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R.U.N Crew is over, was good friends. Lock this thread please

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Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Oh, it was a shorter way of explaining to everyone else WHY Atomsk and I want Kashif to enter singles and why we think we can win and want to win.

@Kashif: Btw, wtf @ shitting on Forte's skill.

Octover 25th, so it's very recent: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=201678&highlight=Forte

Defeated Deez
Defeated NEO
Lost to Korn (lol Dedede)
Defeated Candy (after Candy beat Chillin)
Defeated Boss
Defeated Korn
Defeated ChuDat
Defeated ChuDat

He won teams with ChuDat that day.

This tournament also proved how good Boss and Candy are. They both beat Chillin that day and Boss beat NEO. Boss and Candy got 2nd in teams.

lmao @ you shitting on Forte's skill and my accomplishments

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
how is candy btw? last time i saw him was months ago in the summer where he was real... meh, but now i see him placing good. whataya guys think?

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
Inui said:
Falco is gayer.
Pretty late, but have to agree. It's comical how many gay characteristics they bestowed upon this character. He embodies most of what is wrong with the game. I agree with M2K that Falco is either 2nd or 3rd best.

However, MK is probably gayer overall actually. MK has options so gay they have to be soft and hard banned, like planking and infinite dimensional cape.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Yea, spam why did you need 2 say something about slikvik? he actually does very well in brawl n I tell you this often. You prolly just thought he was bad because of how he placed at chu's.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Falco is gay primarily because of his cg. There are however, a number of characters that can get around this cg, or simply beat falco after they get cg'd.

Sheik can tilt lock falco to amazingly high percents. She can also crawl and needle camp until she feels safe in her percent. Once you get to a high enough percent you can get more aggresssive and not fear being cg'd.

Marth can evade lasers really well. He can also 0-death falco. Falco can't cg marth either.

meta can avoid falco's cg if he really really wants to. Almost any character can actually. It's a matter of knowing how to camp falco. The damage isn't what makes it SOOOO gay, its the spike. I can cg double spike d3 and snake, its pretty gay for them. Characters like dk get it bad as well, but if you platform camp until 40 or carefully bair approach, you can add damage to falco and watch yourself SLOW get to 40, once you do you can proceed to fight him.

Falco is beastly but I wouldn't say he is gayer than meta. He telegraphs all of his killing moves where as meta doesn't. He doesn't have multiple jumps to edgegaurd you. I mean wtf meta edgegaurds by accident! He just upBs tryna get back and gets accidental kills. Imo there is no comparison in gayness.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
lol, where did my name come from. i'm gonna need you keep my name out your mouth now

edit: I don't even think I've played you in this game...random
Don't read too much into one LOL. I wasn't saying you were trash when I brought your name up, just that I was amused that Forte tied with you considering how you tend to place elsewhere(I saw 33rd at Chu's and bunch of 17s elsewhere.)

Also Eazy, you are definetely wrong. If Falco hits your shield with a laser if you don't roll away you can get CGed. So lame. Marth can only 0--> death Falco near the ledge, if you camp the center that doesn't happen. Sheik and Meta are two characters. Falco has to put zero effort into beating the vast majority of the cast. Additionally, anyone who gets stage spiked by Meta's up b deserves it. They stayed on the ledge too long or tried to edgeguard him with something that doesn't work. That makes it entirely their fault.

EDIT: WOW I am deeply offended at being considered an "equal" to someone who played SO STUPID in this match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNe7NOnufps


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Attention Everyone

This Thursday's tournament will start at 8pm SHARP so that Pride can attend too. Starting an hour early shouldn't be a problem since most people get here by 6:30 the latest.

Also...HOLY **** @ Chu vs Inui


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Spam $hitting on the world makes me want to practice and get better.

Wow @ Chu vs Inui 0_o

@ Inui: I'm never trying to destroy, I simply just can't stand when you make crazy claims as if you are too too amazing when you're just too amazing. If anyone from NJ went around saying they can beat M2K they are looked at as funny, no matter what results they post.

