all that noticeable, even if they were to get in nobody would know who they are.

Granted, there is the chance of them getting over if the devs thought about adding a drama show onto Multiversus or a deal working through especially since I haven't heard of any good reason why they can’t get in, but if the community isn’t pushing them too much then there chances are unlikely.

Abstain: I never watched Gilmore Girls(as far as i can remember) and I was iffy on seeing it at first before finding out the girls were mother and daughter, and that there were two shows for the series(i was looking at the Netflix version when I first looked them up).

Maybe I could watch them someday although I need some time before I do something about it.

"Beeeelieve it!"
His Theme: Main Theme of Naruto
Alt Theme: Blue Bird

45%: Naruto is another popular anime that is very well known and is one of the main faces of shonen jump alongside Goku & Luffy(The Characters we’ve talked about before), He’s gotten three shows, two movies, several video games, novels, and even crossovers with the other shonen characters including the main two of the three(no surprise), Naruto’s Connection with Warner mainly comes from Toonami on Adult Swim but he’s also aired on Cartoon Network Before when the original show was airing even if it was censored he’s still got some history and his popular status pushes the possibility for his chances.

However, Despite this he’s likely one of the characters who might not be able to get in soon or rather not appear until some negotiations come, Warner Bros. Games are currently having Multiversus focus on getting characters from warner’s brand with 3rd parties being left in the back burn for now and Naruto isn’t one of the anime series that the company’s promoting with Jojo & Mob Psycho 100
It’s also likely that they need to get Shonen’s permission to use him too, although video game rights might not be an issue(Cough Fortnite Cough) but it might take time for him to get in before Multiversus is able to start using more out there characters.

Plus, I don't see Naruto being as requested as Goku, but it might not matter.

50%: I am familiar with Naruto but i’ve never seen the series and have never did due some issues i’ve had with it that sound petty(though few of these complains come from others who think the same too), though if Naruto were to get in, i would not mind a little bit he could be fun to play if i manage to enjoy playing him or getting used to how he works to continue.

Osmosis Jones
Mac & Bloo

Edit at 9/16/22 at 7:40 PM: who might "not" be able to get in soon
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I'll abstain from this one due to being unfamiliar with Gilmore Girls and the general difficulty of rating anime

Noms to Dream


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
The Gilmore Girls
For a while, Gilmore Girls was THE primetime comedy-drama to watch on WB (later The CW). It followed the adventures of mother and daughter Rory and Lorelai Gilmore and their drama, Lorelai's rich parents, the town of Star's Hollow, Rory's efforts to get into college, and all kinds of life problems that surrounded these two. It was a whimsical piece of work, heavy on Americana and melodrama, and it made a world that was fun to get sucked into week after week. It lasted eight seasons, and eventually it ended just after The WB became The CW. It was revived with a sequel series with Netflix, and...that's it, really! It has a long-lasting legacy but particularly in a certain demographic (that does not, funnily enough, cross over with platform fighters' demos), but I don't think that despite the sleeper hit legacy it left behind WB will have any interest highlighting it in their game. Star's Hollow WOULD make for a really fun Smashville-esque stage, though.

Want: 25%
Yeah, I know I nominated them...but mostly because I thought it'd be funny to rate them. I have a huge soft spot for the show. I used to watch it with my mother every week, and I was genuinely invested in Star's Hollow and particularly the lives of Lorelai and her friends. I remember watching the finale with the biggest grin on my face. I never did watch the sequel series...but I DID read Lauren Graham's absolutely wonderful biography Talking As Fast As I Can, which was full of hilarious stories. I still remember a lot of jokes from the show, such as Lorelai's crazy neighbor/friend Suki and her dog Paul Anka, which was the first time I had heard of the singer. I remember the inn that was a centerpiece in a lot of the stories, with the fussy waiter Michel, and I especially remember and loved anything with the owner of the local diner, Luke. To me, he was the coolest a guy could be and the relationship between he and Lorelai was so fun to see develop.

I think that in a platform fighter, the Girls have a fun amount of things they can do. There are a lot of wacky-ish episodes where they do festival planning or end up with a dog or all kinds of hijinks, and generally I really enjoy non-fighters in fighting games as my previous ratings have shown...but at the same time, even as a nostalgic fan I struggle to think about what their moves could be... Then again, this game seems to be really nailing the non-fighters' movesets as seen with Velma, so hey, I say give it a go. I'm not rating them highly, but they're a weird idea that makes me happy. I just thought it'd be fun to push it a bit!

Boruto's Dad
Anime is in a weird spot. Third-parties in general are. I don't think they're off the table, it's just hard to discuss right now. Even if anime wasn't in a weird spot, Naruto sure is. Culturally impactful and recognizable it may be, it has an uphill battle as it fights against Dragonball Z or even Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, two shows that are more tied to WB or are just bigger nowadays than ever before. I don't see them going for Naruto, not quite so soon. Plus, the Jump licensing stuff...it's tricky!

Want: 75%
I hold that early Naruto is some of the finest shonen out there. The Village Hidden In The Mist arc is a masterpiece of emotion that the series never really hit again, and the ninjas and Naruto himself have such cool powers and such a cool structure. It's a series that fell off hard but it still sticks around in the consciousness because of how strong the foundation was. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think Naruto would have a great moveset, ninjas (especially Naruto ninjas) are cool, and we get kunai and nine-tailed fox powers and a neat anime character with long-lasting pop culture impact. I just don't think he's as cool as, like, Goku.

Nominations: Mythbusters Content xMax
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Last time on Rate Their Chances Z...
That guy from Yuyuki

Chance - 85%. I know this is really high, especially for a third party, but hear me out for a second. There are two reasons I think this is not only plausible, but likely. Number one is that there's a precedent. I think a good way to see what third parties might be on the table is by looking at what series have content in other free to play games, because if they're willing to be in Fortnite they'd probably be good with Multiversus (with some exceptions). And speak of the devil...
Dragon Ball is coming to Fortnite this month, and it's a meaty collab. I'm not sure if Namco is involved in this, but if they are it likely isn't an issue; they have some content in fortnite, as well as a few characters in another obscure platform fighter. This proves that if Multiversus came knocking, Toei/Namco would probably say yes. That being said, would Multiversus be the one who knocks? The answer to that is a resounding yes, I would bet money on it. This game has a great respect for memes, if you believe rumors it was literally created because of UI Shaggy, characters like Lebron and Rick incorporate their memes (it's only a matter of time until Big Chungus), and the devs appear to be listening to the semi-meme Walter White campaign. What's the biggest meme in the platform fighter sphere? Goku in Smash (and really, it's only a meme due to the VG-only rule). If they had a chance to make that meme as close to reality as possible, I think they would leap at it. Even aside from memes, Dragon Ball is just a really popular series (it even has non-smash memes, it's a bit vintage but "IT'S OVER 9000!" is a classic), so it's not like they're adding the Wii Safety Guy or whoever. All in all, I think Goku has a really good shot

Chance - Abstain. I'm not even biased when I gave him such a high score. I really couldn't care less one way or the other, I only watched a bit of Dragon Ball

Pirate Reed Richards

Chance - 60%. It's funny that I feel like I'm giving Luffy such a low score, even though it's tied for his highest (my scores are really inflated). Speaking of Goku, I feel like the likeliest situation is where he's essentially a tagalong to Goku, where they go "hey while we're adding dragon ball why not one piece". I'm not trying to say that One Piece is obscure or bad or anything, but I will say that it's less popular in America than other animes are, and MVS is very much centered around America. This might be my personal experience, but series like Dragon Ball, Naruto, My Hero Academia, and even Death Note seem to be more popular in the circles I'm in, both online and off. Obviously it's still popular, and it's extraordinarily so in other countries, so it stands a very good chance of being added: I think it'll just have to wait a bit. This can be seen in how Fortnite has done Naruto (twice) and is about to do Dragon Ball, but hasn't done One Piece quite yet.

