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[QLD] Brisbane/Gold Coast Meets & Tournaments

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Smash Lord
May 25, 2009

About Friday, I was just asking to see if there was some interest...
Seems there is some.
It would be at my place from 6pm or so...
ANd it would be a Bi-Smashual (ie both games) meet, assuming of course there are people who play both.
Also craving N64 goodness.

Not confirmed for Sunny Coast...don't know till the day if I'm going...ummm that shouldn't stop other people from going!
FAR better beaches than Gold Coast.
Peter if you get everyone at your place friday then you should drag everyone up here the next day =P

hmmm sounds like I could get a good number showing at this rate. Seems like if the dorfs go people will follow.

k gaiz gogogo

If you came Kas you could probs combine beach and smash in that one day somehow..


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
I'm up for some smash friday night and for the sunny coast meet.

I have a night shift saturday night starting 10:30 so leaving at 5 or 6 sounds like a good idea oldman.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Just look at my awesum map on page one haha. But.... since you are driving all the way down here I could do more google map work.

Basically once you get into the center of Nambour it's easy to get to. You drive past the train station and the single McDonalds and once you're past that you're 2nd left under the train bridge and the Masonic Center is just a few meters away after that. You will know it's the right one because the bridge is exactly opposite the Nambour R.S.L


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2010
ah k so all is well then?
Eh, maybe? I don't think my parents are too keen on driving me 1-2 hours away every weekend for the whole day. =/ Would like to though. Small chance I might be able to come.

EDIT: And if I do come, it'd be just for Melee Singles.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Eh, maybe? I don't think my parents are too keen on driving me 1-2 hours away every weekend for the whole day. =/ Would like to though. Small chance I might be able to come.

EDIT: And if I do come, it'd be just for Melee Singles.

I was referring to Testikills more or less but anyways

You could always ask for a lift as I'm sure many who would come by car would probably give you a lift and there's always the train. Nambour Masonic Center is only a 10min walk from Nambour Train Station


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2010
I was referring to Testikills more or less but anyways

You could always ask for a lift as I'm sure many who would come by car would probably give you a lift and there's always the train. Nambour Masonic Center is only a 10min walk from Nambour Train Station
I think it'd be more the fact that they wouldn't let me go every weekend for a whole day. I'm pretty sure they think I'd be kidnapped by one of you. =.= Besides, I'll never go on the train, never.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Brisbane - northside
don't go every weekend. just every two weeks, or once a month or something. or maybe get one particular smasher to be the "weekend dad" and be responsible for you and you only go to things that they go do. by that i mean have a smasher talk to your mom, show that they're responsible and can take care of you etc etc.

but yeah, easiest way = don't go every weekend, work out something with your parents for how often you can go.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
I think it'd be more the fact that they wouldn't let me go every weekend for a whole day. I'm pretty sure they think I'd be kidnapped by one of you. =.= Besides, I'll never go on the train, never.
Aww you saw through my capture trap..... jks XD

You could go doubles with someone on the train?? Well whatever happens hope to see u guys show up :)


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2010
don't go every weekend. just every two weeks, or once a month or something. or maybe get one particular smasher to be the "weekend dad" and be responsible for you and you only go to things that they go do. by that i mean have a smasher talk to your mom, show that they're responsible and can take care of you etc etc.

but yeah, easiest way = don't go every weekend, work out something with your parents for how often you can go.
=/ Both said no. They think it is not safe because you could get drunk and crash the car. :mad:


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
I swear I have never seen a smasher drink come smash time... during the day haha. Remember kidz, drink driving will likely cause failure, brain failure, walking failure, No one likes a failure.

