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R.U.N Crew is over, was good friends. Lock this thread please

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Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Problems like these usually occur right after Atomsk and Inui do good with another region's presence available.

They say so or so region is far better than NJ although they get just about the same placings wherever they go.

Although whatever region may be better, I refuse to agree they are better by a vast amount and one recent tournament where only Inui and Atomsk did good from NJ when Spam, Keitaro, Yes, Blackwaltz, Ksizzle, Jigglymaster etc aren't there shouldn't be enough to make a decision on how beast a region is when you overtake it like you do in NJ when Spam and M2K don't enter.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
wow are you seriously criticizing INUI For playing MK when you use FALCO. You get 50 + free damage from 1 grab, and you can camp any character in the game by just jumping and shooting lasers. MK may be SLIGHTLY better, but your character is far gayer. Do not ever say that stuff again. Eazy - inui is better than you, i can't believe how cocky you two are being for no reason. Go OOS and do something or don't let your egos get too big. Prove stuff (and CONSISTENTLY too) or don't talk. You guys are making me ashamed to live in NJ.

btw they are better by a vast amount overall, the amount of good players in NJ is very minimal, while MD/VA has many. I'm pretty sure the TOP 4 IN NEW JERSEY all agree with me.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
wow are you seriously criticizing INUI For playing MK when you use FALCO.
Nope, I just said that he didn't do anything really impressive when he went OOS and that he lost to people that if he beat, would have been more notable.

I didn't say anything about Falco being gay which he can be but it's rediculous to compare Falco and MK as near equal. Maybe equal in gayness but you don't see any "Falco ban" threads around do you? How about "Ban Snake" threads?

Nope, but there are over a dozen "ban MK" ones.

Edit: Also Yes has beaten Inui more than once recently, I have beaten Atomsk more than once recently, Blackwaltz lives here, so does Jigglymaster and they both have beaten Atomsk and Inui.

Yes MD/VA has a greater amount of good players but I think it's dumb to deny the obviousness of NJ doing pretty well at times and say another place is far better when they got ***** by 2 NJ players that aren't even the top 2 of NJ.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
who cares, either use MK and prove me wrong, or stop johning about your character

i have hardly followed this thread at all btw, i skimmed the last page in like a minute.

Falco IS gayer than MK. MK is just better. It's like how fox is better than jiggs in melee, but jiggs is far gayer.

all i hear is john about my character when i also use a broken character, and if i lose it doesn't matter cuz I'm not using MK.

if you guys use MK against me you will get *****. Top tiers are easy to ****; everyone uses them.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
How am I making johns for my character :confused: I simply stated that MK is better which you agreed upon. You think Falco is gayer, that's your opinion, he probably is, I'm not argueing that at all.

As for using MK, hell no. I can't stand playing with him in tourney. I did it once and didn't like the outcome "I won btw". Falco is good enough to not need to go MK honestly.

I guess your argueing some of your opinions with both Eazy and I but it's hard to tell. I also don't think I can beat ya'll with MK as I do play him alot in friendlies but SD all the time.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Ok, I need clarification.

By gayer you mean relies on more gimmicks and stuff but MK is better due to his base attributes correct?

Cuz overall, I think anyone could argue that the combination of MK's abilities makes him gayer then Falco.

Then gain Falco's shoots a laser and bam...he has control of the match with like no effort at all and no real risk to himself and has CG's so...meh. I get what you are saying.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
Complete Bull**** for anyone that thinks if you main MK, you auto win tournaments. If that is true, then pick MK and win 3 tournaments or place super high and then make your claims. People always Johning about something, so much that we shouldn't use the term John anymore but change it to fred, stop fredding, ****.

"If I mained Mk I would be better than you"
"You didn't beat me, your character did"
" if I fight you in 9,0000 friendlies and almost win, it means I got better and you aren't that good"
"If I could only beat you but fail against everyone else, I must be sick, nervous, controller broken, bull****"

Stop all the talking and just prove it in tournaments and stop fredding. Next thing you know, people will be saying you only won because you main M2K. So get ready to change your Dna to prove yourself.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
And that's why you beat us Atomsk. I main SK92 and Eazy clearly mains NinjaEdd.