Want - Abstain. I haven't watched One Piece either. Normally when I say I haven't watched something I feel uncultured, but for One Piece I just feel like I've saved a lot of time. I just can't watch the show, I have too many other things to not do.

Noms: Steven Universe rep x5, Guy Fieri x the rest
TLDR, I gave both Goku and Luffy relatively high scores, specifically invoking the ease of adding multiple Shonen Jump characters when negotiating for one. I'm gonna give Naruto a chance in-between these two, an 80%. I think the biggest feather in his cap is Naruto being added to Fortnite before Goku (and anyone else). This indicates that SJ would be very willing to add him to a crossover. I think the way this will likely go is Dragon Ball -> Naruto -> One Piece -> maybe other Jump IP.

Gilmore girls later. Noms to Bob Odenkirk


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Going off topic, the multiversus discord did a wishlist to see what characters they want to see the most and the top five characters look remarkable.

We did Rate Ben 10, Gumball, and The Warners before so seeing this might have bolded well for their chances.

There's also the full document showcasing the full list of rated characters if anyone wants to see.

Last time on Rate Their Chances Z...

TLDR, I gave both Goku and Luffy relatively high scores, specifically invoking the ease of adding multiple Shonen Jump characters when negotiating for one. I'm gonna give Naruto a chance in-between these two, an 80%. I think the biggest feather in his cap is Naruto being added to Fortnite before Goku (and anyone else). This indicates that SJ would be very willing to add him to a crossover. I think the way this will likely go is Dragon Ball -> Naruto -> One Piece -> maybe other Jump IP.

Gilmore girls later. Noms to Bob Odenkirk
what happened to your profile icon?...


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
The Gilmore Girls
For a while, Gilmore Girls was THE primetime comedy-drama to watch on WB (later The CW). It followed the adventures of mother and daughter Rory and Lorelai Gilmore and their drama, Lorelai's rich parents, the town of Star's Hollow, Rory's efforts to get into college, and all kinds of life problems that surrounded these two. It was a whimsical piece of work, heavy on Americana and melodrama, and it made a world that was fun to get sucked into week after week. It lasted eight seasons, and eventually it ended just after The WB became The CW. It was revived with a sequel series with Netflix, and...that's it, really! It has a long-lasting legacy but particularly in a certain demographic (that does not, funnily enough, cross over with platform fighters' demos), but I don't think that despite the sleeper hit legacy it left behind WB will have any interest highlighting it in their game. Star's Hollow WOULD make for a really fun Smashville-esque stage, though.

Want: 25%
Yeah, I know I nominated them...but mostly because I thought it'd be funny to rate them. I have a huge soft spot for the show. I used to watch it with my mother every week, and I was genuinely invested in Star's Hollow and particularly the lives of Lorelai and her friends. I remember watching the finale with the biggest grin on my face. I never did watch the sequel series...but I DID read Lauren Graham's absolutely wonderful biography Talking As Fast As I Can, which was full of hilarious stories. I still remember a lot of jokes from the show, such as Lorelai's crazy neighbor/friend Suki and her dog Paul Anka, which was the first time I had heard of the singer. I remember the inn that was a centerpiece in a lot of the stories, with the fussy waiter Michel, and I especially remember and loved anything with the owner of the local diner, Luke. To me, he was the coolest a guy could be and the relationship between he and Lorelai was so fun to see develop.

I think that in a platform fighter, the Girls have a fun amount of things they can do. There are a lot of wacky-ish episodes where they do festival planning or end up with a dog or all kinds of hijinks, and generally I really enjoy non-fighters in fighting games as my previous ratings have show...but at the same time, even as a nostalgic fan I struggle to think about what their moves could be... Then again, this game seems to be really nailing the non-fighters' movesets as seen with Velma, so hey, I say give it a go. I'm not rating them highly, but they're a weird idea that makes me happy. I just thought it'd be fun to push it a bit!

Boruto's Dad
Anime is in a weird spot. Third-parties in general are. I don't think they're off the table, it's just hard to discuss right now. Even if anime wasn't in a weird spot, Naruto sure is. Culturally impactful and recognizable it may be, it has an uphill battle as it fights against Dragonball Z or even Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, two shows that are more tied to WB or are just bigger nowadays than ever before. I don't see them going for Naruto, not quite so soon. Plus, the Jump licensing stuff...it's tricky!

Want: 75%
I hold that early Naruto is some of the finest shonen out there. The Village Hidden In The Mist arc is a masterpiece of emotion that the series never really hit again, and the ninjas and Naruto himself have such cool powers and such a cool structure. It's a series that fell off hard but it still sticks around in the consciousness because of how strong the foundation was. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think Naruto would have a great moveset, ninjas (especially Naruto ninjas) are cool, and we get kunai and nine-tailed fox powers and a neat anime character with long-lasting pop culture impact. I just don't think he's as cool as, like, Goku.

Nominations: Mythbusters Content xMax
Okay, post updated! Just letting you know so it isn't missed.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Chance: 71.43%
Want: 86.33%

The Doctor
Chance: 29%
Want: 80%

Noms List


Lion (Animal Planet) x65
Sayaka Miki x60
Madoka x55
Code Lyoko rep x50

Dream (The Sandman) x48
House of the Dragon rep x37
Jolyne Cujoh x42
The Mask x37
Sheldon Cooper x35
Tien Shinhan x35
John Spartan (Demolition Man) x35
Mac & Bloo x31
Marceline x30
Huey Freeman x30
Geralt of Rivia x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x25

Chowder x23
John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
MythBusters content x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Krypto the Superdog x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Osmosis Jones x5
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1


Like mom, like daughter

Chance: 15%

The Gilmore Girls have a decent shot based on the show's success alone. It ran for 7 seasons and recently got an unofficial 8th season on Netflix. But I have my doubts honesty. I'm not sure if the devs would be interested in selecting the girls considering the audience probably doesn't overlap. Also, to my knowledge there ain't any Gilmore Girls games so we aren't sure how the actors would feel about being put into a fighting game.

