The denizen of Flat Zone, the master of two dimensions, the ringer of the bell:
#26 Mr. Game & Watch
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Here we are. Mr. Game & Watch is probably the character who
should the easiest renders to rate, hands down... sort of... It's complicated. However, to compensate for his renders being so absolutely clear, they had to sacrifice any and all
depth each render could have. Crappy puns aside, this is where most of us became acquainted with G&W, and not only that, but he's the most blankest of slates and thus has no real personality. What personality he does have is rather
flat. But as far as we know, he rings bells.
He'd love Notre Dame. With one foot in the air, his mouth is open, and a bell hanging from his
left no right hand. Normally, I'd give higher marks for having a great silhouette but uh... he's...
all silhouette...and uh... You know what, screw it.
Character Select Screen Portrait: CSSP
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I like his shadow on the backdrop and that he's doing this lean thing. That's pretty much it. (BTW, this marks the last CSSP we'll ever rate again.)
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Yes, this is legitimately his Brawl render... Oh, good Heavens what have I got myself into with this thread? It's
exactly the same as his Melee render, and I mean
EXACTLY. The model didn't even change! It didn't get
better in any way... but it certainly didn't get any
worse. But you know what? I'm deducting points for reusing the pose. This is lame.
Wii U/3DS:
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With Smash for Wii U and 3Ds comes a G&W with an updated design. I much prefer the new design. The old design could get run over by a bus for all I care.
Not that the bus could flatten him anymore than he already is. Right out of the gate this pose is slightly more interesting. The overall shape of his design works much better as a silhouette.
HD Image Link
Let's be honest here: it might be impossible for Mr. Game & Watch to have any actual interesting renders, if not really rough form the get go. He breaks mediocre at best. But the number one flag? That's fun. I like the posing of the Wii U/3DS render better, but the flag barely evens it out.
Greatest to Least:



= CSSP >
Goodness gracious we made it
past Mr. Game & Watch through all the Melee characters! We're starting on the Brawl ones next!