Hmm, interesting stuff here! By the way, Matt, I planked a few years ago in the first tournament I won. I went solo-Pit and this was before the LGL and won. Just thought I'd clarify.
Also thought I'd mention that I'll being living in QLD in about 4-5 months (like 95% sure) and I'll live like an hour or so out of Brisbane. WHICH MEANS, when the next Smash comes out, I'm going to train you all like dogs so we can be the bestest state everest!
I'm sorry you feel that way about the scene, BC, but judging it based on this thread, there seems to be a fair bit of interest and the attitude isn't too bad imo.
Apollo, Matt and I could ramble on about MK and Brawl all day but until people stop seeing him as an easy win, it won't matter. The standard is so low in QLD that anyone who puts any real effort into practicing would likely dominate after a few tournaments.
But yeah, for the millionth time, pick up other characters. Jaice dominated with Olimar and Peach and placed 2'nd at a massive tournament. Matt butchers you all with Luigi and Apollo is the best player in QLD and uses Wario and could also body people with ZSS. Curious as to what started this lower-tier-MKonly attitude in QLD.
Also Matt, I probably wouldn't make top 10 at SS, considering probably my biggest weakness as a player is how slowly I learn. I get really good at mu's after a tournament or two, like when I finally learnt to play Oli and consistently 2-stocked Jaice, but when Tibs, Atilla and other players come up who use characters I don't know how to play against, they'd easily 2-stock me until I learnt the MU.
Don't underestimate Aus too much though. Although we are all trash, Shaya did very well when he went abroad. I think Atilla had some good scalps, too.
Last but not least, MK does beat Wario but it isn't as bad as this guy makes it out to be