Want: 50%

I don't care about this show, to be honest. It's simply not my thing. But if the devs can come up with a good moveset for them I'd be ok with it.


Insert I want to be hokage flashback for the umpteenth time

Chance: 35%

Yeah I get that third parties are in a weird spot as of now, but I still gotta hand it to Naruto, it has a strong case to it. While it's not as mainstream popular as DBZ, successful as One Piece, or has the internet in its grip like with JoJo, Naruto still has a lot going for it. It's often regarded as being in the top 3 or 4 of Shonen anime. It still has internet popularity (How many times do you hear the phrase "Naruto run"?) and it's still relevant thanks to Boruto which is still an ongoing thing. Plus Naruto has so many iconic aspects to it - shadow clones, the characters, and certain scenes that have sticked with people for many years. When it comes to choosing anime, I don't have any doubt that Naruto is on the devs' minds. It's too significant to ignore, plus Naruto was in Fortnite before DBZ. Not that it definitely will happen in MultiVersus as well, but it makes you wonder if maybe Naruto is a little easier to obtain, which could go a long ways to help his chances.

Want: 100%

I grew up watching Naruto and while I never got to finish it, those 100 or so episodes that I watched sticked with me. I recently started to rewatch the show and I'm amazed at myself because of how much of it I remembered. To put it into perspective, It's been close to 10 years since I've watched the show and during my rewatch I started at episode 80, but I still remember those first 79 episodes. The village hidden in the mist arc, the chunin exam arc, and the arc where the group tries to fight past Orochimaru's henchmen to reach Sasuke. All of those arcs were extremely memorable to the point where I was able to fill in all the dots of what was happening as of episode 80. Now if that's not a testament of the quality of the show, then I don't know what is.

Yes, I get it, the anime has problems. Most notably all of the filler and the weak writing of the female characters in general. And also Naruto Shippuden which I hear has a lot of problems but to be fair I haven't gotten to it yet so I'll make judgement on that when I get there. But the point is, I think Naruto is awesome regardless. The cast is so memorable. Outside of the main trio and Kakashi, you have Rock Lee and Guy Sensei who are very likeable and have a great dynamic. I also really like Hinata, Neji, and Kiba. Shoutout to Gaara too who started out as **** your pants level intimidating but eventually goes through a lot of development. The villains were great too, you had some sympathetic ones, and of course there is Orochimaru who is the definition of evil and has a killer theme. Speaking of the music, it's one of my favorite parts of the show. Rising Fighting Spirit always comes on during the hype moments and it really gets me pumped.

I could go on and on, but the point is I would be hyped for Naruto. Maybe even on the same level of hype as for Goku, and I consider myself a much bigger fan of DBZ than Naruto. It's just that Naruto has very cool moveset potential. Imagine hitting someone with a Rasengan. Imagine a Hidden Leaf Village stage with a remix of Rising Fighting Spirit. For sure I'd be into that.

Code Lyoko rep x10
Madoka x5


Day over.

Rate Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm, as well as Haruko Haruhara from FLCL.

Some videos to get into the sitcom mood:

And here are some videos to get into the anime mood:

A reminder that this is the last day of the schedule. So make those noms count.
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Deleted member

We are Fighting Dreamers. I'd have done Gillmore Girls but I'm lacking in time.

Chance - 10%
Anime characters are tricky to rate. Naruto is a very popular series. It ran for years and is considered one of the classic Shonen Jump big three alongside Drsgon Ball and One Peice. It currently has a sequal series running. Its WB history is roughly the same as the other Shonen Jump icons, it aired on Toonami and WB apparently put put some home video releases. Naruto got in Fortnite before Dragon Ball or One Peice, so It seems the creators and rights holders are open to this kind of thing. Some Naruto content was found in the games files. It's most likely that these where for testing. But it does give me the impression that the devs are Naurto fans and may be interested in doing soemthing with it. I actually think Naruto is one of the more likely options if we where to get to an anime character

Want - 50%
I was big into Naruto as a kid. But I dropped off hard during Shippuden. It stopped being as interesting to me. But I have read some more since then. For all its flaws, it's an interesting seires with some really cool characters. The powers form the show would make for amazing platform fighter movesets. I'd be pretty cool with this.

Noms to Krypto.

I'll do Larry and Haruko tommrow. Should be an interesting one
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Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
Abstain on Larry


Chances- 5%
Even though FLCL is known I think it might be too niche to be in Multiversus despite Haruko being an icon of it. Haruko has too tough of a competition from characters like Goku, Naruto, and Luffy.

Want- 95%
I really liked FLCL and Haruko quite a bit. She would have an awesome moveset if she was in too.

Tien Shinhan- x5


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
As I Stare At The Screen, Frolic Begins to Play
Larry David
His Theme: Frolic

50%: Larry David is a namerican actor, comedian, and a writer who's well known for his work such as Seinfeld and another show starring himself called Curb Your Enthusuasm(it's got a spin-off too), which aired on HBO and is currently on HBO Max, it is also still going to this day, surprisingly.

There was also an article made by a satire news site making up an announcement for Larry being in the game as a fighter which might've sparked some attentions to fans of multiversus wanting to see him in the game.

While his demand isn't loud enough his shows popularity and legacy with seinfeld could be enough for him to get into the game and so far there's not controversy floating around so that means he's in the clear, but whether or not the main himself would support the idea is currently unknown.

Abstain: I've seen a little bit of his show Seinfeld but i never knew he worked on it and in terms of knowing his other show & larry himself, i've never seen it and only heard his name a couple of times up until now. i've also heard his song in plenty of funny videos such as one showcasing CN's Ridiculous 2017 December Schedule, and an episode from Fox Animation's Bordertown "Megachurch"

If larry gets in i would be pretty shocked though i wouldn't mind, although i'm not sure how he'd play most likely a little bit similar to Velma albeit with more attacks related to his comedian side on his own show.

"You wanna come along? Know What? Forget it 'Cause you're still a kid, Ta-Kun. Save it for Next Time"
Haruko Haruhara
Her Theme: Ride on Shooting Star
Alt Theme: Hybrid Rainbow

49%: Haruko...The Pink Haired Guitar-Strapped Alien with a Yellow Scooter from Fooly Cooly, Fooly Cooly, What even is a Fooly Cooly?

Eh, let's not get distracted, FLCL is a series that received a lot of positive acclaim being one of the series that started off as an anime back in the 2000's, the series has two sequels(FLCL: Progressive and Alternative) and two more coming soon, some novels and soundtrack releases, and it's own manga aswell.

It was ranked 42 on broadcasting back in 2003 and won plenty of awards highlighting how well loved & popular it was.

Similar to almost all anime, it aired on toonami though the program does show their love & appreciation with the series since adult swim helped co-produce the show, letting it air it's sequel series', hosting an april fools event were they aired FLCL: Alternative in Japanese, and greenlighting two new series for the programs anniversary next year, all this would be enough for Haruko to get in right.

