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"Rate My Moveset!" :: Moveset Critique Thread

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
UltiMario was answering Niiro's question.

Ambipom would Protect / Counter just to deal with other Ambipom would be rather novelty-esque. Run Adamant and some HP EV or something. That would be kinda funny.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Dophan still sucks compared to Hippowdon.
Donphan sucks compared to almost anything in the tiers above it.

You should probably make a "Rate My Pokemon" thread if you're gonna say stuff like that lol.

mehhhhhhhhh. I still don't see how Donphan is so great. Seems like a Mamolead ripoff.
Mamo doesn't have Rapid Spin, Seed Bomb, and Head Smash. It also looks ugly.
Elephant> Mammoth


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Donphan@Lum Berry
Optimized EVs for Gen V leads
Ice Shard

>gen V
Inb4gengarlead btw.
Donphan sucks compared to almost anything in the tiers above it.

You should probably make a "Rate My Pokemon" thread if you're gonna say stuff like that lol.

Mamo doesn't have Rapid Spin, Seed Bomb, and Head Smash. It also looks ugly.
Elephant> Mammoth
>see all the post marveling at how good Donphan is.
>cannot resist urge to burst bubble

Rapid Spin isn't supposed to be on a lead, Seed Bomb is useless, and HeadSmash is about as accurate as Stone Edge and has recoil, which basically throws away his bulk.
How do you even know Niiro was talking about Gen 5 though.



Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
leads in general aren't supposed to last

donphan is working closer to machamp, as it's designed to just straight up KO the opposing lead and then deal a good amount of damage to whatever poke comes in next

donphan's main problem is that ground isn't a good STAB by itself, it works great as a coverage move but not as your main STAB (too many flying pokes means free switch-ins) and his special defense isnt' too great

and rapid spin is fine on a lead, look at starmie leads

i think donphan can work, it's just machamp outclasses it


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Rapid Spin isn't supposed to be on a lead
Tell that to Starmie.

Seed Bomb is useless
Tell that to Swampert.

and HeadSmash is about as accurate as Stone Edge and has recoil, which basically throws away his bulk.
Stone Edge doesn't OHKO Dragonite, or Zapdos, doesn't 2HKO Azelf when combined with Ice Shard, and has only a tiny chance to OHKO Abomasnow even with Adamant and 200 Atk. Head Smash OHKOs all of them, except Azelf which it 2HKOs.

Mamoswine is a horrible lead. It loses to leads who:

A. Are immune to its main STAB, Earthquake, while not being weak to its other STAB, Ice Shard (Azelf, Uxie, Bronzong, Skarmory).
B. Can negate its Focus Sash with super effective attacks combined with priority moves (Infernape, Metagross, Machamp, Ambipom).
C. Really bulky pokemon (Swampert, Hippowdon, Forretress).
D. Jirachi if they get flinchhax on Iron Head.
E. Starmie (though to be fair there is a small chance to 2HKO).

That's half of the top 25 leads in OU right now.

It's also useless after the fight between leads due to the fact that it's weak to almost all the most commonly used moves. The only advantages Mamoswine has that Donphan doesn't are an almost insignificant increase in bulk, STAB Ice Shard (which admittedly Donphan really wishes he had), and the Focus Sash+Endeavor+Ice Shard gimmick.

UltiMario thought you were talking about Gen 5 Donphan. In Gen 5 Sturdy has been changed to work like Focus Sash.

Don't talk about BW outside the BW thread until it's released.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
You know what would work great in the lead slot? Slowbro.

It has all the right resists and can just walk all over those mother****ers who think he's weak as ****. He's totally the best guy ever.

Slowbro @ Lum Berry
252 SpAtk/252 HP/4 Atk
Rash / Own Tempo

Fire Blast
Ice Beam/Psychic/Shadow Ball/Focus Punch

This set has been tailored over thousands of matches of testing and is obviously the best anti-lead ever with all kinds of new ideas nobody's ever thought of before.