For anyone thinking they can beat Spam....I usually think they're joking. If they're serious......then wow. If they actually do beat him, congratz, prove it not to be luck and do it a couple more times.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
lol thats why inui got 5th and i got 1st XD
You avoided both me and Chillin and I had to fight the freakish novelty character that I didn't understand at all. :dizzy:

People are probably going to harp on me forever about that match. Big deal. I got ***** once because I had literally no idea what I was doing. The next match was much closer. ChuDat ended up tying me overall and he only got 5th in teams.

Keitaro said:
For anyone thinking they can beat Spam....I usually think they're joking. If they're serious......then wow. If they actually do beat him, congratz, prove it not to be luck and do it a couple more times.
I have beaten him before and I will gladly do it again as soon as he enters something. I am not on such a low level like the rest of the state that I view Kashif as untouchable.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
I had to fight the freakish novelty character that I didn't understand at all. :dizzy:

People are probably going to harp on me forever about that match. Big deal. I got ***** once because I had literally no idea what I was doing. The next match was much closer. ChuDat ended up tying me overall and he only got 5th in teams.
Novelty match when you had no idea what you were doing? Sounds like massive JOHNS. If it was true then it'd be worth something. I said to watch out specifically for Chu on Friday and you were like "I got this, I have tons of practice vs Trevor's Kirby and I know how to deal with Kirby shenanigans. I know Chu is good but I'm confident I can beat him."

How Chu did in teams is irrelevant to how he did against you and how he placed is less important than who he lost to.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I was wrong about Trevor counting as Kirby practice because he doesn't do anything that ChuDat does. I guess Trevor's Kirby is only good for negating Keitaro and nothing else.

Are you going to enter something so I can have a chance to beat you? I'm not Keitaro/Yes/Rutgers Person X and I apparently need to directly beat you for you to not think I'm trash.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Are you going to enter something so I can have a chance to beat you? I'm not Keitaro/Yes/Rutgers Person X and I apparently need to directly beat you for you to not think I'm trash.
Did I say you were trash? No, I just said you played like a complete moron in that match vs Chu. On the other hand, you seem to think that you and Trevor are both 100% guaranteed to beat me, which sounds like you're considering me to be trash.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Inui says he is bad at meta dittos- Kashif wud ****.
Inui plans on going snake? Kashif ***** snake with mk...

That is what it comes down to...


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Inui says he is bad at meta dittos- Kashif wud ****.
Inui plans on going snake? Kashif ***** snake with mk...

That is what it comes down to...
According to Inui, he "***** me in both meta dittos" in teams. Note, the only time we were both Meta was the last match of the third set when and I spent the whole match chasing Trevor until the last stock where I killed myself


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
This is a lot of unnecessary inference and assumption on both ends, just play a money match or some crap and stop verbally dry humping eachother through your jeans.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
According to Inui, he "***** me in both meta dittos" in teams. Note, the only time we were both Meta was the last match of the third set when and I spent the whole match chasing Trevor until the last stock where I killed myself
If he is talking about when you teamed with me thats dumb.

I was garbage and Kashif did mostly everything. Why is doubles being used as a measure of singles skills anyway?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui says he is bad at meta dittos- Kashif wud ****.
Inui plans on going snake? Kashif ***** snake with mk...

That is what it comes down to...
I **** MK very badly with Snake and have proven that over and over in tournaments by taking out good MKs consistently.

I am no longer that bad at the MK ditto after dealing with Omni in teams in two sets, playing Kashif and Tec0 in three teams sets, and playing against Dave's MK more. I've started to be able to much better in the ditto. I'm never going to do it over picking Snake, though.

I know MK vs Snake extremely well both ways.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
I am no longer that bad at the MK ditto after dealing with Omni in teams in two sets
Why is doubles being used as a measure of singles skills anyway?
playing Kashif and Tec0 in three teams sets
If he is talking about when you teamed with me thats dumb.

