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Rate Their Chances MultiVersus Edition: Day 148 - Concept: Doom Patrol content and Mr. Frog (Smiling Friends)

Do you want me to start locking in the top 14 instead of top 7?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
It appears my nom for 7 Grand Dad references wasn't added to the list
That's because I do the noms for the day before. I do this because people can edit their noms anytime during the day. An easy way to know where the noms list is updated to is to look at the characters/concepts above the noms list. So the noms list for above is only up to the lion/Code Lyoko day. Within a couple days I'll do the calcs for the Madoka Magica day and that's when your Grand Dad noms will appear.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
That's because I do the noms for the day before. I do this because people can edit their noms anytime during the day. An easy way to know where the noms list is updated to is to look at the characters/concepts above the noms list. So the noms list for above is only up to the lion/Code Lyoko day. Within a couple days I'll do the calcs for the Madoka Magica day and that's when your Grand Dad noms will appear.
OK, thanks for the info! Also seems you get 10 votes by default instead of 5 like the NASB thread?

In which case, 6 noms for Aunt Slappy Squirrel and 4 noms for Chowder

House of the Dragon prediction: 70%
On one hand it's the show HBO Max is pushing as their big new presentation for the year... but on the other, the roster was planned out to the point where characters not planned at launch will probably start coming in long after House of the Dragon is the talk of the town or WB's marquee title - that isn't too big an issue given it is going to run for multiple seasons, but the underwhelming reception to Arya's inclusion (at least from what I've seen, correct me if she was actually super hyped up) may stack things against representation. Never stopped FE in Smash though, so who knows.

EDIT: Increased my ranking from 67% to 70% now I know House of the Dragon isn't just a mini-series.
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Deleted member

OK, thanks for the info! Also seems you get 10 votes by default instead of 5 like the NASB thread?

In which case, 6 noms for Aunt Slappy Squirrel and 4 noms for Chowder

House of the Dragon prediction: 67%
One one hand it's HBO Max's big event for the year... but on the other, the roster was planned out to the point where characters not planned at launch will probably start coming in long after House of the Dragon has finished its 10 episodes - that, and the underwhelming reception to Arya's inclusion (at least from what I've seen, correct me if she was actually super hyped up) may stack things against representation.
House of the Dragon is planned for multiple seasons.

I'll try and get my ratings in tonight or tommrow.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
OK, thanks for the info! Also seems you get 10 votes by default instead of 5 like the NASB thread?

In which case, 6 noms for Aunt Slappy Squirrel and 4 noms for Chowder

House of the Dragon prediction: 70%
On one hand it's the show HBO Max is pushing as their big new presentation for the year... but on the other, the roster was planned out to the point where characters not planned at launch will probably start coming in long after House of the Dragon is the talk of the town or WB's marquee title - that isn't too big an issue given it is going to run for multiple seasons, but the underwhelming reception to Arya's inclusion (at least from what I've seen, correct me if she was actually super hyped up) may stack things against representation. Never stopped FE in Smash though, so who knows.

EDIT: Increased my ranking from 67% to 70% now I know House of the Dragon isn't just a mini-series.
Is this your rating or a prediction for extra noms? Because we aren't doing the latter in this thread.

I would like to implement the predictions system, though this thread already takes a good amount of my time to manage. Adding another feature would be a bit much for me.

Deleted member

Incest Show
Chance- 66%
House of the Dragon is a prequel to Game of Thrones, focusing on the Targaryens. The show is currently a big deal for WB. The series has been a pretty big hit, seemingly proving that GOT is still a viable brand even after the mass outrage about the ending. I don't know if it's quite as huge as GOT, but consdering how much of a lightning in a bottle moment that was, I don't quite think anything ever will be again. It's already getting getting a second season, so it seems to have worked out. The most likely suspects for a HOD rep would probably be Rhaenyra or Agon, with Agon seeming the most combat ready of the two. But I think the biggest problem a HOD character faces is comption with characters from the main show. I do think a second GOT character has a pretty good chance of happening. And we've apparently had evidence of multiple Game of Thrones ring outs and even a stage. Most series in this game have at less two characters. A character like Jon, Deny, Robb, Brienne or the Night King all feel like possible picks they'd go for before a HOD character. On that note it's also possible they choose Daenerys to act as a sort of soft cross promotion for HOD. She's not in the show, but it's about her ancestors. Plus She and the Hound had references to them found in the files..

Want - Abstain
I fell out of GOT hard after the first couple seasons. I'm sure HOD is good, but I don't really have any interest in a spin off and thus have no attachment to the characters. I actually thought Arya was kind of a fun addition for how out of place she was, but would be fine with just her, a second rep isn't something I'm super interested in, but also not something i'd be actively mad about. If if we had to get a second GOT character probably go for someone from the main show over one of these characters. But it depends what they do with them.

Mr. Sandman, Give me a Dream
Chance - 40%
Neil Gaiman's Sandman is often considered one of the greatest comics ever made. The story of Dream / Morpheus, the lord of Dreams and member of a powerful family of immortals known as the Endless. The seires has quite a few spin offs (One which was very loosely adapted for the show Lucifer), and has won numerous awards. Sandman is WB owned, from what I understand. The original comic is firmly in the DCU, with characters like John Constantine, Etrigan the Demon, Martian Manhunter and the New Gods all playing roles in the plot, and Sandman characters have made apperances in mainline DC comics since. Most crucialy, the Sandman just got an extremely well received Netflix adaption. The seires is on Netflix rather than HBO Max, and does cut down on a lot of the DC crossover elements, though still has some such as the presence of a genderbent John Constantine, but is still a Warner Brothers product. The series was number one on Netflix for weeks, and has received heeps of praise. Netflix has yet to order a season 2, and there is some worry amoung fans that it may not happen. I think it probably will, and apparently Gaiman does have a contract that allows him to take the show to another streaming service should Netflix pass on it. If they keep making this show and it keeps doing well, then I think there's a chance Dream gets in.

