He's the genetic clone of Mew, the most savage-hearted of all Pokemon, and one of the most powerful beings in the Pokemon Universe:
#24 Mewtwo
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Here we have Mewtwo's first render. Pretty decent for the undisputed coolest character in the game. Ironically, this style of posing is going to be consistent with Mewtwo no matter what media he appears in. Be it Pokemon or Smash this'll be his pose, or at least close to it. Though points are deducted for a couple reasons: one, he's not looking at the camera which denies us the strength of a menacing glare. Two, we can't see his left arm so clearly as his hand is blocking a good portion of it. Three, it generally just hasn't aged well; perhaps the model has something to do with it?
Character Select Screen Portrait: CSSP
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Woah, what the heck is going on with his hand?! And his tail is blending in with his arm to make it look like the arm of a Dragon Ball Namekian! What is going on here?! Though a good portion of the render is cutoff, what we do see of this pose is bland and really awkward.
Wii U/3DS:
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Mewtwo strikes back after being gone in Brawl, but makes his return from Melee as the first ever Smash DLC character. He jumps in by... reusing his Melee pose. However, it brings new life into the pose and makes it great again. Being refreshed with Mewtwo's modern design, you can see every part of him that the designers wanted to make visible. Two immediately noticeable improvements are the curvature of the tail, and where his eyes are looking. Other than that, this render of Mewtwo actually looks like he's comfortable with the position he holds, as opposed to looking like he's suffering as he stretches into a difficult position.
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My goodness, this render looks so CLEAN. Look how shiny his skin is! Hilariously, this resembles the Wii U/3DS render, except if Mewtwo was told to turn and show us his "good side." His hands are even in similar poses despite his full-body rotation: the right hand is more clenched, while the left hand is open. His tail even curves the same. Though I do appreciate the fact that he's no longer tilting his head downward, which means we can see both shoulders clearly. But more interesting than that is the coloring of this render matches closer to that of the Melee renders; neat. Personally I like the Wii U/3DS render slightly more, but I do feel that this one is the better of the two.
Greatest to Least:



And that's it for Mewtwo! I can't believe we're almost done with the Melee vets! Just one left before we hit the Brawl veterans!
Now, what do you guys think of the (REALLY SIMILAR) posing of our favorite genetic-experiment gone awry?