I was garbage and Kashif did mostly everything. Why is doubles being used as a measure of singles skills anyway?
and playing against Dave's MK more. I've started to be able to much better in the ditto.
I beat Dave's Meta with Bowser.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
i think azen is better than dsf again. DSF seemed better at hobo11, but that was the only tournament. I think I'm the best at this game by a good amount. Azen is probably the 2nd best, but best overall player. I probably could be if I played the other characters, but that's just a total guess and I have no idea. What-if's don't matter though. Anyway, Ally I have no idea on how good he is. Afro Thunder, Chillin, Atomsk, NinjaLink, DSF, Chu, Neo, Futile, Reflex I know are all really good. I'm sure there's more, but they pop up in my head as notable players who could **** at a big tourney. Spam you would be up there and I love you but you're just a regular good MK who's just good cuz you are smart at smash in general, but not really good at Brawl because you don't play enough and don't follow up stuff enough. You could potentially get like 10 times better if you just played me for a few days but you don't attend enough stuff / travel enough for me to give you much credit. Atomsk is definitely 2nd best in NJ sorry lol. As cocky as this sounds I think if I'm playing good I'm the best by far. Inui you played so stupid vs Chu LMFAO that's by far the worst I've ever seen you play holy crap. I'm glad I'm not you right now cuz that's embarassingly awful playing. That's like more embarassingly bad than my Fox in 2005.

those are my 2 cents.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I'm going to keep beating Atomsk and hopefully beat NinjaLink again because it's really amusing to do so when you consider them so much better than me and don't include me in a list of good players. I'll make sure to take out AfroThundah in Florida on the 27th, too. I'm not exactly hurt by you not including me because you left out a lot of other really good players, but I don't like people thinking there's some gap between Atomsk and I. One tournament can't decide that, especially when I didn't even face him in that tournament.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
I'm going to keep beating Atomsk and hopefully beat NinjaLink again because it's really amusing to do so when you consider them so much better than me and don't include me in a list of good players. I'll make sure to take out AfroThundah in Florida on the 27th, too. I'm not exactly hurt by you not including me because you left out a lot of other really good players, but I don't like people thinking there's some gap between Atomsk and I. One tournament can't decide that, especially when I didn't even face him in that tournament.
You need to take a set from someone like M2K, Azen, DSF, Ninjalink, Chu or Chillin to get that notoriety.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You need to take a set from someone like M2K, Azen, DSF, Ninjalink, Chu or Chillin to get that notoriety.
Been there, done that.

Also took one from Forte and Bum, who are both on that level. I have taken many from Atomsk. I **** massively in teams and Atomsk admits I'm better than him in teams by a slight amount.

My set with DSF back in July was really close. *shrug* I want to play him again.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
inui, atomsk has been doing better the vast majority of the time though, including most OOS tourneys you both go to, and ***** OOSers far more often, and uses more chars well. It's not just from Chu's. It's an overall-everything

Harry Potter and the Planking Meta Knight, October 4th

1: Enemy Controller (Inui, Atomsk, BlackWaltz, Ryoko, teh_spamerer)
2: Dumb Crew (xzax, Vex, Keitaro, Yes!, UltimaScout)
3: Zodiac Braves (Pierce7d, Umbra, Munk, Ryko, bschung)
4: S.W.R.
5: Cobra
5: Blue Business

Defeated S.W.R.
Defeated Zodiac Braves
Defeated Dumb Crew

1: Lolis are Amazing (Inui and Atomsk) (Meta Knight and Dedede)
2: Donkey Kong Country (Bum and NinjaLink) (Donkey Kong and ROB/Marth/Diddy)
3: Wes and Dire (Snake and Game and Watch)
4: The Map! (Ryoko and Snakeee) (Zelda/Sheik and ZSS)
5: Sonazaki Twins (teh_spamerer and Lord Knight)
5: Konata and Magus (MasterDaveNo1 and Magus420)
7: Diem and Ether (dmbrandon and Turbo Ether)
7: spam sucks (Yes! and Tec0)
9: iCarly
9: team melee
9: Black N Blue
9: xzax and Vex
13: Ussi and Doom
13: Doritto Royale
13: Thunderpunch
13: John and Min
17: Keitaro and Eazy
17: Diplomats
17: Landmaster
17: rj and ryko
17: Team Random
17: Peach Tea
17: M2K Please Don't Sue
17: Pope and Walnut
25: Cobra
25: scope and scorp

