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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Aug 6, 2008
Well, chiptune seems alright. Reminds me of an updated 8-bit music style from all those older games.

Ignoring the stupid pun, I approved of your efforts.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
Well, chiptune seems alright. Reminds me of an updated 8-bit music style from all those older games.

Ignoring the stupid pun, I approved.
yeah in chiptune, basically they take sounds from 8bit era games and mash them into newer melodies and stuff

chiptune is too good :D
Aug 6, 2008
Team "Scrubbing Bubbles", it is a team name I have yet to use.
I will be 'Suds' one day.

Chiptune is another group to add to my increasing list of stuff to look into >_<

Edit: Needed royalblue

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
Team "Scrubbing Bubbles", it is a team name I have yet to use.
I will be 'Suds' one day.

Chiptune is another group to add to my increasing list of stuff to look into >_<

Edit: Needed royalblue
anamanaguchi is defintely a good band to look into if youre just getting into it. if you want, later i could look up some other chiptune artists for you if you'd like
Aug 6, 2008
Listening to some of their stuff. Other names would be nice. I prefer single titles rather than groups. A single group usually only has like a few songs I might like while the rest are okay.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
ill do it in the morning, its like almost 12 30 and i dont want to wake everyone up :D


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Hey guys got tons of MM this weekend and was just hoping for any all tips/tricks vs the characters i'll be facing.


Ones i particularly need though are
toonlink gets an honorable mention as well.

Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
Personally for D3 I just camp from the platforms to avoid the grab, & for Diddy Kong I don't throw the banana at them, because it seems like everytime I do they get the banana back so I just try to keep it on the stage and away from them. The thing I find useful against Marth is mainly punishing their landings. For Falco I love using the d-smash mines, because his raptor dash/side-b, because unlike grenades it always beats it if they touch it. For ZSS I thinks it's useful to expect them to atleast throw one of their armor pieces, & spot dodge it or something, but I don't get to play it enough to know if it's just the ones in my region or not.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2011
Dash attack Zamus. It beats out A LOT of her moves. And be careful with suit pieces, ZSS has extremely effective combos involving them, and if you can't avoid them you'll be down 60%. If you do manage to get her offstage and have a suit piece nearby, they edgeguard very well. They'll knock you out of cypher as well.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Hey guys got tons of MM this weekend and was just hoping for any all tips/tricks vs the characters i'll be facing.


Ones i particularly need though are
toonlink gets an honorable mention as well.
Camp the first 45-50% to avoid the cg to dair spike. If you're gonna go in for some hits early on, have some nades ready. Their jab cancel game is annoying, so expect a lot of that. Flaco can jump pretty high and bair you out of cypher. I hate this MU cause his lazors are so annoying. When trying to land, don't airdodge into fsmash either. It's so dumb but I do this a lot.

I used to play a D3 a long while ago, but I sucked (more) backed then. Some people play near the edge to reduce the cg damage in the case you get CGed. If you decide to mash nades during a cg, be careful cause he might purposely stop the cg and dash attack while you pluck a nade. I dunno if this works, but I figured I'd mention it. Camping might be best in this case, cause this fatty will get you offstage with a grab and edge guard with bairs all day. D3 can kill with utilt too, so watch for that at high percents. Watch out for them gordos too. I can't say too much though, since it's been a while since I've played a DDD, so take anything I say with a grain of salt.
Aug 6, 2008
Hey guys got tons of MM this weekend and was just hoping for any all tips/tricks vs the characters i'll be facing.

For Ike. I forget how to DI his jab properly. Experiment real quick to be sure. Hold up and away from his jab. If you do it properly for the first two hits, then he cannot finish it off with a grab. I'm pretty sure if you hold it out far enough at mid higher percents, Ike cannot jab x 2 -> jab x2 repeat more than twice before you can jump out. Either way, avoid getting into some jab tangles by him.

Ike will attempt a bthrow -> dash attack. I am not sure what percents it works on Snake, but some percents it is a combo and others it is not. Pretty much shield after bthrow or tech if you can. His dash attack has to be activated pretty far in advance since it lurches forward so much before hitting. If you do not see it quickly after the bthrow, then get out of shield to avoid any grab stunts Ike might try.

Overall, don't fumble around too much with nades since Ike will likely try to be in your face. Let him come to you and try to punish whatever he misses. Ike's attacks are laggy enough that if they miss a shield, snake can usually reach in with a ftilt or dash attack. However, if you are too far away Ike is pretty safe with his attacks.

