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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
I actually kind of like the way edgehogging works in Brawl, where you have to grab the ledge at the right time to make use of your invincibility frames.
It hardly matters, because most of the time the ledge grab range lasts for longer than the time it takes you to roll up the ledge. You'll end up climbing up, they'll start falling, then grab the ledge anyway. It needs to be toned up from Brawl to be functional, even if it doesn't go as far as Melee.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Ok this is ridiculous.

Melee people, stop acting like elitist butthurt ******s because your favorite game that you treasure more than life itself lost in a stupid, meaningless poll. Brawl people, stop acting like you won some sort of prize or validation to your opinion because your game won in a stupid, meaningless poll against Melee.

God I needed to let that out. I think I feel better now ^_^.

Man not even in the Brawl+ days did that thread get nearly as stupid as this thread is on an average basis. Come on step it up.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Melee did a lot better than I expected honestly. It's pushing 10 years old and Brawl outsold it a ton, yet Brawl barely managed to edge it out? I can't wait to see what people think of Brawl 10 years after its release.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Still, I have great faith that the developers of P:M will improve on Melee to be as great as Brawl.

Everyone who replied to this post needs to read it again.
No offense, but youre just trolling now, and even if you dont mean to, you still are.

Okay, now lets get back to discussing ledgerolling stuff.

To that guy who said something about grabbing the edge and using your invincibility frames.
Less ledge invincibility in P:M makes that not work.

With the increased falling speed, increased hitstun(well, not increased, but you cant cancel the hitstun earlier and start DIng back), fixed autosnap, and fixed ledgegrab range....

Recovering has already be nerfed to hell from Brawl->P:M
I don't think ledge occupancy is a high priority, or at least, I haven't event tried that much to fix it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2010
They'll think of it as a masterpiece when Smash 4 comes out which introduces air tripping, 60 frames of hitstop, and buffs Metaknight.
But of course Smash 4 will still have a large group of vocal supporters who will unleash an endless and irritating swath of posts in the Project: B thread.


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2009
They'll think of it as a masterpiece when Smash 4 comes out which introduces air tripping, 60 frames of hitstop, and buffs Metaknight.
lmao air tripping. sadly i can see that happening somehow? :S

nd as for that gamefaqs poll (off topic). its just a poll. its not a legit contest. if u want 'which game is better' hold it on here. i'm almost positive the results will be completely opposite.
ya, lil mad that brawl won (melee fan) but w.e. its all personal choices.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Even in Melee this can still happen... :p

But this isn't an argument against defensive play - anything remotely defensive can turn into a monster if you're willing to be lame enough - this is just to make a point that no matter what you do, a little defense can go a long way and that that shouldn't scare us away from it.

I think some characters should have more relatively defensive playstyles within Melee physics. I also think camping is not as bad as planking - especially and almost exclusively if it's Jiggs planking, lol. A character like Mewtwo - if it's ever to be included - should play fairly similar to its Melee self. I know he wasn't great in Melee, but rather than making him faster in all respects for instance, a speed increase should be selective and slight and he should have more setups from stuff like an altered version of his side and/or down specials. Even just a short combo out of a special setup that leads into an up or back throw can be quite deadly. In this example (2:38 to 7:05) you can see the potential that Mewtwo had even in Melee - albeit in Taj's hands. Now just imagine if a couple more of those reads were guaranteed follow ups and his side and down specials were more reliable/altered enough to be safer/more useful. This vid also shows how defensive play can still be prevalent and entertaining in Melee physics. Again, that's just an example - unfortunately using a character that may or may not even matter.

I agree that there are many Brawl characters that are just too campy for Melee, but I still want to see them be able to camp in PM, just less effectively and with legit and rewarding options for them when they get approached. Falco is somewhat of a "gold standard" in that respect. Any character with more camping tools like R.O.B. or Mewtwo should be slower but have rewarding offensive options once they are approached... but should be mainly approach punishers. Whereas characters with less camping tools, like Shiek, obviously want to use they're fast projectiles to setup an approach of their own and are far less reliant on them in general.

So, I'm sure I just outlined what the devs already knew and understood, lol. However, I was mostly just showing those that are worried that defensive playstyle, including camping - which I still think isn't as bad a planking which we know will still exist thanks to Jiggs :p - will not be non exist in PM. It would inconsistent to ignore it. And to those that might think that defensive playstyles should be removed as much as possible, especially if it is at all attached to brawl - defensively oriented characters should remain thus, just a defense that works in Melee physics... imo, especially if projectiles are a large part of their game.