Defeated Doritto Royale, 2-0
Defeated Black N Blue, 2-0
Defeated Wes and Dire, 2-1
Defeated Donkey Kong Country, 3-1
Lost to Donkey Kong Country, 2-3
Defeated Donkey Kong Country, 3-1

1: teh_spamerer (Meta Knight)
2: Inui (Meta Knight)
3: Bum (Donkey Kong)
4: Atomsk (Dedede)
5: Snakeee (Zero Suit Samus)
5: NinjaLink (Diddy Kong, R.O.B., Marth)
7: ksizzle (Dedede)
7: Keitaro (Falco)
9: BlackWaltz
9: Yes!
9: Eazy
9: Vex
13: ChromePirate
13: rookie
13: Konata
13: iKon
17: Kai
17: Blue
17: Gunblade
17: N
17: Cable
17: Munk
17: xzax
17: Will
25: Rule34
25: bschung
25: AAAA
25: UltimaScout
25: x-o
25: Magus
25: JG Wentworth
25: Alzureo
33: Pierce7d
33: umbra
33: Walnut
33: Alex
33: Bolas
33: theDoom
33: Mr. Ryu
33: Knightmare
33: ErickGM14
33: Ussi
33: Mojo
33: ebo
33: AC
33: rj
33: Warm Soda
33: Purp
49: PRiDE
49: Pope
49: Benzaa
49: Boss
49: Lt. Dan
49: ryko
49: Punishment Devine
49: Kevin
49: Zeebz
49: Ahmer
49: scope
49: Poop
49: joker
49: Bleachigo
49: SS762
65: scarp
65: Diem
65: Bouse
65: Steve
65: Eclipse
65: Lous Soul
97: Ninja Edd

Defeated Bleachigo, 2-0
Defeated Rule34, 2-0
Defeated iKon, 2-0
Defeated BlackWaltz, 2-1
Lost to Bum, 0-2
Defeated NinjaLink, 2-0
Defeated Atomsk, 2-0
Defeated Bum, 3-2

Forfeit to teh_spamerer

Bum's Weekly, NY, October 10th

Doubles: (1st and 2nd split)
1: Two Loaves of Bread Hugging (Inui and Atomsk) (Meta Knight and Dedede)
2: Bum and Snakeee (Donkey Kong and ZSS)
3: Team A (Blackanese and BlackWaltz) (Meta Knight/Game and Watch and Olimar)
4: Get Tight (NinjaLink and D1)
5: Godot and Malcom
5: Dreamland Sausages (Jman and Basic Sausage)
7: A Boy and His Toy
7: Jersey All Day (Keitaro and Eazy)
9: D-tails
9: PRiDE and Izumi
9: 5.6
9: Barack McCain
13: Clowning Around
13: HaHa You Lose

Defeated D-tails, 2-0
Defeated Dreamland Sausages, 2-1
Defeated Team A, 3-2
Bum and Snakeee forfeit, split

Singles: (1st and 2nd split)
1: Bum (Donkey Kong)
2: Snakeee (Zero Suit Samus)
3: BlackWaltz (Olimar)
4: NinjaLink (Diddy Kong, ROB, Toon Link, Random LOL)
5: Atomsk (Dedede)
5: Inui (Meta Knight)

7: Basic Sausage (Dedede)
7: PRiDE (Yoshi)
9: Izumi
9: Eazy
9: Jman
9: Godot
13: D1
13: Keitaro
13: Blackanese
13: Malcom
17: Rockin
17: Span
17: Projo
17: Moo
17: Anziath
17: Dav3
17: Ron
17: Vanz
25: Anti
25: DMT
25: Crismas
25: Knightmare
25: Homalon
25: Jtails
25: Khanti
25: Diakhu
33: Alex
33: Ace163
33: Xiuls

Defeated Anti, 2-0
Defeated Malcom, 2-1
Defeated BlackWaltz, 2-1
Lost to Snakeee, 0-2
Forfeit to NinjaLink

NJ Blue Battle Circuit Event #1, October 11th

1: Inui and Atomsk (Meta Knight and Dedede)
2: DaPuffster and Vex (Diddy Kong and Game and Watch)
3: ChiboSempai and Rouge Pit (ROB and Pit)
4: Diem and Ether
5: JBAndrew and Wyatt
5: Mr. Clutch and Vajaja
7: Bschung and Blue
7: Doom and UltimaScout
9: Cyanide and Orion