For Marth. Treat the first few percents like you might against falco in a way. Marth will likely want a grab. If he does, it's like an auto 30% due to throw -> tipper. I forget which throw he will use, but it is a combo for the first 20% or so. The rest of the time he will have a nice follow-up.

Try to maintain center stage control because getting off the ledge is quiet difficult. I also recommend avoiding playing on FD. The platforms help getting away from Marth's juggling.

For Diddy. Do not let Diddy have his way with bananas. You do not have to make it a number one priority to take them over, I simply mean to pressure him so that he does not get complete control of the stage with them. Constantly being near diddy kong will make it more difficult for him to pull bananas without him risking getting hit or you getting one after he throws them. That way, the fight comes to snake without the added factor of bananas getting in the way. Sure, he can throw snake away then get nanas, but he actually has to hit you first which means he puts himself at risk without the safety of bananas.

There are multiple ways to deal with his bananas, but the foremost in my opinion has been to not attack diddy's shield and let him waste it on a throw. You can grab them out of shield if it hits your shield. If one is lying on the ground between you and him, you can cover the option that he might try to grab it or attack you through it. Either way, rushing to get them is not always the best idea because diddy kong will try the same in return.

The match-up is a big fight to hit diddy when you can, take control of whatever naners you can along the way, and prevent him from getting more out on the stage when they are gone.

For ToonLink. I have no suggestions. All I know is that his camping is hard to camp against since he spends so much time in the air throwing out disjointed sword attacks, and projectiles from all different angles. He will have to come down eventually to kill you or to get his jumps back. Try to be near those areas where he lands to attack him and kill him for attempting to kill you.

For DDD. I think the best counter against his grab is to grab back. Nearly every time I play DDD, I get grabbed for attacking shield. People wait for you to attack shield quiet often. Now, DDD's spotdodge will stop that, so you have to pay attention to patterns in DDD's play. Jab and Grab are your better attacks to throw out there until you get a guaranteed chance to punish with Ftilt or a KO with Utilt. The rest of the time you should camp your explosives around you and against DDD.

DDD and Snake both edgeguard and juggle each other pretty well. Work him to the ledge, then keep him there. It's very hard for DDD to get off the ledge without taking damage.

For ZSS. I have nothing for ZSS other than to get rid of the suit pieces. They are not worth the trouble in my opinion to keep them out to use against her. Snake cannot utilize them nearly as well as a mobile character like ZSS can and the added danger against Snake with them onstage can give her a good lead if not taken care of quickly. Other than that, it's like fighting over bananas. Be careful of ZSS stalking suit pieces if you want to get one, and likewise for you to stalk them if she is trying to go for one.

I might go and reword much of this. I think I felt like most of this all I did was give you reminders of things rather than straight forward instructions of what was in my mind when I mentioned it.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2010
Heaven's Arena, Republic of Padokea
Against d3:

CAMP LIKE YOU'VE NEVER CAMPED. Once you get grabbed it's a guaranteed lead for D3.

Space utilt and use it more often because it
1. clanks with his ftilt
2. d3 cannot grab on block

watch out for landmines you put down, don't get CG'd into them.

D3's spot dodge is gay as hell. beware.
Aug 6, 2008
I'd almost say that CG into mine might be beneficial :p I hate recovering below the stage if DDD decides to ground release Snake at the ledge. If you 2nd jump to early, DDD can hit you. If you fall back to try to grab the ledge without going above the stage, DDD can edgehog you forcing you into UpB recovery at which time your stock is gone for sure.

Not sure why I do not see DDD do that more often though. It puts Snake at such a disadvantage of recovering than simply Fthrow at the ledge or Dthrow -> Dtilt. That's just giving Snake the chance to recover period with either of those two options.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2010
Heaven's Arena, Republic of Padokea
If you jump away and cypher his ftilt won't break you out because of the super armor. point is that you have enough mix-ups at this point where a d3 would just prefer you in the air above him.
Aug 6, 2008
I wasn't thinking of ftilt o.0 I was mostly concerned with the fact that if DDD gets his play right and either hits snake out of his 2nd jump somehow below the stage, Snake has to cypher recover below stage. I think you understand that cypher recovery below stage either means death or a hell of a lot of percent trying to recover.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
Snake's hard camping and tech chase seem to work really well against DDD. I find DDD to be one of the easier characters to tech chase. Not too mention his large size and somewhat poor mobility makes it really hard for him to avoid grenades.