Want - 98%
Sandman is an important comic to me. I read it when I was a teenager, and it really left an impact on me and has had a huge influence on my writing style. It's also wonderfuly queer, something the Netflix show thankfully continued. Speaking of, I loved the Netflix adaption. I wasn't that interested when I found out a live action verison was being made, especially since some of the past unmade attempts sounded pretty dreadful (the aborted 90s verison where Dream, Luficer and the Corinthian are brothers on a race to find mystical objects was particularly bizzare.) But they actually pulled it off! Its very well made and acted. It never actually occurred to me that Dream was a possible pick for this game, but I'd be all for it. There's a lot you could do with a Dream moveset. Sand, sending your opponent to sleep, summoning Dream Creatures, shape and size changing, and a whole lot more. Plus the interactions he could have with the various characters about their dreams would be very fun. I do have other priorities as far as DC goes, but I'd more than up for it.

Noms to Yogi Bear and Aquaman
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Hot D

Chance: 40%
House of the Dragon is a currently running series on HBO Max. Based on Fire and Blood, it's a prequel series to the juggernaut that is Game of Thrones. It centers around the Targaryen family, centuries before the events of GoT, during a period of peace and uncertainty regarding the successor of King Viserys, who has no sons but one daughter, Rhaenyra.

The show debuted in late August and instantly became a sensation. If there were any doubts that the controversial finale of Thrones drove fans away, they were put to rest by HotD's record breaking debut. A second season was immediately greenlit. Streaming ratings are always a murky matter, but it's been reported that viewership has grown for each episode, even with a Lord of the Rings show competing for attention. Average viewership has been pegged at one comparable to GoT's Season 7. And, crucially, it was incredibly well received by fans, being seen as a return to form for the franchise, and already minting some fan favorites.

Leadership at Warner Bros. is happy about this. Zaslav himself sang the praises of the show, and gave it a massive marketing budget. So there was clearly a lot of faith and very high expectations for the show's performance. And if they're doing tie-ins (which Black Adam shows is a thing they're doing) this is one of their biggest franchises, making it a bit of a no-brainer.

However, one thing working against this is that the OG Game of Thrones is full of iconic, battle-ready characters, of which we have precisely 1. The likes of Daenerys, Jon Snow, the Hound, and Brienne are strong competitors, especially Daenerys who would look and play very similar to her kin. Also, HotD is six (soon to be seven) episodes into its ten episode season. The window is closing on when it would make sense to even announce a tie-in fighter. But with a second season incoming they could just be working on that instead.

If there were a fighter from this show, I think it would be between two (mind you: I haven't read the source material so I don't know who ends up being important. This is just based on the show so far). One is Rhaenyra, who is kind of the central character the plot revolves around. The other is her uncle Daemon, played by the biggest star on the cast, Matt Smith (of Doctor Who and The Crown fame). As Targaryens, both are dragon riders. Daemon has a bit of an edge in that he's also an accomplished fighter, and wouldn't be made redundant by Daenerys' inclusion, but never underestimate Rhaenyra's fan favorite status.

Want: 100%
This is a fantastic show. The spirit of Thrones is firmly in it, quickly establishing a large cast of characters with complex motivations that eschew being simply good or bad, and which you switch between rooting for and despising within a single episode. Every Sunday night I'm there for it.


Punch-Out, featuring Mr. Dream

Chance: 20%
Dream of the Endless, AKA Morpheus, AKA The Sandman, is the protagonist of Neil Gaiman's acclaimed comic book The Sandman, published by Vertigo (a subsidiary of DC Comics, in case you didn't know). Dream is, well, the lord of Dreams, crafting the dreams and nightmares that shape humanity's sleep, and is one of many siblings that rule over their own domains (such as Death, Desire, Destiny... you get the idea). There are several story arcs but the gist of it is that the comic is a medium to explore different genres, styles, and philosophical themes. It is frequently considered one of the greatest comic books ever.

As for why we're rating him today: The Sandman received a series adaptation on Netflix. It also received much praise, being seen as an incredible show in its own right and as a fantastically accurate adaptation of a work commonly seen as unfilmable. Viewership for it was high, being the top watched Netflix show for 3 weeks, and remaining in the top 10 for 7 weeks. So The Sandman is more relevant than ever and has found itself a new batch of fans.

Granted, there are things working against Dream. For one, like most of Gaiman's works, this has never been - nor was intended to be - mainstream. Yes, having a high quality, high budget show on Netflix clearly helped (and we're getting the likes of Gremlins and Ted Lasso, hardly the Avengers), but still. The second problem is that despite the undisputed success of the show, Netflix still hasn't renewed it for a second season. It's commonly speculated that the reason for this is that it's a very expensive show (it's one of the only Netflix original shows I've seen that has actually good cinematography, production design and special effects, none of which come cheap) and Netflix is in full-on panic mode after losing subscribers and needing to start making fiscal sense soon. Gaiman reassured fans that if Netflix doesn't pick up the show for a second season, they can shop it to other networks, and HBO would be insane not to snatch it, but still. It's all in flux, and without the show to make it relevant, The Sandman is far behind in terms of DC character priorities.

Want: 100%
I read the comic book a few years back. I liked it! But I didn't love it. I enjoyed the characters, and the themes, and the art, but the narrative was too, well, oneiric for my taste. I much preferred the clearer political and psychological symbolism of Watchmen and the pulpy sensibilities of Swamp Thing. Watching the show, though, really made it click for me. Tom Sturridge is perfectly cast as Dream, balancing his otherworldly, freaky nature with his ultimately human qualities like arrogance and desire for self-improvement. The rest of the cast is also top-notch, as is the direction. The anthology/arc driven nature translates to television better than it has any right to, even producing a few episodes that I would describe as flawless (24/7 and The Sound of Her Wings). It made me consider going back and rereading the comic to see if maybe I just wasn't at the place I had to be to really appreciate it, which is probably the highest praise you can give an adaptation.

Dream would also just be... super cool in MultiVersus. Dream in general is a cool character, a godlike entity who takes no **** and looks like an emo dude and wears a wicked helmet that looks like a gas mask designed by H.R. Giger. And for his moveset he could use his sand, ravens, and have a sleep mechanic. Or just go wild since he can kind of shape reality and create living, thinking entities. Yeah.