Defeated Doom and UltimaScout, 2-0
Defeated ChiboSempai and Rogue Pit, 2-1
Defeated DaPuffster and Vex, 3-1
Defeated DaPuffster and Vex, 3-0

1: Atomsk (Dedede/Meta Knight/Lucario)
2: Inui (Meta Knight/Snake)

3: DaPuffster (Diddy Kong/Jigglypuff)
4: Pierce7d (Marth)
5: bschung (Dedede)
5: Blue (Sonic)
7: Vajaja (Game and Watch)
7: Blackwaltz (Olimar)
9: Orion
9: Rouge Pit
9: Wyatt
9: Vex Kasrani
13: ChiboSempai
13: Rob
13: Pride
13: Chill
17: RJ
17: Doom
17: Dusk
17: Mr. Clutch
17: Kai
17: JB Andrew
17: Ulitma Scout
17: Shippo
25: Cyanide
25: GdDmt

Defeated RJ, 2-0
Defeated Vex Kasrani, 2-1
Defeated Pierce7d, 2-0
Lost to Atomsk, 2-3
Defeated DaPuffster, 3-0
Forfeit to Atomsk, split

Season's Beatings III, October 18, Ohio

(1st and 2nd split.)
1: Inui (MetaKnight)
2: Forward (Snake/Pit)
3: AlphaZealot (Diddy)
4: Dook (Snake/Lucario)
5: Joey Fury (Snake)
5: Quivo (Toon Link)
7: Coma (Diddy Kong)
7: Black Guile (Marth)
9: Delta Punk
9: Sonic the Hedgedawg
9: McWooty
9: Tyr
13: Frame
13: Flackside
13: Pyro
13: Dad
17: Noel Brown
17: Kaj09
17: Mom
17: Thekiest
17: Lil Negrito
17: Master WGS
17: Tatsumi
17: t3hcount
25: Laoshu
25: Mindin
25: Kuroh
25: Pirin
25: Tarzan
25: Mr. J
25: Mike Arroyo
25: Virt
33: t-800
33: Jelli
33: Kyle Wahula
33: Doc
33: Clembo
33: Caps Indigo
33: Rune Kai
33: Green Thang
33: E_
33: Soulpech
33: Blood Kriby
33: Scythe Mu
33: Omega
33: King
33: EV
33: J Money
49: Kaz
49: Keits
49: Harmonic Tunes
49: Rakae
49: Clubberlang
49: Jio
49: JackG
49: Isiah Brannon
49: Ibanez Ninja
49: Dijon
49: Akira
49: VC
49: KarateLincoln
49: Tiggy
49: Pdiamond
65: JC
65: Vandy
65: Evan
65: Todd Ryujin

Defeated Mike Arroyo, 2-0
Defeated Frame, 2-0
Defeated Tatsumi, 2-0
Defeated Coma, 2-0
Defeated Quivo, 2-0
Defeated AlphaZealot, 3-2
Defeated Forward by forfeit, split

Blue Battle Circuit #2, October 25th

1: Snakeee and Shadow (ZSS and MK)
2: Inui and Atomsk (Meta Knight and Olimar/Lucario)
3: Pierce7d and BlackWaltz (Marth and Olimar)
4: Diem and Ether
5: Izumi and Umbra
5: Eazy and Yes!
7: RJ and Ryko
7: Blue and Kai
9: Doom and Rhyme
9: bschung and Will
9: Mrdc and Chill

Defeated Izumi and Umbra, 2-0
Defeated Pierce7d and BlackWaltz, 2-0
Lost to Snakeee and Shadow, 1-3
Defeated Pierce7d and BlackWaltz, 3-0
Lost to Snakeee and Shadow, 0-3

1: Atomsk (Olimar/Dedede/Lucario)
2: Inui (Meta Knight/Snake)

