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Quitting Melee Later Guys!


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
For those of you who know me, I'm quitting Melee for a number of reasons.

1.) I simply don't have the competition in my area, and i'm a good 6 hour drive in all directions to any good competition, to get any good at this game that I've been playing for 5 years.

2.) For as long as I have been playing(5 years), I'd think I would have gotten somewhere but I haven't, Melee probably isn't for me, and although playing the game is fun, I can just play it on my own on occassions, No need for me to drive 6 hours to play the game.

3.) Tired of not getting refunded for entry fees at nationals, when my plane gets cancelled. I have no control over that.

4.) Last but not least. SC2 is too fun and I'm fairly good at it. I'm capable of thinking of 7 different things going on at once, which is probably a reason why I've been very good in team matches.

Well Shout outs too people I know

Prac/Alpha Gun****: GA Get 4 stocked 3 was the very first tournament I ever attended, and you guys are the reasons I was stuck in melee so long. I felt like the melee community was very nice/friendly group of people because of you guys. I've always been biased against any community thinking most of the people are trash talkers ect ect. But You guys gave me a GREAT first impression. Thanks for being mad cool.

GAWes: first "Pro" I met I could say, at that time you were largely feared and looked at as a great player. And you gave me tips when I was playing Zelda. A double edge sword, where I put more effort into her when I probably shouldn't have, but I appreciated the advice alot.

Ihavespaceballs: We've only been to the same tournament maybe 3 times. And I'm pretty sure each time you were in my pool lol. You gave me advice while playing a serious match. I was messing with jiggz against your Samus and you missed a grab, and Told me "That was a rest, you shoulda rested me." Who does that? Cool people do that's who.

NesNoob: I know you can't read this, but you along with a few other people I hold in my top 6 smashers who have the best attitudes/always happy smashers.

Dashizwiz: Dunno if you remember fighting my Zelda WAY WAY back in the day. At a gigabits. You were completely ready to leave, but I asked if I could get a set with you. You told your friends to hold on, and went to find a T.V. They were all full of course. But instead of telling me "They are all full sorry man." You asked if you could borrow the T.V. You went way out of your way to have a friendly set with a stranger. And You are one of the coolest smashers I've ever met in SSBM community.

HungryBox: Despite all the hate, and all the frowning, You keep pushing, and I really respect that. I was so upset when people were boo'ing you in Grand finals. You've always helped me out with housing, and directions. Helped me get unlost at my first gigabits. If people could ever man the hell up, They should/can finally appreciate your genius with puff.

Xif: Don't punch yourself in the face when you lose, It's not healthy.

PB&J: We're 1:1(way in the past), we'll never know who's the better player. Although I'd put money on it ;D.
P.S. Also you're a jerk for pushing your T-shirt sales on me to the point I bought one just to make you stop persisting.

Rice: Thanks for the inspiring tips and compliments to my skill. Even when I doubt myself hearing you tell me that I'm a good player, made me confident.

John(Drumma boi): My turn to win this time :D.

Ballistics: I'll still play friendlies :D, We'll hang out anytime tally holds an event.

AWAL: even though you got my car towed by telling me parking in the grass was fine and I had to pay 80 bucks. I don't hate ya :D because I know you didn't intentionally tell me it was ok to park there.

Raistlin: Never really liked you. you redeemed yourself a little toward the end. But someone who gets mad because I camped your puff. which is how you play the match up when you have a projectile. couldn't believe you followed me around at the tournament and cheered on all my opponents and boo'd when I did a combo. But in Tally you seemed like a more mature person. So I won't keep the judgement just yet.

Acedudeyeah(and friend): We always play low tier friendlies at somepoint when I go to orlando :D GG's

SheerMadness: You seem very calm and collective and was very polite to compliment my Zelda. Most people who lose to my Zelda get pretty upset. Cuz they see it as a loss to a low tier, and not the player. When I truly 100% believe Falco vs Zelda is a even match up. 55:45 if I had to favor one in falco's favor.