If Umbra and Izumi changed their mains to Metaknight, we all know who would be winning tourneys in NJ......lmao!!

I wish you would play Falco M2K :(


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
EL you are saying that fox is gayer than jiggs in melee. The way you have to play to win = how gay a character is. Jiggs is gay because she's just boring and it's just bairs, back throw, and rest. Falco is gay because he CGs you and camps you. It's also very skillless. MKs only truely gay thing is tornado. Otherwise he's just like fox: regular overpowered compared to most characters. They win by fighting you though (besides tornado). They are better, not gayer.

Keitaro i actually ***** dsfs rusty snake in friendly with falco, ***** velocity w/ falco back when i played (well won most, but this was his prime also) and 3 stocked jesiah twice in a row w/ falco (he says he wasn't trying though, but still). I sincerely believe falco is either 2nd or 3rd best in the game alongside snake.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
I suppose you just use the term for lame tactics or tactics where you don't really fight.

I consider anything or anyone that is overpowered to be gay in some way though.

That's just how fighting games are.

Also ledgecamping MK is pretty gay by your terms. I know you don't play like that so it doesn't apply to you, but there is no denying how scary MK is when he ledge camps since he has alot of options, and I don't think that most characters can really stop him without putting themselves at risk.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
Cypress, CA
Wow I totally haven't kept up with this since turkey day. This went from the MOB thread to the sexual orientation of MK thread really fast...

Anyways, thursday at Judson again? Xio said he might come and might be able to bring a setup. So we'd have 4 setup's this week?

Question mark?

Just renewed love for this game over break, so I'm acting pretty giddy/******** right now, need to playyyyy


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
I don't understand how a character's sexuality is defined by his playing style. What type of animal is a metaknight? his arms,legs,p*nis are all attached to his face, only covered by a mask. How is he not gay? Anyway, I am sure everyone thought M2K was winning tourney's because he was playing MK so they all secretly started to pratice MK themselves and kept suiciding all the time and place the same in Tournament so they dropped MK. It isn't that easy to be an MK main and no suicide. Have anyone watched an M2K MK video? He is the most aggressive rabid *******, I have ever seen in my life, I don't think he knows what camping is. I saw his MK jump down and chase someone straight to hell and he made it back somehow.

That said, characters do have advantages, some characters take priority with almost all their attacks and can transfer it into a stronger attack to kill. Some characters can chain grab, stun you, some can to ariel attacks because their recovery can go under the stage and back to the other side while fighting and some are just trying to make a decent living in life.

On a side note. People who know how someone fights can win, even if they suck because they usually get ***** so badly, the good player doesn't see a pattern they use because they are usually taking it up the man hole as for the person getting *****, they can sit down, get *****, like it, and learn how you fight and then beat you. It will take awhile for the better player to learn the crappier one after that then everything gets back to normal somewhat.

I might change my main from Fox in brawl because of the vomit forward sounding kicks. I haven't been playing Brawl because my sister got her leg stolen and I can't seem to find it, well, when I do find it I will main MK and beat M2K and everyone because I main MK.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Um Jason don't tell me you have Inui eyes and you can't read what posts actually say. Find me the post where I said I'm better than Inui???? I said he isn't a smarter player than me. That is my opinion from watching him play. I also don't find him to be anywhere near the level (mentally speaking) as Kashif. I know he does better than me in tourny, that makes him smarter? Maybe smarter for picking meta but not as far as reading people, and quick change ups. Don't post some nonsense making it look like I said something I didn't say.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
call me an idiot to my face inui and say i wont beat the **** outta u right then and there ***got
I dare you to try that at my venue, or at all. What a stupid move that would be. I can't believe you'd post garbage like this and take an e-insult so seriously.

teh_spamerer said:
So....you had one impressive win, that being Boss. Then again, Boss uses mediocre characters. I'd count Forte but he's lost to Trevor in Meta vs Dedede like 5x now when a small red button on the controller > Trevor's Dedede. If Trevor wins that matchup against a Meta with Dedede, you winning with Snake is not all that impressive.
Wtf? Candy has beaten Chillin recently and he ***** in teams consistently, so he's obviously really good. Forte two and threestocked G-regulate's Snake right before playing me. You have no idea what you're talking about. You know Forte's history. He has a problem match-up with Dedede. That's all.