Deleted member

oh yeah baby, it's time.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Shadow Tag, Careful
252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD

officially makes pokemon mostly unplayable.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
it's because he has a hard-on for honchkrow.

I think you should have a team of 5 grass-type counters and something like cursepert.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Rapid Spin isn't supposed to be on a lead
Forretress? Starmie?
Seed Bomb is useless
It's for Pert/waters. Just like how ppl use HP grass just for Pert. Or HP Elec for Gyara, etc
It's just that, you know, Donphan has bad SpA and this is stronger.
and HeadSmash is about as accurate as Stone Edge and has recoil, which basically throws away his bulk.
It's an antilead set lol, not a tank.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Tell that to Starmie.
Yeah, Starmie sucks as a lead. Just saying lol. Except those **** Specs sets.
Tell that to Swampert.
I'm pretty sure Swampert isn't OHKOd by Seed Bomb, but iono. Never good at damage calcs
Stone Edge doesn't OHKO Dragonite, or Zapdos, doesn't 2HKO Azelf when combined with Ice Shard, and has only a tiny chance to OHKO Abomasnow even with Adamant and 200 Atk. Head Smash OHKOs all of them, except Azelf which it 2HKOs.
And? I never said Stone Edge was better than Rock Head Smash or whatever it is called. I am just pointing out that it has a low (kinda) hit rate.
Mamoswine is a horrible lead. It loses to leads who:

A. Are immune to its main STAB, Earthquake, while not being weak to its other STAB, Ice Shard (Azelf, Uxie, Bronzong, Skarmory).
B. Can negate its Focus Sash with super effective attacks combined with priority moves (Infernape, Metagross, Machamp, Ambipom).
C. Really bulky pokemon (Swampert, Hippowdon, Forretress).
D. Jirachi if they get flinchhax on Iron Head.
E. Starmie (though to be fair there is a small chance to 2HKO).

That's half of the top 25 leads in OU right now.

It's also useless after the fight between leads due to the fact that it's weak to almost all the most commonly used moves. The only advantages Mamoswine has that Donphan doesn't are an almost insignificant increase in bulk, STAB Ice Shard (which admittedly Donphan really wishes he had), and the Focus Sash+Endeavor+Ice Shard gimmick.

Wait, what? Alot of that stuff that you mentioned that proves Mamoswine to be a horrible lead also applies to Dophan. Alzef, Uxie, Bronzong and Skarm all beat Donphan, as do 'really bulky pokemon,' and Scarfjirachi can trick Donphan, making him almost useless, and Starmie can OHKO with HydropPump.

UltiMario thought you were talking about Gen 5 Donphan. In Gen 5 Sturdy has been changed to work like Focus Sash.

Don't talk about BW outside the BW thread until it's released.
Forretress? Starmie?
Are usually bad leads. Except maybe Starmie, and only the offensive sets are good lol. But that is just imo.
It's for Pert/waters. Just like how ppl use HP grass just for Pert. Or HP Elec for Gyara, etc
It's just that, you know, Donphan has bad SpA and this is stronger.
Yeah, but swampert and most other bulky waters can prolly survive a seed bomb (not too sure, but I think so), and OHKO Donphan with a STABd surf.
It's an antilead set lol, not a tank.
Yeah, I know. And?

You know what would work great in the lead slot? Slowbro.

It has all the right resists and can just walk all over those mother****ers who think he's weak as ****. He's totally the best guy ever.

Slowbro @ Lum Berry
252 SpAtk/252 HP/4 Atk
Rash / Own Tempo

Fire Blast
Ice Beam/Psychic/Shadow Ball/Focus Punch

This set has been tailored over thousands of matches of testing and is obviously the best anti-lead ever with all kinds of new ideas nobody's ever thought of before.
Dunno if that is being sarcastic or not.