Well, sadly there's the unfortunate fact that her series isn't all that popular nowadays that could be used, not many multiversus fans are pushing for her to be in the game, and the obvious idea that Goku, Naruto, Luffy, Jojo, and Mob might make it in first before her due to being more iconic or close to WB

So, Her chances are kinda down but there is a possible chance she might get in if adult swim and flcl's creators make a deal, there is hope.

49%: Funny Enough when Haruko was announced to be in this batch, i took the opportunity to watch FLCL to learn about her and what the series is about, i was interesting in seeing the show for a while so this was the right time to check it out. The show is...weird and i am kinda confused on what to feel about it, i do like it when the show makes something funny and i do quite like Hybrid Rainbow from Episode 2 & the scene were the chorus plays in.

If anything the show probably wouldn't be right in a literal sense though i haven't seen the Progressive and Alternative so there's are up my alley. in terms of Haruko she'd be a pretty great character to have having her swing her guitar to smack opponents or running them over with her yellow scooter(although that may clash with Gizmo's Car) there might be other ideas for her i haven't yet in the sequels but either way i hope she makes it in the game.

Mac & Bloo
Sheldon Cooper

Edit at 9/20/22 at 12:06 PM: Fix "may" clash with Gizmo's Car.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Gilmore Girls
Chance: 31%
Want: 41.67%

Naruto Uzumaki
Chance: 35.71%
Want: 70%

Noms List


Code Lyoko rep x70
Lion (Animal Planet) x65
Sayaka Miki x65
Madoka x60
Dream (The Sandman) x58

House of the Dragon rep x47
Jolyne Cujoh x42
Tien Shinhan x40
MythBusters content x40
The Mask x37
Mac & Bloo x36
Sheldon Cooper x35
John Spartan (Demolition Man) x35
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x35
Marceline x30
Huey Freeman x30
Geralt of Rivia x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Chowder x28
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25

John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x10
Osmosis Jones x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Gilmore Girls
Chance: 31%
Want: 41.67%

Naruto Uzumaki
Chance: 35.71%
Want: 70%

Noms List


Code Lyoko rep x70
Lion (Animal Planet) x65
Sayaka Miki x65
Madoka x60
Dream (The Sandman) x58

House of the Dragon rep x47
Jolyne Cujoh x42
Tien Shinhan x40
MythBusters content x40
The Mask x37
Mac & Bloo x36
Sheldon Cooper x35
John Spartan (Demolition Man) x35
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x35
Marceline x30
Huey Freeman x30
Geralt of Rivia x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Chowder x28
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25

John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x10
Osmosis Jones x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1
The Lion has been overthrown, the mighty hath fallen.

Also, good to see Madoka up there with her first friend

Deleted member

Chance - 5%
Curb Your is a HBO show where Larry David, co-creator of Seinfeld, portrays an extremely exaggerated version of himself, trying to make his way through life and getting into unsual situations due to his social ineptitudes, getting into mishaps with celebrities. It's been running since 2000 and has won countless awards. The show has some meme following. The big issue is Larry is just a guy. We do have Lebron in this game, so we know real people aren't an issue. And there are the roumors of Ted Lasso so sitcoms aren't off the table. I just don't know how much crossover appeal this show has with the audience for this game. I feel we're much more likely to get someone like Sheldon Cooper as a sitcom rep.

Want - 50%
Mostly because I think it would be funny. I've not all of this show, but what I have seen was pretty funny. It'd be funny to see what they come up with for him.

Ride on shooting star
Chance - 10%
FLCL is an anime ceated by a team of animators from studios like Ginax and Production IG. A very off the wall and unsual show that is part coming of age story part alien invasion story, and a whole lot more. The series only had six episodes, but has been pretty influential. Haruko is by far the most popular and known character from the show. If it was to get a rep it would be her. The series does actually have a WB connection. The series aired on Adult Swim, and was popular enough that they picked up the rights to co produce and exclusively air two more seasons, FLCL: Alternative and FLCL: Progressive, in 2016. And two more sequals, FLCL: Grunge and FLCL: Shoegaze, are set to debut on AS next year. Haruko is a possibility if WB decide they want to promote the upcoming seasons. However, FLCL is still pretty niche. It has a lot of competition, both in the anime world and the adult swim world.

Want- 70%
I really like the original FLCL. It's a show I haven't seen in some time, but I remmeber really digging it and how weird it was. I didn't hear good things the two sequals, and have no real plans to watch the two upcoming ones. But I still think Haruko is a really interesting character. It's pretty easy to imagine a moveset for her. She has her bike, her guitar, she could summon Canti. I think she'd be a really fun addition.

Noms to
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
I have abstain on Larry. This is due to me being unfamiliar on his work.

Haruko Haruhara, why are you giving me acid?

Chances- 1%

I'm being really harsh here. For the flak we gave to the Madoka Magica crew, at least their series left an impact that still felt to this day. FLCL on the other hand? I have to say it is MORE niche than Madoka. Even among other Gainax shows, it is overshadowed by Evagelion and Gurren Lagann. Yeah FLCL did spawn two sequel series, but I got the impression neither were well recieved. Did I forget to mention Haruko shares the same issue that every other anime character we have rated has? It would take a MIRACLE to get Haruko into MultiVerses.

Want- 65%

I watched FLCL when it was on Netflix and I felt I was on drugs. It's such an out-there anime that I kinda want to see that insanity in MultiVerses. I will be shocked but intrigued if Haruko manages to get into the roster.

My noms:
Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica) x5
Pikachu x10
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Did this thread die or is it just a slow day?
The pace has been slowed recently, due to people taking longer to post their ratings. Not that there's a problem with that, but I've had ro expand the days a bit so we can get more participation. I suspect that's due to people being busy. Personally I've been busy myself but I still try to keep the thread consistent.

The day will end either tonight or early tomorrow.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
The pace has been slowed recently, due to people taking longer to post their ratings. Not that there's a problem with that, but I've had ro expand the days a bit so we can get more participation. I suspect that's due to people being busy. Personally I've been busy myself but I still try to keep the thread consistent.

The day will end either tonight or early tomorrow.
i apologize if i might be demanding, but i would prefer if we move on to the new batch.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Curb your enthusiasm for the anime girl

Abstain on both. I don't feel like doing research right now.

Noms: Lion x6


Day over.

Rate lion from Animal Planet (yes, just a generic lion), as well as Concept: Code Lyoko rep.