Colbol: You, Shizwiz, and Nesnoob, are like the top 3 coolest smashers ever. Maybe because I behave the same way. I laugh losses off, and have fun even in competition. And you guys seem to always have a good attitude and seem to be happy even when you lose. although I've only got to play your fox once. and we've played probably countless friendlies. My first match against you I 3 stocked your falcon on final D with Marth. But then proceeded to get 2 stocked by your fox at a slightly later date. I enjoyed our zelda vs Falco matches at CEO. Falco's my best match up for her.

KBM: Sorry you got close to taking a match off my falcon but never getting the cigar. I know that feeling, Keep up the good work. Never seen a player get so good with fox in a short amount of time. A bit more effort at consistency and you'd ****.

Toobz: you're a nice/cool dude. Always rooted for me in matches. That helps alot, I do infinitely better when people are cheering me on. It gives some people pressure, but it makes me feel good about myself, thus breeding confidence.

Pr0ject: our teams matches were hilarioius, although we didn't perform well. I had a lot of laughs. Double falcon is hilarious. Poke' FLOATS :D

TheLake: Thanks for always being the one other Zelda player I felt I could truly talk to about anything Zelda related. You grew a lot from when you first started playing. Taking a match off hugs is legit, even if I think that match up is in Zelda's favor :D.

Kyle(Green Mario): thanks for being a cool dude, and driving me to a GA tournament :D. I hate fighting marios/luigi's/Dr.Marios. I dunno wth i'm doing LoL

@Albany GA: You guys are mad hilarious and fun to play smash with :D



Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
Sc2 is the ****, no doubt about that, but as far as the no competition thing goes didn't you get my text about me being back in town and willing to play whenever?


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
Sc2 is the ****, no doubt about that, but as far as the no competition thing goes didn't you get my text about me being back in town and willing to play whenever?
I got a new phone 532-9666 Same area code. got the iphone4. Plus my old phone doesn't get text LoL That is how old it is. I'll definitely be up for friendlies I'm just done with the traveling.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
I just hate hate hate HATE campers. Drives me absolutely crazy because Jigglypuff is such a slow *** mofo


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2007
Me love you long time! (no homo)
That sucks man, hopefully before we die we'll have spread melee to within half an hour to anyone anywhere(in the U.S., maybe next generation, india)!!

I'll have to make you a headband for next time. Won't be as long as mine though. :p


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Wow Pat you actually did that? If I'd done that to everyone whose camped me I'd have to hire other people some tourneys.
Especially up here in the MW.

Later Zone... though I don't think there's any point in "quitting," just don't drive for 6 hours to play lol.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Later Zone... though I don't think there's any point in "quitting," just don't drive for 6 hours to play lol.
I agree with Exarch. I'm not really willing to travel more than 20-30 mins for smash anymore and haven't for the past 3 years but that doesn't mean I've quit. I still enjoy playing melee.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
Sorry I never got to play you when I was down there. My phone got stolen/lost during my last weeks down there and internet access was terrible. Maybe some other time...


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2006
Valparaiso, Florida
I don't have any competition either... I haven't really "quit" either. And you are good. So pffft. I don't drive anywhere either lol. Just keep playing smash and SC2. You never really ask me to play that much either, you might get a lot better if you played me all the time, and i could prolly get better from playing you. Just don't quit.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
you should seriously reconsider

who will play zelda in Florida now?
No one, I hope.

But srsly, peace Zone, I'll agree with what some others have said about not officially quitting, no point in doing that, if you enjoy SC2 then play that as much as you want, just treat melee like a game again, not a competition. If the urge strikes you to play again don't fight it, just do what you want to do when you want to do it! Lol


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
I don't have any competition either... I haven't really "quit" either. And you are good. So pffft. I don't drive anywhere either lol. Just keep playing smash and SC2. You never really ask me to play that much either, you might get a lot better if you played me all the time, and i could prolly get better from playing you. Just don't quit.
true I only asked you like only maybe 3-4 times. But something was up every time except the first time lol. So I just stopped trying.
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