It's just his chaingrab and offstage game that shut Snake down so hard.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2011
The Netherlands.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been here for 10 days, I've been in Spain on vacation.
I was going to tell you guys, but SWF was down for maintenance when I wanted to lol.
Anything interesting happened?


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
I find Diddy really manageable to tech chase. He can even be FUN to tech chase, granted there are no bananas, of course.

Also, just as a reminder to Snake mains everywhere, play Snake because you think he's fun. That's the only thing that could've possibly kept me with the guy for 3 years.

Also, http://kotaku.com/5824031/konamis-getting-risk+y-with-the-metal-gear-solid-board-game

Also, in UL news, my state essentially banned Metaknight.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
Am I missing a joke here?
It isn't a joke. Someone did something that could be considered libel, and it might count as libel with malice intent. Which means if I were to sue, I would probably get a decent chunk of money. I could also just ignore it. :awesome:


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I was waiting for him to shield or for the stage to transition so that the moment our animations were truncated, I could F-tilt [which is what I did.]


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
It isn't a joke. Someone did something that could be considered libel, and it might count as libel with malice intent. Which means if I were to sue, I would probably get a decent chunk of money. I could also just ignore it. :awesome:


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Personally for D3 I just camp from the platforms to avoid the grab, & for Diddy Kong I don't throw the banana at them, because it seems like everytime I do they get the banana back so I just try to keep it on the stage and away from them. The thing I find useful against Marth is mainly punishing their landings. For Falco I love using the d-smash mines, because his raptor dash/side-b, because unlike grenades it always beats it if they touch it. For ZSS I thinks it's useful to expect them to atleast throw one of their armor pieces, & spot dodge it or something, but I don't get to play it enough to know if it's just the ones in my region or not.
Camp the first 45-50% to avoid the cg to dair spike. If you're gonna go in for some hits early on, have some nades ready. Their jab cancel game is annoying, so expect a lot of that. Flaco can jump pretty high and bair you out of cypher. I hate this MU cause his lazors are so annoying. When trying to land, don't airdodge into fsmash either. It's so dumb but I do this a lot.

I used to play a D3 a long while ago, but I sucked (more) backed then. Some people play near the edge to reduce the cg damage in the case you get CGed. If you decide to mash nades during a cg, be careful cause he might purposely stop the cg and dash attack while you pluck a nade. I dunno if this works, but I figured I'd mention it. Camping might be best in this case, cause this fatty will get you offstage with a grab and edge guard with bairs all day. D3 can kill with utilt too, so watch for that at high percents. Watch out for them gordos too. I can't say too much though, since it's been a while since I've played a DDD, so take anything I say with a grain of salt.
For Ike. I forget how to DI his jab properly. Experiment real quick to be sure. Hold up and away from his jab. If you do it properly for the first two hits, then he cannot finish it off with a grab. I'm pretty sure if you hold it out far enough at mid higher percents, Ike cannot jab x 2 -> jab x2 repeat more than twice before you can jump out. Either way, avoid getting into some jab tangles by him.

Ike will attempt a bthrow -> dash attack. I am not sure what percents it works on Snake, but some percents it is a combo and others it is not. Pretty much shield after bthrow or tech if you can. His dash attack has to be activated pretty far in advance since it lurches forward so much before hitting. If you do not see it quickly after the bthrow, then get out of shield to avoid any grab stunts Ike might try.

Overall, don't fumble around too much with nades since Ike will likely try to be in your face. Let him come to you and try to punish whatever he misses. Ike's attacks are laggy enough that if they miss a shield, snake can usually reach in with a ftilt or dash attack. However, if you are too far away Ike is pretty safe with his attacks.

For Marth. Treat the first few percents like you might against falco in a way. Marth will likely want a grab. If he does, it's like an auto 30% due to throw -> tipper. I forget which throw he will use, but it is a combo for the first 20% or so. The rest of the time he will have a nice follow-up.

Try to maintain center stage control because getting off the ledge is quiet difficult. I also recommend avoiding playing on FD. The platforms help getting away from Marth's juggling.