Some videos to get into the wildlife mood:

And here are some videos to get into the virtual world mood:


Noms List - Before Lockdown


Lion (Animal Planet) x71
Code Lyoko rep x70
Sayaka Miki x70
Madoka x60
Dream (The Sandman) x58
House of the Dragon rep x57

Tien Shinhan x45
John Spartan (Demolition Man) x45
Jolyne Cujoh x42
Mac & Bloo x41
MythBusters content x40
Sheldon Cooper x40
Geralt of Rivia x40
The Mask x37
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x35
Marceline x35
Chowder x33
Huey Freeman x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25

John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x10
Osmosis Jones x10
Pikachu x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1

Day 93 - Lion (Animal Planet) and Concept: Code Lyoko rep
Day 94 - Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica Double Day)
Day 95 - Dream (The Sandman) and Concept: House of the Dragon rep
Day 96 - Tien Shinhan (Dragon Ball) and John Spartan (Demolition Man)
Day 97 - Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) and Mac & Bloo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends)
Day 98 - Concept: MythBusters content and Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)

Day 99 - Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and The Mask

Noms List - After Lockdown



Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x35
Marceline x35
Chowder x33
Huey Freeman x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25

John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
John F. Kennedy (Clone High) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x10
Osmosis Jones x10
Pikachu x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1

Averages for Larry and Haruko coming soon.
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
I can't say that I know enough about Curb Your Enthusiasm to give a proper rating on Larry David, so I'm just gonna abstain and say it'd be really funny if it happened

The Joker for women

Chance: 30%

So it may seem like I'm being a bit generous towards Haruko with my rating, but hear me out. Yes, I’ll concede that FLCL is more niche than most of the eligible anime options on the table, but I’d hardly call it obscure. The first season is a beloved classic amongst anime fans and one of the first things that comes to mind when one thinks of Gainax’s seminal work, short of your Evangelions or Gurren Laganns. I can totally see FLCL flying under your radar if you have no interest in anime or you didn’t grow up watching it on Adult Swim, but you’re bound to see it brought up eventually if you spend even a little bit of time in anime circles. FLCL is a pull that’d appeal to a very specific demographic’s tastes, but it’s a dedicated audience that exists nontheless.

On the subject of Adult Swim, them funding the latest seasons of FLCL helps its chances substantially. Yeah Progressive and Alternative aren’t that well-liked among fans and if we rated Haruko a few months back, I’d rate her lower because of her main WB connection being the most reviled parts of the series. Buuut Toonami recently announced they were making more FLCL a few months ago so clearly they still see value in the FLCL brand and will keep promoting it soooooooooooo there you have it!

Want: 100%

Big surprise, I’m one if those hardcore anime freaks that ****ing looooooooooooooves FLCL. Yeah it’s a bat**** insane show and it’s not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re able to swallow all the insanity, what you’ve got is an incredibly straightforward and compelling coming of age story about the trials and tribulations of puberty with some fantastic character writing and one of the best anime soundtracks of all time. A huge part of that appeal comes from the way Haruko is written. Yeah she’s not a good person and a toxic presence in Naota’s life, but that’s kinda the point. Much like the previously rated Homura, her complexities and thematic role in the story make her such a fascinating character to dissect and analyze. And also like Homura, Haruko’s also ****ing cool. She’s a vespa-riding alien with a guitar that can make things come out of people’s heads. There’s so many wild antics that Haruko gets involved in that her moveset would be the most bat**** insane thing ever in the best possible way. And if this game didn’t use the dreaded WB Fighting Game Generic Orchestra Soundtrack, I would definitely use The Pillows as a selling point. Even if you have no interest in FLCL, at least give the soundtrack a listen, it’s some great stuff.

Noms: John F. Kennedy (Clone High) xMax. HBO Max is gonna be streaming the second season so he’s eligible.


Smash Cadet
Feb 13, 2022
Abstaining on Code Lyoko


Chance: 100%

The Lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male Lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is a social species, forming groups called prides. A Lion's pride consists of a few adult males, related females, and cubs.

One of the most widely recognized Animal symbols in human culture, the Lion has been extensively depicted in sculptures and paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary films and literature. Lions have been kept in menageries since the time of the Roman Empire and have been a key species sought for exhibition in zoological gardens across the world since the late 18th century. There are few Animals out there more Iconic than the Lion.

Animal Planet, being one of the major properties owned by Discovery, is unquestionably deserving of a rep in Multiversus, some would argue more. Of all the Animals on the Planet, the Lion, owing to its Iconic status, is definitely the front runner for sure. It's not a guarantee of course, as there is a chance they may not be able to get the rights to the Lion, I hear the license is a bit complex right now, but I believe they could pull through.

Now, I must bring up the literal Elephant in the room. Animal Planet's logo features another iconic Animal, the Elephant. Some would argue being on the logo makes the Elephant a front runner and it's true, Elephant is the most strongly associated Animal with the Planet. However, Elephants are very docile and while this would make for an intriguing support playstyle, there is also the Brand to consider here. Animal Planet is very protective of Elephant, and I don't imagine they'd like having it in a game alongside shows like Game of Thrones or Rick and Morty.

Another Animal that inhabits the Planet is the Iconic aquatic Animal, the Shark. However, I do not believe Shark to be in competition for Lion's spot, as Shark would be representative of the Shark Week franchise; a franchise so important to Warner Bros. Discovery, in their weird corporate powerpoint, it ranks just below Superman, and above powerhouses Game of Thrones, and 90 Day Fiance Universe. Shark is a matter of when, not if in my opinion. However, Shark Week airs on Discovery Channel, not Animal Planet. Thus, Shark does not count as an Animal Planet rep.

I'd also like to debunk the myth that MGM owns the Iconic Lion. While they certainly own an Iconic Lion, it is a Lion named Leo, not Animal Planet's Lion. Therefore, MGM is not a factor in the rights issues with Lion. Disney also does not have an exclusivity deal with the entirety of Lion kind, only the Lion Kingdom. Thankfully, there are ways to include Lion without infringing on Disney's exclusivity deal.

There is almost no chance Lion doesn't make it. I fail to think of an Animal more iconic, more well known, more lovable, and more deserving of the slot.

For real
Chance: 0%
There is no way they would spend time and resources adding a photorealistic Lion, but it would be one of the most hilarious characters possible. I try to imagine the dev team hyping up Just A Lion and it kills me every time. "Guys, it's THE Iconic Lion!" Thank you so much PeridotGX PeridotGX for creating this stupid stupid gag.

Want: 100%

Easily one of my top picks. I was cheering on this disastrous corporate merger when I realized it could finally let me play as the Iconic Lion in the funny Shaggy Batman game. Lion could have a pride meter, it could be an apex predator, or it could occasionally scavenge. The possibilities are endless! David Attenborough provides voiceover narration to act as Lion's voice.

All on John Gotti (1996)
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Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018

Chance- 10%
Despite there is a low chance of it popping up. I think the Lion doesn't have a 0% because due if Lebron or Raindog can make it in I see why not for a photo realistic lion making it.

Want- 99%
It is pretty adorable looking. It would be cool and funny at the same time to play as a realistic lion.

Code Lyoko rep

Chance- 20%
Code Lyoko was kind of mainstream back in the mid 2000s but currently it is starting to be in the niche area. Despite being like that how Code Lyoko held down as a classic might give them a shot at Multiversus.