Noms: Spear and Fang


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
A House of the Dragon character


Given the impressive success Game of Thrones gained, it wouldn't be surprising for WBD to try and keep its momentum going with another entry in the franchise and so far, it seems to have worked. House of Dragons proved itself to be highly popular and if the showrunners learned anything from GoT's final season, they can probably avoid falling into the same traps of its predecessor and make this a more modest but evenly successful show. Therefore, I find it likely that it would get some sort of character representation in Multiversus given that the game gets significant post-launch support.

I only watched the first episode so far and I can't comment on the character choices but Player First Games managed to make Arya both fun to play and interesting with a unique moveset and a comically serious depiction. I don't doubt that they can pick a suitable character from House of the Dragon if necessary. However, there are still a lot of "maybe"s involved, so I'm reluctant to give this a higher score.

Want: 25%

Again, I'm not that familiar with the cast and the only ones who stroke me as particularly likable were Rhaenyra and Alicent. Still, I wouldn't mind getting a couple more serious, medieval-style characters to add some variety to all the cartoon characters. I won't have a strong attachment to whoever developers pick but I think they'd be interesting judged by how quickly they sold Arya to me.

Dream of the Endless (The Sandman)

Chance: 65%

While the Sandman is extremely influential and popular on its own, the pipeline from "artsy comic book" to "funny mascot fighter game" gets a bit muddy due to ownership issues. Yes, the setting and the characters are owned by WBD due to their inclusion in the DC universe but wouldn't more marketable DC heroes get priority? Does its new series being on Netflix instead of HBO Max decrease its chances? It's questionable how much push the Sandman gets but if the opportunity arises, at least Dream can easily be pointed out as the single most likely character from the series. Yes, his moveset wouldn't be immediately obvious but given his vast array of powers, it shouldn't be too hard to make him playable.

Want: 10%

This is a tricky one. The Sandman is one of my favorite comic runs of all time and I even enjoyed the Waking Hours despite it being noticeably different than what I'm used to. It's one of Gaiman's most impressive works if nothing for its sheer variety. Some parts of it didn't age well and the Dream is not exactly my favorite character (he's intentionally supposed to be kinda pathetic but gets some nice character development) but I can easily point it as a great piece of literature that dwells into and mostly successfully explores the nature of life, creativity and what it means to dream.

That being said, I don't really want to see Dream in a fighting game. Sure, I can suspend my disbelief in nonserious games like Multiversus and it's not like he's untouchable in the comics... but it would simply feel wrong to have him just duke it out with other characters like nothing because I think his character in essence is so far removed from stuff like action and fighting. It'd be like having Black Orchid as a fighter. I'd love to see his interactions but the idea of Dream as a fighter doesn't sit right with me.

Nominations: All nominations to Craig Williams (Craig of the Creek)


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Sorry if i couldn't rate this later, i didn't have time to research & i was busy(plus i'm tired from some stuff too)

“I walk across the dreaming sands under the pale moon: through the dreams of the countries and cities, past dreams of places long gone and times beyond recall”
Music: The Kingdom of Dreams

Abstain: I have not seen Dream & I feel pretty neutral & uncomfortable watching it just from hearing some stuff(although they may not be concrete enough), though his show was a success and he is a DC character, which would help him even if Netflix produced it, as pointed out by Darkon that the show isn't fully theirs as the creator has a contract were he could switch were to air the show at.

I don't know any quotes from this show
Game of Thrones: House of the Dragons
Music: The Prince That Was Promised

Abstain: I never wanna watch Game of Thrones based on the contents of it alone, though i can check it's wiki for information or even watch a video fully aware of what's going on without worry.

Besides that, i can understand why the need of House of the Dragons getting a representative. the first episode was a success, the fans love it, and it's currently number on the streaming charts(beating out TLOR's The Rings of Power and Freakin' She-Hulk at Number 2!?), but i think adding someone from this prequel is way too early at the moment since there isn't enough material to utilize for any of the characters, the books do have them however they would probably wish to adapt it to the show first or the developers adapt it themselves just in case the show plays some things differently(not sure if Game of Thrones follows the books too much).

There's also the obvious guess of including characters from the main show itself who were popular before the Targaryen Family which might damper their chances for now, so we shall wait & see what happens to any characters from House of the Dragons.

Note: I Could see the main characters from the Targaryen's end up as costumes for Daenerys since i heard some of them ride on dragons too.

Regular Show x5
Sam I Am x5

Edit at 10/3/22 at 8:05 PM: Fix the sentences explaining the contract from The Sandman's Creator.
Edit at 8:06 PM: Added the numbers for my nominations.
Edit at 9:29 PM: Fix the first sentences from my HotD explanation.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Madoka Kaname
Chance: 8.13%
Want: 60.71%

Sayaka Miki
Chance: 6.88%
Want: 51.43%

Noms List


Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x50
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x50

John Gotti x45
John F. Kennedy (Clone High) x40
Chowder x38
Marceline x35
Spear & Fang x35
Huey Freeman x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Pikachu x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Tyrion Lannister x25
Krypto the Superdog x25
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x25
The Flash x25

Evangelion character x24
Simon the Digger x23
Sesame Street content x23
Space Ghost x20
Beerus x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Osmosis Jones x15
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Concept: Any Roster Overlap With Smash x10
Concept: A 7 grand dad reference within Flintstone content x10
Regular Show characters x8
Sam I Am x8
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Aqua Team Hunger Force character x3
Maddie Kim (Pantheon) x3
Penelope Pitstop x2
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Not the generic mediocre white boy Minecraft youtuber

Chance: 30%

Dream is the main character of the fantastic Sandman comics from Neil Gaiman which has pretty direct ties to the main DC universe via John Constantine. It's a far lesser explored aspect and for good reason really, Neil's more or less left it as a complete, largely self contained story unlike with what happened to Watchmen where actually Dr Manhattan was involved with New 52/Rebirth shenanigans and Wally West had his powers briefly.