Enter something so I can beat you. You constantly diminish everything I accomplish and try to reduce it to nothing regardless of what the accomplishment is. You'd probably try to negate me beating ChuDat or NEO if I won. Again, enter something in singles so I can beat you.

Mew2King said:
wow are you seriously criticizing INUI For playing MK when you use FALCO. You get 50 + free damage from 1 grab, and you can camp any character in the game by just jumping and shooting lasers. MK may be SLIGHTLY better, but your character is far gayer. Do not ever say that stuff again. Eazy - inui is better than you, i can't believe how cocky you two are being for no reason. Go OOS and do something or don't let your egos get too big. Prove stuff (and CONSISTENTLY too) or don't talk. You guys are making me ashamed to live in NJ.

btw they are better by a vast amount overall, the amount of good players in NJ is very minimal, while MD/VA has many. I'm pretty sure the TOP 4 IN NEW JERSEY all agree with me.
QFT on almost everything. I do consistently **** OOS. :D

Keitaro said:
Edit: Also Yes has beaten Inui more than once recently, I have beaten Atomsk more than once recently, Blackwaltz lives here, so does Jigglymaster and they both have beaten Atomsk and Inui.

Yes MD/VA has a greater amount of good players but I think it's dumb to deny the obviousness of NJ doing pretty well at times and say another place is far better when they got ***** by 2 NJ players that aren't even the top 2 of NJ.
You're stupid for counting a loss at a free tournament where I only used Snake and played stupid Snake dittos. The first win he got was Snake vs MK my first time playing it, and after that loss I beat Pierce7d, Shadow, and Yes and then took the first set from Atomsk. At KotC, I demolished Yes. Jigglymaster's win was absolutely freaking stupid and it was ages ago, just like BlackWaltz's single win ages ago when Pictochat was legal and I SD'd at 0%.

I hate when you bring up meaningless garbage so much. Stop doing it. You're going to make me dislike you quite a bit if you start devoting half of your posts to tarnishing me again.

Atomsk and I aren't the top two in NJ? One of us is quite possibly 2nd now. Kashif hasn't done anything recently. He won't even enter singles or travel. Also, saying we're not ranked 1st or w/e is stupid. You know Jason lives here.

Emblem Lord said:
Cuz overall, I think anyone could argue that the combination of MK's abilities makes him gayer then Falco.
Falco is gayer.

Eazy23 said:
Um Jason don't tell me you have Inui eyes and you can't read what posts actually say. Find me the post where I said I'm better than Inui???? I said he isn't a smarter player than me. That is my opinion from watching him play. I also don't find him to be anywhere near the level (mentally speaking) as Kashif. I know he does better than me in tourny, that makes him smarter? Maybe smarter for picking meta but not as far as reading people, and quick change ups. Don't post some nonsense making it look like I said something I didn't say.
I am obviously a significantly smarter/better player than you if I can beat top class players consistently and do so much better than you all the time. Stop creditting everything to MK. I was vastly superior back when I mained Marth and I can beat you with many characters.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Wtf? Candy has beaten Chillin recently and he ***** in teams consistently, so he's obviously really good.
Teams isn't singles and I've always had a higher standard of what is considered an exceptional player. If you beat Snakeee and not Candy I would have said the same thing :laugh:

Forte two and threestocked G-regulate's Snake right before playing me. You have no idea what you're talking about.
You know Forte's history.

He has a problem match-up with Dedede. That's all.
Well if I had a problem matchup with Bowser in Melee when I play Falco, I wouldn't consider anyone beating me to be an accomplishment for them.

Having a problem matchup with Dedede when you use Meta is bad :(. He also hasn't been placing that well recently. You could say he lives in MD/VA but that doesn't stop AZENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <3

Chu's thanksgiving biweekly: 7th
C3 ECRC: 13th
CH4: 9th
small C3: 4th
Halloween biweekly: 5: Slikvik (Peach/G&W/Wario)
5: Forte (MK)

LOL @ tying with Slikvik!