Want- 55%
I am pretty neutral towards Code Lyoko in general, although really like their design. I am pretty much fine with any Code Lyoko rep minus Ulrich.

Beerus- x10
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Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Curb your enthusiasm for the anime girl

Abstain on both. I don't feel like doing research right now.

Noms: Lion x6


Day over.

Rate lion from Animal Planet (yes, just a generic lion), as well as Concept: Code Lyoko rep.

Some videos to get into the wildlife mood:

And here are some videos to get into the virtual world mood:


Noms List - Before Lockdown


Lion (Animal Planet) x71
Code Lyoko rep x70
Sayaka Miki x70
Madoka x60
Dream (The Sandman) x58
House of the Dragon rep x57

Tien Shinhan x45
John Spartan (Demolition Man) x45
Jolyne Cujoh x42
Mac & Bloo x41
MythBusters content x40
Sheldon Cooper x40
Geralt of Rivia x40
The Mask x37
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x35
Marceline x35
Chowder x33
Huey Freeman x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25

John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x10
Osmosis Jones x10
Pikachu x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1

Day 93 - Lion (Animal Planet) and Concept: Code Lyoko rep
Day 94 - Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica Double Day)
Day 95 - Dream (The Sandman) and Concept: House of the Dragon rep
Day 96 - Tien Shinhan (Dragon Ball) and John Spartan (Demolition Man)
Day 97 - Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) and Mac & Bloo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends)
Day 98 - Concept: MythBusters content and Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)

Day 99 - Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and The Mask

Noms List - After Lockdown



Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x35
Marceline x35
Chowder x33
Huey Freeman x30
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25

John Gotti x20
Sesame Street content x20
Evangelion character x20
Simon the Digger x20
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x10
Osmosis Jones x10
Pikachu x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1

Averages for Larry and Haruko coming soon.
I hope you don't consider finishing the voting batches off quickly like this, mostly because seeing this end has gotten me pretty worried.
I can't say that I know enough about Curb Your Enthusiasm to give a proper rating on Larry David, so I'm just gonna abstain and say it'd be really funny if it happened

The Joker for women

Chance: 30%

So it may seem like I'm being a bit generous towards Haruko with my rating, but hear me out. Yes, I’ll concede that FLCL is more niche than most of the eligible anime options on the table, but I’d hardly call it obscure. The first season is a beloved classic amongst anime fans and one of the first things that comes to mind when one thinks of Gainax’s seminal work, short of your Evangelions or Gurren Laganns. I can totally see FLCL flying under your radar if you have no interest in anime or you didn’t grow up watching it on Adult Swim, but you’re bound to see it brought up eventually if you spend even a little bit of time in anime circles. FLCL is a pull that’d appeal to a very specific demographic’s tastes, but it’s a dedicated audience that exists nontheless.

On the subject of Adult Swim, them funding the latest seasons of FLCL helps its chances substantially. Yeah Progressive and Alternative aren’t that well-liked among fans and if we rated Haruko a few months back, I’d rate her lower because of her main WB connection being the most reviled parts of the series. Buuut Toonami recently announced they were making more FLCL a few months ago so clearly they still see value in the FLCL brand and will keep promoting it soooooooooooo there you have it!

Want: 100%

Big surprise, I’m one if those hardcore anime freaks that ing looooooooooooooves FLCL. Yeah it’s a bat insane show and it’s not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re able to swallow all the insanity, what you’ve got is an incredibly straightforward and compelling coming of age story about the trials and tribulations of puberty with some fantastic character writing and one of the best anime soundtracks of all time. A huge part of that appeal comes from the way Haruko is written. Yeah she’s not a good person and a toxic presence in Naota’s life, but that’s kinda the point. Much like the previously rated Homura, her complexities and thematic role in the story make her such a fascinating character to dissect and analyze. And also like Homura, Haruko’s also ing cool. She’s a vespa-riding alien with a guitar that can make things come out of people’s heads. There’s so many wild antics that Haruko gets involved in that her moveset would be the most bat insane thing ever in the best possible way. And if this game didn’t use the dreaded WB Fighting Game Generic Orchestra Soundtrack, I would definitely use The Pillows as a selling point. Even if you have no interest in FLCL, at least give the soundtrack a listen, it’s some great stuff.

Noms: John F. Kennedy (Clone High) xMax. HBO Max is gonna be streaming the second season so he’s eligible.
Nice to see someone give Haruko some good rep.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I'd be lion if I said it has a chance!

Chance: 1%
Of all the arguments that could be made against this, I will begin with the most pedantic: I really believe that if Animal Planet were to get a rep, it would be the elephant. It was in the logo! Rookie mistake. Also, uh, we might not get an Animal Planet rep. Call it a hunch but I think it might not be a hypetastic SEO-friendly gamer- and fan-driven pick. Also apparently Discovery is just (illegally) planning to sell WB to Universal in 2 years so they might not want to put their IP in a game they don't plan to own for long. By the way, this means we probably start to brace ourselves for Minions in MultiVersus. Dear Lord have mercy on our souls.


Honestly though I'm changing this from 0% to 1% because this game is pretty freaking bonkers and I wouldn't put it past them. But also there are more iconic lions that this deliberately un-iconic lion would maybe have to surpass. Like Simba, or... the MGM Lion, or... uh, Lion-O? I'm kinda drawing a blank here. Oh, WB owns the Cowardly Lion from Oz! Though that's more "dude in bad makeup" than actual lion, so it's only borderline competition.

I'm kinda rambling so I'll probably just stop talking now

Want: 10%
I mean... It would be funny.

Noms: Spear & Fang (Primal)

Abstaining on Code Lyoko


Chance: 100%

The Lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male Lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is a social species, forming groups called prides. A Lion's pride consists of a few adult males, related females, and cubs.

One of the most widely recognized Animal symbols in human culture, the Lion has been extensively depicted in sculptures and paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary films and literature. Lions have been kept in menageries since the time of the Roman Empire and have been a key species sought for exhibition in zoological gardens across the world since the late 18th century. There are few Animals out there more Iconic than the Lion.

Animal Planet, being one of the major properties owned by Discovery, is unquestionably deserving of a rep in Multiversus, some would argue more. Of all the Animals on the Planet, the Lion, owing to its Iconic status, is definitely the front runner for sure. Now, it's not a guarantee, as there is a chance they may not be able to get the rights to the Lion, I hear the license is a bit complex right now, but I believe they could pull through.

Now, I must bring up the literal Elephant in the room. Animal Planet's logo features another iconic Animal, the Elephant. Some would argue being on the logo makes the Elephant a front runner and it's true, Elephant is the most strongly associated Animal with the Planet. However, Elephants are very docile and while this would make for an intriguing support playstyle, there is also the Brand to consider here. Animal Planet is very protective of Elephant, and I don't imagine they'd like having it in a game alongside shows like Game of Thrones or Rick and Morty.