3: Yes! (Snake/Fox)
4: Shadow (Meta Knight)
5: Snakeee (Zero Suit Samus)
5: Pierce7d (Marth)
7: Blue (Sonic)
7: bschung (Dedede)
9: Izumi
9: BlackWaltz
9: Diem
9: Kai
13: Eazy
13: Umbra
13: Ether
13: Eroe
17: Ryko
17: Chill
17: RJ
17: Doom
17: Will
17: Shippo
17: Daichi
17: Mrdc

Defeated Mrdc, 2-0
Defeated Izumi, 2-0
Lost to Yes!, 1-2
Defeated Pierce7d, 2-1
Defeated Shadow, 2-0
Defeated Yes!, 3-2
Defeated Atomsk, 3-2
Lost to Atomsk, 0-3

Blue Battle Circuit #4, November 8th

1: Mew2King and teh_spamerer (Meta Knight and Meta Knight)
2: Inui and Atomsk (Meta Knight/Snake and Dedede/Wario)
3: Diem and Ether (Meta Knight and Snake)
4: Pierce7d and bschung (Marth and Dedede)
5: Bleachigo and Umbra
5: Vex and UltimaScout
7: BlackWaltz and Blue
7: Doom and Rhyme
9: CDT and Mike
9: JON! and 3xSwords
9: Xzax and Tec0
9: Izumi and Magus

Defeated Bleachigo and Umbra, 2-0
Defeated Pierce7d and bschung, 2-0
Lost to Mew2King and teh_spamerer, 0-3
Defeated Diem and Ether, 3-1
Lost to Mew2King and teh_spamerer, 1-3

1: Mew2King (Meta Knight)
2: Inui (Snake/Meta Knight)
3: Atomsk (Olimar/Dedede)
4: Blackwaltz (Olimar)
5: Pierce7d (Marth)
5: Umbra (Meta Knight/Pit/Wolf)
7: Vex (Bowser/Game and Watch)
7: rhyme (Samus/Olimar)
9: Blue
9: Xzax
9: Izumi
9: Ether
13: Bleachigo
13: Diem
13: NinjaEdd
13: bschung
17: UltimaScout
17: Mrdc
17: Chill
17: CDT
17: MIKE
17: JT706
17: Doom

Defeated CDT, 2-0
Defeated Xzax, 2-0
Lost to Mew2King, 0-2
Defeated Umbra, 2-0
Defeated BlackWaltz, 2-1
Defeated Atomsk, 3-2
Forfeit to Mew2King

King of the Couch, 11/15/08, Edison NJ

1: Mew2King (Meta Knight/Dedede)
2: Inui (Meta Knight/Snake)
3: Atomsk (Olimar/Dedede/Meta Knight)
4: Yes! (Snake)
5: Keitaro (Falco)
5: Izumi (Toon Link/Meta Knight)
7: Pride (Yoshi)
7: Copycat (Kirby)
9: Mickey
9: Eazy
9: ROT8
13: Josh B
13: Billy
13: Scope
10 players were eliminated in pools.

Defeated Billy, 2-0
Defeated Keitaro, 2-1
Lost to Atomsk, 1-2
Defeated Izumi, 2-0
Defeated Yes!, 2-1
Defeated Atomsk, 3-0
Forfeit to Mew2King, split

Hurricane Meta Knight, 11/22/08, Princeton, NJ

1: Inui and Atomsk (Meta Knight/Snake and Dedede/Wario)
2: teh_spamerer and Tec0 (Meta Knight/Luigi and Meta Knight/Dedede)
3: Keitaro and Yes! (Falco and Snake)
4: Mr. Clutch and VaJaJ (Wario and Game and Watch)
5: Chrome Pirate and Rule 34
5: BlackWaltz and Lord Knight
7: Birds of Gay
7: Jonas Brothers
9: Umbra and Malcom
9: Chandellier
9: Magus and Izumi
9: Diem and Ether
13: Team Obama '08
13: Rhyme and Doom
13: Have you seen my Link!?
13: Impact
17: Deadly Asps
17: England
17: Team Jones
17: Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Defeated Hello Kitty Island Adventure, 2-1
Defeated Umbra and Malcom, 2-1
Defeated BlackWaltz and Lord Knight, 2-0
Defeated teh_spamerer and Tec0, 3-0
Lost to teh_spamerer and Tec0, 1-3
Defeated teh_spamerer and Tec0, 3-0