For Diddy. Do not let Diddy have his way with bananas. You do not have to make it a number one priority to take them over, I simply mean to pressure him so that he does not get complete control of the stage with them. Constantly being near diddy kong will make it more difficult for him to pull bananas without him risking getting hit or you getting one after he throws them. That way, the fight comes to snake without the added factor of bananas getting in the way. Sure, he can throw snake away then get nanas, but he actually has to hit you first which means he puts himself at risk without the safety of bananas.

There are multiple ways to deal with his bananas, but the foremost in my opinion has been to not attack diddy's shield and let him waste it on a throw. You can grab them out of shield if it hits your shield. If one is lying on the ground between you and him, you can cover the option that he might try to grab it or attack you through it. Either way, rushing to get them is not always the best idea because diddy kong will try the same in return.

The match-up is a big fight to hit diddy when you can, take control of whatever naners you can along the way, and prevent him from getting more out on the stage when they are gone.

For ToonLink. I have no suggestions. All I know is that his camping is hard to camp against since he spends so much time in the air throwing out disjointed sword attacks, and projectiles from all different angles. He will have to come down eventually to kill you or to get his jumps back. Try to be near those areas where he lands to attack him and kill him for attempting to kill you.

For DDD. I think the best counter against his grab is to grab back. Nearly every time I play DDD, I get grabbed for attacking shield. People wait for you to attack shield quiet often. Now, DDD's spotdodge will stop that, so you have to pay attention to patterns in DDD's play. Jab and Grab are your better attacks to throw out there until you get a guaranteed chance to punish with Ftilt or a KO with Utilt. The rest of the time you should camp your explosives around you and against DDD.

DDD and Snake both edgeguard and juggle each other pretty well. Work him to the ledge, then keep him there. It's very hard for DDD to get off the ledge without taking damage.

For ZSS. I have nothing for ZSS other than to get rid of the suit pieces. They are not worth the trouble in my opinion to keep them out to use against her. Snake cannot utilize them nearly as well as a mobile character like ZSS can and the added danger against Snake with them onstage can give her a good lead if not taken care of quickly. Other than that, it's like fighting over bananas. Be careful of ZSS stalking suit pieces if you want to get one, and likewise for you to stalk them if she is trying to go for one.

I might go and reword much of this. I think I felt like most of this all I did was give you reminders of things rather than straight forward instructions of what was in my mind when I mentioned it.
Against d3:

CAMP LIKE YOU'VE NEVER CAMPED. Once you get grabbed it's a guaranteed lead for D3.

Space utilt and use it more often because it
1. clanks with his ftilt
2. d3 cannot grab on block

watch out for landmines you put down, don't get CG'd into them.

D3's spot dodge is gay as hell. beware.
I'd almost say that CG into mine might be beneficial :p I hate recovering below the stage if DDD decides to ground release Snake at the ledge. If you 2nd jump to early, DDD can hit you. If you fall back to try to grab the ledge without going above the stage, DDD can edgehog you forcing you into UpB recovery at which time your stock is gone for sure.

Not sure why I do not see DDD do that more often though. It puts Snake at such a disadvantage of recovering than simply Fthrow at the ledge or Dthrow -> Dtilt. That's just giving Snake the chance to recover period with either of those two options.
If you jump away and cypher his ftilt won't break you out because of the super armor. point is that you have enough mix-ups at this point where a d3 would just prefer you in the air above him.
This is the Pinnacle of the Snake vs Toon Link match up. Hyro and I have performed this match up probably a 1,000 times, and this is the result of our extensive training.

Thanks guys :) unfortunately by the time these were posted i was already at my ride to the tourneys house who has no internet.

Summary of tourney:

God damnit b4 i enter another tourney i am gonna get a new controller...this is getting ridonkulous :(
Work on inputting ALL buffers correctly.
Fell in love with fair and dash attack
Still hates dislikes falco
Toonlink is free :laugh:
Noticing significant improvement since i started going solo snake instead of 3 characters. Starting to come into my own.

Summary of MM:
Lost to GDX's diddy :( vids will be up. Hoping for critique
Lost to zss i just got overwhelmed. Not use to it at all. Will definitely follow up on this again :)
Lost to a sonic MM. Got way too impatient game 3 and it showed.
Got Ryo second best ike to last hit all the games i played him. Still lost unfortunately. 0-2 both times.
Took his marth to game 3. Still need to work on camping tactics vs marth and learning new ways to land uptilts on him.
CO18 didn't show
Lost to a falco in a MM as well.

Vids will be coming. I'll post in critique thread when they arrive :awesome::(:)
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