Well sorry to hear that my amd friend :C Maybe next time


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Gold Coast, Australia
This isnt america. Now Power feels my pain, parents fear kids geting taken by pedophiles or how ever u spell *looks at arrow*
I have a blue card, says I have never molested children..... well at least caught molesting children


Brawl & Melee: | QLD Monthlys 'n' Meets | Sunny Coast Meet this weekend |

Its in there somewhere


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
I am defs having a Norway brawls tourney followed by whatever everyone is interested in. Being my 2nd time doing this along with many new faces showing, I don't wanna put peoples hopes up for certain tournaments and have not too many signing up.

My goal this time is to try and get many people to gathering to this and letting all the new guys experience the more casual and just plain fun side of things, with a couple of casual tournies on the side. Now if you guys all want Melee than I'm happy to get Vyse to update the front page specifying a singles Melee comp along side with Brawl Norway. Otherwise I'll put something together on the day, which reminds me to set up a timetable for Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
ReuBen lolol its a cool name XD
u dont have to go to all meets and tournies.
go to more pms and landsmash and maybe a local meet. build up a safe community and stuff.
talk to kami hes mum waited outside hotdogs house the whole time??? XD

r u looking at me as a pedo or for friday stuff
well friday is just a small ish hang out play some melee or/and brawl or whateva other game you want to bring. ill even vs your chao in sonic adventure battle 2 =P

as for the pedo stuff, duuude i like girls.. XD
10+ for being vague.

ionnno about saterday, i think i am going to southbank or something to celebrate chinese new year.


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2010
ReuBen lolol its a cool name XD
u dont have to go to all meets and tournies.
go to more pms and landsmash and maybe a local meet. build up a safe community and stuff.
talk to kami hes mum waited outside hotdogs house the whole time??? XD

r u looking at me as a pedo or for friday stuff
well friday is just a small ish hang out play some melee or/and brawl or whateva other game you want to bring. ill even vs your chao in sonic adventure battle 2 =P

as for the pedo stuff, duuude i like girls.. XD
10+ for being vague.

ionnno about saterday, i think i am going to southbank or something to celebrate chinese new year.
Woah, once again, someone can't help but either spell my name wrong or put a few random capitals in there. Anyway, after a loooooooooooooooooonggggggggg debate with my mum (notice the 'u' in mum, Pantsmann) I've got a higher chance of going. If I go, I'd bring my GC, TV and Melee, maybe an Action Replay if anyone wants to have matches with master hand or 6 people or what ever else there is. Maybe bring some single player games aswell, anyone up for some Mario Kart: Double Dash?

AND YES I DO HAVE TO GO TO EVERY TOURNAMENT POSSIBLE. Everyone in the house is sick of Smash after, hmm, 6+ years? Also I always win. =] But the main reason I want to go to every one possible is to practice against actual people with DI and technique, not a lvl 9 who gets you in a jab combo for 100% then f-tilts you off the stage, and then to finish of this wonderful combo, jab combos you when you recover and when you jump, he jabs you causing you to lose your second jump. =/ Always happens.... EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME!


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Woah, once again, someone can't help but either spell my name wrong or put a few random capitals in there. Anyway, after a loooooooooooooooooonggggggggg debate with my mum (notice the 'u' in mum, Pantsmann) I've got a higher chance of going. If I go, I'd bring my GC, TV and Melee, maybe an Action Replay if anyone wants to have matches with master hand or 6 people or what ever else there is. Maybe bring some single player games aswell, anyone up for some Mario Kart: Double Dash?

AND YES I DO HAVE TO GO TO EVERY TOURNAMENT POSSIBLE. Everyone in the house is sick of Smash after, hmm, 6+ years? Also I always win. =] But the main reason I want to go to every one possible is to practice against actual people with DI and technique, not a lvl 9 who gets you in a jab combo for 100% then f-tilts you off the stage, and then to finish of this wonderful combo, jab combos you when you recover and when you jump, he jabs you causing you to lose your second jump. =/ Always happens.... EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME!

lol awesome and I have to say..... MKDD for the win u must bring :D and awesome if u can take set ups with ya.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Ruben, the reason why there are a lot of tournaments in different locations is so that people can get to a tournament one way or another.