Well, there's my seemingly much more than "2 cents" lol.
(Took too long to write >.>)


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
They'll think of it as a masterpiece when Smash 4 comes out which introduces air tripping, 60 frames of hitstop, and buffs Metaknight.
Lmao best thing i've read all day xD

I wish i was on to vote for melee ;_; i feel ashamed..
But oh well. People on gamefaqs are the ones making threads about how they hate aether spammers and how ike's fsmash is the most OP'd thing since Jesus so w/e.

Love how close it was tho :p that's amazing.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2008
To that guy who said something about grabbing the edge and using your invincibility frames.
Less ledge invincibility in P:M makes that not work.
Wait, what? Okay, so it might not work on Bowser or DK since they have hitboxes that stick around on their upBs, but surely there's still enough invincibility frames to edgehog Marth, or Falco, or Mario, or Zelda, or (you get the idea).

Still, it would kinda suck if there was so little invincibility that you not only couldn't edgehog DK and Bowser, but also characters like Link and Samus. To that end, I would definitely like to see the compromise solution implemented, where you can still use your roll to edgehog but not to the extent that you could in Melee.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Invincibility frames upon grabbing the ledge in PM should be the same as in Melee, IDK what Dantarion is talking about


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
oh god i lol'd

but seriously, melee NEVER had the negative rep brawl had. I have a feeling it'll be dead as **** in 10 years :glare:
see, thats the thing. if you get a dedicated competative community, a game will never die. thats why the companies need to stop focusing on the casuals so much. i didn't want to believe it for the longest time, but its true: cattering to cassual players doesn't means ****. casuals will play anything. its the competative people that keep the game alive.

i am totally not wasted right now, too xDDD


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
see, thats the thing. if you get a dedicated competative community, a game will never die. thats why the companies need to stop focusing on the casuals so much. i didn't want to believe it for the longest time, but its true: cattering to cassual players doesn't means ****. casuals will play anything. its the competative people that keep the game alive.

i am totally not wasted right now, too xDDD
Tell that to Sakurai. Please T___T


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
see, thats the thing. if you get a dedicated competative community, a game will never die. thats why the companies need to stop focusing on the casuals so much. i didn't want to believe it for the longest time, but its true: cattering to cassual players doesn't means ****. casuals will play anything. its the competative people that keep the game alive.

i am totally not wasted right now, too xDDD
too bad the companies (ESPECIALLY nintendo) dont CARE about keeping the game alive. they care about sales, so even if little jimmy played brawl for 1 week, he picked up the game, and thanks to him 9 million copies of barwl were sold.

what pisses me off is that new article where sakurai said "melee is too hard", which basically means he feels that a game is either COMPETITIVE (melee) or CASUAL (brawl). Even though Melee was both!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2010
see, thats the thing. if you get a dedicated competative community, a game will never die. thats why the companies need to stop focusing on the casuals so much. i didn't want to believe it for the longest time, but its true: cattering to cassual players doesn't means ****. casuals will play anything. its the competative people that keep the game alive.

i am totally not wasted right now, too xDDD
Mario Kart says hi. Face it, casuals keep gaming companies alive. They can't focus on a small group of individuals and expect to grow as a company at the same time. I like the Smash community and the people here that are catering to Melee players, but you can't honestly expect Nintendo to just focus on you guys and not move on to bigger and more important things.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Mario Kart says hi. Face it, casuals keep gaming companies alive. They can't focus on a small group of individuals and expect to grow as a company at the same time. I like the Smash community and the people here that are catering to Melee players, but you can't honestly expect Nintendo to just focus on you guys and not move on to bigger and more important things.
if there wasn't a competative melee scene the game would have died off as soon as brawl came out. why would a casual play a game thats inherently harder to get good at? same can apply to games ont eh 360. look at halo reach; the populationf ro the game has been going down steadily since launch. the main complaint is that the game is too gimicky comapred to its successors. brawl is still alive because it has a competative community backing it. if the game was just casuals, then what would be the incentive to play it on a regular basis? face it, catering to a casual gaming audience means that the game is intended to be played by people who don't play offten anyway. how can you hope to keep a game alive when you make it for peopel that throw them away within a week?