Another Animal that inhabits the Planet is the Iconic aquatic Animal, the Shark. However, I do not believe Shark to be in competition for Lion's spot, as Shark would be representative of the Shark Week franchise; a franchise so important to Warner Bros. Discovery, in their weird coprporate powerpoint, it ranks just below Superman, and above powerhouses Game of Thrones, and 90 Day Fiance Universe. Shark is a matter of when, not if in my opinion. However, Shark Week, airs on Discovery Channel, not Animal Planet. Thus, Shark does not count as an Animal Planet rep.

I'd also like to debunk the myth that MGM owns the Iconic Lion. While they certainly own an Iconic Lion, it is a Lion named Leo, not Animal Planet's Lion. Therefore, MGM is not a factor in the rights issues with Lion. Disney also does not have an exclusivity deal with the entirety of Lion kind, only the Lion Kingdom. Thankfully, there are ways to include Lion without infringing on Disney's exclusivity deal.

There is almost no chance Lion doesn't make it. I fail to think of an animal more iconic, more well known, more lovable, and more deserving of the slot.

For real
Chance: 0%
There is no way they would spend time and resources adding a photorealistic Lion, but it would be one of the most hilarious characters possible. I try to imagine the dev team hyping up Just A Lion and it kills me every time. "Guys, it's THE Iconic Lion!" Thank you so much PeridotGX PeridotGX for creating this stupid stupid gag.

Want: 100%

Easily one of my top picks. I was cheering on this disastrous corporate merger when I realized it could finally let me play as the Iconic Lion in the funny Shaggy Batman game. Lion could have a pride meter, it could be an apex predator, or it could occasionally scavenge. The possibilities are endless! David Attenborough provides voiceover narration to act as Lion's voice.

All on John Gotti (1996)
If I could give a post two likes it would still not be enough


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I hope you don't consider finishing the voting batches off quickly like this, mostly because seeing this end has gotten me pretty worried.

I'm not sure what you are saying. If you are worried that the thread will end, no need to panic. I'll keep this train going as long as we keep getting characters and there is still interest in the thread.

PK-remling Fire

Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2018
The Warp
Chance: 1%
It's not impossible, but it'd be a strange choice for an Animal Planet rep. If they wanted to do a character based on Animal Planet, I could see the lion summoning other animals doing animal things, all while narrated by David Attenborough. It would be a funny gag character, but not much else.

Want: 10%
It would be funny in a Piranha Plant kind of way, but I could feel that the joke wouldn't really land as well as there are a ton of other, more popular, franchises to consider, even as "meme picks." The best thing that we'd probably get from an Animal Planet rep is a David Attenborough announcer pack, which I would unironically spend money on.

Abstain on Code Lyoko

Noms to House of the Dragon Rep


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Chance: 1%
It's not impossible, but it'd be a strange choice for an Animal Planet rep. If they wanted to do a character based on Animal Planet, I could see the lion summoning other animals doing animal things, all while narrated by David Attenborough. It would be a funny gag character, but not much else.

Want: 10%
It would be funny in a Piranha Plant kind of way, but I could feel that the joke wouldn't really land as well as there are a ton of other, more popular, franchises to consider, even as "meme picks." The best thing that we'd probably get from an Animal Planet rep is a David Attenborough announcer pack, which I would unironically spend money on.

Abstain on Code Lyoko

Noms to House of the Dragon Rep
We are going to talk about House of the Dragons for the next few weeks, no need to nominate it again.


I'm not sure what you are saying. If you are worried that the thread will end, no need to panic. I'll keep this train going as long as we keep getting characters and there is still interest in the thread.
i'm mostly worried about seeing the rating batches end a bit early without anyone else getting a chance, as in a potential deadline that's fast.
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Abstaining on the forehead show, so I’m just gonna talk about The Iconic Lion

Chance: 1%
I sincerely doubt any of the Multiversus devs are gonna spend precious development resources on Literally Just A Generic Lion when there’s hundreds of actual characters that non-deranged people are requesting, even if it’s tied to the Animal Planet brand. And even if there’s an Animal Planet rep in the case that someone on the dev team has the same brainrot massive IQ as me and my friends, there’s no guaruntee it’ll be a Lion? Lion’s competing with over 8 million other species of animals and while the noble Lion is one of the most recognizable figures in the animal kingdom, so are a ton of other animals. For all we know, they could go with the iconic Elephant or some **** if they wanted to do this gag. Literally anything could happen with this game, but I’m not expecting Generic Animal Planet Lion to be super high on the devs’ priority list.

Want: 100%

Literally no other justification for this one besides “lol what if.” The Lion push has been a running gag in a Discord server I’m in for a while and it’s such an amazing bit. The idea of Multiversus’ PR team trying to hype up A Generic Photorealistic Lion for the sake of representing Animal Planet is the funniest thing imaginable and the only thing from the WB/Discovery merger that brings me any iota of joy. The added joke of its voicelines just being a nature documentary narration makes the prospect even better and it’s genuinely become one of my favorite things anyone has pitched for this game. It also helps that lions are cool and I used to watch a **** ton of Animal Planet as a kid, so there’s a nostalgia factor there as well. So yeah, #lionsweep

All noms on JFK (Clone High)
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
I wanna nominate dumb **** like the lion, but I also don't want to be the annoying guy who leeches off the thread - time to stumble through the speculation of a game I don't play!

She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L...: 1.99%
So apparently this show is getting a reboot on Netflix? Considering Netflix is supposedly already on board for Weird Stuff rep that gives Code Lyoko a bit of an advantage, and it does have a devoted fandom from what I gather, as well as a connection to CN ... but at the same time, I can't see why it'd be a priority given that it is still niche and not a CN original property nor a show popular enough to gain the Johnny Test "honourary Cartoon Cartoon" title. If it did happen it'd likely be Lyoko's IP holders coming to WB for it and not vice versa.

All noms towards Concept: Coca-Cola representation
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Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
I wanna nominate dumb **** like the lion, but I also don't want to be the annoying guy who leeches off the thread - time to stumble through the speculation of a game I don't play!

She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L...: 1.99%
So apparently this show is getting a reboot on Netflix? Considering Netflix is supposedly already on board for Weird Stuff rep that gives Code Lyoko a bit of an advantage, and it does have a devoted fandom from what I gather, as well as a connection to CN ... but at the same time, I can't see why it'd be a priority given that it is still niche and not a CN original property nor a show popular enough to gain the Johnny Test "honourary Cartoon Cartoon" title. If it did happen it'd likely be Lyoko's IP holders coming to WB for it and not vice versa.

5 noms towards the Boom Chakka Chakka Baby Minotaur.
"NOHO, For the love of mike Make it Stop!!!"