As mentioned before they have issues with regards to the most recent Sandman adaptation being on Netflix and still being unrenewed (get on that **** Netflix) as well as being relatively small potatoes in the DC universe. Now there's nothing to inherently make this a major obstacle for Dream to overcome, Multiversus is a GaaS title so it could certainly reach a point where Dream's a frontrunner once DC's heavy hitters have been sorted out but even then there's still a fair amount of obstacles to get around

Want: 100%

I'll repeat that Sandman is a fantastic comic and that the Netflix show does it so much justice so it's hard for me to not want anything related to that. Neil Gaiman's just a really damn good writer and we're fortunate to have him. As for Dream himself I think there's just so much potential with him because he's basically got an unlimited array of things to do.

HotD rep

Chance: 40%

House of the Dragon is a prequel series to Game of Thrones focusing on the predecessors of one Daenerys Targaryen. It's done really well to revitalize the Game of Thrones fandom after Season 8 basically killed it off and is already renewed for a season 2. For that alone it may be in consideration and of note is King Viserys I and Prince Daemon. The main issue however is there's not a whole lot they can do that Daenerys can't also do and she's overall a vastly more popular character. There's also the matter of Daenerys already being datamined so that's another knock on a HotD rep but that's not to say they could go for someone different or have them use their dragon in a different manner

Want: 50%

I'd really only want to see Daemon get in so far but even then I'm not hugely into it just yet.

All on Tyrion Lannister

PK-remling Fire

Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2018
The Warp
Abstain on Sandman

House of the Dragon Rep:

Chance: 55%
House of the Dragon seems to be really well received with its first season, which is pretty impressive since it gained back fan goodwill after the rather abysmal final season of Game of Thrones. However, even though Game of Thrones fell flat with its last season, the cultural impact that it made can't really be denied. That is why I beleive that it is more likely that weare more likely to see a second GoT character like Daenerys, Jon Snow, or the Hound before a House of the Dragon Rep, plus Dany and the Hound already had game files datamined. Even though they were scrubbed from current versions of MV, those files mean that they either are or were being worked on at some point. As far as HotD character representation, I believe there are a few characters that would be pretty likely, the most likely being Daemon with Caraxes. Another choice has slight spoilers for HotD ahead: Aemond "One Eye" on Vhagar. Of course, if the devs decide to take the dragon riding route with the characters, they could also be skins for Daenerys, who I think is more likely to appear.

Want: 75%
I am really enjoying the first season of House of the Dragon so far. However, aside from Daemon and Aemond, I don't really see many characters matching the staying power of the mainline Game of Thrones reps that would fit for a fighter. Perhaps this will change in future seasons once the Dance of the Dragons is in full swing. At this point in time, even though the ending was straight-up bad I'd still prefer a Game of Thrones character. My most wanted rep from the franchise is still Daenerys, preferably with her moveset involving riding Drogon. This route would open the door for alternate costumes with the dragon riders from HotD, though it may be a bit of a stretch.

Noms to Spear and Fang
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
I'm abstaining on both. Like I said before, I'm burned out on rating DC Comics characters. As for the House of Dragon rep, it's a prequel to Game of Thrones which I only saw several episodes of the first season. Maybe because I was coming off from watching all of Battlestar Galactca, I just couldn't deal with the excessive sex and violence of GoT.

My noms:
Pikachu x5
Terry McGinnes (Batman Beyond) x5


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Anakin's worst nightmare

Chance: 20%

I don't have a lot to say on Dream. He does have a Netflix show which is acclaimed and due to the nature of his existence, he is certainly a unique entity that would stand out in the roster. But he is still far from the most popular DC character and the fact that his show is on Netflix instead of HBO Max, for whatever reason, gives me pause. I think he does have potential to become a standout candidate, but as of now he doesn't have much to convince me he is a top priority for WB.

Want: 60%

I'm not that familiar with the character but my interest has been piqued. I dig his symbolic nature and they can come up with so many bat**** crazy movesets for him. I find the concept of playing as a reality warping super being really cool.


A dragon never yields

Chance: 60%

The sky is blue, and Game of Thrones is one of HBO's most coveted IPs. It has built up a strong fanbase over the years and it seems like the fanbase has sticked around for a spinoff show which is already renewed for a second season. I get the possibility that we could keep getting reps for Game of Thrones and not House of the Dragon, especially Daenerys who can technically rep both shows. But House of the Dragon has already established it's own set of memorable characters and if they really want to shill the show specifically, they got multiple good options. Plus Game of Thrones as a whole is so big that I wouldn't be surprised if we got a couple reps for both GoT and HotD. We only got Arya so there is room for growth in the GoT-verse representation.

Want: 50%

I've got a confession: I never got into Game of Thrones. I watched parts of some episodes while at a friend's house who was a big fan of the show. But for some reason, despite it being something that l would probably enjoy, I never had the urge to watch it. It probably has to do with me steering towards the classics as I've been realizing. But yeah this franchise is so popular that I wouldn't mind HotD getting a couple reps.

Noms: Rhedosaurus x15


Day over.

Rate Tien Shinhan from Dragon Ball, as well as John Spartan from Demolition Man.

Here are some videos to get into the mood to rock the dragon:

And here are some videos to get into the destruction mood:
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Deleted member

Anakin's worst nightmare

Chance: 20%

I don't have a lot to say on Dream. He does have a Netflix show which is acclaimed and due to the nature of his existence, he is certainly a unique entity that would stand out in the roster. But he is a relatively new character for DC
The Sandman came out in 1989. That's even before Harley Quinn

I'll post my ratings tonight or tomorrow.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC

Chance: 5%

Tien's long been jobber fodder in Dragon Ball now, he got some licks in during the Tournament of Power arc but he got relegated to the sidelines really early on and he doesn't necessarily contribute a whole lot nor does he have the role of being Goku's friend like Krillin does and his jobbing isn't as memed on as Yamcha or Vegeta. When it comes to Dragon Ball, he has a long list of characters ahead of him like Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Gohan, Piccolo, Broly, the Androids, Buu, Krillin, Trunks, Gotenks and Cell to contend with and I don't see him getting ahead of many of them, if at all any one of them.

Want: 40%

Tien isn't a character I really care about to be honest. He does some cool stuff but that's about it for me.

Sly, do you mind telling me what you're doing on RTC?