Hope my posting doesn't confuse anyone. Hurrr cuz that would just be a tragedy.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Yeah, Starmie sucks as a lead. Just saying lol. Except those **** Specs sets.
Okay, clearly you don't know what an anti-lead is. I should just stop here but I feel like letting off some steam so you're going to be my victim for the next 10 paragraphs.

I'm pretty sure Swampert isn't OHKOd by Seed Bomb, but iono. Never good at damage calcs
It outspeeds Sassy/Relaxed Swampert and 2HKOs as multiple people have said time and time again. If you had reading comprehension above a 3rd grade level you'd probably know that, but given your atrocious spelling and grammar and frequent use of internet idioms in place of proper English, I seriously doubt that is the case. The only concern you should have against Swampert is if Pert actually does outspeed you, in which case you'll know immediately and be able to counter accordingly. Other bulky waters don't matter since Swampert is the only one used as a lead. And no **** that they can OHKO him with Surf. Did you know that fire types can OHKO Scizor with Flamethrower? And that electric types can OHKO Gyarados with Thunderbolt/punch? Astonishing, I know. I was in disbelief at first too, but then I did the damage calcs on all sorts of spreads and it still worked out to be true. I'd like to go on with other things that are easily apparent to anyone who knows **** about this game, but unfortunately I'll have to continue it in the comic book Captain Obvious: The Superhero vol. 2 # 48 (You can purchase it by using money!).

And? I never said Stone Edge was better than Rock Head Smash or whatever it is called. I am just pointing out that it has a low (kinda) hit rate.
This is where I admit I was mistaken. I was under the impression that you were stating that Stone Edge would be a superior option to Head Smash, which it isn't. Are you honestly making an argument that you shouldn't use a move with a low accuracy on a lead though? I guess you don't use Fire Blast or Meteor Mash then, even though they're almost always the best option on the leads that use them. Have fun with your Flamethrower Infernape though, I'm sure it'll be really successful.

Wait, what? Alot of that stuff that you mentioned that proves Mamoswine to be a horrible lead also applies to Dophan. Alzef, Uxie, Bronzong and Skarm all beat Donphan, as do 'really bulky pokemon,' and Scarfjirachi can trick Donphan, making him almost useless, and Starmie can OHKO with HydropPump.
It's true that many of the problems that plague Mamoswine also affect Donphan. However, Donphan remedies this by having access to a 150 power physical attack that hits almost every non-steel in the metagame for neutral or better damage. Recoil or no, Head Smash is one of the best moves Donphan has period. He also takes 40% recoil max from Head Smashing Azelf, which will only kill him if Azelf decides to attack, in which case your opponent has to potentially lose his ability to get rocks up if you have another pokemon with a priority attack (Scizor). Otherwise, Donphan beats Azelf soundly, in fact it's probably his best matchup aside from Infernape. If Jirachi Tricks Donphan, he'll eat 91% at least and will probably be OHKO'd. And how is having 222 speed, STAB Earthquake, Head Smash, and a priority move useless exactly? It's certainly not as good as, say, being able to change moves, but it's far from useless. Donphan is only useless when he's dead or your opponent has CroCune. I already acknowledged that Donphan has trouble with bulky leads, including Uxie, Bronzong, Skarmory, Hippowdon, Forretress, and Kevin Bacon, but the difference between Donphan and Mamoswine is that Donphan still beats Azelf and Swampert, which are more used as leads than the rest of those combined.

And you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Please just stop talking.

I've actually used this lead and I have to say it works well. My only change as of yet is possibly replacing Lum Berry with Leftovers. I doubt I will though because neither of them honestly does much.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Okay, clearly you don't know what an anti-lead is. I should just stop here but I feel like letting off some steam so you're going to be my victim for the next 10 paragraphs.

