You now agreed with a point I made 2-3 posts back in which I said we make rulesets to fit a certain preference.
Tournament play is a preferred way of playing by some, not only that but "tournaments are designed to measure skill". That is why it was designed, so it was done to fill in a certain want, a certain preference. Last but not least, we make rulesets for tournaments. As thus rulesets are used to fir a certain preferred goal, which in this case is: "measure skill differential in clear and distinct terms."
No arguments there.
That... That's the opposite of what I just said. Like the
entirely exact opposite.
To clarify:
you said:
You once said: Who said the norm was x, why isn't it y?
Why should you judge a mode under who can correctly interpret S?
Because it's part of a tournament.
Because what you want is to interpret S, that is your objective, not the games.
Because it's part of a tournament.
So under your goal of finding S then, yes, you can objectively quantify the quality of Timer and Stock, yet how did you choose this goal?
Because it's part of a tournament.
Making a rules don't come from preference, they come from the guidelines of what a tournament is. Just because attending a tournament is preference doesn't mean the qualifications of tournament rules or the definition of a tournament is preference.
Do you go to church and say "Well, this is all preference, isn't it? What we say the 10 commandments are is just a choice!" because
attending church was a choice made by preference. An existing concept is not defined by the methods of approaching that concept, nor can you redefine that concept by the factors existing within it.
I don't know exactly what you are getting at. I am not trying to sound smart, I actually debate and speak this way. I sometimes get confused about some grammatical things because I speak 3 languages since I was very little and sometimes I think ideas in another language and translate them as I am writing them which sometimes causes my grammar to be wrong. Still I consider english to be a primary language for me (even though my countries native language is Spanish) and I believe myself to be proficient at it, as such I will excuse myself if I am making horrible grammar mistakes, there is no excuse.
Less grammatical mistakes and more an increasing trend of awkward word usage that is out of character from your previous posts; I troll a lot and people tend to do that when they feel intellectually threatened. I don't like it that much because it's an easy target, so generally tell them to relax.
Depends on where you look at. There are many communities that do Pokemon only tournaments or All Items tournaments. Are these communities as big as ours? No, but that isn't relevant. Do they exist? Yes, they do.
What I was trying to get across is that if there was 0 partiality in rule making then no other ruleset would ever arise.
What you're trying to tell me is "there's no right answer". If that's the case, why are you even talking? Just pack up your bags and go home.
What I'm trying to tell you is there
is a right answer. You can point out an anime convention or 4 high school kids playing in their mom's basement or whatever as radical differences, but they don't have the same goal as us.
When the goal is clearly set, to define the victor of a tournament, to clarify S as clearly as possible... it comes to the same conclusion. There is a right and a wrong. Can someone have an items tournament? Yeah, they can. But for each individual aspect, it helps or hinders the definition of S.
You could make the argument that preferential rulesets could be created in the sense that one could be only slightly better at defining S, so slight that it wouldn't be noticable to any but the most intense observations.
Our ruleset arose organically, or at least originally started to. It started with items on and all stages, and then people turned off stages when they realized "hey, Player A normally wins 100% of the time but on this stage it's 50/50 against Player B" and turned off items when they realized "Hey, I was going to win and then this crate exploded and I died" or "I was comboing this guy and a star man spawned on him".
Every little thing is like that. Yeah, there's people saying "we should ban that stage, it's gay". I heard that all the time in Melee. A lot of it stuck. Those are
bad changes, and they hurt the game.
As I understand (I am not a huge basketball fan, so I might be wrong), there are plenty of rules that were introduced solely due to preference. Things like having a ball timer was introduced because teams kept stalling and it wasn't the sport the NBA wanted it to be because viewers kept complaining of these stalling techniques.
You're taking the analogy in the wrong way. I'm not saying we're like the NBA. We aren't. I'm saying going into ANY competitive venture and suggesting that the rules be changed to your whims just because it's your own personal preference or it would help you and people who think like you is silly.