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Mario Kart says hi. Face it, casuals keep gaming companies alive. They can't focus on a small group of individuals and expect to grow as a company at the same time. I like the Smash community and the people here that are catering to Melee players, but you can't honestly expect Nintendo to just focus on you guys and not move on to bigger and more important things.
Considering they've catered to both casuals and competitive players at the same time (the latter on accident), I don't see why that's a problem at all. That's why Brawl is such a pain to look at compared to its predecessors for many; it blatantly and unnecessarily cut out the competitive players despite how little the casual players would care.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2010
if there wasn't a competative melee scene the game would have died off as soon as brawl came out. why would a casual play a game thats inherently harder to get good at? same can apply to games ont eh 360. look at halo reach; the populationf ro the game has been going down steadily since launch. the main complaint is that the game is too gimicky comapred to its successors. brawl is still alive because it has a competative community backing it. if the game was just casuals, then what would be the incentive to play it on a regular basis? face it, catering to a casual gaming audience means that the game is intended to be played by people who don't play offten anyway. how can you hope to keep a game alive when you make it for peopel that throw them away within a week?
I don't play Halo, but I know for a fact that people play the game because it's fun and not for the competitive aspect of it most of the time. If a game get's too focused on the hardcore, then you just end up with Virtua Fighter. The best fighter out right now, but with little to no one to play it with because the game is only for the most hardcore of hardcore players.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
It was because it was a random factor in an assortment of moves. There's a demand for expected outcome from standard moves. Random special moves like Peach's Turnips and G&W's Judgement bring this expectation to the table in the first place. Standard moves need to give specific results that can be practiced.

Basically, it's dumb as hell. It's completely random reward at only the bare risk of making the move you were already planning. It's a different story with random special moves like Judgement where you know you're gambling.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Was attack influenced tripping removed? I don't see why it should be.
What would Diddy's bananas be without it?

I see I'm still pro at getting ignored :p
Even my well thought out long post didn't seem to get noticed. Guess I'll assume its because it was indisputable xD.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Palm Beach
It was because it was a random factor in an assortment of moves. There's a demand for expected outcome from standard moves. Random special moves like Peach's Turnips and G&W's Judgement bring this expectation to the table in the first place. Standard moves need to give specific results that can be practiced.
Street Fighter 4 has attacks that have the potential to cause dizzies. Attack based tripping should is a move property, not a detriment to any universal mechanic. The randomness for attack-influenced tripping can be modified, and if you end up getting tripped from an attack it is your own fault for getting hit in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 30, 2007

The Smash series has always tried to cater to those who preferred casual play. That's why we have items...and Hanenbow. The unjust thing that Sakurai did was purposefully remove core competitive aspects of the game because he felt they were too hard. Those who want to get competitive will sweat blood if they have to in order to achieve that goal, casual play exists because of the initial criteria of the smash series in the first place. Why should the competitive crowd just get excluded because Sakurai believes difficulty is a problem?


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
I don't play Halo, but I know for a fact that people play the game because it's fun and not for the competitive aspect of it most of the time. If a game get's too focused on the hardcore, then you just end up with Virtua Fighter. The best fighter out right now, but with little to no one to play it with because the game is only for the most hardcore of hardcore players.
contrary to popular belief, the community for halo reach is less than that of halo 3 at this point. there just isn't the draw to play it as much a the other due to a combination fof gimmicky mechanichs amd a lack of a real skill measuring system. the best games focus on the hardcore, but are easy enough for new people to pick up and play without having too much gimmicky BS in the mix. melee was too far hardocre in some aspects in that was near impossible to play well at all without substantial practice. brawl, is far too gimmicky, even though its both easy to pick up and has actual character depth (it does. brawl has more character-spefici techs. get over it). if brawl was too easy to pick up and lacked any real depth as far as character mechanics go, you can bet that it would be dropped almost instantly as there's no reason for dedicated gamers to keep playing. yes, it would be funny to pull out at parties, but unless you're ****ing partying every day the game would see very little action. casual interface gets people to play, competative atmosphere keeps them in.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Isn't SF4 the one that most SF3 fans have been hating nowadays? I know little of the game series' properties and community, but I've mostly heard hate of SF4.

Besides that, IIRC the team found the concept of tripping as a whole very out-of-place (with the exception of Diddy's bananas) and randomness was considered something only reserved for very specific moves that inherit actual random properties outside of tripping. I'd rather hear a dev say why they did this, but I agreed with their decision as it is a pointless property.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Palm Beach
Isn't SF4 the one that most SF3 fans have been hating nowadays? I know little of the game series' properties and community, but I've mostly heard hate of SF4.

Besides that, IIRC the team found the concept of tripping as a whole very out-of-place (with the exception of Diddy's bananas) and randomness was considered something only reserved for very specific moves that inherit actual random properties outside of tripping. I'd rather hear a dev say why they did this, but I agreed with their decision as it is a pointless property.
Very out of place...in a Smash Game!? Unless you haven't removed footstooling entirely, I'd say that doesn't make very much sense. It was a move trait that made certain moves better for poking, Mario's down strong attack isn't really a very good move for poking, but given the chance that it can open the opponent up for a charged smash, players might take the risk.

Moves that trip should generally be mediocre to crappy moves in every other way, players should be rewarded for actually risking crappy moves that would usually lead to more punishment than reward.
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