Just because a tournament or a meet is on doesn't mean that you should go to every single one, on the contrary, you should be spacing it out. I really feel I need to step in here and remind you guys that whilst I would trust each and every one of you with my life, onlookers such as parents wouldn't necessarily on the other hand.

Ruben, please understand where your parents are coming from and consider sitting out from tournaments that are a fair distance away.

Not every dedicated smasher goes to every tournament, players like Syke, Scrubs, King Kong, even Kas who is our reigning Australian Melee superstar won't go to every tournament (like how he skipped out on LanSmash last weekend for some reason).

Even I am only planning to head up because of Testikills/the Dorf Clan.

Your parents were probably much more comfortable with tournaments like PMS IV and LanSmash because one's a gaming lounge with staff used to working with kids, and LanSmash has lots of staff all over the place with a professional feel.

This weekend's 'Meet' will be a grassroots gathering of players for a 'lol' Brawl tournament and whatever else.

I'm only saying this because you're as young as my youngest brother who sadly has to miss out on most tournaments because of his age. You are lucky that your parents take you to them at all.


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2010
Ruben, the reason why there are a lot of tournaments in different locations is so that people can get to a tournament one way or another.

Just because a tournament or a meet is on doesn't mean that you should go to every single one, on the contrary, you should be spacing it out. I really feel I need to step in here and remind you guys that whilst I would trust each and every one of you with my life, onlookers such as parents wouldn't necessarily on the other hand.

Ruben, please understand where your parents are coming from and consider sitting out from tournaments that are a fair distance away.

Not every dedicated smasher goes to every tournament, players like Syke, Scrubs, King Kong, even Kas who is our reigning Australian Melee superstar won't go to every tournament (like how he skipped out on LanSmash last weekend for some reason).

Even I am only planning to head up because of Testikills/the Dorf Clan.

Your parents were probably much more comfortable with tournaments like PMS IV and LanSmash because one's a gaming lounge with staff used to working with kids, and LanSmash has lots of staff all over the place with a professional feel.

This weekend's 'Meet' will be a grassroots gathering of players for a 'lol' Brawl tournament and whatever else.

I'm only saying this because you're as young as my youngest brother who sadly has to miss out on most tournaments because of his age. You are lucky that your parents take you to them at all.
Noone remembers my name. =[ It's 'Reuben'. And I know where you and my parents are coming from. Oh yeah, and I broke my left pinky toe just the other minute... =/


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
RuBen, the reason why there are a lot of tournaments in different locations is so that people can get to a tournament one way or another.

RuBen, please understand where your parents are coming from and consider sitting out from tournaments that are a fair distance away.
the pedo stuff was at kami XD
btw i got a gf over the age of 20. surpise.

so its RuBen then??

btw Rueben, RueBen is a nickname bestowed by djcat its not like he doesn't know your name or i dont. sorry if u dont like it.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
looks like the dorf clan are out for saturdays sunnycoast meet.. seaDORF is working nightshift sat so he needs to sleep during the day and rangaDORF was unaware of the travelling time and is too lazy to come if Im dragging him back to bris at 4 or 5.. but we're up for a friendly meet on friday night if DJ Cat is still hosting :) sorry about having to bail on sunnycoast, hopefully make it next time calibur


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2008
@Vyse - You sure u would trust everyone here with ur life? GO jump off a cliff, trust me, you can fly~ =D

I might ask my bro if he wants to go to sunny coast for smash.. he needs to drive for more hours still lol, only at 30 hours. Also is there gona be a meet at bobs soon? My bro went once and he said that I can walk there pretty fast from where I live so my parents probably woudlnt care =p.

Need to get better at smash...



Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
oi ya doyles read. Friday after 6pm we probably have dinner at 7. so we will be at grandplaza.
so if you need a lift or something be there =P
til late. 6 am anyone? XD
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