You seem to misinterpret what I mean. I am not trying to say any one person's desires are to be met. I am saying that a community is formed to give informed decisions about the rules. Your example makes no sense when compared to my claim, let me try and do an accurate one.
Going by your own example, what is the logical reason for there to be a 3 pointer line? Is there a logical reason? why is it placed at that exact same distant? Was there some sort of psychics calculation involving the weight of the ball and the overall strength of every single player? Those are very arbitrary rules, are they not?
The 3 pointer line was introduced for primarily non-game related reasons, but they weren't arbitrary. The idea was to allow the teams to "stretch the floor" and spread out and make size not that much of an issue; it was adopted by some rival leagues to the NBA, which forced them to add it on.
Regardless, I'm not quite sure how this pertains to smash. Sakurai has his own reasons for balancing the game the way he does and creating the characters he does. We use the tools we're given. To entertain your multi-linguialism, analogies aren't meant as literal comparisons. If I said "that's like telling a hockey coach you're not going to play with skates", I'm not actually talking about hockey. I'm talking about a situation with similar facets, such as foolishly ignoring the coach in a hockey game and putting yourself at risk.
There are basketball courts with closer and farther away 3 pointer lines than an official NBA court, yet why is the official the one used in tournaments? (Don't go saying because its official). Can you argue that no other court with a closer or a farther line is better to prove skill? I would believe the farther the line, the more skill it requires, would you not? Then why is the official used? Is it not because of popularity and overall acceptance of the NBA community (including fans)?
Because it's official.
Seriously, that's the reason. The NBA gives the reason, other people follow it. The NBA's reasoning typically has to do with crowd hype and anticipation; they move the 3-point line back farther over time because the % of shots made that are 3 pointers has been increasing. So still not arbitrary, but still not relevant.
But you said yourself preference should never be a part of it, so how can you claim we should do the illogical thing?
That was me listing an exception for you. It's like someone telling you "murder is wrong" but then you find yourself in a situation where you can shoot somebody to death before he blows up a building full of children. The correct choice is shooting the guy, but murder is still wrong. It just happens to be better than the alternative.
If you can prove this then what you are saying is that larger stage lists are preferred and thus there should be no problem unbanning any and all stages. As soon as people can tell that said tournaments rally more players and more competition it will become the norm. You can win the whole argument proving that competitive players attend these tournaments more so than they do conservative ones.
I did. It's called a "vocal minority". I had people complaining incessantly about my tournament having too liberal of a stage list, so they decided to drive up to Michigan to play in one of theirs. Michigan didn't have a full bracket. I had over 80. This is because most people don't even go to smashboards. They go to college, to bars, to restaurants, to their friends houses.
It doesn't matter to the vocal minority because they're interested in their interests, not community ones.
Most of the communities you acknowledge do. There are many, many more communities you just don't care about because they don't share your own preferences. I've personally attended random character tournaments with over 20 entrants. Not many, I know, but the tournament still existed and a community for it was there, and so a ruleset was created for this community, even if it was just for that day.
I've made and participated in multiple tournaments with experimental rulesets. I'm not sure what your point is. The rules these tournaments set aren't arbitrary. They don't say "we're playing smash", they say "we're playing smash with all items". There's a difference and you know it.
Quite the contrary, it is you who just wants to shift the metagame arbitrarily. I am not debating whether a stage should be banned because it is "too hard". I am debating that a stage should be banned when it shifts the metagame away from what I believe is fun and competitive. You might have a different definition of what fun and competitive is from my own definition, but here is where the preference card comes into play. How many people prefer your metagame to mine? That is the question.
What you
believe is irrelevant! Beliefs have no place in it.
Yes, someone can say "I
want to play in an items tournament". "I
want to play in an FFA tournament". These can be totally legitimate tournaments! I agree that tournaments selected primarily from preference can
But they aren't the right choice. Because they don't fit in line with what a tournament is about. Everything is legal until it shows it needs to be removed due to overcentralization or random results. The only exception, the
only one, I listed earlier: mass exodus from the community. That's it.