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
"Roar" - Lion (this is his most iconic quote)

Chance - 100%. When one thinks about the most well developed fictional worlds, there are many that come to mind. Tolkien's Middle Earth has an incredible amount of depth, the Pokemon universe has a vast menagerie of creatures and insane lore, and the Star Wars universe is considered cool enough that it thrives despite most projects in it being bad. That being said, there is one media franchise that blows them all out of the water. A universe so realistic, with so much depth and insane character design, that most people think it is real. This universe is, of course, the Animal Planet

Due to Animal Planet putting most of their IP into the public domain, we can see which of the Animals on their Planet are the most beloved, ignoring even how Animal Planet treats their characters. And when it comes to Animals which are popular, none compare to the Lion. While Animal Planet doesn't seem to do much with the Lion, basically every other culture on earth has been inspired by them. Hell, even the Pokémon Pyroar and Solgalaeo are based on Lions! There are other very popular Animals, such as the Horse and the Fish, but they don't have much moveset potential. Reindog proves that quadrupedal fighters are on the table, and the Lion has plenty of moveset potential to fill the gap. They can, for instance, use their sharp claws and fangs to take down their prey. Prides are an iconic aspect of Lion-kind, and I think implementing it would be fairly easy: give Lion a pride meter, which when raised will summon more of the Lion's pride. This will strengthen some of it's moves, such as the infamous Lion Ladder (a skill that was instrumental in the species beating one of every Pokemon). There is also a lot of alternate costume potential, for there are many Animals on the Planet which appear very similar to the lion. For example, there is the Tiger and the Panther.

If we wish to pretend that Animal Planet is not a fictional series, and is instead closer to a documentary (a popular inside joke inspired by how realistic the Planet is), I would have to give Lion a 2%. Ironically, the strongest advantage that Lion has in this scenario is... this very post. Tony Huynh and the team have established they have an ear to the Multiversus community, and while they mostly sticks to Twitter I don't think it's unfeasible they poke around here on occasion. If Tony thinks the Lion posts here are funny, he might decide to reward the Bit with a fighter. Of course, this isn't very likely, but it's barely plausible (if you're reading this Tony, prove me wrong!)

Want: 100%. I'm gonna drop the bit, so I am completely serious when I say this: the Animal Planet Lion has had a genuinely positive impact on my mental health. As ᑐᑌᑎᑕ ᑐᑌᑎᑕ and OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos mentioned, Lion is an inside joke on a discord server, a joke that I created. I've always felt like a bit of an outsider on that server (and everywhere else really), i think i don't talk enough or i don't make funny jokes or when i have an all-lowercase run on sentence it looks cringe even though it's funny when other users do it or what have you. But the Lion joke taking off, probably being in the top 5 biggest memes in server history... it really alleviates those worries. I've had a lot of other things going on lately that's been making me feel the best i've been in awhile (I started a new job, school is relatively easy, I finally figured out the answer to a question I had been asking myself for years, etc), but the ****ing Lion meme taking off is certainly a factor.

Aside from all of that I just think the idea of adding a realistic lion is really funny. Noms to Bob Odenkirk. If i rate the other guy it'll be in another post.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
"ROAR" The Lion
The Lion

: Right Now, it’s a bit hard to understand the rights for the lion, even if it’s from Animal Planet, it’s still a regular animal that’s used in every media. The only way to represent it as Animal Planet is to say it’s from Animal Planet and use the narrator from there as well.

In terms of its likeness it’s definitely one of Discovery’s main icons but not one that many people are asking for in terms of discovery reps.

If it were to ever get a rep then it’d be insane, although there are other ways to represent Animal Planet in Multiversus besides using a character such as Icons & a Banner for example.

69%: After Thinking about the idea, I think the lion would be a pretty good funny idea.

I already imagine seeing a normal lion just running around and doing attacks that aren’t special yet essential to its nature and if it is given the realistic approach it could stand out as one of the games weirdest addictions similar to Mr. Game & Watch.

Plus, I do like the concept of having David Attenborough introduce the lion in various different ways, maybe even some lines that leaves the player a warning for characters it faces, such as Batman, Superman, Bugs Bunny, and Jake the Dog on how they should stay on their toes against the mightiest creature in the world.

Here We Are, Going Far To Save All That We Love, If We Give What We've Got, We Will Make It Through. Here We Are Like The Star Like a Star, Shining Bright on Our World Today-We Keep on Going” Theme Song
Code Lyoko

: Code Lyoko is one of those underrated shows here in America, but it’s popular in other places such as France and Finland.
Plus, there are people over here who like the series so it shows how loved it is, the show aired on cartoon network back in the day and even in other places & was rated very high to even being the most watched series ever, there are people on the multiversus fans who are pushing for the show to get in although it’s not big, it shows that they are there.

I can't really tell if Code Lyoko would be easy to access considering it was a third party show that aired on Cartoon Network and if they are willing to let them use the series.

20%: Never Seen Code Lyoko. I remember first seeing an image then listening to the theme song from Mr. Enter’s List of Favorite Cartoon Intros back in the day.

I did consider it at one point and it is available on Netflix, though at the moment my schedule is packed so I'll consider it for later.

So, speaking on that, I don't know how the characters would play in the game so I'm unfortunately unsure.

Nominations(Old & New)
Simon the Digger
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Maddie Kim from Pantheon-it's a currently running cartoon on AMC+, Warner Brothers was credited in the credits of the show so there's a chance for her to get in the game.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Not as good of a feline as Dromarch is though

Chance: 5%

idk I guess this is possible. If they want to shill Animal Planet then there isn't a lot of good choices unless if they decide to go with a random as heck animal, in which case there is essentially unlimited competition. But then again we are rating a random as heck animal, maybe not totally random since lions are well known, but you could say the same about hundreds of other animals. So yeah this just dumbfounded me.

Oh wait, supposedly Discovery wants to sell Warner Bros to Universal in a few years. I'm not sure how credible those rumors are, but if that's true then we might not even see any Discovery characters at all.

Okay so the above was false. Still, I don't see this as a realistic option.

Want: 70%

This is mostly just for the possibility that we'll have David Attenborough commentating over the match. But otherwise I'm actually fine with this, mostly because out of all the stuff Discovery has, Animal Planet is the only thing I care about. I used to watch the network all the time when I was kid, and to this day I still occasionally watch wildlife documentaries so this has some nostalgic value for me.


I wonder if they would consider a Digimon crossover

Chance: 5%

You could say Code Lyoko is one of those shows that have a cult following and is occasionally brought up when people talk about lesser known shows they used to watch as a kid. It did ran for 4 seasons and it got a follow-up show so there is a level of merit here. But still, it's not a classic along the same lines as Samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo, Ed, Edd n Eddy, etc. Plus WB doesn't even own the show so unless if Code Lyoko for whatever reason blows up with memes and gets a flood of requests, I don't see this as a realistic pick.

Want: 55%

I used to watch this show a bit when I was younger. I don't remember a lot about it, but I always thought the CGI parts were very cool. I wouldn't say I would be hyped, but this would be a pleasant, nostalgic pick for me.

Noms: Rhedosaurus x10
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