Not much, not much, same all, same all. Going into topics at times, other times dealing with real life outside the forums, etc. But still some time for the boards as they're fun.
Glad to see you around, DarkMetaKnight.
With that said, unto the topic, and for the song, I'll give it a: 7/10.
Nice. While not as familiar with the Jojo craze, I'm aware of it. It's reach, its music, its characters and I must say that they're quite entertaining. Might give it a chance in due time as the style is very eye catching. And the song, fits that style. Catchy and melodius in the same vein of an anime of that idea with style.
And with that, I'll leave this song here by a band I've been missing on for quite awhile. Seether. While I'm not as a fan of them in comparison to what I have been into recently, they're still a great band to listen. Their rock-country-esque tracks are catchy and melodic. But with this one, it isn't that quite of those genres. This one goes for a more alternative-electronicy sound that is quite intriguing for both them and as part of the OST of this animated/CG movie based on the series, Dragon Age. I haven't seen the movie or go into the games of it, but from this track alone, it is something indeed. Figured to share it here even so as it is still Seether.