Obviously introducing a stage like Pictochat wouldn't change the metagame as much, but introducing one like RC just might. If for example there were 3 different stages just like RC and people learned the ins and out of every character on those stages the game would then devolve into who has the better character to stall and win out the match in these stages. Assuming same skill level, you could just CP that stage for a incredible skew in matchup. You would basically have an almost assured win against any character that isn't decent in any of those stages.
Uh, yeah. That's good.
Flat/Plat stages also have bad matchups and morphs the tier list just the same, but it isn't the same as having a 7-3, 8-2 matchup (I haven't played Brawl in 3 years, if there are matchups this bad you can inform me now). But none of this is what I am debating, what I am debating is that the whole way we play the game would change. It would change from what it is now, to a stall and wait game, since most people would just try and take you to those stages because of the huge matchup skew.
Except that isn't true. You think it takes guns to increase a murder rate? Knives will do just fine. It doesn't have to be a 7-3 or 8-2 matchup (which, by the way, exist on those stages) to influence the metagame. You think it has to be extreme to influence the metagame?
Top Tier
Pop quiz, named 6 characters that do well on flat/plat stages. Oh, gee, I dunno, maybe MK, IC, Olimar, Diddy, Marth, Snake, and Falco. Just maybe.
You think that's an accident? "Oh, the best characters just happen to be good at flat/plat stages"? Of course it's not an accident. It's by design. Or maybe I'm just crazy, I'm just a little bit loopy, and Battlefield and Smashville are actually crazy out-there stages and I just never noticed.
All stages influence the metagame. You get a 60-40 matchup and you put in a stage that goes 20-80, that "40" will start winning a lot on his CP and it'll increase his odds quite a bit. You get a 50/50 and have a slight advantage in any way whatsoever and you get a snowball effect that makes the one with the advantage the winner and the other character falls off the map.
You think Olimar can even
exist on stages that aren't flat, plat, and static? You think Diddy would excel the way he did? Look at Falco! Falco is a HORRIBLE character. His recovery sucks
in Brawl, his primary method of dealing damage early game is getting a grab at low %, he can't fight anyone on the edge, and he has serious trouble landing kill moves.
Somewhere along the way, someone said "that just won't do" and said "you can't camp the edge against Falco" and "only flat/plat stages please" and up he went on the tier list. If you have access to the right forums you can see me calling out which characters were going to go up in the tier list.
You know what's REALLY crazy? It's the exact same list as last time. The characters were just rearranged! It's been those characters for a long, long time. The only difference is their placement amongst each other.
This new playstyle just doesn't emphasize on what is fun about Smash for me. It doesn't emphasize on what is competitive for me. You might think you have an objective definition of what competitive but you don't.
What is fun for you is as important to me as what my 5 year old cousin thinks is fun. As in it isn't, at all. I do have an objective definition of what competitive is. It's Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Who is the best, who can win in a tournament. Oh, a tournament? We should make some rules. How do we make these rules? Well, why not make them based off of a history of usage and ban things only when they become overcentralizing or create random results, thus ensuring a fair and predictable environment in which to compete?
Is that logic so hard to follow?
Competition is present in any mode, with any element on Smash, it is just what type of competition do we want. Do we want the luckiest person? The most knowledgeable person? The most skillful person? The smartest person? Etc. Basically what I am saying is the reason most people don't like it is because of what the optima strategy is on the stage, it is not about which character is better or which one is not, it is about the gameplay the stage causes being stale and not emphasizing on player interaction, which is what people want out of a fighting game, most people don't care about skills that don't involve the second player at all. (Except when it is an astonishingly hard skill).
Stale is subjective. ICs chaingrabs don't involve the second player the moment they start, we don't ban them. If people asked, we still wouldn't ban them. It'd be wrong to do so. You don't ban things because you don't like them, you look for reasons that stay true months down the road. If you ban it on personal preference it has a shelf life of about 15 minutes and can change immediately. You need reasoning. Logical, consistent reasoning.