Chance: 20%

Demolition Man is a sci-fi action movie from 1993 starring Sylvester Stallone, Sandra Bullock and Wesley Snipes. The film was considered a comeback success for Stallone as his films had been faltering for some time and it recently got a small resurgence due to the pandemic. Beyond that it had a kind of mixed reception and there's apparently a sequel coming according to Stallone but there hasn't been anything on it in two years so that's up in the air.

Want: 20%

Again I don't particularly care too much and there's plenty of potential characters that do Stallone's action hero thing that I prefer.

All on Tyrion Lannister

Deleted member

Chance- 0%
Why Tien? I don't think a Dragon Ball rep is completely out of fhe question. I've said before that DB is probably one of the more likely options if we where to get an anime characters. But it would be Goku before anyone else. And even if we where to get a 2nd or even 3rd character. Why Tien before like anyone else? Vegata. Trunks. Gohan. Freeza. Cell. Beerus. Buu. Even Krillin. I can think of plenty of characters who would get the spot before Tein. Tein is apparently farily popular, but I think he's just too low on the list of potential DB reps. I can't see us getting anyone but Goku and maybe Vegeta. At end of the day this is a WB crossover game, not an anime all stars.

Want - 5%
I don't mind Tein as a character. But he's hardly my first pick for a Dragon Ball character. I feel like this game should stick to WB characters, and guest characters should be special cases.

"I'm gonna go down there, I'm gonna find Phoenix, and I'm gonna put him in a hurt locker."
Chance - 5%
Demolition Man is an action film starring Sylvester Stallone as John Spartan, a police officer who is cryogenic frozen alongside dangerous crime lord Simon Phoenix. When Phoenix wakes up and escapes, Spartan is woken up to defeat him, finding himself out of place in a world without violent crime. It's a scifi action thriller with infamous taco Bell product placement. The film got mixed reviews on release, though has developed a cult following in the years since. A sequal has been talked about a couple of tines, but the last update was a brief mention in 2020. Demolition Man does have the factor of being a WB film. But if Sly gets any sort of representation, they're more likely to just do Rambo or Rocky.

Want - 60%
I have a soft spot for this film. It was a sort of an injoke between me and some freinds. There are obviously many characters who should get in before a character from this film. But I'd find this extrmely funny. Gimme both Phoenix and Spartan. Let them fight it out on a taco Bell stage.

Noms to Space Ghost and the Flash


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
Abstain on John Spartan


Chance- 40%
I think Dragon Ball is a type of series where I think as long they are a Z-Fighter or someone fairly important, they would at least get a 40% chance. The only issue with Tien is his popularity compared to characters such as Vegeta or Goku. He also is somewhat shafted compared to them as well in the series.

Want- 100%
Tien is one of my all time favourite characters. It would be cool to see him appear in cross over games.

Beerus- x5


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
Didn't you know Tien is the most serious character in Dragon Ball?

Chances- 0%

Why are we rating Tien? Yes, Dragon Ball is a very popular anime. The keyword here being "anime" which translates to little connection to WB. While Dragon Ball MIGHT be popular enough to get a rep in MultiVerses, there's no way Tein will be that rep. He was only relevant during the latter portion of the OG Dragon Ball run. Once Dragon Ball Z came along, Tien fell to the wayside while the Sayians took over. If we're going to get a Dragon Ball rep, it will be Goku followed by either Vegeta or Frieza.

Want- 5%

I'm being generous here. Tien doesn't offer much that can be done with other DBZ characters. I'm only giving him a boost due to his scene with Cell in Dragon Ball Z Abridged.

I have to abstain on John Startan. I have seen Demolition Man, bout only once. If I did rate him, I would have given him low chance and want scores.

My noms:
Pikachu x10
Terry McGinnes (Batman Beyond) x5
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Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
I'll rate John Spartan later since i wish to look into him a bit more....But first.....

“This is not about me. Or rather, this is about the bad things in my life that made me no better than King Piccolo. This is about atonement. And I only hope it’s enough.”
Tien Shinhan
His Theme: Tien's Theme from Dragon Ball FighterZ

1%: When it comes to Dragon Ball in Multiversus the main protagonist Goku is what everyone wishes to see, but even then there are some other characters that could be requested & that might not be until the super saiyan protector gets in first, heck it's likely they'd be able to get to use two characters from dragon ball for one Season.

Tien? however isn't one of them. tien is one of the side characters who i believe had relevancy back in the older days of Dragon Ball up until Z were things changed from there, tien as far as i can see hasn't had a lot of time to shine in Dragon Ball(Heck, the last character i saw who did get something new was Yamcha!) and in terms of Multiversus, he doesn't have that status of most request potential that Vegeta or the villains + Beerus have if a 2nd rep from dragon ball were to get in.

Not to mention seeing him & other Dragon Ball characters get in would bloat the roster too much, while anything can be possible & there are characters from existing series or brands people wish to see it'd be redundant to add everyone since not only would they take away from the game(kinda) but would also bring in characters who won't fit what Tony & his team want in terms of characters(Having something unique, get it?)

20%: for my opinions on Tien, i don't know too much about him i did see him on Dragon Ball Z Kai were he died then came back to life, i remember hearing him shout for Chotsu's name when the latter died, i also recall hearing that he had a romantic relationship with Launch, a character from the original dragon ball who stopped appearing in the series, maybe whatever tien offered didn't satisfy her enough, Okay enough picking on tien.

In terms of him in Multiversus, i may not know him that well but he could be a good addition it may sound like i'm giving him pity but i did thought about the idea in a positive way to think it'd be fair for him to be a fighter.

Though i'm not to enthused with the idea, which is were the negative comes back here to haunt me unfortunately.

Wile E. Coyote
Huey Freeman

Edit at 10/6/22 at 2:36 PM: Send in a Maniac cause i Got one.

Also, i fix Tien's rating by including his song & last name.

“Is It Cold in Here or is it just me?”
“Good Memory”-Simon Phoenix
John Spartan
His Theme: Sting

25%: Demolition Man is about a cop name “John Spartan” who took a lot of risks while saving the day from criminals, however after a failed mission he and a violent thug name “Simon Phoenix” were put to cryoprison for 36 Years, Phoenix was the first to wake up and continued his reign on the city so the government unfroze john to take simon out and save the day.
(I probably don’t know the film’s plot all that well)

The movie did super well in the box office scoring over 159.1 Million, critics weren’t on the same spectrum though since the scores given are mixed to average meaning folks were impressed yet found the film pretty dated.