1: Inui (Meta Knight/Snake)
2: Atomsk (Olimar/Dedede/Kirby)

3: Keitaro (Falco)
4: ksizzle (Dedede)
5: Yes! (Snake)
5: Izumi (Meta Knight/Toon Link)
7: BlackWaltz (Olimar)
7: Chrome Pirate (Diddy Kong)
9: Kai
9: Munk
9: Umbra
9: Mr. Clutch
13: Seph
13: bschung
13: Malcom
13: Rogue Pit
17: JG Wentworth
17: Doom
17: Rhyme
17: Blue
17: Kid
17: Lord Knight
17: PRiDE
17: Mr. Ryu
25: TBagz
25: Chaos Marth
25: Melo
25: Cable
25: Clai
25: Ryko
25: Rule 34
25: Magus
33: Axe
33: A@
33: Numb
33: Berg
33: VaJaJa
33: dumba989
33: GunBlade
33: Steak
33: McGraw
33: CLove
33: Souks
33: Sugar
33: Void
33: Palpi
33: .Com
33: BladeWing
49: Chad
49: Graz

Defeated .Com, 2-0
Defeated Kai, 2-0
Defeated Mr. Clutch, 2-0
Defeated ksizzle, 2-0
Defeated Atomsk by forfeit
Forfeit to Atomsk
Defeated Atomsk, 3-2

ChuDat's Thanksgiving Biweekly, November 29th, VA

1: Inui and Atomsk (Meta Knight and Dedede)
2: G-regulate and Omni (Snake and Meta Knight)
3: NinjaLink and D1 (Diddy/ROB and Falco/Marth)
4: Candy and Boss (Snake and Mario/Luigi)
5: Slikvik and God-is-my-rock
5: Forte and ChuDat
7: Thumbs and Jose
7: Hat and Turbo
9: Pierce7d and bschung
9: UmbreonMeowMix and Kirbstir
9: NEO and JCaesar
9: Lukky and Lobos
13: Bandit and geodude829
13: Doom and RJ
13: Vistfull of Dollars
13: Deez and P~S
17: NGO
17: ThunderHorse and QuinnyDinny
17: Taj and Lilb
17: Matt and Yo
17: Nkb and Saint
17: Zander and Poyo
17: Ada and K9
17: We Have a Team Name Now
25: Bonk and Sin
25: Ryko and Rookie

Defeated Deez and P~S, 2-0
Defeated Candy and Boss, 2-1
Defeated G-regulate and Omni, 2-0
Defeated NinjaLink and D1, 3-0
Defeated G-regulate and Omni, 3-2

1: Atomsk (Dedede/Olimar)
2: NinjaLink (Diddy/ROB)
3: NEO (Marth)
4: Chillin (Snake/Falco)
5: ChuDat (Kirby)
5: Inui (Meta Knight/Snake)
7: Forte (Meta Knight)
7: Omni (Meta Knight
9: Candy
9: G-regulate
9: Jose
9: Boss
13: meep
13: hat
13: deez
13: Vist
17: Rookie
17: yo
17: turbo
17: Pierce7d
17: JCaesar
17: thumbs
17: D1
17: CK
25: doom
25: Pyronic Star
25: god-is-my-rock
25: bschung
25: k9
25: dksmash
25: gonzo
25: NKB
33: Lobos
33: Kirbstir
33: sin
33: geodude829
33: rj
33: wozzy
33: sage
33: dawgbowl
33: taj
33: saint
33: june
33: Slikvik
33: chaos
33: Ryko
33: apostle
33: bandit
49: ada
49: Aoth

Defeated Kirbstir, 2-0
Defeated Boss, 2-1
Lost to ChuDat, 0-2
Defeated Candy, 2-0
Defeated Forte, 2-1
Lost to NEO, 1-2
He did better just in MD/VA out of almost every recent tournament and I ***** a big tourny in the Midwest. It's also worth noting that even he thinks I'm slightly better in teams.

I keep track of these things, Jason.

My rivalry with Trevor, thought not as important as our partnership, is pretty important to both of us.
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