There's only two reasons to ban anything: overcentralization and random results. That's it! If you can think of something else, go ahead and let me hear it, I'd love to add a third one. It'd make my job WAY easier. If your idea of another reason is "public request" though, you're going in the wrong direction.
Right now, people are set in their ways about having these stages banned. You can argue semantics or get me any proffesor of Law of Philosophy to argue with me but it won't change the fact that psychologically people are wired to stick to what they believe and continue habits until they are shown otherwise. So quite honestly it could matter less what you discuss with me here, there is a lot convincing to do to the community as a whole if you want a more liberal stagelist independent of who you believe should be convincing who.
You could make the argument, but Smash 4 is coming out and I'll likely be one of the TOs again breathing life into the midwest. I'll likely be a source of early information again and will fight tooth and nail to prevent stages from being arbitrarily banned because you're right in that people are set in their ways. Once a stage is banned, there's no going back. An individual tournament, maybe a region, but the community as a whole? Nah. We could ban FD for 3 months and we wouldn't see it return.
I was just referencing the fact that rules are not "set on stone" which is what you keep saying. Why are there court rooms if not to review specific scenarios where a law was broken? (Well there is also proving guilt, but we are not discussing that currently). Why are different laws reviewed from time to time in order to amend them and include new clauses in order to close loopholes or to create an otherwise needed loophole?
I wasn't debating laws at a very deep level, I was merely mentioning that the one ruleset system that is known as the "best" by humanity as a whole is always being reviewed and changed on a case by case basis, exactly as I tell you that stages should be reviewed on a case by case basis and not just allowed randomly because they fit your criteria of what is fair and said criteria should be completely impartial to all stages.
Also different countries and states have different laws because of different preferences by the people, just like how Gay Marriage is illegal in some places, yet it is being legalized slowly almost everywhere. At the end of the day, rules and laws are there to achieve a certain goal, sometimes under some specific scenario the same exact rules might drive us further away from the goal it was set to attain. It is then that we, as logical people, must intervene and analyze how we should proceed. (This decision is based on a preference, one that says that achieving said goal is more important that following an incomplete rule).
Laws aren't written in the way tournament rules are.
Funny that you mention gay marriage being illegal in some places. Slavery used to be too. Jim Crow laws, women can't vote, women can't hold office, women can't preach, children have to work, etc., were all preference-based, not evidence-based. Good argument for me.
There's no room for personal preference in tournament rules. You think Rainbow Cruise should be banned because it has a detrimental effect on the metagame? Prove it. It's not hard, I even outlined how you can do it in a previous post. I did it myself. Hell, you're talking to the guy who personally got several stages banned in Melee in the midwest by showing people "hey look at this". I'm living proof that you can, in fact, prove it. I tested stages all the time in Brawl and put to rest many misconceptions, and personally suggested the ban of many stages because of it. I want to keep all the stages, characters, and features I can.
I don't want arbitrary "don't fly under the stage, grab the ledge too many times, flick up on the c-stick in your down+b" rules. I don't want "how about we just play on this flat stage and see who is best on it". I want to have a reasonable framework so that anyone can sit down and say "oh, that's why that should be banned".
Someone says "I think Rumble Falls should be legal"? You say "Oh, that'd be fun. But did you know that there are segments that characters like Bowser and Donkey Kong can't survive? If they stage goes "speed up" randomly while they are in hitstun of any sort, there are segments that will prevent them from rising fast enough to make it."
They say "Oh, oh, I see. This results in a 100% win rate for the opponent and creates
random results because it doesn't always occur. This is both overcentralizing and random in nature and is not fit for a competitive environment".
Before you respond, go take a good, hard look at the top tier of the Brawl tier list and tell me that Rainbow Cruise is a bigger threat to the metagame than 5 stages with nearly identical sizes, shapes, and layouts. Say it with a straight face.