In terms of him being in Multiversus no one is really pushing for john although he could likely be treated as a underrated character some people out there might be pushing besides that he’s likely getting competition from Rambo who’s a character played by his actor Sylvestor Stallone

His relevancy isn’t high either with one point giving him a chance being his actor stallone confirm a sequel though nothing’s been highlighted since 2020.

So, while there isn’t much for Demolition Man at the moment and his status in culture isn’t recognized, his popularity & maybe even the existence of a sequel still happening could still help him in the long run though it’s slim.

Abstain: i never watched Demolition Man or heard of it til now, though i have thought about watching the film and even the nostalgia critic review to see what he thinks & what to expect.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Chance: 35%
Want: 73.6%

Concept: House of the Dragon rep
Chance: 53.71%
Want: 60%

Noms List


Spear & Fang x70
Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x65
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x50

John Gotti x45
Chowder x42
John F. Kennedy (Clone High) x40
Marceline x35
Tyrion Lannister x35
Pikachu x35
Huey Freeman x30
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x30
Wile E. Coyote x25
Krypto the Superdog x25
The Flash x25
Beerus x25

Evangelion character x24
Simon the Digger x23
Sesame Street content x23
Space Ghost x20
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Osmosis Jones x15
Craig Williams x15
Regular Show characters x13
Sam I Am x13
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Concept: Any Roster Overlap With Smash x10
Concept: A 7 grand dad reference within Flintstone content x10
Yogi Bear x10
Aquaman x10
Snow Miser x7
Aunt Slappy Squirrel x6
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Aqua Team Hunger Force character x3
Maddie Kim (Pantheon) x3
Penelope Pitstop x2
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1

My ratings are coming later.

If no other ratings happen by tonight, then the day will end.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019

Chance: 0.01%

Tien is the man, but I'm pretty sure he's not the man being chosen for a general crossover like this. I'm not expecting DB to get more than like 3 reps, so Tien in my eyes is a mathematical impossibility. Beyond Goku there is Vegeta, Beerus, Frieza, Cell, Buu, Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks and Krillin who all have an equal amount, or much more merit than Tien. The guy is a member of the Z fighters, sure, but unfortunately he stopped being a major player after the Saiyan saga, and he fell off more and more over time. Even if we get 10 Dragon Ball characters, there isn't even a guarantee in that timeline that Tien would get in. I just don't see why he would be chosen.

Want: 51%

I'm giving him that slight positive score because the guy is criminally underused. He barely made an impact during DBZ's life, and while I'm not caught up on DB Super, I hear he doesn't get a lot of attention there either. At the very least, I'm glad he got that cool moment where he held Cell down. It's always nice seeing an underdog get the upper hand on a main villain (even if it doesn't last long). But yeah it would be weird seeing him in MultiVersus unless if we get Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and maybe Krillin at the minimum, albeit that scenario is extremely unlikely.


Only cool guys blow things up

Chance: 25%

Demolition Man is an action film that did well at the box office and is responsible for re-invigorating Stallone's career. Plus it actually has several things going for it. It was big enough to get games, a 4-part comic series published by DC, and is referenced in pop culture somewhat often according to Wikipedia. Taco Bell recreated the futuristic version of their restaurant as seen in the film at Comic-Con 2018 and there is a reference in Cyberpunk 2077. Plus two years ago, Stallone said that a sequel was in development. Production has been quiet since then but if the movie does go through, it would do wonders for John Spartan's chances.

One more notable factor is that WB has recently worked with Stallone for a video game: Rambo in MK11. So not only do the two parties still have a good relationship, but we know that Stallone is chill with having his likeness be used in games. So overall, while there isn't a lot pointing toward John Spartan at the moment, I feel that there are some strong things going in his favor, mostly the fact that Demolition Man seemed to have left a lasting impact on some people and the possibility of a future for the IP. Unless if they talk to Stallone and decide on his more popular characters like Rambo or Rocky, in which case, yeah that's stiff competition.

Want: 60%

I meant to watch this movie since when I was looking up stuff for the Demolition Man videos, I saw that it was available on Hulu. But when I went to go watch the movie today, it turns out that the film is now streaming on Starz only (Unless if that was always the case and I just saw wrong). So yeah, I couldn't get my first-hand impressions on Demolition Man in time for this rating. But I enjoyed the trailer and it's a film I do want to check out sometime. After all it's an action film with Sylvester Stallone, it's bound to be fun.

Rhedosaurus x10
Smash overlap x10

Day over.

Rate Jolyne Cujoh from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, as well as Mac & Bloo from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.

Some videos to get into the JoJo mood:

And here are some videos to get into the mood to adopt an imaginary friend:
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Hot Toe Picker: 15%
Foster's has a bit going for it compared to other 2000s CN shows, its ties to Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust have kept it relevant, it's one of the few legacy CN shows to get non-clothing nostalgia merchandise, and has a reboot in the works.

I think there's 3 things going against Mac and Bloo:
  1. The simple competition for a legacy CN spot in a game that ultimately isn't about CN and is about relevant IPs. Foster's is popular, but it's not EEnE popular, you know?
  2. Competition from within their own show - if there's any "skip the protag" show, it's this one. It's literally built around an ensomble cast and it's protagonists consist of an audience surrogate and probably the least liked recurring character in the cast
  3. That aforementioned reboot is a preschool show - not an issue for Bugs; the Scoob or T&J with their millions of iterations at once, but Foster's isn't a long-standing universally recognised classic on that level, it's relatively recent - that new show will probably be how WB want to present Foster's for the time being, and will revolve around new imaginary friends, leaving Mac and Bloo in a doubly awkward situation - being from what is currently a preschool franchise, and not even appearing in that new iteration.