Enter something so I can beat you.
I never said I was better than Kashif.
lawl @ saying you're not better than me and wagering $20 or $25 that I would outplace Trevor at the next tournament we both enter but assuming that if you would play me you have a 100% chance to beat me :laugh:.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
Wtf? I didn't know Jason plays brawl?
You better start saying M2K or I will get confused with that scary b*stard.

Anyway, everyone knows Inui gets under people skin like bacteria which then provokes them into saying the very first thing that comes out their a**. "I..I...can beat you in brawl Inui! you suck!". Big mistake, I don't want to rub anyones balls here but don't let inui get to you and say something creepy because he isn't a bad player. I stalked him, even while he was eating his rasin brand cereal, he practices and he is good. No random human nor animal, can pick up a controller and do what he does with MK. he is a good player, with soft and sickly hair(Heard this from Azen) but yeah, just go into mute mode and beat him in tournament and then you have the right to talk.

ok now to bash Inui's insides. While it is true that you are a good player, you do say some smelly sh*t to make yourself look like a God when you are just a Hercules. People mistake your Bs for your skill, so when you run around saying you are better than Zeus, people will get angry and say you are just mortal. Try being nicer to people, nut swing them a bit and they will nut swing you....ok, not sure if you want people swinging on your nuts but it might be a change.

Spammer, you need to go to tournaments and stop trying to think of names for your chia pet.

Rankings in NJ.
small gap
huge fu*king d*ck sucking gap
decent gap
Inui's cat
captain falcon


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Enter singles at a tournament I'm at so I can beat you again.

Btw, I won that bet on October 4th with Trevor, but cancelled it for the next event because I'm too confident that both of us can beat you.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
what bet was oct 4th?
Edit- just read your post. Inui I'm going to drop it, your head is SO FAR up ur a$$ you can't even see straight. Did you and I EVER PLAY in tourny since the rutgers days? Do you know how confident I was that I would destroy you in tourny? Marth, woulda beaten u. Snake woulda beaten you. d3 wouda ***** you. Like in your head imagine the sets and stop basing everything off of who you've beaten. And no you can not beat me with multiple characters. It's actually the other way around but w/e.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I bet $20 that Kashif would outplace Trevor at Harry Potter and the Planking Meta Knight.

I made the same bet again for when they both enter singles, but cancelled it about two weeks ago when I realized just how beatable Kashif has become for both of us.

Snakeee said:
What's with that comment Spam? I do just as well in singles as I do in teams now sir
If you're not M2K/Azen/DSF, you suck. That's his opinion. Beating other people doesn't matter.

Well, not really. That's exagerrating. It's still really close, though.

He can't beat those people, anyways.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
LMAOOO starc0ck!

I just had some good training with Keitaro. We need to do more meta vs snake lol its so fun!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
RedAxelRanger (11:30:02 PM): psst not entering tournaments for a game that requires minimal intelligence/skill doesnt make u worse
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:14 PM): i just want u to enter
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:16 PM): so i can beat you
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:17 PM): =/
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:20 PM): or at least have the chance
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:29 PM): i know ur not dodging me and trevor on purpose
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:36 PM): but we both have to beat you to accomplish something
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:37 PM): like
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:45 PM): you were formerly an unbeatable player to us
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:47 PM): and god tier
Sesshomaru010101 (11:30:52 PM): we need to overcome that
Sesshomaru010101 (11:31:00 PM): it's gay that we're never getting the chance
Sesshomaru010101 (11:31:10 PM): dont take it personally
Sesshomaru010101 (11:31:23 PM): we're both just confident we can take u now since we've improved dramatically
Enter singlessssss.

Also, your standards are stupid and not really realistic. It's one thing to be elitist and think only the top is good, but it's another thing to only consider those freakishly good geniuses good. Not even Jason's standards are that high.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Also, your standards are stupid and not really realistic. It's one thing to be elitist and think only the top is good, but it's another thing to only consider those freakishly good geniuses good. Not even Jason's standards are that high.
They are highly realistic. I am not stating that M2K, Azen, etc. are the only good players, I am stating that they are the only exceptional players. They are clearly at a different skill level than other players. I don't want to call top players Beyond Godlike Whoamg Rediculous alksdjflaskdfjlas level. That's dumb


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
What was the point of pasting a conversation to spam that you had with spam LMAO!
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