Ok, here's the update: No more expensiveness, it'll be 10 bucks per person, period. Secondly, No brawl. In my opinion, I'd like to get the PAL version before I make any tournaments on Brawl. Plus, this being my first tournament, I don't really want to make it to big. Which brings me to my next number, Three, The tournament will only go for 1 day instead of two.
The update on the money that you're looking for Cao is that the total smash bank so far is:
$170 + $20 = $190 !!!!!
Cao, I'm willing to pay the rest of the money with my own, as long as I get it back from sub money, before the pot. It's like $60
So to summarize:
One: $10 entry
Two: No Brawl, only Melee
Three: Only one day
Lookin forward to it.
Now theres one thing I need from you guys, and thats a head count. If I can get some numbers, I can be even more confident about going ahead with this. And if you can't come, please give a reason so I can see what I can do to help.
, I've tried to put the date in the school holidays but I'm not really sure I've gotten a good date so your going to have to help me out on that one.
Thanks and see you there!