Johnny Test x 6, 7 Grand Dad references x rest (I don't know many noms I have, lmao)
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Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018

Chance- 30%
Her being the current Jojo MC puts her in a favourable position compared to the other Jojo MCs. She doesn't have too much competition against her Jojo peers as well. Jojo the series itself is at the tier it won't be surprising they show up in crossovers. The only issue she has is that how Bandai-Namco seems like they are unwilling to put Jojo into fighting games like these.

Want- 100%
From what I've seen from Jolyne she is one of the most interesting Jojo MCs. I also wanted a Jojo's rep in Multiversus too.

Mac & Bloo

Chance- 45%
They have a good chance overall due they are one of the mainstream CN series as well. Only issue is they have are the tough competition from other mainstream CN shows.

Want- 0%
Foster's is one of my least favourite CN series. So I am not really interested.

Beerus- x10


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Jolyne Jolyne Jolyyyyyyyyyne

Chance: 20%

Jolyne's best shot is now with the Part 6 anime being currently adapted and set to have it's final batch released in December. Part 7 is bound to be quite a ways off, especially if they want to give it the justice it deserves with how complicated it is to animate the basic premise. But back to Jolyne, her only real opposition is that Jotaro and Dio are evergreen Jojo characters and stand a good shot of getting in before she does. There's also the fact that Netflix has western streaming locked down for Jojo what with them releasing Part 6, the Rohan specials and having the previous parts available to watch but WB Japan still advertise and deal with the series over there. Namco also generally have the Jojo video game side on lock down along with several other Shonen Jump franchises but they could feasibly lease them out.

Want: 100%

She's the best Jojo character and her stand has some crazy abilities that would be great to see in a platform fighter. Even at a basic level she brings something new to the table that would otherwise not have any chance of happening.

Bloo Skadoo, Mac can too

Chance: 70%

Foster's Home is a fan favourite cartoon from the early 2000's era of cartoon network, the main thing is that there just so happens to be a lot of other cartoons from that era that people also really love so there's a lot of competition to deal with but I think they can get through just fine, might take a while.

Want: 100%

Foster's Home was one of my favourites from that era, I'm just about on board for any of the main cast.

All on Tyrion Lannister


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019

Chance: 20%

I think Schnee hit it on the nail. Both Jotaro and Dio are fierce competition, so Jolyne's best chances are now when the Part 6 anime is currently being worked on. Otherwise, I'm not sure if she would be prioritized. Looking at some lists of the most popular JoJo characters, she is consistently in the top 10, but the same is true for several other characters. I do think JoJo is fairly likely to get a rep, but even if it gets 2 or 3 characters, I'm not fully confident that Jolyne would get in.

Want: 50%

Again, I have yet to get into JoJo. My only experience is watching the first episode of (I think) Part 4 and playing the demo for the new game. Jolyne seems like a cool character, but I would have to get to know her better or see a moveset to get excited for her.


It's hoooot in tooopicaa!

Chance: 25%

Yet another classic Cartoon Network series that had a good run, spanning across 6 seasons. It was fairly popular and got a few movies and specials if my memory serves me right. Mac & Bloo also appeared in Punch Time Explosion (which while isn't a great addition to their platform fighter resume, it's also their only one). Also, I didn't know there was a reboot announced. That certainly shakes things up and, assuming it comes to fruition, will automatically make the series a likelier candidate for representation than the other classic CN IPs.

But that leaves something in doubt: Will Mac & Bloo appear in the new series? I looked it up and there isn't any confirmation on any returning characters yet. Depending on if they appear or not, that could potentially skyrocket or plummet their chances.

Want: 60%

While I wouldn't be hyped for the duo as much as other CN characters like the Ed bois, Numbuh 1 or Mordecai/Rigby, it would be pleasant to see them in MultiVersus. Once again, Cartoon Network had so many banger shows air in the early 2000's and Foster's was no exception. The show was colorful, it contained a cast of likeable and vibrant characters, and had a sense of humor. Looking back on it, I see it as a lesson in accepting differences in individuals, as well as a celebration of the childhood imagination.

Rhedosaurus x10
Smash overlap x5

Calcs coming soonish.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Edit at 10/11/22 at 12:44 AM
“Gimme a Break…(Yare Yare Dawa…”)
Jolyne Cujoh
50%: There is a point that Stone Ocean currently being aired does help Jolyne’s chances since it pushes her relevancy, though in terms of requests in the community i haven’t seen her get much besides Jotaro & Dio, who were the earliest jojo characters fans admittedly pushed for(more on Dio's Part).

While Stone Ocean is ongoing right now, it’s still a bit too new although it might not matter in the long run as long she's remembered by many from reading the manga, it just doesn’t seem likely for her series to have more characters presumably after her father and his rival with her coming along.

15%: Never seen Stone Ocean, I plan to get to Jojo eventually someday though i think i said this before “Currently watching other shows” and so far i’ve know she's jotaro's daughter, went to jail,
showed herself butt naked
died then came back after time was changed
, and in her story one of the characters mentioned mickey/bugs' birthday.

“It’s just like Bloo Said. With him living here, my mom will be happy, Terrance will leave me alone, and I can visit him every day!”
“This place is crazy, I Love It!”
Mac & Bloo
Their Theme: Main Theme of Fosters

90%: Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends is definitely one of those popular & well known shows on Cartoon Network’s list, though i’d argue it is one of the most popular of the 2000’s era since it received a lot of recognition with merchandise, dvds, some games, and even a Macy’s Day Parade Presence(Anyone remember that?) it’s also getting a preschool series alongside an upcoming powerpuff girls continuation, both being done by Craig McCracken.

Considering all of this Mac & Bloo would have to be in the 2nd runner ups of Cartoon Network after Adventure Time, Steven Universe
, Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10, Craig of the Creek, and Johnny Bravo

although they might be not requested by many they do seem more requested than some of the other Fosters Characters…or at the very least Bloo though i'd rather see him be a tag team with Mac.

70%: I had never seen Fosters Home when i was very young but i did vaguely see an episode on Kids WB Before, however i’ve remembered having plenty of fond memories seeing it everywhere else such as playing it’s games on Cartoon Network.Com, Bought the McDonalds Toys at the time, the toys available on a slot machine at the local store near me, seeing a poster of the show on an ice cream truck(and maybe buying the Bloo Popsicle), and at elementary school i did manage to watch the movies and catch some episodes during the marathon celebrating the series finale. From then on I started making some art based on the show including a claymated sculpture of Bloo looking back at those days I had a passionate care for Fosters Home.

