ROB can zone us out really bad in this MU.
Spacing Vs ROB has to be very precise, as he beats us at Jab/Grab Range, as well as outside our Dtilt Range.
His Nair as a Zoning Tool is very safe vs Ganon - Ganon has to be spaced so he can PS it early to be able to punish it.
If he's using Nair to cover his landing, we sort of have to hit him before it comes out, or bait it out early to be able to punish it.
ROB is one of the stronger campers in the game, and Ganon is one of the slowest characters, so ROB gets to spend more time camping Vs Ganon than Vs many other characters -- free damage will happen.
Ganons are pround of their PSing Skills and it's a bit of bread and butter for us to approach with it, however, PSing (or shielding in general) the gyro is something you don't wanna do, except at very close range.
I recommend a simple roll towards ROB when he fires the gyro, or an Air Dodge-Pick Up.
ROB's Dthrow > Uair kills us at around 95%, even with perfect DI, and it beats out or aerial wizkick most of the time, which is stupid.
Ganon can rack up damage really quick in this MU when Rob's at a low %. Around 60% in mere seconds isn't uncommon via combos/tight strings/strong reads.
Ganon has really nice Flame Choke Shenanigans on Rob, thx to his poor Get up-options.
Rob does not gimp Ganon easily. That's just false. He kills us with Uair, Usmash, Bair,
If Rob's recovering low, he's in trouble, but it's not a garantueed spike/gimp for Ganon by any means.
If we Flame Choke you while we're holding the gyro, it's a free 33% true combo if you don't tech the choke.
In the end, Rob is just better at most ranges in the MUs, and can do a lot of stuff that is pretty damn safe Vs Ganon.
Rob does win the MU by a good margin, but one mistake, or a good Ganon Read, and it can cost Rob the match.

60 - 40
50 - 50 Customs ON