It outspeeds Sassy/Relaxed Swampert and 2HKOs as multiple people have said time and time again. If you had reading comprehension above a 3rd grade level you'd probably know that, but given your atrocious spelling and grammar and frequent use of internet idioms in place of proper English, I seriously doubt that is the case. The only concern you should have against Swampert is if Pert actually does outspeed you, in which case you'll know immediately and be able to counter accordingly. Other bulky waters don't matter since Swampert is the only one used as a lead. And no **** that they can OHKO him with Surf. Did you know that fire types can OHKO Scizor with Flamethrower? And that electric types can OHKO Gyarados with Thunderbolt/punch? Astonishing, I know. I was in disbelief at first too, but then I did the damage calcs on all sorts of spreads and it still worked out to be true. I'd like to go on with other things that are easily apparent to anyone who knows **** about this game, but unfortunately I'll have to continue it in the comic book Captain Obvious: The Superhero vol. 2 # 48 (You can purchase it by using money!).

Wait what? I just love all of these personal attacks lol. Swampert is hella lot more bulky physically than Scizor and Gyra are specially, because Scizor and Gyra are supposed to be sweepers, not walls. I wasn't the one that brought up the other bulky waters, it someone else that brought it up. These two paragraphs seems more intent on raging about random **** that it is about proving me wrong.

This is where I admit I was mistaken. I was under the impression that you were stating that Stone Edge would be a superior option to Head Smash, which it isn't. Are you honestly making an argument that you shouldn't use a move with a low accuracy on a lead though? I guess you don't use Fire Blast or Meteor Mash then, even though they're almost always the best option on the leads that use them. Have fun with your Flamethrower Infernape though, I'm sure it'll be really successful.

Don't run Infernape as a lead =) Could you point out where I said that **** like rock slide is better than Stone Edge/Head Smash? They might be the best option, but that does not mean that it is perfect. If I ever decided to use **** like Dophan, then I would prolly put in Head Smash over the other rock moves.

It's true that many of the problems that plague Mamoswine also affect Donphan. However, Donphan remedies this by having access to a 150 power physical attack that hits almost every non-steel in the metagame for neutral or better damage. Recoil or no, Head Smash is one of the best moves Donphan has period.

No argument there

He also takes 40% recoil max from Head Smashing Azelf, which will only kill him if Azelf decides to attack, in which case your opponent has to potentially lose his ability to get rocks up if you have another pokemon with a priority attack (Scizor).

If I were the Azelf player, then I would attack. You point out that the opponent will lose the ability to put up rocks if he attacks, but you do too lol. Azelf will have a better chance of putting them up later, because he isn't slow as **** like Donphan.

Otherwise, Donphan beats Azelf soundly, in fact it's probably his best matchup aside from Infernape. If Jirachi Tricks Donphan, he'll eat 91% at least and will probably be OHKO'd. And how is having 222 speed, STAB Earthquake, Head Smash, and a priority move useless exactly? It's certainly not as good as, say, being able to change moves, but it's far from useless.

Lol, having a Choice scarf with that kind of speed won't help you outspeed important threats. Stuck in Earthquake? Gyra can just come in an DD up. Stuck in Head smash? Lucario can switch in, taking maybe 30% (not sure, just guessing), and SD up. And Ice Shard is just ****, it will force you to give a free turn to the opponent.

Donphan is only useless when he's dead or your opponent has CroCune. I already acknowledged that Donphan has trouble with bulky leads, including Uxie, Bronzong, Skarmory, Hippowdon, Forretress, and Kevin Bacon, but the difference between Donphan and Mamoswine is that Donphan still beats Azelf and Swampert, which are more used as leads than the rest of those combined.

Mamo can beat Azelf too, with prediction. Just curious, how much does a STABed surf from a Swampert that is possibly in Torrent mode do to a Donphan? I'm too lazy to do calcs, but you seem to like doing them lol.

And you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Please just stop talking.

I've actually used this lead and I have to say it works well. My only change as of yet is possibly replacing Lum Berry with Leftovers. I doubt I will though because neither of them honestly does much.
Lum berry >>> so you can **** Gengar leads (lol) if they try to Hypnotize you. And it can also save your *** when a rotom switches in on a EQ and is intent on WoWing you.