While those days might be over I still wish to see them as a way that helped inspire my view on how I draw characters in different art styles & appreciate the art design the show had, heck i even loved bloo for his design so he was always a character i would pick out for.

I use to think that Fosters wouldn’t be one of those series to appear in the game mostly for not seeing it on the same levels of Adventure Time, Powerpuff Girls, Steven Universe, and Ben 10 for likely CN Reps, but after seeing everyone’s wishlist and realizing it’s okay i feel Fosters would be a good series to bring and Mac & Bloo would be my choices since they worked as a tag team pretty well plus i feel this would be a good way to represent Mac though that’s just me being bias.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force x5
Maddie Kim x5
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Mac n Blue cheese

Chance: 5%
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a classic CN show about what the title implies. It ran for 6 seasons in the late 2000s, and is considered, like most CN shows we've discussed, iconic and popular etc.

However, and this is just my impression, but I don't think people talk about Foster's that much. At least not when compared to some of its contemporaries. It's not at the bottom of the barrel by any means, but I think it's a pretty low priority.

Still, the main reason behind my low score is that this show more than many others lends itself to alternative representation beyond these two. The entire concept means there's a bunch of unreal, wacky creatures so there's no dearth of choice here. Especially seeing how Bloo is kind of really disliked by fans, and Mac isn't exactly Mr. Charisma either. Also, and this is maybe just semantics, but if this concept specifically refers to Mac and Bloo as one slot, this game's focus on duos makes it super unlikely that they'd exist as one fighter. We have two Gremlins reps, so no way do they mash Mac and Bloo together into a weird single fighter.

So overall, I'd put the odds of a fighter for FHfIF pretty high (as always, given an infinite timeline), but this specifically I don't see.

Want: 0%
I liked Foster's quite a bit. As a kid, I had several imaginary friends, so the concept of being able to go someplace and just hang out with them appealed to me. However, I never really liked Mac or Bloo. Mac was always super milquetoast even for the protagonist of a kids' show, and Bloo was super annoying. Another rep would be preferred; why not Frankie! She's a badass.

Noms: Spy (Spy vs. Spy)


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Tien Shinhan
Chance: 7.67%
Want: 38.33%

John Spartan
Chance: 18.75%
Want: 46.67%

Noms List

Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x75

Spear & Fang x70
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x50

Chowder x46
John Gotti x45
Tyrion Lannister x45
Pikachu x45
John F. Kennedy (Clone High) x40
Marceline x39
The Flash x35
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x35
Huey Freeman x33
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Space Ghost x30
Beerus x30
Wile E. Coyote x29
Krypto the Superdog x25

Evangelion character x24
Simon the Digger x23
Sesame Street content x23
Concept: Any Roster Overlap With Smash x20
Concept: A 7 grand dad reference within Flintstone content x17
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Osmosis Jones x15
Craig Williams x15
Regular Show characters x13
Sam I Am x13
Rosie The Robot x13
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Yogi Bear x10
Aquaman x10
Snow Miser x7
Aunt Slappy Squirrel x6
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Aqua Team Hunger Force character x3
Maddie Kim (Pantheon) x3
Penelope Pitstop x2
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Tien Shinhan
Chance: 7.67%
Want: 38.33%

John Spartan
Chance: 18.75%
Want: 46.67%

Noms List

Rhedosaurus (The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms) x75

Spear & Fang x70
Bob Odenkirk (Mr Show With Bob and David) x50

Chowder x46
John Gotti x45
Tyrion Lannister x45
Pikachu x45
John F. Kennedy (Clone High) x40
Marceline x39
The Flash x35
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) x35
Huey Freeman x33
Homelander x30
Mothra x30
Space Ghost x30
Beerus x30
Wile E. Coyote x29
Krypto the Superdog x25

Evangelion character x24
Simon the Digger x23
Sesame Street content x23
Concept: Any Roster Overlap With Smash x20
Concept: A 7 grand dad reference within Flintstone content x17
Leonardo (TMNT) x15
Osmosis Jones x15
Craig Williams x15
Regular Show characters x13
Sam I Am x13
Rosie The Robot x13
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x10
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x10
Yogi Bear x10
Aquaman x10
Snow Miser x7
Aunt Slappy Squirrel x6
**** Grayson x6
Tanjiro x6
Harry Hill x5
Uncle Grandpa x5
Victor & Valentino x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Aqua Team Hunger Force character x3
Maddie Kim (Pantheon) x3
Penelope Pitstop x2
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1
Why is Rosie above Jackie Chan? i never saw anyone vote for her during the Tien & Spartan batch.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC

Chance: 10%
Stone Ocean is the current JoJo part airing right now which gives Jolyne a bit of an advantage for promotional purposes. With the anime of Part 6 concluding in December though, that might limit the promotional time for Jolyne depending on when they decide to adapt Steel Ball Run. Ignoring all of this, Jolyne would most likely have to wait for Jotaro and Dio who are a much bigger part of the franchise as a whole.

Want: 90%
Not the first JoJo rep I'd go with but she's not far behind. Jolyne is awesome and they could do a lot with Stone Free's string moves.


Mac & Bloo

Chance: 5%
Foster's was a popular show in the 2000's but it's one that doesn't get much discourse nowadays compared to other shows from the same period. Apparently the show is getting a preschool reboot but if that's the case they'll probably favor the cast of that show over Mac & Bloo. Even if we were getting a rep from the original show, I could easily see someone like Wilt or Eduardo having priority.

Want: 0%
I watched all of Foster's as a kid. I liked it at the time but even then I found it to be annoying very often. I can rewatch a lot of my childhood shows today but probably not Foster's.

I echo Goodgrief's comment in that I never really liked Mac or Bloo. Mac was always just sort of there while Bloo was incredibly obnoxious. If I had to go for a rep, I'd go for Wilt or Franky.


Noms to Terry McGinnis Batman (Batman Beyond)
Top Bottom