Why does everyone want to make characters like in Melee? Melee this, Melee that... I can understand clone characters, but it's really unnecessary to use this program to change characters to be exactly how they were in Melee. This is not Melee, this is Brawl. A different game. We should probably keep it that way.
It's called an opinion, just because you won't support a Melee 2.0, doesn't mean everyone else won't.
As much as people ***** about how unformentioned games are too similar to Melee, there are an equal set of people who want something that is akin to Melee and there are also those who say Brawl+ would be more solid if it actually
was a Melee 2.0, hell, that was the fuel for all the Brawl hype 2-3 years ago, people were exited for Brawl, because they were expecting a Melee with new/more characters/stages.
Melee is a great game, it's not a crime to want another game like it.
Besides, Brawl is kept as is, it's because of Brawl that people all around are inspired to take the Brawl engine and make modifications to or around it (i.e Brawl+ and Balanced Brawl). so please don't take the "This is Brawl" route. With the available hacks that are even making appearances in tourneys, that's apparently not the case here.
We aren't changing Brawl for everyone, just the people who want it changed.
And if people want a Melee 2.0, why can't they have it if they have the ability to make it?
Some characters were charished because of their Melee form, Marth, Sheik, Pikachu, etc. So again, it's not a bad thing to want it again, after all, it Melee that made them so great.
It's like an other video game.
Nice graphics, tight gameplay, great controls.
If these things grew a large fanbase, is it so wrong to simply give more of the same (of course with some innovation in between) to them, especially when they're expecting a tried and true formula?
Again, if you don't approve, that's you, but that alone doesn't mean it shouldn't happen.
I for one am fascinated to see a Melee 2.0, what will be in it? Will the wavedashing still be in and would it share similar properties to Melee? How about L-cancelling, hitstun, character tweaks.
It doesn't mean all the characters will (completely) adopt their Melee moveset, although by appeal, some will.
If people want it, why not?
...besides, who would the base character be?