You seem awfully mad. Take a chill pill, this is just Pokemon.

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
If I were the Azelf player, then I would attack. You point out that the opponent will lose the ability to put up rocks if he attacks, but you do too lol. Azelf will have a better chance of putting them up later, because he isn't slow as **** like Donphan.
Except Donphan isn't using rocks on the set anyway.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Lol, apparently taking care of your potential counters means nothing.

Something like this isn't even specific to Donphan alone, just saying :)


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Did you seriously just bring up Gengar leads?

Alright, I'm done with this conversation.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Gengar kind of sucks. Hypnosis's 70% accuracy is unreliable, Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb are both physical and use his base 65 attack, 130 Special is decent for Mega Drain and Thunderbolt, though. You get decent coverage, hitting stuff like Rhydon and Starmie hard.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i've had bad arguments but that was just bad...

you used gengar leads as a reason to use lum berry when i specifically stated that using it guarantees a victory over machamp

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Im almost certain the dumbest thing anyone said during that entire conversation was actually "Lead Forretress"

I dont remember who brought it up but you need to quit pokemon right now because you are obviously terrible at everything.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Battles: 485880
|   18 | Forretress |  16791 |    1.73 |
I only brought up lead Forry because somehow he actually is one of the top 20 leads. He's definitely not viable as a lead in OU though and I think that these statistics show that at least 1.73% of Smogon is ******** (and it's probably a lot higher than that).

Forry can be a decent lead in Ubers though. Not as good as a lot of other things, but better than he is in OU at the very least. He can be really good Darkrai bait.

I like how nobody got annoying's Gen 2 joke.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Zapdos @ Bright Powder
Bold / Pressure
248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
~ Roost
~ Substitute
~ Roar
~ Thunder Wave

Used with Spikes support.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Only 35.6% of Gyaraados have Taunt and it sure as hell isn't going to switch into Zapdos until it sees all 4 moves. I could get lucky and twave para it and then roar it out before it can do anything too (not likely). Either way gyarados gets paralyzed and is crippled unless its resttalk (resttalk gyara with taunt?). And I can just switch back in later.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Im almost certain the dumbest thing anyone said during that entire conversation was actually "Lead Forretress"

I dont remember who brought it up but you need to quit pokemon right now because you are obviously terrible at everything.
Lead Forretress was used on one of the leading OU Ladder teams. Same with Lead Skarmory.

You just a hater.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb are both physical
Wait what.

Lead Forretress was used on one of the leading OU Ladder teams. Same with Lead Skarmory.

You just a hater.
ImperfectLuck topped the ladder running lead Blissey. Doesn't make it a good choice, especially with the rate he opened by switching out.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Ghost and Poison were physical in Gen2? Haha wow. The more I know, I guess.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Only 35.6% of Gyaraados have Taunt and it sure as hell isn't going to switch into Zapdos until it sees all 4 moves. I could get lucky and twave para it and then roar it out before it can do anything too (not likely). Either way gyarados gets paralyzed and is crippled unless its resttalk (resttalk gyara with taunt?). And I can just switch back in later.
Sorry, I meant to say Gliscor. I just couldn't think of anything that ran Taunt at 4 in the morning.

ImperfectLuck topped the ladder running lead Blissey.
lmao wow. This is a classic argument for player skill being more important than teambuilding. But I won't get into that now.

Ghost and Poison were physical in Gen2? Haha wow. The more I know, I guess.
If you played this game for more than 2 months you'd know that.

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
All of you suck.

Mega Drain. MEGA DRAIN.

That means Gen I.
Gengar kind of sucks. Hypnosis's 70% accuracy is unreliable, Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb are both physical and use his base 65 attack, 130 Special is decent for Mega Drain and Thunderbolt, though. You get decent coverage, hitting stuff like Rhydon and Starmie hard.
Shadow Ball wasn't around in Gen 1. Wave+ did mention Special though, so I think he messed up.
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